tw - -i t Jr. The Commoner- VOLUME 3, NUMBER 9, 12 sued on tho 'birthday of Alexander III., is considered to bo tho most significant act of state sinco tho emancipation of tho serfs. The pub lic hails it as tho proclamation of a new era, opening up blight prospects of tho early improvement of Russian internal administration. ""llf 4 I u Tho domands of tho conductors and takomon of nfty-two railroads west of Chicago for an Increase In tholr wages was mado last December and tho first peaceful settlement of this demand was mado by tho Union Pa cific railroad when It acceded to these requests. Tho lncreaso on this lino will effect about 1,500 men. ( On March 7 Graomo Stowart of Chl- cago was nominated for mayor by tho , republican city convention. Ho was opposed by James M. Harlan and the lattor has pledged Stowart his support Tho criilsor Chattanooga was launched at Elizaboth, N. J., on March 7. This vessel has an armament of twenty-two guns and is to bo equipped with two poworful searchlights and a wlroless telegraphy outfit. A movomont is on foot to erect a memorial in honor of the lato Henry Ward Bcechor, tho founder of Ply mouth church in Brooklyn, N. Y., and for forty years its pastor. A great mass meeting was hold in Brooklyn on March 7 for tho purposo of raising funds for tho purposo. It has boon officially decided that tho launching of tho United States crulsor Colorado will take place in Philadelphia, Pa., on April 9. Tho Colorado Is much larger and moro poworful than any of tho cruisers. heretofore constructed and may bo taken as an oxnmplo of an entirely' now class of war vossols. provide for an expenditure of ?179, 184,205, which is an increaso of ?1G, 010,000. 4,000 officers and men is tho number of tho increaso provided for in that direction, and a great increaso is mado in tho number of new ships and war vessels to bo constructed. On March 10 it was reported that General James Winning McMillan, a member of tho board of review of the pension bureau and a veteran of both tho civil and Mexican wars, died at his homo in Washington yesterday, aged 77. Ho was a grandson of Col onel James MpMillan, a member of Georgo Washington's staff. Major Gonoral William B. Frank lin died on March 8 at his home in Hartford, Conn., at tho ago of eighty years. Gonoral Franklin graduated from West Point in 1843 and was a classnmto of General U. S. Grant Ho sorved through tho Mexican and civil wars and rotired from tho army in 186G with tho title of brovet major gonoral of tho United States army. Under tho provisions of the Elkins bill recently passed by congress and signed by tho president, half rates or oven free passes on railroads will not bo issued hereafter, nor will tho giv ing of any favors to persons or or ganizations for tho purposo of influ encing business, be permitted. It was reported from Dublin by the Associated press on March 9 that O. V. Devlin, Irish nationalist, formerly Canadian commissioner in Ireland, has been elected without opposition, to represent Galway in the house of commons in place of Colonel Lynch, who is undergoing a sentence of life imprisonment for high treason. Cap tain Shaw Taylor decided not to con- toah tho flftnfr whllft Vhn nnoaftnn nf the Irish land purchase bill was un settled. bane, Australia, that a terrific cy clone has passed over that section of tho country and many persons had boon killed or injured. In tho town of Townsville, North Queensland, schools, churches and residences wore destroyed and many of the inhabitants have been made homeless. An interesting phase of the situa tion in Korea where Russia and Ja pan are quietly but incessantly seek ing to obtain control, was revealed on March 9 by a cablegram from Pekin containing the announcement of the resignation of W. H. Sands as ad viser to the Korean government Mr. Sands was appointed to this post dur ing Mr. McKinley's first administra tion and has held it with success un til he was practically displaced by an adviser sent by tho Japanese govern ment. Russia has also sent a skilled diplomat to Korea recently and it Is anticipated that interesting complica tions will develop in that country. According to a Vienna cablegram, preparations for a revolt on the part of the Macedonians are being pushed