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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1903)
nwwmma wmwf," mnrvr.SSrmr t"" r" " y "n- r r nr- rt , pr- - n , 4 -, 7- -si - I ' i , , - nm " The Commoner. APRIL 3, 190S. showed how well one is armed who has the right side of a question. He pointed out that it was to the interest of the people to have the govern ment indebtedness paid off rather than the money loaned to the banks at a low rate of interest, while the government itself was paying a higher rate of interest Instead of allowing republicans to collect large sums and then insist upon loaning the money out to get it back into circulation, he demanded that they either reduce the taxes and leave the money in the pockets of the people, or if they collected too much, apply the surplus on the reduction of the public debt. He very forcibly pointed out the interest the national banks have in preventing the reduction of the debt, because the bonds are the basis of the bank-note issue. The second objection to the Aldrich bill is that the loaning of the. money gives to the bank ers a pecuniary interest in keeping the taxes high and surplus large. As long as they can collect money from the people and then get tho money at a low rate of interest, their influence will be thrown upon the side of high taxes and large surplus. The third objection is to be found in the fact that the administration, if allowed to loan out government money at a low rate, will be able to lay the foundation for an enormous campaign fund, and there is no doubt that this method has been employed in the past. It will be remem bered that Secretary Gage was required to make public some correspondence which he had -with some New York bankers, and it appeared that one of the bankers had pleaded his campaign con tribution as a reason for favors. The .fourth objection to the bill is to be found in the fact that the government would become a partner in the stock jobbing transactions of Wall street As the secretary of the treasury would have the right to select bonds that came within the provision of the statute, he could raise or lower the price of bonds to the enormous advant age of the speculators, and as Senator Blackburn pointed out, ft would be possible for a railroad magnate engaged in the banking business, to se cure loans from the treasury at a low rate of Interest, while the ordinary citizen would have to borrow from the banks at prevailing rates. A careful inspection of the Aldrich bill and a consideration of the arguments made for and against it, ought to convince any unprejudiced mind that the republican party is in the clutch of Wall street and is making the federal treasury merely a business asset of the New York finanr ciers. It is absurd to say that the money question is settled while the financiers are persistently hanging about congress and. demanding further and further concessions in the interest of organ ized wealth. It is fortunate for our party that it has in the senate champions like Senator Black burn, who are always on the watch and ready, to point out the iniquities of republican measures. JJJ The Strikers Win. The findings of the board of arbitration were given to the public just as The Commoner went to press last week, and an abstract of those findings was published in" the news columns. The award was unanimous and was a substantial victory for the strikers. The commission recommended a general increase of wages, amounting to about 10 per cent, and also recommended a decrease in the hours of labor. These are important advantages gained. The commission also recommended a minimum wage with a sliding scale that enables ' the miner to profit by an increase in the price of coal. A discontinuance of the system of employ ing what are known as a "coal and iron police" was also recommended, and a stricter enforce ment of the laws in relation to tho employment of children was urged. The recommendation of the commission in regard to a permanent board of arbitration de serves especial consideration. It insists that the state and federal governments should provide machinery for the making of a compulsory in vestigation of labor difficulties by a commission similar to the commission in the case just closed. Republicans have been inclined to give the president great credit for the appointment of a commission and the settlement of this strike af ter tremendous loss had been suffered by all tho parties interested, and yet these same republicans refuse to give the democratic party credit for hav ing insisted in 1896 and also in 1900 upon a per manent system of arbitration which would have made this strike unnecessary because it would have enabled the mineYs to secure a settlement of their grievances without a strike. According to the commission, the strike cost the mine owners $46,000,000, and employes $25,- HOW TO ORGANIZE A reader of The Commoner, who is about to cast his first vote, asks the following questions: 1. How may a first votor help to nominate a candidate who will servo all the people, and not the corporations, and trusts alone? 2. Who elects delegates to the national con vention? 3. Who names tho chairman of the national convention? 4. Who names tho platform committee of tho national convention? Tho questions are pertinent A first votor, and this applies to those who have voted often as well as those who have not yet voted, may help to nominate a candidate who "will serve all the people and not tho corporations and trusts alone," by joining with those who think like him in selecting the delegates from tho precinct to tho county convention. The delegates to the national convention are chosen by state conventions. Some times, in fact usually, the delegates who represent the various congressional districts aro chosen by the delegates who represent those districts In tho state convention, although, as a rule, the names of the delegates thus chosen are submitted to the state convention for ratification. The delegatos from the state at large are chosen directly by the state convention. Wherever an issue is at stake, the delegates are generally instructed, and often they are instructed to act as a unit They are in structed in order that thoy may -represent the sen timent of the democrats of the state rather than their own personal sentiments, and they are in structed to vote as a unit in order that, on co lateral questions which effect the main question, but about which they are not instructed, they may so act as to carry out the main purpose for which they were selected. The chairman of the national convention is named by the delegates to the national conven tion in the convention assembled. The platform committee is selected from among the delegates, tho delegates