4 m it The Commoner. ISSUED WGEKLY. Kntercd nt the postofficc at Lincoln, Nebraska, as iecontl lns mnil matter. TERMS-PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One Year , $1.00 5lx Jlontha 50c fa Clubs of 5 or mora, per year 75c Three Hontlii 35c Single Copy ..o Sample Copies Free. Foreign Postage 52c Extra. SUBSCHIPTIONS can be sent direct to The Commoner. They can nleo be sent through newspapers which have adver tised a clubbing- rate, or through local agents, where such agents linve been appointed. All remittances should be sent by post office money order, express order, or by bank draft on Nevr York or Chicago. Do not scud individual checks, btamps, or money. RENEWALS. The date on your wrapper shows when yonr subscription will expire. Thus, Jan., 'aj, means that payment has been received to and including the last issue of January 1904. Two weeks are required after money is received before the date on the wrapper can be changed. CMANOU OP ADDRESS.-Subscribers requesting a change of address must give the OI,D as well as the NEW address. ADVERTISING rates furnished upon application. Address U communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. Dr. Crura appears to havo been the only ono pinched when that "door of hope" closed. Up to dato that half-a-million appropriation for the attorney general's department has not beon used in a manner calculated to make the octopus duck and side-step. It will bo noticed that there is nothing in the striko commission's report to prevent the coal barons from adding that 10 per cent wage in. croaso to the prico of the coal. Tho "Subscribers' Advertising Department" io bringing satisfactory results to those who patron lzo it. It is one of tho most successful advertising plans over offered to tho public. When President Roosevelt enters Yellowstone Park his gun will be sealed. Now we know what happened when tho prosidont took his gun and started for tho trust reservation. Tho organization of democratic clubs for tho defonso and promulgation of democratic principles s a duty that devolves upon loyal demo crats in all sections of the country. ,nfS0 f Mr ,?lGVelanl's worshipers declares IH , p0rpuu arIty of th0 ex-president Is "un- 2SUfh0d' MThIfIs palpably false' Ifc IB bounded on tho south, at least, by Henry Wattorson. Whilo shaking " hands with tho fathers and mothers of largo families President Roosevelt should not neglect to explain to them that tho mouths? g lt VCry hard t0 fce(1 mmy If tho "Iowa idea" is not wearing a choice lot YomS nfenpS,n0t Ul fault of Colone CLa?o VnSS 1 Si ,Moine3- As a red welter Colonel Young has achieved considerably more than local To ba(i! T? bad, that tho Palmor and Buck nor party should bo disrupted by the quarrel be tween Cleveland and Watterson. Can't wl have some1 wa?7 dinner and brins tbem together In JJ .,R?ckefollor haa denIod tho report that ho would give a million dollars for a now atomSh Perhaps ho figures that without a 8tonm?h2t tmZaix!mQm COmplI-tio- withal! SSneytom Perhaps those republican ambassnrtn m want to appear at court clad in velvet Jo?J? 1J?0 The Commoner. Duo note should be made of the fact that tho gentlemen who write the most profound articles in support of tho Roosevelt policy toward the col ored man and brother are best known as writers of fiction. It is announced that when President Roose velt reaches "Yellowstone Park ho will do abso lutely nothing for two weeks. A peep into the legal department of his administration will reveal tho possibility of doing that sort of thing right in Washington. Tho Chicago Chronicle observes that "it is a comfort to know that we do not have to real any moro personal organs than wo please." It is, indeed. And in that fact may lie tho explanation of tho quiet satisfaction enjoyed by those who do not read Mr. Walsh's Chronicle. Tho ancients knew some things that the pres ent generation has not learned. The ancients knew how to turn the floods in their rivers to good advantage. So far this generation has "im proved" its rivers until they are a positive menace to life and property. Tho announcement is made by the news dis patches that at least 3,000 more soldiers are to be sent to the Philippines. Is not this rather strange in the light of the assurances we have been given to the effect that peace has been established in our new possessions? The organization of clubs for the defense and promulgation of democratic principles is a sure way of blocking the plans of tho men who would make the democratic party so nearly like the re publican party that it would receive the support of undemocratic interests. A Morrlstown, N. J., woman has been in a trance for two weeks and physicians are unable to awaken her. If they discover a way to arouse her it is to be hoped that they will immediately take the case of Attorney General Knox in hand and try their skill on that A delegation of Virginia republicans went down to Washington recently and warned the president that that state would go democratic if he refused to give some patronage to the state. They will probably be able to carry out a threat of that kind easier than a promise. 