The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 20, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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    1 J'T"1"' ' '?W '" ',', "" "" t'f"
The Commonefi
A conforcnco was hold at Bloomfon
toin, Orango River Colony, on Fob
runry 7 botwcon Secretary Chamber
lain and about forty Boors o the ex
trcmo party, Including Christian Dc
Wot, .and It was shown that thoro Is
a strong fooling of defiance against
tho British rulo existing in tlio Trans
vaal. Sorao fear of a rebellion Is ex
pressed. , John II. Carroll, United States
consul i at Cadiz, Spain, died at Mon
tono. February 7.
, Advices from Copenhagen are to
tho effect that tho sale of the Danish
West Indies is about to bo revived
and proposals have been received from
Frane6 In regard to tholr purchase.
'The czar of Russia recently ordered
sovoro disciplinary measures to bo
taken against all Philanders who
failed to comply with their military
obligations in 1902 and this action
has caused a great deal of criticism
and restlessness in Finland. Obstac
les are raised on ovory hand against
tho enforcement of this order and
much troubles ensues.
Earthquake disturbances wcro ro
portod from several points in tho
Bouthorn part otho United States on
February 8, two distinct shocks be
ing experienced at St. Louis, Mo. No
extensive damago was reported.
A destructive storm and tidal wave
swept over tho South sea islands re
cently n,nd dispatches received at San
Francisco ostimato tho loss of life at
1,'OOw -: jL'ho Socioty islauds and the
Tuainotu group wero almost directly
in tho ,patii of tho hurricane and suf
fered exceedingly. Several islands
are almost depopulated and groat des
titution exists.
According to a decision rendered on
February 9 in tho United States cir
cuit court of appeals in San Fran
cisco the Income tax of Hawaii was
fully sustained and tho court main
tains that "it places tho burden of
taxation upon tho points of strongest
reslstanco, whero it is easiest borno."
vinces of Sweden has boon mado by
the governor of Noorbatten, tho most
northerly Island of that country. Ac
cording to tho Associated press, it
will requiro $1,000,000 to avert star
vation until the next harvest -Tho
governor of the stato of Kansas has
issued an appeal on behalf of the
famine-stricken people of Sweden
and great efforts are to bo mado to
supply them with the necessaries of
The Venezuelan question remains
still unsettled and' no prediction can
vot bo made as to the terms or tlms
of agreement- It is reported that tho
complete showing of Venezuela's caso
has been made to tho allied powers
by Minister Bowen alul he and tho
representatives of Great Britain have
come to an understanding and the
British protocol has been accepted by
Venezuela. On February 11 it was
given out that Germany had ignored
her previous agreement with Mr.
Bowen and had insisted on a cash
payment of $340,000 or a lien on ono
Venezuelan port until this amount
shall bo paid. This demand has been
refused by Mr. Bowen on the ground
that that would be preferential treat
ment, and that no such concessions
would be made until after The Hague
decision. Great Britain and Italy
have renounced all responsibility for
the action of Germany In the matter.
It was recently announced from
Caracas, Venezuela that the revolu
tion against the government of Presi
dent Castro is practically at ati end
as tho revolutionary forces have been
compelled to abandon their opera
tions because of a lack of ammunition.
Sir Charles Gavan Duffy, the former
Irish leader, man of letters and prime
minister to Queen Victoria, died on
February 9 at Nice. Ho was born in
Ireland in 181G,
It was reported from Manila on
February 9 that a force of 100 con
stabulary had defeated a body of 200
insurgents a short distance from tho
city after a severe engagement The
loader of tho constabulary, Inspector
Harris, was killed, and several men
wero wounded.
The local democracy at Lincoln
mourns the death of Mr. L. N. Zieger
who departed this life a few days ago.
His zeal and constancy had greatly
endeared him to. his party associates.
It was announced on February 10
that the republics of Central America
had declared war, with Guatemala on
the one side and Salvador and Hon
duras on the other. Although this
report was not officially confirmed at
the time, it was known and admitted
that the situation was a critical ono
and tho United States had determined
to order a war vessel to tho scone to
be ready to protect American inter
ests. A later report dated February
11 says that Guatemala has not de
clnred war, but that Salvador, Hon
duras and Nicaragua aro menacing
that government and it is preparing to
defend itself.
children under 16 years of age during
school hours, or children under 14
years of age in shops or factories, or
as messenger boys.
