"V1ilP w iMttJi C"""fi wwr'1 The Commoner. FEBRUARY 13, 1903. ii mhp'W "V"wtfwwwwfmytiwmmji'niiW!'iiKf If you suffer from Epilepsy, Fits, Falling Slcfc. Hess. St. Vltus's Dance, or Vertigo, have children, relatives, friends or neighbors that do go, or know people that are afflicted, my New Treatment will immediately relievo and PERMANENTLY CURB them, and all you are asked to do is to send for my FREE TREATMENT and try It. It has CURED thousands where everything else failed Will be sent In plain package absolutely free express prepaid. My Illustrated Book," BpUcpsy Explained," FREE by mail. Please give name, AGE and full address All CorrwpcndcacQ professionally confidential. W. H. MAY, M. O.; 4 Pino Street, New York CifcV IMtfrVWiWi The Fowler Bill MtmmmfmmfMMmwmiwmmmmwwwmfmwmrmrfi FIORTON COUNTY, North Dakota, has rich black loam soil on clay foundation, producing heavy crops where corn grows. Good water in wells 10 to 80 feet. Where Coal Is Pree. Feeding about six wcoks in year. Creameries sell butter at El Bin prices. Farm lands $7 to $12 per acre. Graz ing lands $4 to $7. ICO acres Pree Homesteads ad joining. 0.000 people now in county. Healthiest climate. Write for maps and folders to "Wnndnn Bos u N. Dak., or 131 L LaSalle St. Chicago, 111. mum hew steel mmm Bontrhtat Receivers' Sale. Bheeta either flat, corru rated or 'V" crimped. Kc tools except a hatchotor hammer is nocdod to la j mo rooting, tvb luml l frco with each ordc; inrttMrl. ttnlnf 4-nM MVP coTCTBad nailato lay. Prfeo PerBquarc, $ A square means 190tqnaro ft. mile for frto Catalogu Ko. ul an General MerthftndlM. Chicago IIoufH: Wrecking C WoBtttth and Iroo ate., ehlcaeo, ir ''V'tttf'mmmmmmamammmtawammmKaBmrwmmaaamfmwwwtwmmm The Maule Seed Book for 1903 is free to all interested in gar dening who mention tills paper. If you want an up-to-date garden you ought to have it, the best seed catalogue I have ever published. The first edition costs over $37,000. Address simply MAULE, Philadelphia. lASfmtffl iHi'ii 1 iMntUPJlfyPfwi I 1 nil cbeah separate Ff?FF offer mnde to introduce the Peoples Cress 5csaratorinevenyneiKhbor hood. It is the best nnd simplest in the world. We ask that you to show it to your neighbors who have cows. Bend your name and the name of the nearest freight office. Address PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. fMTPT. 177. KANSAS CITY, Ma Study Law If Home Our conrso prepare for tho bar ot any Btato. GomblneH theory and practice. Tho latest text books and methods vised. lOjedrsof successful teaoblng. Endorsed by bonoh and bar. Also cournea in Shorthand (Qrogg tiyfltem) and Business Law. Fall particulars free CHICAGO CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF LAW, Reapertolock.CliIcaco. TtiisBEftHYlFUL ISlBa MM.ii w$vm. cavenF-RETEI SolidGohl linlih ami let witli brilliant tlint only ex-ScitscanteUfromaQenuineI)iaiTiod 'To help yon earn It, will tend four cf my larco Art ricturei.'whlcli vou nre to tell at tun special price ot 25 cent. No troublo to esll tfieto pictures, ii they are handsome art production ,dono in 10 to 17 colon, origin als costing 200 to GQ0 dollars. Ialsosendallnitilannic Ilorm-ultooHrjii-rplii in addition to theTinc BEND HO HONEY Hf ADVANCE. I trust you ond will send tho (our pictu;es at unco all charges paid, Immediately on hearing from you. JOH( UH1IIYKS, 814 toBKUrlUcUa.nge, Minneapolis. aUnn. THE QIQ EEUADLE ANTI-FRICTION FOUR-eURR MOGUL MILLS No Rearing, no friction. Thouaanda In ube. I horco mill grinds CO to 80 buelv luporbouxj 2-horj-cmlU grinds 80 to 60 bushels per hour. Wo tnnlrn full tin.. ruirn u-it t u best sold, Including famouowa Grinder No. frt or 112.60 Send for Catalogue. ilAilo and sold by I01TA GKUDEK & BTEiWfK WORKS. WATERLOO. JOrTJU W fP&tLJcy J Tho "now Fowler bill," tho passage of which has been recommended by a republican committee of tho house, is as follows: Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of tho United States of America in congress assem bled, That any national bank may, with