rapidly, it being asserted that tho commander, Sarafoff, has already raised an army of 20,000. The sultan of Turkey has given orders to have tho garrisons increased, particularly along tho Bulgarian frontier. A remarkable decree was Issued by the czar of Russia on March 12 in whict he announces his intention to grant freedom of religion to all his subjects who profess non-orthodox creeds, also to improve the conditions of village .life and the peasantry. It is said that the decree, which was is According to an Associated press cablegram from Berlin under date of March 13 tho long legal fight over tho attempt to compel tho municipality of Berlin to contribute toward building churches was ended with a decisiou of tho civil court in favor of" Berlin. The case grew out of Emperor Will iam's great church building campaign in the early years of his reign, for which ho wanted the Berlin council men to make appropriations. Thoy refused, which caused strained rela tions, between tho emperor and tho municipal government. The jury in tho case of the coal operators of Chicago, recently on trial on thd charge of 'conspiracy to raise tho price of tho commodity, was instructed by the judge to return a verdict of "not guilty." The judgo hold that if any law had been vio lated it was tho interstate law, and the offense should come before a fed eral jury. George Sawter, recently appointed to succeed the lato Thomas Nast as United States consul at Guayaquil, has refused the post on account of the bad health conditions of that city and has been recommended by President Roosevelt to the appointment as as sistant appraiser of merchandise at the port of New York. The Associated press reported on March 9 from Constantinople that it was expected that permission would bo given the American archaeologist, Mr. Banks, to undertake excavations XX Tel-Abraham, Mesopotamia, the supposed site of the tomb of Abraham. It is said that Mr. Banks has been waiting for this permission for three years. Tho Wisconsin state senate recently pvoposod that a convention be hold at Atlanta, Ga,, for tho purposo of dis cussing tho race question. This pro position does not seem to bo meeting with much favor in tho south, the governors of sovoral states thoro ex pressing tho opinion that such a con vention could accomplish no possible good. Subscribers' Advertising Department This department was instituted for Commoner subscribers who may be desirous of advertising in a small, but efficont manner. An advertise ment in this department reaches near ly half a million peoplb, and the rate 6 cents per word per insertion is among the cheapest per thousand of circulation made by publications of good standin'g. The publisher will cheerfully give information to any who may consider it "profitable to use this department Tho eastern portion of tho state of Nebraska has boon subjected recently to great damage and loss to property by tho overflowing of rivers in that part of the stato. Tho floods are re corded as tho worst that have visited Nebraska in its history. Tho break ing up of the ice occasioned by tho re cent mild weather is said to bo tho causo of tho floods. A freight train near Olean, N. Y. loaded principally with oil tanks filled with oil, broke in two on March 9 and an explosion of the oil followed. Fire broke out and the explosions that occurred caused tho death of eighteen spectators and scores were seriously burned. On March 9 a resolution was intro duced In the stato senato in session at Topoka, Kas., recommending that whon the now battleship Kansas is launched the christening shall be made with water instead of wine. iJFh? BritIsu navy" estimates for 1903-4 were issued on March 9 and It was recently announced that the United States government would take tho initiative in tho dfivplnnmnnr nf tho international railroad projects and Charles M. Popper had been appointed special representative for this pur pose. It was recently shown that of tho 10,000 miles of railway required already 6,500 miles had been built The answer to the injunction re cently issued by Judge Adams in the United States distrint omirf nt hi- Louis against the attempt of the em ployes of the Wabash railroad to un ite in a strike on that road was made public on