According to a Tacoma, Wash., dis
patch dated February 12, H. F. Krohn
skyn of Zeoul, Korea, arrived in Ta
coma today on his way to Now York
and Philadelphia to contract for idols
to bo used in the heathen temples of
his country as well as for China. Ho
is sent by a wholesale firm and has
models with him. He says that a fow
years ago an American firm sent a
few idols as a gift to ono of tho
sacred orders and a demand for them
has resulted.
On February 13 it was announced
that Minister Bowen had signed each
of the protocols with tho representa
tives of tho allied powers of Great
Britain, Germany and Italy and pro
vision was mado for an immediate
raising of the blockade, together with
a reference of the question of prefer
ential treatment of the claims in
volved to Tho Hague tribunal. It is
also provided that Venezuela is to
have all her vessels that have been
captured returned to her.
Another effort is to be made to
pass the omnibus statehood bill in
the senate by adding it as an amend
ment to tho postoflice appropriation
bill, and the vote on this proposal
stood 8 to 5.
It was announced on February 13
that the issues between San Domingo
and tho United States, arising from
claims of the latter country, are in a
fair way to bo amicably and satisfac
torily adjusted by arbitration through
the efforts of Minister Powell.
Senator Cullom, chairman of the
foreign relations committee, had a
conference with President Roosevelt
on February 13 in regard to the Pa
nama treaty and the Cuban reciproc
ity measures and it is evident that
Cure Catarrh at Home
A Practical Remedy so Simple
and Pleasant That Even a
Child Can Use It
A neglected cold lays the founda
tion for catarrh; neglected catarrh,
lays the foundation for consumption.
Dr. Blosser's Catarrh Cure will break
up the cold, or cure the catarrh and
prevent consumption.
The symptoms of catarrh are a dis
charge, which is either blown from
the nose or runs back and drops into
the throat; a dull lieadache; a
stopped-up feeling in the nose and
head; extreme liability to take cold,
etc. These conditions often lead to
noises in the head, deafness, sore
throat, bronchitis, asthma, indiges
tion and consumption.
If you suffer from any of the above
troubles you should begin tho proper
treatment at once.
Dr. Blosser's Catarrh Cure is tho
best remedy known to medical sci
ence for these diseases. It cures 95
out of every 100 cases.
Mrs. T. B. T6el, Clanton, Ala.,
writes: "Cured my boy of catarrh,
of' four years' standing." Mr. Joe F.
Williams, Zion, Mass., writes: "Cured'
my catarrhal deafness." Mr. J. J.
Mitchell; Warficld, Tenn., writes:. "It
removed every symptom before I had
used three boxes."
In order to demonstrate its virtues,
a three days' trial treatment will be
mailed absolutely free to any inter
ested sufferer. The price of the rem
edy is $1.00 per box (one month's
treatment), sent postpaid. Address
Dr. Blosser Company, 371 Walton st,
Atlanta, Ga.
the president is very anxious tos have
favorable consideration of these
measures during tho present session.
It is reported that in case no action
is taken by the senate Mr. Roosevelt
will call an extra session.
ers' Adv
ertisinE Department
, The former Colombian revolution
ist, Gonoral Uribo-Utibe, is said to
have committed suicide on January
30, according to rocent advices from
Kingstown, Jamaica. His attitude In
regard to the Panama canal treaty is
said to have tho support of a largo
number of Colombians aud thero is a
possibility of another revolution iu
opposition to 'that measure.
By a vote of 43 to 1 tho Illinois
stato sonato rocontly adopted a join
resolution in favor of electing United"
States senators by direct vote of tho
Another appeal in behalf of tho
starving people of the northern pro-
On February 11 the stato senate of
Kansas adopted a resolution asking
congress to call a constitutional con
vention for tho purpose of amending
tho United States constitution so that
United States senators mny be elected'
by direct vote of tho people."
