v.-miuw ! vmrwmaamVfm&i The Commoner. 16 VOLUME 3, NUMBER u. Diamonds ON CREDI THtKt h eetr Oat ettrrse prrety wfceie cftl:f Tae v?tccf aDta bkjm h prions. , fKjtrMfKt ef I eT tr etc tir Mlm ei Kl mt J t'Uil "f" A Dtt- r Htxadce Brother ta U rtvjvode cf sc-cr- To t-e we ecss&l yt taast ad to J svc- (tuM tq onat verra EKd fipLOFTIScPaymen PLAN lajrrtc fti S Xi tall waycf aafcftett per tec W dotwes tc er fN- No autter bcw Or j try Ky t tl rie enl to nuVe a selection trc RfctrateWaU! t.x..idbneay LHir-ctlrior. tt4.ttcch,I e. earnest, cWT LittrM. i Liebcnce wtheTJr aiv.'efcaadedto trexi at tl.er on door UiMtfurut i. All ttarrc fcr delUe-y will be rrrriid. J-1 i(Ut aracle H Del eatii nr uuuiacr r. our la.etry will I t r mrt'y reruBKled. If ya prefer to ex- i x-wr-tl o.-t 'If !A.e Mtlar uv mr vhateter. we I miitrMUe iiw.-m to)cvx tape cmce. vrereu 111 orrei rw .aeierr ar. aadUsuarh better ralie for the! pcViAil lrs ). caaeewie elsetcie fer pt caah.1 feNS JogS ve raa mux v e tuM ratB-.ext umi tae tr.e UMtscaa. laewtae, ca!liaerf2ltfull recatt.s fcr paying tfeetaUt'claenal recti ly pavn-cets. JJemcrober. thot wc rcy oil tJcIUcry cbortrco. and reftind rrt pnyiccul prcrnr.tly on return oftlie good till hli a reasonable tltxr. ie arc tleU'cett rtobieln ti.e world In our line cf bus laestaadrrrcfUcoldett'Establislcd 1!M). We refer to aa r task ic Atactica. Tu Inilam ct aslc vou local bank I bow titud in the business world. They will refer to I their LXnor D Mlstreet book cf commercial ratinct. and ' tell jtm trat sc r-.e sunas nti er In credit, prcrrr;tcest crrcliallitty.acdthat cwrermeMaticns may be accept. ed Uknt motion. WE UIVK A GUARANTEE CEKT1FICATE Ith eiery Diamond; make liberal exchange? at any tinie, allowing full ptlce paid for a Diiracnd in exchange fcr other kcc-Us cr a larcer one. On cath sales e make a rnest startling prepciition. We actuiliypertnIt)outoearaDiamcndof your own selec tion fcr an entire year at an expense of less than ten cents percek;thenlf you kh to return It. we refund all of our money less ten per cent. rtte for full particulars. v ntc..iH,..J.. r in - m 1.-. i ivuMiuuuwui'iikc9 iaiu iu iu iw x:r icdi lower una tnose oi ouier nouses, tor we ouvanu sell more lhi- rnonos wan any otr.tr nouse in our line of busi ness and carry a stock of nearly a million dollar's worth of loose end mounted coods. Mease write toKiyy for f J! fy I I tTr,i VrxK our beautiful cat aiocue and our booklet whUh answers everv Iquestlon that you could possibly I ask In regard to our prices, pooils, terms and sys tem. ltUwcrth Its welj: lit Inpiild to any Inteuiilncr purchaser LOFTS BROS. (SI CO. iaiT-tAfacturatfif Jowelers Z)ept D-6p OS, 04, OS and OS State St, CHJCAGO, llvlv., XJ. S. A, Opposite Marshall Field & Co. Copyright imp.- : m&y m sfncfli: i Pros, & Co. Proclnmntlons Contradicted. Timo anil timo ngaln wo havo ro colvod tho vory highest assurance that the Philippines especially Luzon arc at poaco and wo havo been asked to contemplate tho bonoflcelit regime of the commission, with its complicated machinery of justice, its enlightened and far-reaching system of education, and its sortoning and uplifting In fluence upon tho benighted natives. But wo havo tiovor soon ono oC these halcyon proclamations that was not effectually contradlctod within a wook, ' nor do wo bollovo thoro has boon a time during tho past four yoars whon a white man's life was safe a few miles beyond tho walls of Manila. "Washington Post. Liberty, Independence and SeU-OovernmcHt. Containing extracts from Urn speeches, writing nnd Rsylnjrs of the founders and defenders of tho republic .vrllh comment by tho editor upon each excorpt, Kn dorsed and used ly tho Hemooratlo nilonal Commit tee of 1W0. lllKhly recommended by Willis J. Abbott, Br. David Starr J onion, Ex. U. s. auator Ueo. F. Petti crew, Ex. Contr. Henry U. Johnson, lx. Oov. John l AUkoM and many others of national repute. Governor AltKeld eald of thl3 book In aJettertotho editor: lt Is tho most complete compendium jet