1 It is a pity that Mr. Watterson and Mr. Cleveland should be so far apart when they are really so close together. They seem to differ about the very propositions .concerning which they agree two heads with but a single thought, even if the two hearts do not beat as one. . A thick-and-thin administration organ, re ferring to the Smoot case, declares that the sen ate is the sole judge of its own membership. This may be true, but in looking over the senate roll call one must be convinced that the senate is a very poor judge in quite a number of instances. "BarbaJ0US and short-sighted" is the way J. Plerpont Morgan describes the tariff law levyinc 00 per cefct tax on art objects brought to this country, but the Louisville Times observes that "on the subject of the 60 per cent tariff on articles of. necessity Mr. Morgan is singularly free from righteous indignation." "" "ee irom A subscriber asks how gold and silver cet into circulation. Under the bimetS system any owner of mtfal either gold or silver, can toke tt to tho mint and have it coined into legal tender money, and the money is then turned over to Sim The moment he uses it, it is put into circulation' and is a part of the money of the world. , General Wood explains that tho gifts he re ceived in Cuba were merely "personal1 Without in the least Impugning the motives or the honesty of General Wood it may be remarked that ttm same explanation has been made b? men who had to go to the penitentiary Just tho same Mr. Bryan's remark about the narrow escane he made from naming a child X nLifi has brought out the internal th one demo' cratic fa her who named his son after cfeveZd changed it when Cleveland went over to tne Wb lican party, and now a Kentucky dernnornt ports that ho Is going to try S t "hS wl e" ful that he did not take any more of the .n?m This shows how risky it is to name a chili SS a public man while the man is alivS af ter ; VOLUME 3rNUMBER n General Simon Bolivar ,Buckner is takinc .very pessimistic view of the democratic outlook However, it has been quite a while since the' can eral looked at, the democratic situation throuch democratic spectacles. bU In view of the fact that he has made tho most of his money by reason of the protective tariff it illy becomes Mr. Morgan to object when asked to pay the tariff duty on those works of art But consistency is something not often found in a protectionist Rhode Island's republican legislators refused to permit the appointment of a commission to in vestigate charges of political corruption. Doea Governor Garvin think for a minute that the men who carry out the wishes of the trusts and mo nopolies will permit that sort of thing? Over in Iowa they recently held court and tried Hamlet on the charge of insanity. In tho course of twelve or fifteen centuries perhaps the legal department of the United States will wake up long enough to try some-of the trusts on the charge of violating the law. It takes some people a long time to get started. Times are so prosperous and money so plenti ful that the banks holding government deposits are frightened lest a withdrawal of 15 per cent by tho government for Panama canal payments may precipitate a panic. There may be something devious in this journey from premise to conclu sion, but it's as straight as a string compared to some ot the legic of the administration organs. - If the newspapers that are shouting for tho reorganizers will publish on their editorial page a list of their stockhojders and the names -of those irom whom they borrow money and who control the policy of the papers, they will cease to havo any influence in the democratic party. It is only because these papers conceal the corporate inter ests behind them that they have any weight 'Whatever. Those who thought that the republican" party would do something for silver in response to the requests from China and Mexico will please note that the provision for a silver commission is stricken out and the president is empowered to co-operate through diplomatic channels with cer- oOC0UntrI:f for "the Purpose set forth n tho message of the president" Only this and notk- ornt Snf gi a cablegram to the Globe-Democrat William Crosier, editor of the Manila Daily American, was recently convicted of libel "for a ,n TfV1 ,on Major General DavJs be-S-'?eoatters unfavorable review of Major wen. Crosier was sentenced to a month's im- l mS??' Aand a fine 0f ?1'000- mayseem cUvEtJ ?u?rC?n t0 hear of an e(Htor being ac? hnf f? Hbel because he criticises an official thLs if w nrWe musfc set used to un-American PoSfy3 of Tmpiafit5 flBny Ut th Europea societv wrnfo ft1 first reported that some kerchfef nnff J? RoPse1t asking for a hand Eifrl turned it as "too" cheap." rnfe adddf that 5he has aPtea a new Won X mil V ?i Send hankerchiefs at all. consider hrfwy.b,G blamed by thoae ho do not she will hS ifi?m?,rou? such quests are, but will rto to S6,1? lfc wIth by thoso who and otner wor?lCUlatf the number of churches then remeXrfL0016"68 that hold bazars and a giftSaqp-?hat eVeiI Public mention of such to a cociG4 env fe nTbQr of requests. To give thing- to rivAfJS J? a neShborhood'is one BlatS is tSiSJSt Un,ted the tditorhlt0hate Th oi The Commoner ' warned soribers ; m Us wn Cj?mmTr W?Uld los'sub wkich are beinp S I lt PPsel the lotteries Papers under the Sfn?n by ?0me of the ews inquiry It was fonmi f 1 I g18881 contests. Upon the town did So? 1 Sat th other subscribers in and the editor nm S?6 .the messing contests, one man, not a 2? ngihis investigation found resetted toat he S? f t0 The Comner, who be and two othP? SLS?1 receive tfl -warning, as Paid fiten yearme?bhT ?' Wa famIy bad each order to get f lc ? cr,Ilt,on In advance in and not having won S J!i.ono theae contestfl opposed to tieggaSbliSy w& a" three aro now ot business. to be frwnea flown.and run out i M tx ir-. RS-231 IZZ:i J aSa