BSssJ 'fTWMpV -""- wy"iw ". in nwn ,-,,rrtn. mp HMWpiUHJijii)Hpnwiii nwj Jan. 9, 1903 The Commoner. Battling there. The American Free Trade league hold a meeting in Boston, Mass., on December 30, at. which meeting the following resolutions were adopted: "Whereas, the tariff duties upon beef and coal, by assisting the extortions of monopoly or by withholding relief from them, have proved a11 serious hardship for our people, and, Where as, such abundant evidence is easily accessible to congress that iavestiga tion need "not cause delay in the re moval of this hardship. Resolved, that as American citizens we ask that the tariff duty on beef and coal be now removed. Resolved, that if the tariff duties in general be postponed, we urge that an exception be made in the case of these duties " upon beef and coal and that they be removed and those articles placed on the free list at the present session of con gress. Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to each United States senator and member of the house of representatives." It was announced on December 31 that President Castro of Venezuela had signified his willingness to sub mit the dispute between his country and the European powers to The Hague tribunal. This is interpreted as clearing the way for the arbitra tion of the controversy and much satisfaction is expressed 'in various Quarters as to the outcome. United States Minister Squires at Havana recently reported that no op position is expected to the passage of the reciprocity treaty with Cuba. Thi view is also confirmed by the state ment of President Palma in regard to . the matter. According to a Now York dispatch the Erie Railroad company and the Pennsylvania Coal company have been sued by 22 residents of New York city for damages aggregating $1,100,000. The suit is made on the claim that these 22 persons were forcibly taken to the mines against their will and compelled to work, taking the places of the striking miners. An interesting opinion was deliv ered by the grand jury of Kings coun ty in, the caso of the Brooklyn Tran sit; company. This opinion was to the effect that municipal ownership is the only solution of the difficulties in which the company is placed and the jury also expressed the opinion that tho roads could be operated at a profit on a 3-cent fare basis. On December 31 it was reported from Wellfleet,4 Mass., thai there has been an exchange of messages by the Marconi system between the Welifieet station and Poldhu, Cornwall. Well fleet is 600 miles furthor Irom Poldhu than the Tablehead station at Capo Breton, N. S. A dispatch from San Francisco, Cal under date of December 23, says: The transport Thomas brings news of a new cholera outbreak in Manila. When tho Thomas left, thirty cases of cholera were being reported daily. Army surgeons arriving on tho Tho mas say the disease is raging un checked in the southern provinces. In Iloilo the death rate is very heavy and tho authorities seem powerless to cheek the epidemic. A Weak Heart neglected means heart disease, the most common cause of sudden death. Dr. Miles' Heart Ciire will strength en, regulate and cure weak hearts. Bold by all druggists on guarantee. Ereo book ou heart diseaso for noatml. Da, Miles Medical 00., Elkhart, Ind. 13 The Week at Washington. An Associated press cablegram from Rome relating to tho attitude of this country toward the arbitration of the Venezuelan dispute was given out on December 27 as follows: Ambassador Meyer today presented to the foreign office the president's reply on the Venezuelan arbitration. The president says that although ho is very much gratified at tho confi dence the powers have shown in him by choosing him as arbitrator, which position ho would have accepted if there were no other means of solving the question, he thinks it better to submit the case to The Hague trib unal, especially as all the powers concerned are willing. The president adds that, as there are questions of national policy in volved, after a thorough considera tion and in accordance with all the sentiment of powers concerned, who have shown an honorable spirit of mu tual consideration and moderation, he is glad to be informed that they all have agreed to submit the question to The Hague tribunal. It is said that Germany is disap pointed because of Mr. Roosevelt's de cision in the matter, but no doubt is expressed but that the trouble will be referred to The Hague. mistress, Minnie M. Cox, who