The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 27, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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The Commoner.
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THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
Tho Shamrock III. 1ms corao forth. Later it
will come second.
Major Bittinger might havo known better
than to criticise tho cooks.
Those gontlomen who shout loudest for har
mony might try tuning their voices to tho demo
cratic key.
Tho g. o. p. olophant will not dio of home
sickness as long as tho trusts know how to en
tortaiu It.
Those coal cornerors who have been caught
with unsalable stocks on hand think it is a non
burnablo shame.
Ex-Mayor Ames will plead insanity when ho
is tried at Minneapolis. Mr. Ames is not tho first
man who has gono crazy after money.
Plans of campaign should bo mapped out be
fore the battles begin. Now is tho time for demo
crats to organize for the campaign of 1904.
If things continuo it may come to pass that
wo will dispense with legislatures and congresses
and hitch ohacting clauses to our federal judges.
Mr. Carnoglo has offered to pay for Ithaca's
now filtering plant Ho seems determined to
strain every point to achieve his ambition to
dio poor.
Before tho Wisconsin legislature undertakes to
solve tho raco question in the south it would do
well to solvo tho question of corporation control
in Wisconsin.
The railroads that have found that tho Elkins
-;. ' law compels them to cut off all concessions to tho
public also havo discovered that they can in
crease their rates.
The ropublicanization of the democratic party
is not possible as long as men who are demo
crats from principle refuse to listen to tho siren
voico of expediency.
Those who believe that tho "reorganizes" can
lead to victory should recall what tho same men
led to in 1894, and what they helped to accom
plish in 1896 and 1900.
Mr. Llttlefleld's anti-trust experiences havo
not been in vain. Ho has learned the foolishness
of bolioving that a party that benefits from trust
contributions is likely to cut off the source of
its supplies.
An Iowa reader asks (1) whether the silver
dollar is a legal tender and (2) whether it is token
money and redeemablo in gold. (1) Yes, tho silver
dollar is a legal tender for all debts, public and
private except when the contract specifically ex
cludes it (2) It is not token money and is not
specifically redeemable in gold, but the present
secretary might so construe oxisting laws if the
financiers so demanded,
The Commoner.
Tho president is going to make his non-partisan
tour of the west in time to strike several
large cities wherein the republicans are up against
it in their city elections.
Somehow or other those "hannonizers" al
ways insist on loyal democrats tuning up with
some ono who was out of tune when the demo
cratic keynotes were struck.
Hurriedly withdrawing Plimley's name and
insisting upon the acceptance of Byrne looks to
the average citizen very much like straining at a
gnat and swallowing a camel.
Jingo, the largest elephant in captivity, died
at sea the other day. The trust ownerB of the
g. 0. p. elephant hope to keep their prize in active
life for several years to come.
Mr. Oxnard is building a handsome mansion
near Washington, his beet fields and factories at
the upper end of Pennsylvania avenue requiring
his almost constant attention.
Tho "Subscribers' Advertising Department" is
high in the favor of all who have taken advantage
of it As a means of reaching the-people adver
tisers have found it unexcelled.
Every time a club is formed for tho purpose
of upholding democratic principles you can hear
a fresh plea for "harmony" from those who have
been out of tune for seven years.
Uncle Tom Piatt naturally feels that it was a
mighty poor return for the work he performed in
fixing it up so that the man who turned him
down would be in a position to do it.
Ex-Governor Taylor is suing a former partner
for an accounting, but not in the Kentucky courts.
Taylor has no such confidence in tho Kentucky
courts as he has in Indiana's republican governor.
When the reorganizes begin to mention as
possible candidates tho men who were loyal to
the party and its principles the rank and file will
begin to believe that the reorganizers really Avant
The United States "are" a nation, and tho
first section of the Thirteenth amendment to the
constitution speaks of "their" jurisdiction. And
the grammarians may put that in "his" pipes and
smoke it.
The head of the new corporation bureau hast
ened to assure tho public that there will bo no
wholesale assault on the industrien of the country.
Why not assure the people that something will
be done?
Before Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan's seven million
art collection is admitted freo of duty It might be
well to admit free of duty a few things that the
poor need and cannot buy on account of trust
boosted prices.
Perhaps Mr. Hanna, who introduced the ex
slave pension bill "by request" would consent to
introducing a few bills in the interests of tho
J?w C Say ?orhaPs" with a full knowledge
of what the word means.