pnb luhed and villl be Invaluable to every public writer and spes-sor." Contains moro pertinent excerpts than any dozen t ooks jet published. It will always bo val uable. ICO psko book, prleo 25 cents postal money s7drn,..!BUr- Addrs tho editor, E. G. Ballard, 807 Chamber Commerce, Chlcaso, UUnols. mi Iw Nyiilliia i k i iiiffil ill mmm-iW- r -' L . B v - '" w--wi mSM MKsml BL IHr WSteT a 'j -vc MiiW J A "HARMONY" BANQUET. Needs Only Organization Newton (la.) Herald: No believer in the last two national platforms of the democratic party has ever made a howl for "harmony." That cry has proceeded all tho time from those who do not believe in the platforms, who havo not been in sympathy with democratic demands, and who hav.) lent but little, if any, support to tho ticket. These fellows are perfectly willing to compromise at any time on their own terms. Though a minor ity, they havo no hesitation in de manding that tho majority surrender. If the majority concludes to refuse, then tho mud flies. The shibboleth of these men is "Get Together." In or dor to get together they insist that the crowd must como over to their side and thereby forsake all the prin ciples that for tho past seven years havo boon regarded to tho cause of tho old caso of tho tall ging tho dog.. Tho as near and dear people. It is tho insisting on wag dog refuses to bo wagged. If these men wh.o cry "har mony were willing to stand by the principles of tho party in which they for a long timo professed to believe, thon harmony is at hand. Democrats cannot get together unless they are domocrats to begin with. The party creod is tho tost of democracy. Those who do believe in tho creed are al roady together. If they do not be llovo in tho creed they ought to get into the ropublican party. If they do believe in tho creed they ought to bo Ullng to stand by it. No party that Is insincere cati long command re spect No party that Is insincere de serves respect The worst defeat the democratic party ever suffered was tho election of Grovor Cleveland, and it will never win a victory until the last follower of the "stuffed prophet of Buzzard's Bay" goes over into the republican party where ho belong. The democracy does not need reor ganizationit needs organization. ThePiotyErcrykrfyls TalikxAtwd. LlehtMt Draft Tlow In thi World TUB CELEBRATED HKPGOOD-HiNGOCK Disc Sulky & Gang Plows m?m e '? """wd Plowing aa ttta twin binder pore and better work with two bone on inlkr. or three .. nnnii nn vi.fn n.MM t t - .. . . uiie unity with three hone., or Gsnr with four korm. K . UA.hZ'Jr. cV. ""J "..?' f"1"" cr mi wear out or keep n repair. Will nlowhar.l An ro;i -.v... ". wjuuaca or tioiunr uoaiwrs In the field and will KlTo1lberml UM niuIu to Se 3r.T nl-.,r pl,T.WLU work- Wa wn J ' It In your neighborhood. W ire exclullve mf?? for t2MW.Sa Pe,l Indccemonts to help in Introduce the only branded or mtoSuUmSkBn?!?' &?? nnuin. Haacocfc Plow. which UektheMtnttaUUmanltMwrrt by2J natent thi nktPJtoiral,on,wt.lt ,ook llk onr Plow- but iuccejirul Disc l'low on earth. Writ, ui now Hit?? th Uancok wonder and tha anly HAPGOOD PLOW CO.. Exclusive Manufacturer, Box 608. ALTON, JLL. Willi nmSSkSwi pgsivAaguyj.iiryja.vr.'wwsiv. f'fj.r?tr.jrv.- WnWLWnWSSSSSSBi CARPET BOOK FREI Twnntv.n . . ... nSCi ono heavy weight Qranlto Carpet, SnnnHedl yaok PiQkt re011 and cream it rfn.ded by scrolls InBamo colorinss EM ca' carpet ever offered at. vnn KnlC0 Don c ordor a carpet until yiTiinof,- 1 Xuu our ow ana unnasomoiy $.. I fatcd CarPt Book and Catalogue ILLUSTRATED IN COLORS ii.iiP Ui?cc colors and designs or our ontlro lino of Ingrain, Brussels, Velvet and r ' SFP13 as won as jfortiera and Rubs. This book also contains a completo lino of Stoves arid Furniture. ?J, co a3 cU o3 our Goods are euar antoou. upon receipt of your same and c COMPANY, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. jjlk A 52!iy!SSh Md Chain for S3S AddfC5S llnCMAftQ&m&tTAnv'V,Xi 4upmeUrtMMJth.J" oa K, 14, ClIALMBRS cAARX?"'"uJiUpildiBM.epM jl .A.aq 'VrMA