the approval of tho comptroller of the currency, take out for issue and circulation an amount of national bank notes not exceeding twenty-live per centum of its paid up and unimpairec capital without depositing United States bonds with tho United States treasury in tho manner provided by existing law. Sec. 2. That said national bank notes shall be furnished by the United States at the expense of the respec tive banks issuing them, and shall bo in the denominations of ten dollars and multiples thereof. Sec. 3. That before any national bank shall receive any of the bank notes referred to in this act it shall first deposit in the treasury of tho United States as a guaranty of the payment thereof an amount of United States bonds or gold coin, or both, equal to five per centum of the amount of notes so taken out, and such de posit shall be counted as a part of the lawful reserve of said banK against said notes. Tho interest upon said bonds shall be paid to the banK so depositing them, and if said bank shall retire said circulation, or any portion thereof, an amount of bonds or gold coin, or both, equal to five per centum of the notes so retired shall be returned to said bank; pro vided, however, that if it should be necessary to sell said bonds for the purposes defined in this act, the sec retary of the treasury is hereby au thorized to dispose of the same and use the proceeds in accordance with the provisions of law herein con tained. Sec. 4. That every national bank taUng out such notes for issue and circulation shall, on the first days of January and July of each year, pay into the treasury of the United States, in gold coin, a tax of one-quarter of one per centum upon the average amount of such notes In actual circu lation during the preceding six months and the tax so paid into the treasury shall, with the five per centunl do posited as a guaranty for the payment of the notes, constitute a guaranty fund. Sec. 5. That such notes shall be a first lien upon the assets of tho re spective banks issuing them, and shall be received upon deposit and for all purposes of debt and liability by every national bank at par and with out any charge of whatsoever kind and such notes shall be receivable for all public dues except duties on im ports, and when so received shall be paid out again. Sec. G. That any national bank having notes outstanding in excess of seventy-five per centum of its paid up capital, to secure the payment of which United States bonds have been deposited, may, upon the deposit c lawful money for the redemption of such excess, take out for circulation the notes provided for In this act, without reference to the limitation of three million dollars each month prescribed in section nine of the act opproved July twelfth, eighteen hun dred and eighty-two. Sec. 7. That the provisions of the law contained in section nine of the act approved July twelfth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, limiting the amount of notes that may be retired to three million dollars in any calen dar month, shall not apply to the notes taken out n accordance .with I tho provisions of this act! Sec. 8. That every national bank taking out such notes for Issue shall maintain at all times tho same re servo against such notes when in actual circulation as is now prescribed by law for deposits. Sec 9. That tho bank notes taken out for Issue in accordance with the provisions of this act shall bo re- I deemed on domand in gold coin over tho counter of the bank issuing them, and if said bank is located outside o one of the redemption cities hereinaf ter established it shall then select a national bank as its agent in a re demption city, subject to tho approval of the comptroller of tho currency which shall upon demand redeem said notes in gold coin. Sec. 10. That for tho purposes of this act New York, Chicago, and San Francisco shall be redemption cities, and all the national banks redeeming their notes at any one of these cities shall constitute a redemption