The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 26, 1902, Page 15, Image 17

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The Commoner.
Dec. a6, 1903.
pum iiiiiijiwiumw-
The Pacific Cable.
Tho terms agreed upon between the
administration and the Commercial
Cable company for the laying of the
Pacific cable were made .public No
vember 24. The company is given
permission to construct telegraphic
lines and cables on tho Pacific coast
and various territorial waters of the
United States to connect the city of
San Francisco, the city of Honolulu,
and by way of the Midway islands and
the island of Guam, the island of Luzon
in the Philippines and a point on the
'coast of the empire of China.
iAs a condition precedent tho com
pany is to file its written acceptance
of the terms on which consent .to con
struct tho cable is given. These terms
'are as follows:
1. That the company has not re
delved any exclusive concession or
privilege and has not combined or as
sociated with any company or concern
to exclude any other company or con
cern formed in the United,., States of
America from -obtaining5 'the- privilege
of landing its cable on the coast of
China or connecting them with other
cable lines or inland lines of China
,and the company will not make any
arrangements with any such company
or concern for such purposes.
t 2. That the cable shall touch at no
other than American territory on the
way from the. United States to the
.Chinese .empire.' A line from the Phil
ippines vto China shall be constructed
, Within one year and, operated inde
pendently of all foreign companies and
" 3. That the rates to be charged
for commercial messages shall be rea
sonable and, ,in no case in- excess of
the tariff set fq'rth in congressional
document No 3GJ3, house of (,represen
tatives. Fifty-seventh . congregs. , !
4, That the government of the
United States, any department there
of, agents and, insular or territorial
officers and governments upon the
route of such cable shall have priority
, for their official cablegrams over all
other business, at1su)ch rates as the
f postmaster general shall annually fix.
t 5. That the .United States phall at
any time save the rigltf to purchase
the cable lines, property and, effects of
the said company ot an appraised value
,to be ascertained by disinterested per
sons, two to be selected by the post
, master general, two by the company
and the fifth by the. four. ,
t 6. That the government of the
United States shall have authority to
assume full control of the cable dur
'ing war or when war is threatened..
7. That all contracts entered into
by the company with foreign govern
ments for the transmission ,of mess
ages by the cable shall be null and
void when the United States is en
gaged in war, or as the president or
congress shall so elect.
8. That the United States shall
have authority to sever at discretion
all branches which may be connected
with the main cable during the war or
a threatened war.
9. That the operators and employ
es, above the grade or unskilled, af
ter the cable shall have been laid, shall
be exclusively American citizens If the
same can be obtained.
10. That the citizens of the United
States and of its possessions shall
stand on an equal footing as regards
messages with citizens or subjects of
any other coimtry "which said cable
mnv connect.
11. That the cable shall be capable
o an effective speed of transmission
over the main route from California
to Luzon of not less than twenty-five
words a minute, which the said com
pany agrees " to make every effort to
12. That the cable laid shall be of
I want It to bo green all winter. It's
so hard'' and hero she sighed "it's
so hard to make a cemetery to look
homo-like, you know." Washington
the best manufacture.
13. That ample repair service for
said cable shall be maintained.
1.4. That the lino be kept for daily
business and all messages in the order
of priority heretofore provided for to
be transmitted according to the time
of receipt.
15. That no liability shall be as
sumed by the government of the United
States by virtue of any control of
censorship which It may exercise in
the event of war or civil disturbance,
so far as messages directly connected
with the war are concerned, but as to
the stoppage of interruption of other
business of the cable company the
compensation therefor to be paid py
the United States to tho cable com
pany shall be determined under tho
general law.
16. By the grant of this permission
the United States government does not
insure or indemnify the Commercial
Pacific Cable company against any
landing rights claimed to exist in fav
or of any company or companies in re
spect to any of the insular possessions
cf the United States.