March 9. In this answer tho claim sot up in the injunction was denied, but the right of the workmen to voluntarily withdraw from their labor was strongly contended for. Tho coal conspiracy case came up for trial in the Chicago court on March 10. Tho onenincr nrmimnnr woo mnj by Assistant State's Attorney Barnes and tho oxistence of an agreement as to prices was Gsffihllahori an, , alty for an illegal act injurious to trade is five years in the penitentiary or a fine of not less than $2,000. A combination of oyster growers and dealers, representing invested capital of about $3,000,000, has been formed at Providence, R. I. The an nounced purposo of the now concern it to lessen expenses, it boing assorted that prices will not be advanced. On March 10 it was reported in an Associated press cablegram from Bris- READ "Tho Modorn Modorator" (all about labor and capital.) 10 cents postpaid. W. S. Ahorn, Mo rocco, lnd. , pwi 50,8nbf8" M03' ovor known, for horses, cattle, Rte,t?08SJ?n? Wi1 Formula and full directions 50 cents. Edwin A. Young, Hainan, Colo. hMt0 nf1!1010. Farm f or 8al- Il0 nomc, pest or land. Advantageous surroundings u. H Palmer, Clovordalo Farm, St. James, Minn. .wSFSFJP1811 SEE1) CORN-NoTor falls tomako r?M.Wnenothef!f aro mJnoa " drought OmV ylolds all othora 10 to 30 bushels In favorablo seasons ?rnV,Vf8lic88fullr Mt 5 yeara fm Lako Michigan to Gulf of Mexico from seed sold by us. No othor com kind planted following soason. Extra solocted miS SlS? Pr1bVsho1 ,n two bushel sacks. Description and testimonials from growers with samplolo& EhCo n.mi)Jlor PMtawi. Georgo Mlllor. l'res. loi RAN m T35idK 80ta ,n tw0 volumes ."Brann Tho iconoclast'' J3.00 per sot, cloth. Contnlnsall tholiost ?!ir8mWAc,,rann' Address. Wlndlo'a Gatllng Gun 165 Washington St. Chlcagon. RECIPE to manufacture horso and cattle" powder, 25c A. rraotz, Niagara galls, N. Y. oEX",,8011 Patents Commission. Modols con &y.!r r,HS2r loanod to Mfg. and market good nnQp2rrto0pln,oa on your Patent, lor 'J Sheet Caso $2.60. 3-5 Sheet Case $5.00 and up. Tells ffiM mJStnojr' Sond stamp for particulars. Mniu'ft'S1?6651139 Stovenson Bldg., Indian apolls,lnd. My Patent Sales, 1002 $112,155.00. DO YOU Intend tn hnv luinnMn. i-.i tr. ., for our farm IM f ""-""H' , .""" "".'" Minn. list. Lonegrcn Land Ca, Little Falls, crS? S! n70 acrea ln ra"ou Co., Montana, whore S iVrSfalL SP orook Lttom under Irrigating SIIyot n21? cultivation. Tor particulars, addrow iiox 53, Red Lodge, Mont AGENTS, horo Is a corker Only pancako irrlddin in tho world that bakes square cakesj six at onb ft ml" 100 por cent profit. CantOD Grlddlo Co.. Canton & f wMV, ttX&SSGSA JEM'S & SSJg .. 8IJ.ND 10c, we will sond you tho formula for mi,in troSf08tvcoaUnK ,n the world for iMkytta "2d SR uauijuuaiA process ior preserving fruiu ni , etablcs for two years at fresh a when gSred vSl up raw: no heat or scaling; costs but a trHin v&m!!?1 8SSK8 VSUSSsSSi proved. Address w Box 45 PMim. SittJ?' wo11 Un' drug store and drug. Jd AfiS'S' jJS nArnSorT.rados. Col lan sovon foot vein, u m &0.V 0J?1 y mInod- Go0( Investment. Lock ioi 177, Delta, Cola firffi in-,?ont8to pajr DoBtago, wo will sond you suf SK11 Quooa fr twenty bowls of dollclous ?&" 80UD; a,8 Coro-Koffa for six cups of tho bost Sinaa -J0?"? you cvor drftnl5 also now you can pur Dbea8rboarn ilffiJLgS"' Cor-Koffa CoInpanjr ICT nfo?HSAIPatont-;(100) -or tho only zlnccarbon ffi W woar ,n existence. Also two registered nvnr t,,? f"68 8Uro to command tho Iargost salo k KES!nd br my m0(llcal article Address Dr. J. iornitzor, feocorro, Now Mexlca. nnwil? yoJr brooms-pollock Spring nngor Broom !&&!? H,0 Sena ten cents by mall. - 1, UIIOO. WANTimTJ,. .i. ...... . .- j. Rtinrn , t iVfT ' OM Brm -w a. A'aruciuani ui stamp, Bl2Bonno Torro, Mo. Marthn8iSrEew Ooldon-Wyandott!t.-Juidr0M Mrs. Martha Plpor, Osceola, Iowa, R. DrNo. 2. nmm,J 9.";A Btok Foom f00d- Will sdnd you aufllclont Snh .;t0.n c.onta to convince you that tho woakest SSmnrt,?.n.l08A b?bl08 antl dyspeptics will asslml bo toRor Ja,n whon no othor f ood or modlclno will .S' Not concentrated nor predlgested; Un 2" 0"M-Mta from Banltarlums, hospitals and nuraes. Coro-Kotfa Companylfl7.-Derborn St., Chi- JoMoXllel0' lvom ' m' T"- . I'LBgL'IPW Zti&imatfajMfSjto,