It wo 8 reported from Rome on Fob
run it 12 that General Riciotti Gari
baldi, ono of tho sons of tho great
patriot, who raised a force of Italian
volunteers for Greece in the Graoco
Turkish war, is organizing a volun
teer expedition to assist the Macedon
ians in the rising against Turkish
rulo, which is believed to be impending.
People who have patronized the
"Subscribers' Advertising Depart
ment" agree that it brings results.
An ad. in this department is brought
to the attention of a half million peo
ple. The rate is C cents per word per
insertion, in advance. Address all or
ders to The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.
LGG3 for hatching. Golden Wyandottes, cholco
stock, $1.00 per setting. Address W.H. Brewer, 90
Cottage SL Merlden, Ct.
0G0 AGREfl black loom.Ievol, nostone.ltfcmlles from
railroad station, price $13 per aero. Send lOo stamps tor
compendium ot South Dakota. Burns Land Co., Ah
crdeen S. D.
GOOD Business Opening DemocraUo paper In 24th
yoar, county seat of 5,000, In Iowa; cross business In
1001, J6V197, In 1902 7,30!. profit In 1901, $2,601, profit
la 10023,533. Plant and business for sale Xor $7,000
cash. J. Jones, caro W. M. Maupln, Commoner ofllco,
Lincoln, Neb.
FOn SALE ICO acres nlco farm In corn bolt. Small
houso and out buUdlngs i& In cultivation, balanco
grass. $'20.00 per aero by Ownor Lock Box 7, Woon
Bocket, S, Dak.
SORGI1UM SEED Ambor cano earliest richest, best
Buy from tho grower direct 60 lbs or moro 2o por
lb. Special prices on large quantities. Edward
Sughrone, Bartlcy, Nebraska.
On February 12 the Oregon house
of representatives passed the senate
bill prohibiting the employment of
FOR. SALE 325 acres mountain ranch, water rights
5! nnri 4. Xnnp TVPIntn fSnlrt mlnnc MUm
S. C. Faunco, Mancoa, Colo.
MER0HANT8 My 20th Century Sale System turns
your morchandlso Into cash .quickly. A sura way to
reduce or closo out Btock. Address J. a. Nowhouso
Blackwcll, Oklahoma. wuumj,
JZ t. iNJ?D.I2lFO,.opcs Lottor UoadB or tat
Sffite MS.S,i oamD fr 8amp,C8- Ham,lton
FOR WALE First-class newspaper and Job plant In
growing town 100 miles from apokano, Wash DMs-.
Ion point on Great Northern Railway a ioOhalT
cash, Address B 33 care cSmmnnS? -10-lialx
WANTED Buyers Tor quarries, also farms and-cltr
iMlft0, Rlv. description o F each hrso In detail
uSSSoiSSSoSST1 S0UrM Paylne ".
cc2?uu? taugh by Jan" S?0' "orml courso BUC
ore wanted. Afflni,tllon reasonable. Solicit
Vermes, Ohio ,0 Corrc8Dilouco Normal,
Ita? on eS 1inc,f,mrak,n,J ,K.pan,Bh lament.
25 centacTnrRSd fro,!l old InUla" Doctor.
PjvSmc8 or 6,ama ecta It IT. m. MoDannol,
COLEMAN'S School of Shorthand and Bualnpsn
Training, 1'Oorla, IU. ut8S
HAVE an exceptionally lino proposition for men of
medorato means. Correspondence Invited i. t
Lanphoro, Joplln, Mo. ij J
FOR 8ALK 12 room summer houso. Bath etc w
J, Creamer, Ponobscot, ilo. -iulio. .
WELaro now rccolvlng orders for Now Maplo Syrun
Delivery In March, kiinniu,i i.i:.uorH.
delicious nectar write. Kamplo of pure maplo aniS?
by mall ten cento, it &. French, Medina, O. Kar
moXo in fa-
. O, Folker! UambSriaTnftak? " AddrcM
Lyon county. liS0' J' W TwnlB'. Comlskoy,
KEdto sprout on share
FORKAT.V ni... -. . i
Pedigreed, phbm V.i?i ,noB8' loading strains.
yillownlii.m008 rca80Dablo- Stewart Brother,
"lnvSSSSn "WteBl socialist
Mo v ks io cents. Coinlug NaUon, Rich mil.