ifrff'ifml"Tm -jyVgSi ". MlPRHi 17, 1903. The Commoner. il w Packer; V There ran We Guarantee Safe Delivery are: carofnlly packed, all ready to gro. I know you'll st&cro safely. " which tnetas fbtt we not oaly guarantee the roods, but that vo protect you ratnt lots or break C cm ue road. Wt fciiumc all tfee responsibility. Now Is the Time to Think and charge. Utm HMrjPB uirssss9sssb QIissssJH Rh I flH990mkssssH wetr!atfof yowhonteor btrn, Wall Paper, Carpets, Cultivators, Weeders, Fentlnc, Dairy Goods. Mercies. Bur riea.zjpnneuotmnjM'urniture, urocerlcs.etc. Don't wait until the last minute. Thjnlc what you will need soon. wnio itaari ii vou viu leu ut uu veu int ta nu ri in ci-mi nti t inriii riiinmi . ikn i.tM. . i.. -m w -- " ----- w . -j- i i - w. b.,,., i MMHH J Saddle was returned at our expense a few days ago. Although it had been properly boxed, it was damaged by rats before being unpacked, according to customer's letter. Of course this was no fault of ours, but he got a new saddle fust the same. Do you know of any other firm who would have given him the same liberal treatment? Why not buy your supplies from a firm with whom it is a pleasure to deal? Jill goods guaranteed and prices always lowest, quality considered. Our next advertisement will show bow the goods arrived. Watch and ace if the packer told tho truth. Montgomery Ward Sp Co., fSfflStA Chicago mm Send for Catalogue 71 Today It contains noo pages of wholesale prices and pictures ef everything you eat, wear or tue. Montgomery Ward 4 Co., Chteage. Lnclotcd find 15 cents, for which please send me Catalogue No. 71 H&ne. Express Offlee- Wrlte very plain. Tost OSke- Oounty- -BUt. corporations doing an interstate busi ness.' "The views' thus expressed have now received effect by the wise, con servative, and yet far-reaching legis lation enacted by congress at its last session. "In its wisdom congress enacted the very important law providing a de partment of commerce arid labor and further providing therein under the secretary of commerce and labor for a commissioner of corporations, charged. .with the duty of supervision of .and of making intelligent investi gation into the organization and con duct of corporations engaged in in terstate commerce His powers to expose illegal or hurtful practices and to obtain all information needful for the purposes of further intelligent legislation seem adequate and the publicity justifiable and proper for public purposes is catisfactorily guar anteed. The law was passed at the very end of the session of congress. Owing to the, lateness of its passage congress was not able to provide proper equipment for the new depart ment and the first few months must necessarily be spent in the work of organization and the first investiga tions must necessarily be of a tenta tive character. The satisfactory de velopment of such a system requires time and great labor. '"Those who are intrusted with the administration of the new law will assuredly administer it in a spirit of absolute fairness and justice and of entire fearlessness, with the firm pur pose not to hurt any corporation do ing a legitimate business on the con trary, to help it and, on the other hand, not to spare any corporation which may bo guilty of illegal prac tices, or the methods of which may make it a menace 'to the public wel fare.. Some substantial good will be done in the immediate future and as the department gets fairly to work .under the law an ever larger vista for good work will be opened along the. lines indicated. The enactment of this law is one of the most signific ant contributions which have been made in our time toward the proper solution of the problem of the rela tions to the people of the great cor porations and corporate combinations. "But much though this is, it is only a part of what has been done in the effort to ascertain and correct im . proper trusts or monopolistic prac tices. Some eighteen months ago the industrial commission, an able and non-partisan body, reported to con- gress the result of their investigation of trusts and industrial combinations. One of the most important of their conclusions was that discriminations in freight rates and facilities were granted favored shippers by the rail roads and that these discriminations clearly tended toward tho control of production and prices in many fields of business by large combinations. That this conclusion was justifiable was shown by the disclosures in the investigation of railroad methods pur sued in the iall and winter of 1901- 1902. It was then shown that certain trunk lines had entered into unlaw ful agreements as to the transporta tion of food products from the west to tho Atlantic seaboard, giving a few favored shippers rates much below tho tariff charges imposed upon the small er dealers and the general public. "These unjust practices had pre vailed to such an extent and for so long a time that many of the smaller shippers had been driven out of busi ness, until practically one buyer of grain off "each railway system had been able by his illegal advantages to secure a monopoly on the line with which his secret compact was made, this monopoly enabling him to fix the price to both producer and consumer. "Many of the great packing house concerns were shown to be in combi nation with each other and with most of the great railway lines, whereby they enjoyed large secret concessions in rates and thus obtained a practical monopoly of the country. These fu sions, though violative of the statute, had prevailed unchecked for so