17. That tho consent hereby
granted shall be subject to any future
action by congress, affirming, revok
ing or modifying, wholly or in part,
the said conditions and terms on
which this consent is given. The ac
ceptance of the terms and conditions
upon which consent is given shall be
evidenced by a copy of a resolution of
the board of directors of the cable com
pany undef the company's seal, to be
filed with the postmaster general of
the United States, upon the filing of
which full access shall be granted by
the secretary of tne navy to all aound
frigs, profiles and other helpful data
in the possession, or under the control
of the navy department. '
Suited the Barons.
The trust barons who have grown
opulent and insolent under the special
privileges of tho high tarifl-coul.l not
have written a message more to their
liking than the one President Rooso
velt sent to congress Tuesday.
Tho message contains the stock nr$
guments of tho tariff uenellclariPa
against the policy of reducing the tar
iff so that it will not afford special
privileges to a monopoly; It contains
tho usual glittering generalities about
trusts which have "good" in tliem and
others which are "dishonest" ones.
There is not lacking t,he ea.r-offcncling
sentences about , "striking down
wealth." by closing factories) and mills
if the tariff is reduced. It Is af
firmed that congress has power to reg
ulate trusts, and If it hasn't why, then
the constitution can be amended. The
effect of tho whole matter is that tho
trusts should be "regulated" by their
friends, just as we used to hear that
tho tariff should be "revised" by its
friends. St. Paul Globe.
Costly Relief.
Just after "Charlie" Adler,
sometime assemblyman from
Ate" district, returned from a
across the- continent, he told
stpry of himself:
''On my return to San Francisco as
a joke I sent to a friend of mine, well
known for his aversion to spending
money, a telegram with charges col
lect, reading: 'I am perfectly healthy.'
"The information was evidently
gratifying to him, for about a week
titer sending the telegram an express
package was delivered at my room on
which I paid $4.60 charges. Upon
opening the package 1 found a reg
ulation New York street paving block
on which was pasted a card whiih
" 'This is the weight which your re
cent telegram lifted from my heart.' "
New York Times.
Wonted It Home-like.
Far bo it from me to make light of
any one's sorrow, but when a woman
still swathed in widow's weeds sees fit
to betake herself and her garments of
mourning to a frivolous matinee she
well, respect for her grief need not
keep me from repeating what I heard
her say. I couldn't help hearing, for
she sat beside mo, and after the first
act she talked across me to a woman
on my other hand.
"I was afraid I wouldn't get here at
all," she said, "and I'm just tired out
I was out at the cemetery all morn
ing." "Are you putting up a monument?"
asked the woman addressed.
"Oh, I had that done long ago," an
swered the widow. "I was out today
looking after the plants and the ivy.
I'm having an iron vaso fixed up, and
TUU ChrUteta
BttBuad. Ycra riaro
of ft rlnr,
brooch, lockit. I tud,
urlni, cuff but.
VmaoraWaUh. W
nd It for oor ti
awlnatlon, If it rltiMi you, par w flf H f Hi prW a
keep It. Hon it tli liftUnt In I aqual Monthly pariaanW
fit lira a mltian juiraiiMa with ttry ttlaaumd, tfc
icbitnr at any ttm, or efiaarf ally rrf orvl maaar tf
are notiatlifMtory. WrlU for catalogue. I abewa We
tancTa of bctirul tlilnri for Oirlittnaa wlUla U reaaa
of all, tktoof h our Uarral Or4lt Bjite. Our prteee ere
from 10 to 30 par cant, lower than lal dealer.
1 mm. HPne . tn Biee;
a.ui 1111 uiiuui a wr.t rartfcrlM irwUn,
DH-8.0, 99 to 08 fltat St., tal.t-e, 1U., W. B. A.
14,983 Appointment!
wrro tnado to ( Ivll tcrvlco nlicea during tho yar
tndlni; .Juno SO, WL 'J hi wai i.W more than wrro
appointed durlns IWH. Kxccllent opportunltli-e for
louni; peopli'. Hundred of thus whom wo prepare
by mall tor Out examinations arn annually appointed,
full Information about nil covnniinvnt position Irre,
S rite for our civil Service cataloguo and datci of cz
I'a. Ave. b. K., W aslilngtou, I), C.