That St. Louis federal judge would not of
course, advise railroad owners thaT it is II egal
? fnr01J ,rary t0 PUblic policy r them to orgfn
izo for tho purpose of protecting tlWr business in
terests and pronerly managing thor Sirs .
unroof61; Vanderbilt has sworn off the larger
portion of his personal taxes. Dodging taxes is
another vested right that must tie refnecTed i?
?SolPdrerV wtt86' is not a Sl Pp
calnuuenceyitll0Ut eitUer great wealth or PoUtt-
miiiLa!!y,,railrvad dares t0 make two or threo
SSmU ton!? ?y giWns rebates ifc 1 bate ?o
success ns against tho oth?rr could wl
President Roosevelt says ho would ask no
greater monument than the Panama canal. Cun
ning shackled would be a very fine monument.
If our French friends have any more gold
bricks to dispose of they should lose no timo
while Mr. John Hay is in a position to purchase
with government money.
What kind of a democratic victory would it
be to elect a democratic administration that holds
the same views on tariff, trusts and the money
question as the present administration. But that
13 the kind 'of a democratic victory the "reorgan
Izers" are fighting for.
When the next republican national platform
Is read in convention a loud, hoarse hoot may bo
expected from that section of the, hall wherein aro
seated the delegations from Oklahoma, Indian
Territory and New Mexico when the plank promis
ing statehood is reached.
The supreme court has decided that the presi
dent and secretary of war have a right to dis
charge any clerks who have have tho temerity to
think contrary to the thoughts of the president
and secretary of war. The crime of lese majesto
must be discouraged at all hazards.
The farmer is told that a tariff is placed on
his wheat in order torevent competition and keep
up the price. Then he is told that a tariff is put
on manufactured articles in rdor to stimulate
competition and reduce prices. Tho strange part
of all this is tho fact that so many farmers believe
it all.
The Chicago Chronicle, which claims to bo
democratic, is opposing the re-election of Carter
Harrison. This proves how unlikely it is that a
newspaper owned by a man who makes it tho
organ of his corporate enterprises will stand by
democratic candidates who have opposed corpora
tion rule.
The fiddlers' contest at Terre Haute may have
been an entertaining affair, but it is not to be
mentioned in the same day with tho fiddling of
Nero while Rome burned or the fiddling performed
by a gentleman at Washington while the trusts
were getting tho kind of an anti-trust law that
suited them.
When The Commoner Is indorsed by the New
York Sun it will be when The Commoner is as un
truthful, unfair, unreliable and as thoroughly un
der the control of vicious interests as the New
York Sun is. This simply means that the New
York Sun will always entertain a hearty dislike
for The Commoner.
The proposal to establish a civil pension list
in New York city, to be maintained by taxation, is
a dangerous one. There is no more reason why a
municipality should pension a public clerk after
long and faithful service than there is for pension
ing at public expense a hod-carrier, bricklayer or
carpenter after similar service. j
nnn ,e ,?ail?ma Cana1' WW & to COSt $300,000,-
000 which the people of this country must pay,
will by the terms of the Hay treaty be con
structed and maintained on land over which ono
of tbe least responsible governments on earth has
supreme control. This is the great "triumph" foe
way diplomacy that we are hearing so much about
ur ThG ,ew York Sim tales exceptions to near
mHfl7thln be Commoner says. This is very
S iIf The Commonor mot with tho hearty
commendation of tho New York Sun it would be
Wn lry llke thG Sun that tho people would
tw. moro confidence in its utterances than
they have in the maunderings of the Sun.
roin61 jAdge in St. Loms issued an order
to onfnr S a !ot of railroad men from striking
-voaS a dmaml for higll0r waSes- A few
SrniawaUOwr fcderal udS ls?sued an order
2S ? a, l0t of railroaa employes from re
roilnfJE TPlCi,undep a dccreas wage scale. Tho
jSdw wtiiin UW manag0 t0 dIg UP a federal
juuge Willlncr to lrn.vl HmJ ,..
w 1- .... ,w. tuuii wttjr.
Speaking of the per caoibi nironlnrinn nf S30.
tno amount in cash In vmir nwv, Zn hv n.
2ln,St to go after It honestly in tho
tar? P?Lin(1!,a,l!y and trad0-" Correct, and tho
bor InVt t0 sqneezo t out of your 71GiPb-
tho Nni ?i glvhg an equivalent in return, and
by 1bm7 fers,oy-eiven right to steal it from him
y legal euactmont and official connivance.
'111 nit.