from each state selecting the state's representative on tho platform committee. The platform committee re ports the platform and then the convention- has the right to adopt tho platform or amend it, or to reject it The national committee is formed in the same way as tho platform committee. Each state suggests its member, and the members of the national committee select the chairman, who may or may not be a member of the committee. It will be seen from the foregoing that tho delegates to tho national convention are the ones who determine the party's policy through its plat form. As the state convention selects the dele gates to the national convention it is very im portant that the delegates to the state convention represent the sentiment of the democrats of their state. As these delegates are usually chosen by county conventions it is also vitally important that the county convention represent the senti ment of the democrats of the county. As tho county conventions are usually composed of dele gates representing the various precincts, the pre cinct convention is the most important of all, be cause it is in the precinct convention that the voter expresses himself directly. In all delegate conventions the rank and file may or may not be represented, but in the. precinct meeting tho voter's voice is heard and obeyed. It is in the precinct, therefore, and among the voters, that the work must be done if the democratic party is to be kept true to its principles. It is safe to say that if delegates are selected without scrutiny and sent without instructions, the moneyed element will be stronger in the county convention than in the precinct; stronger in the state convention than in the county con vention, and stronger in the national convention even than in the state convention. This is due to the fact that the moneyed men are the ones who aro most likely to bo selected as delegates unless some test is applied in tho selection, because tho moneyed men aro usually more prominent than those without money, and have tho timo and means to attend conventions. Tho moneyed men aro, as a rule, more likely than those with Ioks money to yield to tho demands of organized wealth, and In a contest where tho manses aro on one side and organized wealth upon the other, It is important that tho masses should zealously guard their rights and exercise care in tho selec tion of their delegates. It must not bo assumed that because a man has money, ho is necessarily against the interestS"Of the masses, for there aro many conspicuous exceptions, and minor excep tions can bo found in ovory county, but it is a fact that on tho money question tho defection from tho democratic party was largest among tho mon oyed olement, and It is also probablo that on tho trust question tho same condition will have to be met. How, then, can tho rank and file protect them selves? Let them organize precinct clubs and lot these clubs be enlarged to Include all in the pre cinct who beliovo in Kansas City platform prin ciples. If a majority of tho voters of a precinct believo in these principles and will act together, they will have no difficulty In solectlng delegates who will represent their views, and by instruct ing these delegates thoy can control the county, state and national conventions. The Chicago platform was written by dele gates who were instructed to write it, and tho Kansas City platform was written by delegates almost all of whom had been selected by state conventions that indorsed the Chicago platform. The democratic party cannot stand neutral in the fight that is now being waged; it must bo on the side of democracy or on the side of plu tocracy, and Its position should be determined not by the leaders, but by the voters. The Com moner denies that any one has a right to speak for tho voters. It insists that the voters should speak for themselves, and it is urging the votors to organize and make their influence effective. If tlie reorganizes go before the voters with their, policies and plans and sectire the indorse ment of those policies and plans by a majority of the voters of the party, thoy will be entitled to the platform, the nominees and tho organization, but they have novor yet attempted, such a thing, and are not likely to. Thev will set up conventions and practice deception upon the very people for whom they ask to spak, and upon whoso support they must rely, but they will not make an honest fight for an honest purpose. - The first voter, above referred to, Is ndvled to make himself acquainted with tho voters of his precinct (and this advice is also given to all other democratic voters); he Is advised to join with them in tho formation of a club, even if there are but few members. The club can then in crease its membership as much as possible. The club will be the nucleus about which will gather those who believe in the Kansas City platform, and it will lead the fight for those who believo in those principles. Let the work of organization begin at once, and continued until every precinct Is organized. Then a platform will bd written reflecting the sen timents of the voters; a ticket will be nominated acceptable to a majority of tho voters, and the party organization will be in control of those who do the voting. If this work Is done the mfn who are talking so loudly about hnrmony now will have a chance to show their desire for har mony by joining In with the majority and making a fight against the republican party. The Commoner will furnish a form for a con stitution and membership blanks upon applica tion and would like the names of the clubs organized. 000,000, and the transportation companies $28, 000,000. Here was a loss of about $100,000,000 that might have been avoided if the democratic plan had been adopted, that is, this much might have been saved in this one strike, not to speak of the saving in other strikes. And yet there are re publicans so partisan that they toss their hats In air in praise of the administration because, af ter waiting until enormous loss had been suffered, it secured the settlement of one strike without guaranteeing the country against a constant re currence of strikes. Tho laboring men have been pleading for ar bitration for years, and the democratic party has been insisting upon it, hut the republican lead ers are too busy looldng after the Interests of tho corporations to give time or consideration to leg islation imperatively needed, not only in the in terests of the wace-earners, buti in the interest ot the public generally. Is it not time for the rank and file of the re publican party demand a plan for the settlement of all labor disputes rather than- the tardy set tlement of one only? gytjfy mm iiWniairfiawa, t''ttitMmkii$mi mirUi awnlyiJftfWitfrnii frfrm