The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 20, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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    .Wt "V.!R-,HjjvJlH
ii.,' if
The Commoner.
r -nnam
fine in lhn WtiultL
Wtfl III Una WW BMal
Nono so low In prlco. Largest llltistratod
graving of ovory vnrloty. Prlco only 1
U13I1I JILT JJUKt lit, iUU WL UAlu
jiiin(iV0 iiuu pwi 101 jjs vm w. a i44
with every order. Bond narao and address
w. H. 8HUMWAV, Roekford, Illinois.
loM Watch
nil Ctiatii for f .f US. Tba hitil.otntit ami Iml
fenulntAmirl aaHkcoldplat.lvalehati'lchaliion
lh tmrkct. IeMliUhuntlncaM,.allJpMpatl;aof
njtiTlDl. Arottlcan montmnl, iltra
wini and inuia aioium (uaraniud or
60 Inch coll plaleJ lorrnttta chkla free
with Ivlln itit walgh nl doutlt Lrt uttd
ttitchtlii amlchartn wlihganu .lit atch.
( ut Ihlt mil nd itnit II to ui with jour
namt, jioilofflct ami tiptmofflci adJrtM
an I w will ttni tht watth ol cUIn to
jou bj riprtM fir tiamlnallon jou x
train llitm at Ihf tifirtil offltt and If U
rrprrirnltt! rf t1 S5 and nsrtM charrti
ami Ihf wattb i chain art your.. Mtntlon
Ordtt (e-Ur at th.i fclttrttitm.nt will po.ltlttlj not apjwar nilo. A'ldttu
Atiw ujiali31i;;ii. o&'j36uiearbornm.tjiuciiiro.
Strictly now, perfect, Beml-llardeneu
Btccl Hliects, 3 feet wldo, 6 feet Ion?. The
brat Mooring, Bldlnj or C'elllnjf jon can nit.
Noexcilenoo ncccwuiry to lay It. An
ordinary hammer or hatchet tho only
tools you need. Wo furnish nall frco
and paint roflnB two sides. Cornea
cither flat, corrugated or "V" crimped.
ARaunromeanalOOsnuarc feet. Wrlto
forfrMCatalocuMo.'13 oo FinniuptJtoof mrjklad.
CUiaUO 1I0UBK HBKCK1KU CO., W. 86 th A Iron His., UiUago
JESD Thisisntreniilne warn In
offer mndc to introduce the Peoples
Cream Separator in every neighbor
hood. It is the best and simplest in
the world. We ask that you to show
it to your neighbors who have cows.
Send your name and the name' of
the nearest freight office. Address
f 4L ftlScsc C 1 C?ff's
1 ifisr
Study Law M Home
Our courso prcpnros for tho bar of
any Hlato. C'omblnoH thoorr anil
prnctlco. Tho Jntout tozt books nnd
methods usod. lUyoarsof successful
teaohliiu. Eudornod by bunoh and
bar. Also courses in Hhorthand
(GroRB Bystnin) and UubIiiobo Law.
1 ull particulars froo.
OP LAW, Reaper Block, Chicago.
A Culinary Triumph.
The chefs may look wise and roll up
their eyes
O'er salads and dressings and oils;
They may seek to devise some edible
Of baking or stowing or broils.
I rise to declare, to affirm and to
That hone of their Frenchy cuisines
Can ever compare to a meal good and
Of onions and lettuce and greens.
The Frenchified rote of the fine table
Beginning with thin soup and fish,
And ending with "float" with Parisian
I pass up to any who wish.
My good appetite seeks nothing so
To something substantial it leans.
It is longing with might for tho beau
tiful sight
Of onions and lettuce and greens.
Of bacon a slice; salt, popper, a trice,
Lambsquarters and mustard leaves
These come at low price and when
boiled are so nice
. There's nothing so good in tho
Young onions to munch, crisp lettuce
a bunch,
Theft away with your Frenchy cui
sines! Just give me a'hun'cli that for dinner
or lunch
There's onions and lettuce and
StSk Resist Not Evil
is ninkfiifr a profound impression because it is a
irrent book. Pncc 75c, postpaid.
Altjrtld's Oratory is now ready in n new edl
tion nt 50c, postpaid, lloth books handsomely
bound in cloth. Mention the COMMONitn nmi
we will mail the two books for one dollar. Agents
wanted. Charles II. Kerr & Co., Publishers. 56
l'ifth avc., Chicago.
Free Rupture Cure
A.V.,p,ur.Sd wr.,t? o"Dr.W. 8. Mm, 1.83 Main St..