wns forced to resign somo time ago. Tho nutter has been investigated by tho pos.rafu.ter general and this decision '.vas made. The senate committee on military affairs is investigating the method of army appointments. Much complaint has been made on this subject, it be ing claimed that injustice is being done officers in the matter of promo tions. It is expected that the com mittee will finish tho investigation before congress opens again and be ready to report on the subject. It was reported on December 30 that Justice Claibaugh of the district supremo court is engaged in hearing a petition filed by Antonio M. Ycasca, a young Filipino, who is seeking to ob tain naturalization papers. He came to this country after signing the trea ty of peace between tne United States and Spain. He applied for naturaliza tion papers in this district. The local law requires that all applicants for citizenship must renounce allegiance to his country. He had no country to renounce and on this cround he was denied naturalization papers by the clerk of the district supreme court Secretary Root has referred to the civil courts of the Philippines for deci sion the controversy between the two elements in the Catholic church in the islands. The contention is over somo property which is claimed by the Catholic church and which one branch of the church organization held. The case was first referred to Governor Taft, who held that the question was one for adjustment by the civil courts and this objection was confirmed by Secretary Root. fBSBaBBBaBaBBaBBaaBBal On December 31 the state depart ment was officially advised through its fiscal agents in China that the second installment of the Chinese indemnity fund must be paid in silver or on a silver basis. This amounts to ?490, 098 to this country. Some doubt has been expressed as to the ability of China to pay her obligations even on this basis and it may be necessary for the powers interested to submit the whole case to Tho Hague for ad justment An interesting feature of the cabi net meeting on January 2 1 was ; tbe de cision to close permanently the post office at Indianola, Miss., unless the o i. fowri pnnsfint to the Statement of the colored post-1 On January 2 it was announced that one hundred thousand tons of bread stuff must bo imported from wheat producing centers to Australia during the coming season to meet harvest de ficiencies, says United States Consul Coding at Newcastle, in a statement dated November 11. The crop in New South Wales, he says, will not reach 50 per con' of tho quantity reaped last year, and Victoria will require im ports of 3,G37,920 bushels of wheat to supply her needs. The situation is not so bad in South Australia, though the crop there is less than last year. About 15,000 tons of California flour are afloat for New South Wales, bir the consul says tho price of California flour has risen so greatly that tho ef fect will bo to divert a great deal of the trade to Canada, which raises hard wneat ol a class well suited to mix with California flour. Senator Hoar made public on Jan uary 2 his anti-trust bill which he asked leave before the senate ad journed for the holidays to introduce. The bill goes to the committee on ju diciary. In brief, it appropriates $500,000 for the enforcement of the provisions of the act; corporations must file sworn statements with the interstato commerce commission show ing capitil stock, its value amount paid on it, .dividends declared, etc., and for falluro to comply with all these provisions its right to do inter state business will be forfeited. hand for their redemption. Tho cash in tho treasury is classified as follows: Gold rosorvo, $100,000, 000; trust funds, $870,57-1 ,0G9; general funds, $150,200,532; In national Imnl; depositories, $150,210,598; total, $1, 331,081,200, against which them are demand liabilities outstanding amount ing to $96G,211,820, which leaves a cash balance on hand of $304,409,200. Tho condition which President Cac tro of Venezuela attached to his re sponse to tho alllos arbii ration pro posal was recently made public. It is said that the president is anxious to arbitrate but does not favor The Hague tribunal, desiring ono of tho American republics to a?t aa arbitra tor. Notwithstanding thU objection, however, it is not regarded as proba blo that tho original program with re gard to Tho Haguo tribunal will bo changed. On January 2 It was announced that tho Bolivian ministry has