many years that they had become in trenched in and InterwoVen with the commercial life of certain large dis tributing localities, although this was, of 'course, at the expense of the vast bodv of law-abiding merchants, the general public and particularly of un favored localities. "Under those circumstances it was a serious problem to determine the wise course to follow in vitalizing a law which had in part become obso lete or proved incapable of enforce ment Of what the attorney general did in enforcing it I shall speak later. The decisions of the courts upon the law had betrayed weaknesses and Im perfections, some of them so serious as to render abortive efforts to apply -any effective remedy for the existing GVllS "It is clear that corporations cre ated for quasi public purposes, clothed for that reason with the ultimate power of the state to take private property against tho will of tho own er, hold their corporate powers as car riers in trust for the fairly impartial service of all tho public. Favoritism in the use of such powers, unjustly en riching some and unjustly impoverish ing others, discriminating in favor of some places and against others, is palpably violative of plain principles of justice. . Such a practice unchecked is hurtful in many ways. Congress, having had Its attention drawn to tho matter, enacted a most Important antl-rebato law, which greatly strengthens the interstate commerce law This new law prohibits under adequate penalties tho giving as well as the demanding or receiving of suirh preferences and provides the preven tive remedy of injunction. Tho vig orous administration of this law, and it will be enforced, will, it Is hopeJ, afford a substantial remedy for cer- public attention and have created pub lic unrest. "This law represents a noteworthy and important advance toward just and effective regulation of transporta tion. Moreover, its passage has been supplemented by tho enactment of a law to expedite the hearing of actions of public moment under the anti-trust act, known as the Sherman law, and under the act to regulate commerce, at the request of the attorney general; and, furthermore, additional funds have been appropriated to be expend ed under the direction of the attor ney general In the enforcement of these laws. "All of this represents a great and substantial advance In legislation. But more important even than legis lation is the administration of the law, and I ask your attention for a moment to the way in which the law has been administered by the pro found jurist and fearless public ser vant who now occupies the position of attorney general, Mr. Knox. The constitution enjoins upon the presi dent that he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and un der this provision the attorney gen eral formulated a policy which was in effect nothing but the rigid en forcement, by suits managed with consummate skill and ability, both of the anti-trust law and of the imper fect provisions of the act to regulate commerce. The first step taken was the prosecution of fourteen suits against the principal railroads of the middle west restraining them by in junction from further violations of either of the laws In question. "About tho same time tho caso against tho Northern Securities com pany was Initiated. This was a cor poration organized under the laws of the state of New Jersey with a capi tal of $100,000,000, the alleged pur pose being to control tho Great North ern and the Northern Pacific Rail road companies, two parallel and com peting lines extending across tho northern tier of states from tho Mis sissippi river to the Pacific ocean. Whatever the purpose, Its consumma tion would have resulted in tho con trol of the two great railway "systems upon which tho people of the north western states were so largely de pendent for their supplies and to got their products to market being prac tically merged into tho New Jersey corporation. "The proposition that these Inde pendent systems of railroads should be merged under a single control alarmed the people of tho states con cerned, lest they be subjected to what they deemed a monopoly of Interstato transportation and tho suppression of competition. The governors of tho states most deeply affected held meeting to consider how to prevent the merger becoming effective and passed resolutions calling upon the national govefnment to enforce tho anti-trust laws against the alleged combination. When these resolutions were referred to the attorney general for consideration and advice he re ported that in his opinion the North ern Securities company and its con trol of the railroads mentioned was a combination in restraint of trado and was attempting a monopoly In violation of tho national anti-trust law. Thereupon a suit Injequlty which Is" now pending was begun by the government to test the validity oC this transaction under the Sherman law. "At nearly the same time the dis closures respecting the secret rebates enjoyed by tho great packing house companies, coupled with the very high price of meats, led the attor ney general to direct an investigation into the methods of the so-called beef trust. Tho result was that he filed bills for injunction against six of the principal packing house companies and restrained them from combining and agreeing upon prices at . which they would sell their products in states other than those in which their meats were prepared for market. Writs of Injunction were issued ac cordingly and since then, after full (Continued on Page 13.) if i 1,1 HI S