Echo of the Bear Hunt
Said the owl to the bear, away down in
lazoo, "Someone's corning there.
Who's who? Who's who?" -
Said the bear to the owl, wlthdccent
unsteady, and with ' tremulous
growl, "Why, bless me, that's
Said the owl to the bear, away down
in Yazoo, "I have nothing to tear,
for he's hunting for you."
Said the bear to' the owl, glancing o'er
the lagoons, with a still gruffer
growl, "He'd better hunt coons."
Nashville Banner.
The Cnninnmr
Do Not Fear Hay.
American foreign policy under re
publican administration "has been
shaped so notoriously by dictation
from London that we arc despised
Neither king nor emperor fears "Lit
tle Breeches'" in the state department.
Chicago Chroriicle. '
both be sent one year fjr $t oo Send to T Hit
H'VINK HRIUUMSR. Linco'ii, Nebr., for free
sample Mcminn Commoner,
I Can Sell Your Farm
no matter liere It Is, !ml dcicilptiun lUte price M4
lean how. hat 'o. Hlelmt reference. Offices In 14 cftle.
W. M. 0lrander,iCtt4tt. A. Md., Philadelphia
CTADK lcstliyTeit-78 YEARS. We A V CASI
jMjWfte Want MOKE Hai.ehmen J7I Weekly
CPftilU Stark Nursery, Loulilaaa, Mo,; UuaUvllle, Ate.
u -TS-ASX- -
WITH TFU Have' s5A
?SIAl yaarowa htrmt, n (hrwit tk frmotne and !r
any reader of thli paprr. X aim laatftaatrt farTto
CMIt pftaHltemraatc CCITS AlUttl HflTBHW a.T4
with inoftta.ll other treatment. Crawiiaa!lrla
trlefcrlta, applliatraaad rra4WafaU. T1C1. CI R fr Mar
laari SO alliyata. Only tare car Tar all nariaaa dUaaa,
wrakaauti ertrl dltardtr. For coaijtlcte Mftlrd eB
fMt-iitUI aUulo;u. cut thla ad. out and mall to us.
Learn to Play ANY INSTRUMENT by Note.
The Piano, Organ, Guitar, Violin, Baajo ail Mandolin.
1nnYi Ttiutnitttfntal MiiKir. Itartnnnv.
ComnoMtion and Orchestration by moll.
and guarantee success You need not
know one thing about music when begin
niflg to Irnrn by out method. Every feature
frojn the very simplest to the mi st compli
cated execution, made so easy and interest
ing that anyone can learn without year of
tedious study and grriat expense. The mott
competent auu pract cat in
tmctor are at the head of
each department. Piftli year
of success.
Oa minister writes:
"Am more and more
plea-ed with thr instruc
tions as each succeeding
lesson comes, and am fully
persuaded I made no m s
iake in becoming a pu
piL" Mr. C. C. Parker, of Port
Huron, Mich., writes:
"I have ' nothing but
good words to say for your
lie is now taking his. third
term. His wile is also a pupil.
i nstruments
Lowest Prices.
Cash or Credit
: ilk
want some one in every locality to
know about our School, and as pupiU
make our best advertisement we make
Trial Offer.
For 1.00, your only ex
pense (and this will not
cover our cost of material,
wrapping and potage),
we will aend a IO-weks'
course (one lesson weekly)
for Piano, Organ, Violin,
Banjo, Guitar or Mando
lin, for either a beginner
or advanced pupil.
For Harmony and Com
position four trial lessons
will be sent for $1.00.
State your present knowl
edge of music, if any,
when writing. We teach
you by mail, and accom
plish as much as tho best
private tutor would.
U.S.Scfi0olof Music hP4V fhl
19 u. Union Square, New TorK '
m ;
, j3k-frtafdTfai;