recclyed a cablegram saying that tho Bolivian government has signed a treaty for ar bitration with tho republic of Peru to settlo the boundary question. Tho ar bitrator selected Is the Argentine government Features of This Century. Cowlcss butter, motherless chickens, and bloodless surgery. Chicago Jabs. MPTAI flin World's greatort metal cleaner nud ulLlnLUlU polisher. Auentucoln money. Bend 10c for Bainple, 'J ho Metalold Mfjf. Co., Davenport, la. The monthly statement of the pub lic debt was issued recently and showr. that on December 31, 1902, the debt less cash in the treasury amounted to $947,104,079 which is a substantial in crease for the month. The debt is recapitulated as follows. Interest-bearing debt, $914,541,240; debt bearing no interest, $935,777,109, debt on which interest has ceased since maturity, $1,255,710. Total, $1, 311,571,059. This amount, however, does not in elude $870,574,009 in certificates and treasury notes outstanding which are offset by an equal amount of cash on Beautiful Mantels : MAKE (Beautiful Homes. OUR MANTELS are not only beautiful, butgood. Forfect designs nnd well mndo, shipped direct to tho consumer any where and safe delivery guarnnteod. Write for catalogue and olhor infor mation & jA Jt, jt McCUMROCH MANTEL CO. Greensboro, N. C, EliHT mUM&mmmmm UUAKAHTEED, riVE-DRAWER, SOLID POLISHED ANTIQUE OAK, DROP HEAD CABINET SEROCO SCWJMO li r u 1 fej IT 1ia asihaI M.Ai.tHfu !.. .A- ...!.. i.M.Hnrf.t...ui atfai M afi O I tiaai AiiM fl if aaaaaiataaa A aJMa Laail aalilnaf !. uiUsO cbrated HEW QUEEN icnln maehlM. fiW'&ij j d tJl) G-dranfr, drop bead cabinet EDGE MERE eefTWB waeume, exactly at Illustrated. J&2L Theso and many other hihgrado machines beautifully Illustrated and full uesenoed, the parts. J t O Q K buys tho standard ball bearing VCtl ...... ....-.. p - - - - ww.w.w,. ounuih lliuuilllb. tpIuaaCu tho equal of regular C50.00 and K0.00 agents' machines. THE ABOVE MACHIHES ARE ALL OUR 0WH MAKE. WE SELL EVERY .-. a at asa APIIIIllll IMAIIItir Atl V as A tt1tm- , M , M r a uiHtH marl uratnifiuiriflunirituri uitmmifttini uui rnimo. a-drawer, drop head DOrdE5TIC.520.00 5-drawer, drop head HEW HOME,$20.00 i-drawer, drop head. .Wheeler & Wilson, $24.00 t-drawfir. (Iron lirnil WHITE. S2 1 .00 i-drawer, drop head STANDARD, 322.00mcchanUm and spe cial features, In our bin. new, free Sewing machine catalogue. You mustwrltoforlt. If you mention tho naraoof th la paper wo wlllglvo you tho names of if number of your own neighbors to whom wo havo cold mnihtnpn. nn vnn n rn nrwl ornmlnn vaiii. nMr.hlmr, fn nh I nod. Inn rn ll ttL mwa nlA.aivl .f.l. Tn.v A wl n .VM .hiiaIi nA. . onVAil tfltffcM. V.U CM. 1.14 bUCiU, , For Vrf iTcriDHiCi .. i.i.i i..m ........ A m mj m our nucrai icrma, pjr aucr rcccucu wucr nu mrto nmitini uto ni ptaii. kuciim. twmmi IBM-XT llBta ma nmtil nrri. mk for Free Sewlnf. Machine Catalogue, and OP A M nncnilnlf m fin ... earwhatpanerormaazlnoyouiuiwthfsnnttcoln. Addrcw, OEnnda nUkUUlm m. UUsf utilbAUUs BDITOU'3 I0TK Tbeie machine cffsrtd at aloio prieca hj Hurt, Hoebnek A Ca. ars Ik 6XJTCUK a4 wU ksstna avaiac nun iuuj mu iJiutvHn wibii wwiu uuu uwr iiiuvji uiuiicj THREE M0HTHS' FREE TRIAL OH AHYSEVIIIQ MACHIHE 0QDERK Sewnt Machine Catalogue, the most vondcrfuf price- offerings &"$ i" Baffyvjai ?n JUl'lA'?!g7!yml3,afc tffffiffir XV rtJPRS 3CHBS mi t"" v3kI twA Months lMfl Kn ffM.J Free Trial. iH ipJ? irr?1 , mri,r,WWWm "o WiisM .1 p2 P5S5 JK1 VVHP fciV1 Min Lt. i'aayJ'MaallPmMal fiktWKW A Gold Watch and Chain for $3& Tb belt, budtmutt, aal mstt jxtfMt uU Amntcaa 14 kinl Ool4 pUu4 nut aa4 tails trtt 'Sa& Cat nit ml ttjmUu Doutl basilag cm, Hb ntM (ld p4tura efcDfnrlar, aunl dUaa, flucd aifli U ?tir bwl itito. Jvlc4 Ami ncau Ufrf cBMat on thtntArktt.ilm vlma anit tm ui.uMmui. tk. . .! aKmIh..! ....a fr tOjtut. Bortfol Wlicb Oold Pltd UtpMtt aIa fit, wtih ltd; iIm utiOt , tad luadMa datU UtuuA L'lli. .- . CbTn '" lu cnl'i lit idu I'etldn! tt crtiutt Utpla Mlitfuc cfttt twUw ac.B.inu i, BtLlbVirqr catlblioataa4saiiitaBfwlUi;eiiTauu.Matacu4uirtfil9 Mdin, mod w will Mod iLwtha4cbiJaccaipluujcurr'of5riialiiiJcn. raautalbBatar "P""" ij it V wpTMBtd ir lit tipr.M unt tit Urti nU prtc 13 Si and tipian W,M tad tWj urn jour. M.otltn (luafaueb wasMd, n E NTS t L A D YS and ntn tdT ) ttUiifmltimnt wfll dd, ttr aaci ..y n m . ..... .- :;" jjuila. R.E.CHA laa iy lot tipitM k tnl eul ban ffl665T2te!: 356 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL.