The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 26, 1902, Page 12, Image 14

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The Commoner.
VI. a, No. 4o;
On December 12 it was reported that
Jetails of the destruction of the Vene
zuelan vessels by the British-German
fleet had reached Caracas to the effect
"that thirteen boats manned by British
'and German seamen had entered tho
harbor off tho Venezuelan ships and
then proceeded to the docks, forced
the sailors off tho Venezuelan . ships
and then proceeded to destroy tho ves
. sels. On the next day, December 13, it
was reported that a British steamer
had been seized near Puerto Cabello
' and pillaged, tho captain and crow be-
1 itig taken into custody, but afterwards
released. President Castro of Vene
zuela has issued orders recalling all
consuls stationed in British and Ger
man possesions and this is regarded
' as a serious indication of trouble.
It was announced from Bethlehem,
Pa., on December 13 .that William
Chapman, who was dispatched from
England in 1842 by Sir John Francis
to prospect for slate and discovered
the now famous slate belt line in Penn
sylvania, died today of pneumonia,
aged 87.
On December 13 it was officially an
nounced from Vienna thai Herr Her
engelmunger von Haven, the Austro
Hungarian minister at Washington,
has been raised to the rank of an ambassador.
y An interesting dispatch came from
Atlanta, Ga., onVDecember 13 to the
effect thatthe supreme court of-' Geor
gia tody handed down a decision f
which is. rogo.' der by Christian scien
. "tists as a vindication of their doctrine.
A citizen of Dublin, Ga., a Christian
scientist, refused to give" medicine to
his sick child. The child died and
the.father was arrested and fined $300.
Tho case was appealed to the state
supreme court, which today reversed
the decision of the lower court, hold
ing that failure to give medicine to
-children when ill is not' a violation of
the. jaws ,of the state.
revered by the American people.. She
leaves four children, three sons and
one daughter.
A complication in the .Venezuelan
situation is imminent in the determi
nation of Italy to press her claims
against the republic. It is reported
from Rome that two Italian warships
are on their way to join the foreign
forces off tho coast .of Venezuela and
the situation has come to be critical.
4 Eaqb. day witnesses some new de
velopment in tho .Venezuelan situa
tion. On December 15 it was an
nounced that it is regarded as prob
able , Ecuador may take a hand in
tho war against tho British-German
forces as patriotic demonstrations
against the action of these powers
have taken place in that republic and
strong expressions of sympathy with
Venezuela have been made. As to the
situation in Venezuela Itself, it is said
that President Castro is straining ev
ery nerve to prepare for a conflict and
in case of battle Venezuela is supplied
with several thousand firearms and,
some, cannon. All hope of settling the"
differences through arbitration has
not yet been abandoned, however, and
it is generally hoped that a peaceful
solution will be found.
The suffering among the poor and
unemployed ia Austria is aggravated
greatly this year on account of the
severity of'the weather and. pn this
account partly thousands, of,. Austrian
workmen 'afe leaving for tlie .:UntO
States.' i In some, quarters it is -feared
that Austria will suffer from famine
before tho winter is ver.
On December 13 ifwas reported from,
Richmond, Va., by the Aspociated
press, that suits for $5,000 each
- against the governor, all of the 'mem
bers of the constitutional convention
in tho eastern district of Virginia and
election omcers, on behalf of the ne
Heavy rains or snow storms were
reported from various parts of the
United States on December 15, in some
places being1 of such severity as to
cause great damage to traffic.
On December 15 it was reported from
New -York thata number of banks of
that city and J. P. Morgan & Co. have
formed a pool of $50,000,000 to lend in
the money market, in event of actual
emergency. The following will man
age the pool money: J. PierDo'nt Mor
gan,George P. Baker, president of the
First National bank, and James Still
man,1 president of the Natibnal City
bank. -Following the precedent of tho
groes aisirancnisea by tne new Vir- I "" '"wm6 picucucui ui mo
ginia constitution, were filed in the ,ate , u- rappen. wno managed sucn
United States court today here and
.at Norfolk. ,. All were made defo.nd
NantB, collectively and individually.
. Edgar Poe Lee of Richmond and An
thony Y. Pinner, a Norfolk letter car
rier, are plaintiffs. Similar suits are
. to be filed next weelt in the United
.States courts of the western district
. against members of the convention
living in that section of the state.
pools in similar cases, the money will
be put out on the "market" in unlim
ited Amount. In this way the interest
rate wii" be kept down to tho legal
Tate or lower if it is considered necessary.
to testify as to the orders given re-,
garding the character and conduct of
tho campaign in Samar.
It was reported from Portland, Ore.,
on December 15, that Solomon Hirsch
formerly United States minister - to
Turkey, died in Portland at the age of
C3 years. Mr. Hirsch was appointed
minister to Turkey by President Har
rison in 1889 and served,, three years.
He was also prominent in, politics in
Oregon and .was candidate for United
States senator in 1889, lacking one
vote of election.
On. December -16 the Italian minister
at Caracas presented Italy's ultimatum
to Venezuela. It was also reported
that both Spain and Belgium have
asked that in case the claims of other
foreign powers are paid by Venezuela,
the same treatment shall be accorded
to them. A Lgndon dispatch nlso .in
timates that the recent visit of Empe
ror William to England was for the
purpose of arranging the Britfsh
German alliance in this matter of
pressing the Venezuelan claims.
It was announced on December J6
that the United States Steel corpora
tion has purchased two more large
concerns, the transaction involving a
bond issue of $45,000,000.
One interesting feature of tho case
is the charge that the operators havo
presented misleading figures in regard
to wages of the miners.
News from Venezuela under date of
December 18 asserts that a decision
has been reached at Caracal that tho
difficulty be submitted to arbitration
and thus prevent war. It is regarded
as probable that United States Min
ister Bowen will be asked to serve as
a member of the coif Ft to adjust tho
dispute- in question, and this belief Is
strengthened by the reports that Eng
land .is desirous' of paceand wishes
to co-operate with tills country.
Broken Promises.
Thna'tional republican platform in
1896 declared for admission of "all
th& territories" and the national re
'publican platform of 1900 declared
specifically for the admission of Ari
zona, New Mexico and Oklahoma. But
the -omnibus statehood bill discloses
'once more that republicans pay 'little
.heed 'to- platform pledges. Columbus
(0.)Press. - '
He Knew.
A company with $4,500,000 capital
has been formed at Los Angeles, Cal.,
for the purpose of controlling the or
ange trade. The company was incor
porate"d under the laws of New Jersey
and it is said that President Fay de
nies that the new corporation is a
trust and says it was formed "for the,
purpose of bringing together certain
eastern and California interests."
. .JT.h'e-coaV miners closed their -side of
the case before the anthracite coal
strike on December 10 and the opera
tors opened theirs on the --next day.
Representative MacCartney, of the
Massachusetts legislature, tells tho
story bf an associate who, on being
elected to the general court of the
state for the first time, was very great-
.ly impressed with the dignity, of his
Oiiice.' "One night he was sleeping
soundly when his wife heard, or
thought she heard, a noise. She 'tried
to arouse her spouse and found. it far
from easy.- Giving him a hard shake,
she whispered:
'''"John John, wake up! There are
thieVesi JnT the house!" -
No, no jniaria..,yoiuare' mistaken,"
ho answered; "there 'may be one or
two in the senate) but there are "none
in the housej"
Advertising Department
This department was organized for
the benefit of The Commoner's sub
scribers, and the lowest advertising
rates in the paper have been made as
an inducement to use it. All adver
tisements under this heading -will be
set in uniform style and size of type.
By judicious use of this department
profitable sales and exchanges may be
'made. As a real estate" exchange the
Subscribers' Advertising Department
offers many advantages. Patent rights,
recipes, jewelry, books, furniture, old.
coins, stamps, etc., are among the
things that may be profitably adver
tised in this department, TJie pub
lisher of The Commoner will use' all
possible precautions to prevent frauds
and dishonest advertisers from secur
ing space in the paper, and any evi
dence against an advertiser will bo
gladly received and acted upon.
If you have anything to sell or ex
change, or if you want to purchase
anything, -you will find that it is prof
itable, to patronize this department.
The rate is 6 cents per word per in
sertion, and amount must accompany
the copy, for the advertisement. If
you are in doubt as to tHe best word
ing for your advertisement, give us an
idea of what you want and we will
prepare copy and submit to you for ap
proval.. Address all orders to Tho
Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.
f A
A Chester. Vt. disnatch. linflpr rtnf
of December 13, reported that govern
ment cattle agents, have found that
foot and mouth disease prevails
among the cattle of this section ot
Vermont to an extent not previously
suRpocted. Hundreds of cattle are in
fected and orders to kill the diseased
animals are alreadv rmlmr onrrtari
Tn!le Pvfrnmpnt aKen.tR av that about
C00 head of cattle, besides sheep and
swine, will be slaughtered as fast-as
the men can accomplish the work.
- Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant, wife of
former President Grant, died in Wash
ington, D. C, on December 14. Mrs
Grant was born in 1826, was for etaht
years mistress of tho White tpuse, and
has always been greatly loVed and
On December 15 a report from Port
au Prince, Haytl, was to the effect that
the army under General Alexis Nord
has occupied the arsenal and fortifications-
here without resistance. M.
Heredna has been elected president of
the senate. The Haytien congress will
convene December 18 for the purpose
of electing a president of the repub
lic. General Nord will be M. Sene
que's only opponent for the presi
dency. The latter controls a majority
of tho congress, but it is considered
that the numerous forces under Gen
eral Nord will have a favorable effect
on the balloting.
The court-martial case against Ma
jor Glenn of the Sixth infantry which
has been reopened again In Manila is
arousing a great deal of interest
throughout tho country. The court
has decided to summon Generals Chaf-
fee and Smith from the United States
WANTED Fare. Wo pay highest prices lor raw
furs. Send for our price list. Fur trappers are inter
bated In our booklot "Furology." Send postage stamp
for It. Wiito U3. Mention "Tho Commoner." Mil
waukee Produce Co., 123-127 W. Water St., Milwaukee,
TRUSTS What Is your remedy? THE INHEPEN'
DENT, Lincoln, Neb., national papor of tbo Populist
party Is printing hundreds of communications Bug.
seating remedies. Mind your Idea. Sample copy froo.
Trial subscription tbreo mouths 10 cents.
-WANTED Peoplo everywhoro to Bond a postal card
for Th Ju dlee" nowspapor whloh tella or tho great
Jublloo Solf-Uoatlng Iron. It will pay you. Addrais
Jubilee Iron Co., 1503 J&oksotu Omaha, No.
WATEtt FILTERS Spoer'a Aqtiapur Is a pressure
filter, for domestic uses, sanitary, simple, ooonomicai,
perfect. Send for descrlptloS. Aqnapura Flr L0-
St. Louis, Mo. .
SOOTH OMAHA Investment that will pay 20 per cent'
Wrlto for plat and price llstdpniNo Lake Park Audi
tion lota. Located In fine rosldenco. district, sur
rounded now by lino homes. ( Uy wator, gas, electric
Light, Ono block from motor lino and paved streot.
Low prices; easy terniB. Ed Johnston & Co., South
Omaha, Mob.
SENn lOc.ln sllvijr, wo wlllsond yon tho Formula for
mixing tho best coating In tho world Tor leaky tin and
felt roors. You can mix it for 15c per gallon. Wo
havo used It for 10 years ourselves. American Roof.
Ing go., 150D-B Ogden St, Philadelphia, Pa.
FOR SALE Hotel, Jlvory, six horsos.bugglos, sleighs
and amors. fiOCO. Lands, $10 to $30 por acre. Samuel
'lufta, Knapp, Wis.
too PERCENT per annnm profit In Mexican Rubber
orchards. Wo sell on small monthly payments, nil.
boIb, trull, grain and stoclc farms for sale. Box 622,
Anna, Illinois.
POULTRY Pays others and will pay you. to breed
now blood In your poultry. Lrown Leghorn. Barreo
Rocks and White Wynndotto t ookorota. Low prices.
Address A. T. Townsond, Mt. Blanco, Ohio.
FOR SALE A noarly now piano of reliable mako,
handsome mahogany case, $185, cash or easy paymenw.
originally worth $275, guaranteed a splendid bargain,
Ross P. Curtlco Co. m
WANTED PO.SlTION.A8 school tachor.bookkoepor,
manager of storo, or on newspaper, by mWl,0Hs
8lngh man, 33, desiring to localo pormanontly wrn.
Practical experience In business alfalrs. Good Anior
lean education, information gratofutly woJyA??,(i
reciprocated. First-class Chicago references. Aaarvso
M.J O. caro of William crauo, 139 Adams St., .ni
cago, Illinois.
ADVERTISEMENTS written upolrcularB and pam
phlets prepared; rates reasonable. Address jonu-u.
Carbart, 313t Weatmontfetteetr Philadelphia, i a,
ONE of the' best 3M juuro level farms Jnhl0ed
room honso, l& mUe from small town with grao"
Bohuol. Prlco K50.00 p acres Write to J. F. uauuy.
Corydon, Iowa.