Adams, N Y.,nd ho will send frco a trial of hh, won!
derful method. Whether nkeptlcal or not nt thUfm
tnethod and try tho remarkable inrontlon that curl?
W&nVrfftfto!8Ke or dctcaUoa E5
Anti-Trust. Firenrooif
Economical Durable.
snvA vni.rni. Anrf ...
iwSh" w:Mffiii!& 2S
1 IllHtl
uvB - i- ------- .vwm. v .. '.
HaW OI 1'ftint mat nl VttW tti.. .".-:.---"i""
WAM VMKi o: 1 CbT.,
list C V b MTCt,?f' Send for 'descriptive price
list. I,, h. Mahan Hox 143, Tcrrc Haute, Indiana.
bcstbyTc8t-78 YEARS. WclTb A V CASH
Want MORE Salesmen ItAY Weekly
Stark Nursery, Louisiana, Mo,; Huntavllle, Ala.
ThnnTvnnvi. i..i.i.
nppltnnco which Infuses
OXYUKN Into tbo system,
destroylnn; all Rcnns.pur
fylnir tho blood, lncreas.
lnji tho circulation, pro
duclnc porfect hoalth.
Most Wonderful invnntlnn
orthoneo. Cures dlseaso
1 ylthout drugs, fhee.
v WO mnkn A nmnnollln.
FKEK !y which ono sick poraon
tb " "' ""-
ft ETl-'V . Jf J
It Sometimes Happens.
The street car conductor stood in
front of the gray-haired and well
dressed gentleman atod exclaimed,
"Fare, please."
( Tho gray-haired gentleman felt
nervously in every pocket, but evi
dently he had left his purse at home.
"I beg pardon," said ho, "but I have
left all my change in my other clothes.
If you will kindly allow me to ride I
Will hand VOU tho fnrA m nnvf
"Can't dO it." Crowlnrl tho nnnrlim.
tor. "Put up or get off."
"But, sir, I"
"Can't waste time talking, old man.
Step lively when I stop the car."
The conductor viciously pulled the
bell-cord and tho car slackened its
speed. '
"Allow me, sir," said a charming
young lady, stepping forward. "Al
low me to tender your fare."
"Thanlc vnn mv lHni im,i. t.ih
said the gray-haired gentleman. "I
will appreciate your kindness verv
much." J
"Pray do not mention it, sir," said
the young lady, giving the nicklo to
the conductor.
"But I insist upon having your ad
dress," BaiQ tho gentleman. "I"
"It is of no consequence, sir."
"Pardon me, it is of consequence. I
',',YQJJ wel1' sir here Is my card."
I thank you," said the gentleman.
That evening a gray-haired and
e7rriSed selemau rang the bell
at 7689 Spruce street, and to the maid
who answered ho asked:
I'la this whoro Miss Soandso lives?"
Yes, sir, pleaso step in and I will
call her."
When Miss Soandso appeared the
gentleman stopped forward and ex
claimed: "Ah, you are tho young lady who
paid my car fare this morning! "
Yes, I had tho pleasure."
"And I thank you heartily, my good
young woman. I have come to ask
if you will kindly lend me $2 until
Papa Goose Rhyme.
Sing a song of delegates, "T,1
To catch 'em now they try?"
Hanna and John Clarkson
Working on tho sly.
When the game iz opened and
The delegates are sought
What a pretty joke, boys,
If they won't stciy bought"
Hanna in the senate chair
With his pension bill,
Clarkson in the southland,
Tramping vale and hill.
Delegates are waiting now
Till money is in sight;
Trusts are being fat fried
Morning, noon and night
Sad Position.
"Your money or your life!" hissed
the highwayman. ,.,--'
The scheming millionaire who" wor
shipped his gold made haste to reply:
'Alas, if you take either I'll have no
use for the other."
Great Scheme.
"You say you have something that
will make jnillions for both of us if
properly worked? What is it?"
' I've got a splendid name for a new
breakfast food. All we need is some
thing t;o eat to fit it to and a lot of
display, advertising."
1 envy dat man Rockefeller,
Dusty," observed Fatigued Ferrars as,
he laid aside the well polished bone.'
"Ah, wot's de use of envyin' a man
dat's got t' take care o' so much mon
ey, Fatty?"
"I ain't envyin' him his money,
Dusty. I wuz jus' thinkin' dat ho i3
a mighty lucky man. I'd call it luck
if I had a stomach dat didn't yearn
fr food. Jus' t'ink how much time
we lose, Dusty, from our loafin' by be
in' compelled t' hustle fr somethin'
t' eat"
A Quick Sale.
