The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 03, 1903, Page 15, Image 15

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    " TW V WrTjPm..Wl'"lt'JWtip tt-
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The Commoner.
APRIL 3, 1803.
fc !! Ill
The governors of Tennessee and Ar
kansas have appealed to the war de
partment for aid in the matter of
tents, etc., in consequence of the des
titution produced hy the river floods
and on March 21 Secretary Hoot or
dered immediate compliance with
these requests.
On March 21 Secretary of War Root
ordered to be made public the report
recently prepared by the war college
board on the workings of the new
militia law. According to this report,
the aim of the new statute is to secure
. the same organization, armament and
discipline as of the regular army in
the militia, and this result is to be
accomplished in five years. No state
is to -be coerced tp comply with the
$27.00 buys .our
Iioador" Top
Buggy. Tho boaC
buggy sold any
where" At the prlco.
Has Barvon patont
whoolfl, olllptloonu
springs, ruuDO
- ami top ana
spring cash
Ions. It Is
painted -with'
a plain body
and dark
erreongoar Jn either wldo or narrow stripe. If
this buggy Is not perfectly satisfactory and tho
equal of bnggloa your local dealer sells for $40.00
return It at our ozponso and wo will rofund
your money. Wo sell you vehicles at tho samo
prlco your doalor Is compolled topny the jobbor.
StrLonla Is 00 located that wo can oavo you from
$3.00 to $5.00 freight ohargoa on a buggy or
wagon over othor markots. Itomombor this
when buyine your buccy. Wo will send
upon receipt or request, it onows you our
complete lino of high grado surrloa, stanhopes,
phaotons, buggios, spring and .farm wagons.
Luytles Bros. Mercantile Co., St. Louis, Mo.
r ibvTv
If you aro
looking for a
home and
want to visit
the West you
can do so with very little expense as the
Union Pacific will sell One-way Colo
nist tickets every day at the following
rates from Lincoln.
$25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles
and many other California points.
$20.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte,
Anaconda and Helena.
$22.50 to Spokane and Wanatchee.
$25.00 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle,
and many othor Oregon and Washington
From Chicago and St. Louis, propor
tionately low rates are in effect by linos
connecting with the Union Pacific.
Tho Union Pacific has also extended
territory to which round trip Homeseok
ers' Excursion tickets will be sold as fol
lows: .
- From Missouri Kiver Terminals
To many points in Kansas, Nebraska and
To many points in Wyoming, Utah, Mon
tana and Idaho;
To many points in Oregon" and Washing
ton. One faro plus $2.00 for the round trip.
- Tickets on sale March 17, April 7 and
21; May 15 and 19, Juno 2 and 16, 1903.
For full information call on or addresss
E. B, Slosson, Gen. Agent Lincoln,
provisions of tho new law, hut In
case of its failure to do so, It is to he
ignored In the allotment of tho an
nual appropriation. The minimum
organization Is to he fixed at infantry,
65; cavalry, 65; field artillery, 120;
coast artillery, 120; engineers, 100. It
is also provided that no ofllcer of tho
regular army will he detailed to any
state or territory having an organized
militia of less than 2,000 men.
Sensational charges as to tho con
duct of General Wood while ho was on
duty' in Cuba were recently brought
by Estes G. Rathbone, who will be re
membered for his connection with the
Cuban postal frauds. When tho mat
ter was brought to the attention of the
war department, Secretary Root re
fused to take any action on the
charges, which he declares are without
Urgent appeals have been made to
the war department on behalf of the
Eskimo and Indian inhabitants of
northern Alaska, who are represented
to be in an extremely destitute condi
tion as a consequence of the strict
enforcement of tho laws prohibiting
tho taking or killing of fur-bearing
animals in that territory. Instructions
have been sent to the department com
mander to investigate the situation
and in his discretion to distribute ra
tions in cases of emergency.
William Miller Cpllier of New York
wpas appointed' by tha president, on
March 24 to be special assistant "to .the
atto-ney general and "has-been assigned
to duty-as solicitor q-the department
of commerce and -labor in connection
with the enforcement of the anti-trust
The government Js engaged in the
purchase of silver bullion to be used in
coining pesos under tho Philippine
coinage act to the amount of $2,000,
000 worth. This amount of bullion
Will produce 5,000,000 pesos which are
to be delivered fn the Philippine isl
ands within four months. It is also
announced that arrangements have
been completed for the issue of the
Philippine certificates, which will bear
the portrait of Washington. A sug
gestion has been made that the small
notes for the Philippines shall bear the
portraits of McKinley, General Lawton
and Jose Rizal.
Under a revision of the civil service
rules to take effect April 15, the clas
sified service iff tendered to all posi
tions which are subjected to classifi
cation under the civil service act The
number' of places excepted from exam
ination has been Teduced, omitting a
large number of private secretaries
and confidential clerks although two
private secretaries are allowed to all
"heads of departments. Shipping com
missioners," various superintendents,
engineers, examiners and miscellane
ous positions also, have been made sub
ject to examination. Temporary ap
pointments, will be. restricted both In
number and duration.
On March 25 Brigadier General Wood
left Washington on his way to the
Philippines to assume command of the
military department of Mindanao.
General Wood will visit many points
in the far east for the purpose of stu
dying the management of forces in
various colonial possessions.
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Town fltato
state department that a sanitary con
gress, which will consider matters of
international' importance, will be held
at Bradford, England, from July 7 to
11, and United States representatives
are invited.
On March 27 Secretary Hay sent to
the Cuban congress a warning that tho
slightest amendment by that body of
the provisions of the Cuban reciprocity
treaty would certainly defeat the trea
ty itself, since any amendment must be
submitted to tho United States senate,
and before that can be done the date
fixed for the final exchange of ratifi
cations, March 31, will have been
It was reported on March 26 that
Ambassador Choate has informed the
Concerning the Philippines.
Simultaneously with the announce
ment of another battle within seven
miles of Manila, between the so-called
"ladrones" and our alleged "con
stabulary," we hear that the editor,
manager and one of the reporters of
a Manila newspaper, the American,
have been arrested for publishing
criticisms of General Davis, the com
manding ofllcer at the capital of tho
Of course, the country is at peace
just as it has been for the past threo
years, according to oilicial proclama
tion. The civil government is in per
fect working order. Its authority is
undisputed throughout Luzon, at
least, and Governor Taft's function
aries go about from place to place
whenever they can get a strong mili
tary escort for their protection. Law
and order have been securely estab-
lished everywhere, and the Filipinos
have learned to love our kindly and
benevolent rule. Nevertheless, unin
formed persons continue to wonder
why .revered arid competent civil
government keeps so many soldiers
hanging' about, and how these beg
garly and insignificant "ladrones"
manage to give battle to our thorough
ly armed and equipped "constabulary"
within sight of Manila two or three
times a week. To some benighted
minds It looks as though the capital
were in a state of siege and that the
civil government could not maintain
Itself, even there, without the strong
support and constant vigilance of the
army. Washington Post