district, and the New York redemption district shall bo known as redemption district numbered one, tho Chicago redemption district as redemption district num bered two, and tho San Francisco re demption district as redemption dis trict numberdd three. Sec. 11. That if any national bank shall receive such circulating notes of any other national bank located out side of its own district it shall not pay them out over its own counter, but shall forward them either to some bank in tho district to which the notes belong, or to some bank located In the redemption city of its own dls- trlct, and then they shall be returned to the bank issuing them or to some bank in tho district to which the bank issuing them belongs. Sec. 12. That upon the failure of a national bank any national bank ' notes that have been taken out by it In accordance with the provisions of this act shall, upon presentation to the United States treasury, be paid in gold coin out of the guaranty fund; but the United States treasury shall recover from the assets of the failed bank an amount equal to its outstand ing notes, and tho same shall be paid into the guaranty fund. Sec. 13. That any national bank desiring to go Into liquidation shall first pay into the guaranty fund an amount of gold coin equal to the amount of Its notes then outstanding. Sec. 14. That if such fund Bhall. for any reason, fall below an amount equal to three per centum of the to tal amount of tho bank notes taken out in accordance with the provisions of this act, the comptroller may im pose an extraordinary tax, not ex ceeding one per centum In any one year, upon tho amount of the notes at the time outstanding; but such ex traordinary tax shall be refunded to the respective banks whenever such repayment shall not reduce such fund below an amount equal to five per centum of all tho notes outstanding. Cheap Trip California In Pullmnn Slecpor on fast train, with pleasant people, in 'charge of experienced agent. Suve monoy and travel com fortably. Personally Conducted excur sions three times a week, Chicago to Los Angeles and Snn Francisco. Ask for tourist sleeper leaflet Address OI2N. PASS. OFFICE, Atchison, Topeka nnd Santa Fo Ky OHIOAOO, ILL. Santa Fe mmkMtrt 4tVi , Beautiful Mantels MAKE : Beautiful Homes. OUR MANTELS are not only beautiful, butgood. Ferfect designs and well made, shipped direct to the consumer any where and safe delivery guaranteed. Write for catalogue and othor infor mation Ji jt jt Jt ji McCLAMROCH MANTEL CO. Cretnibero. N. C. V m9$MmmmmB0ni9m7wm aiiMimr"f' Cobji! hi Chicks Befin Hatohfeg) is not safo unless you e"y ..Savv lutvo&n Congressman J. M. Moody of the Asheville, N. C, district died at his homo In Waynesville on February 5. IOWA ROUND INCUBATOR It. a IJinermlMter, Norwood, Minn., fjot 493 chlclri from W3 otrgu. Ue followed directions, tho ma chlno did tho worlr, becauso it waa built on rlht Krlnclplca and bjr (rood workmen, rho IOWA ns nbcr-bordcet does not ebrlpk, bwoII, wtd or-crwrlc. Regulation and ventilation perfect. partlculara. Everything about Incubation fre. jOWAreCMITOBCWPAKT.IQX 22IfJE9fliWHES,Wt I IWPW Fboit Book free. We iy want aiAKft. IJKU2 K31ES best by Tl-78 Yeirs bit Book free. We r A VL CASH moue 8ACT8MBN f A I Weekly , Louisiana, Mo. ;Hoatsvlfle, A1ju;Ek: The Old Line Bankers Life Insurance Co. of Lincoln, Nebraska, will writo you a policy ofjl,)00 andmiarantes P,1, .? raco tlmfc tho uct cosfc to you from date till ita maturity in W years will not exceed $1.00 per yar at ago twenty uptoWZU por year aft an ttfty.fiYfl. Every policy secured by a de poult with tho Btate of Nebraska. Send age at nearest birthday and got Illustration. Is the inamo that stands for tho best Jbafccanbo natlo in w-mj, w n ifttfjgau CiUJbumiffi SPLIT HICSBIY SPECUL $4.7.50 IthasalltheepMlal ftnm ofcHO.tfMob. BoaoAddM t rwit a. tf . ."nJSAjfS'FREEmAUt., fii nV LIVS. J3. "WALXK"?? .. dCrtflCtoB tfaxl Bricae ea ttarf.1. 5?22!.HSjWf9- PP.! XaX7?38 Olnolnnl. ,!. irTrtMawMaiMiiMr -- ' ""J Vv ttfcittCatM