''But I can get all the names and
addresses I want for nothing," said
the green goods man.
"But these are especially select
2efl3, a mn in your business,"
replied the salesman.
"In what way .do they differ from
the average list of names?"
'These names were copied from a
poll book. They represent all tho men
who walked up to tho polling place
m Podunk and demonstrated bv their
votes that they think they can tax
SSTSS.'1 by paying tribute t0
JHt a ?'uriek of 3y the green goods
Sod" the1istVer " r0U f bills and
Satisfying himself that tho bills
were genuine tho salesman disap
peared around the corner in tho di
rection of the nearest thirst emporium"
ThOTBorohampyOUnS ""
mo S3LM? notes but
But try as she would
She couldn't make gould
She never was able to reauchamp.
The Inquliltor.
'Tapa," said little Willie lnniM
J Irom his book, "may Y ask'you aS
tion or two?'
"Certainly, my son. I will be clafl
to import information to you, and I
am pleased to know that you are seek
ing after knowledge."
"Well, papa, pleaso tell me why an
angleworm is all curves, and "
"Look here, sir; I've"
"And why gooseberries have no fea
thers, and "
"Young man, I'll"
"And if a horsefly- paces or trots
and" -.. '
"You young jackanapes, I've a
good " .,
"And if a clock is too tired to walk
up after it has run down,. and "
"What do you mean, by V
"And whose scales the big fish use
when they get a weigh, and"
"If I hear another word out"
"And why a man says ho is all
broke up when he is down in tho
mouth, andr" &
-But the street door slammed behind
papa's form as he cfiased.. after tho
car- already a hlock ahead, of -him.
-.That's always the way," muttered
Willie. -"How can papa expect me to
acquire information if mp ono will an
swer my questions?''"
If all the world were water,
And airthe water chalk,
Pray tell me how friend 'Morgan would
Proceed to float his stock?
. . "Briiln LeaKs. - -v '
. ,- A white lie soon loses . its com
plexion. A soft answer often" saves hard
knocks. r
, Every home should tie quarantined
against gossip. - ' -
True charity does not stop to hunt
the small change.
Widow's weeds .do. not always take
root in, the heart . .,.
The sky is never dark when" tho
heart is full of hope. .
Men who sow wild oats discover that
.the crop never fails.
A- man Is hotter able to look up
after he has looked in.
Paying the preacher is hot all of
a church member's duty.
Fine feathers do not make fino
birds, but they do make expensive
The man who tries to please every
body does not even succeed in pleas
ing himself.
Soiling nothing for something is no
worse than trying to buy something
for nothing.
Remarkable Curative Properties of a
Remedy for Indigestion and
Stomach Weakness
M,tart,SfDspePsi.a Tablets, a preparation for
iSiCUr?.ofdysPcPs,a and the various forms of
indigestion and stomach trouble, owes its gTcnt
fw1fSsaSa cure these troubles to the fact
1!S -JU Prepared for disease nnd weakness of
V lacl1Tuddl?e?tiveorgnusoni, and is not
TMumefndedora,?vsedfor ay other disease,
it il L0t "f.A1' but for Rny stomach trouble
i.M?fd,ubtcdlyUie.8aCflt;most sensible rem
m5r.!tcrn be adv,i6cd with the prospect of a
Kat"toCVrf; Itis Prepared in tablet form.
Pr,eft Jtl t0 lastei composed of vegetable and
Serl n,nnCfCS,,1Vre pcPsin aud Glden Seal,
thn,VwhAch "ct effectively in digesting
tha dwtcn thereby resting atfd inventing
K k stomach; rest Is nature's cure for nny
vounflffl?" cannot rest the stoniQQh unless
mM m! ? som.ctuinjr that will do its work or
assist In the digestion offood.
irtV!iai,scrnctl7what Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
ta netahBrain,?,f ihc festive principle con
eeSJr S?im wItU ?'St 3.000 grains of meat,
cff?H,Sf,miiariW?.0,esome foods, they will di
order or nfdThet5er tlle. stomach is in working
rJsUnwVthereibyaRour,8,,? the body ond
Tn ;C7,t is nat"re'a cure for any weakness.
taWe?q h,?n,irun.down u fle8h nnd appetite these
becaui T,d,ip the strength and increase flesh,
wSk ZuRQsi flesh-forming food whicb the
7f qbSS h Ca.not do tl,ey increase the flow
SnS sol i!ce ati? Prevent fermentation, acidity
cl A watery tislngs. '
drupaatorr?pep8i Vnblcta can be found at all
arug stores at 50 cents per package.
..? - u