WW"'W The Comttioner, Dec, i, i9oa. keeping Iho hands soft, smooth and white." For the teeth, tepid water in which are a few drops of tincture of myrrh, makes a pleasant wash to bo used after, each meal. A simple powder mado of three ounces of fine powdered mag nesia and one ounce of. orris root is nice; rinsing the mouth with diluted listerine is also recommended. Brush ing the teeth at night with milk and magnesia neutralizes the acid which forms in the mouth. Powdered char coal and tincture of myrrh is also recommended as a dentifrice. A harmless, cl easing, saponaceous dentifrice is made as follows: Eight ounces of orris root, eight ounces pul verized chalk, four ounces pulverized castile soap; thoroughly mix by stir ring. In a bottle have a mixture of two drachms oil of lemon, two drachms oil of cloves, one drachm oil of neroli; shako these oils well to gether; pour over a teaspoonful and a half of the powder, stirring again so that the perfume may be thoroughly mixed through the powder. Pass the powder through a fine flour sifter to complete the evenness of the mixture. Almond cream,' is used to keep the hands from chapping: First dip the OliD FOGY KN1CW iXxparienco Teachas Paoplo "My parents considered coffee simply a harmless beverage for old and young, so when a mere baby I com menced to drink it and when I reached womanhood found myself troubled with nervousness, headache and an irritable temper and to obtain relief. I drank more and more coffee, thus adding fuel to the fire. I grew worse until life was one "black' night of pain. My nerves were shattered, body wrecked with suffer ing, my stomach gave out and utter ly refused to digest the most simple foods, and finally I lay for weeks starving and longing for food, but unable to eat more than .iust enough to keep me alive. While in this state, my next door neighbor brought in a fragrant cup that I supposed was some new grade of coffee, and although I had suffered so terribly from its effects, the temp tation was too strong to resist, and" I drank it with relish. I noticed it had a rich agreeable taste and I drank it without distress. She repeated the kindness two or three mornings. I began to congratulate myself that it was n6t coffee that hurt me after all,. I was assuring my friend of this one day when she astonished mo by saying that I was not drinking coffee, hut a pure food drink called Postum Food Coffee, made from nourishing grains for building up the system and nerve3 instead of tearing them down. I then began to drink Postum reg ularly, and to get well slowly but sure ly. Today I am a strong, hearty wo man; my nervous system is entirely rebuilt and .with a reserve force of strength in time of need; I sleep well and awake refreshed and feel bright for each day's task, with no indiges tion or stomach trouble, and a good, strong, active brain ready for any mental strain or toil. There is no doubt on earth - that coffee nearly killed me. A friend of mine was obliged to re sign her position as school teacher, because of extreme nervousness caused by coffee drinking. I induced h.r to use Postum in place of coffee, and at the end of four months she began teaching again, her nervousness gone and feeling and looking ten years youngci; her sallow complexion hav ing become a beautiful, healthy bloom." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich,. hands in a basin of tepid water; take a small pinch of the almond cream and rub to a lather, rubbing well into the hands before washing it off. Try this for enlarged joints caused by wearing ill-fitting shoes: Place a bandage around the foot over the bunion very tight; carry one end of the bandago up around the great too, forcing it out from the other toes to ward the inner part of the foot a little more each day. PersiBt in this treat ment for two or three weeks. Sand age will not interfere with. shoes. True Marriage. For the man and women who truly and sincerely love each other, and who are willing to abide by tho law of justice and unselfishness, marriage is not a bondage. They can be open ly devoted to each other's interests and avowedly chosen comrades and intimate iriends. They can together plan their life work and walk brave ly in tho path of progress. Strength ened by each other, they can face the world's frown and go cheerily on in their efforts for reform, sustained through all adverse criticisms by tho knowledge that they do not walk alone that in one loyal heart each may find faith and encouragement, however dark the path they pursue because of croaking outsiders. Home, with them, is a cherished retreat a sanctuary, whoreiii shall blossom tho virtues that make of wedded life a temple like un to that "not made by human hands." When marriage is thus founded upon mutual respect and esteem, and the contracting parties are governed by the supreme law of love, there will bo no problem of precedence, no question of obedience, no thought of super iority. Each will be the complement of the other, and all interests will be so intimately blended between them that there will be no room for struggles for the mastery, and the thousand ills now driving married couple's to the divorce courts, or worse, will have become unknown. Christmas Cakes. Crullers, doughnuts and fruit cake are old stand-bys for the holiday sup per table. In onefamlly, three gen erations of children have never failed to find cruller or doughnut babies staring with clove eyes and wide-open raisin mouth from the top of each overflowing stocking on Christmas morningr while duplicate babies nung on the Christmas tree for every mem ber of the family, from grandpa down. A fruit cake that will keep indefin itely in its wrappings of waxed paper in a closely covered stone crock, is made as follows: One-half pound fresh well-washed butter, one-half pound granulated sugar, well creamed to gether. Break into this five eggs, one at a time, boating well between each egg; mix together, and add to this batter one-quarter cupful of good molasses, grated rind of half a lemon, one-half teaspoonful of cinnamon, one fourth teaspoonful of cloves, one tea spoonful of alspico, one-fourth of a nutmeg, grated, one-half pound pas try flour sifted several times. Stir well, or knead with the hands before adding one pound of currants, one pound seeeded raisins, one pound sultanas, one-half pound of citron cut in thin slices, two ounces shredded candled orange peel, one-half gill of brandy, one-half gill Jamaica rum. Af ter kneading all ten or fifteen minutes, place the cake in cake pan lined with buttered paper. This will make one large, or two small . cakes.-Ladies' World. For cooking crullers, one must have plenty of sweet," fresh lard, and ubo a wide, smooth iron pot. A frying pan will not do. There should bo used half a gallon of molted lard. Have ready half a dozen Irish potatoes, peeled and cut into quarters. While tho crullers aro frying, drop, now and then, a piece of potato in tho pot. This keeps the lard perfectly clear, and there will bo no black specks or set tlings on tho cakes. As fast as they become brown, take the bits of potato olit. Now for tho crullers themselves: Break four eggs into a largo bowl, add to these two coll'oe cups of sugar and ono cupful of sweet milk. Stir woll; then add six teaspoonfuls of melted lard, and a few drops of lemon extract. To a cupful of tlour add two teaspoonfuls of cream tartar and ono of soda. Sift into the bowl, and add sufficient flour to make a firm, smooth dough. Boll tho dough out to a quar ter of an inch in thickness tho roll ing pin must bo well floured. Have two round cutters (a condensed milk can and a smallest size bakinc nowdnr can answer well). With the large cut ter cut the cakes, take tho center out with the smaller one, leaving tho crul ler in a pretty ring shape. Tho lard must bo very hot smoking hot, or tho cake will melt and crumble, and you will bo disappointed. If tho po tato browns at onco when dropped in, the heat is about right. Carefully drop in the rings, two or three at a time. They should puff up brown. A slight push with the skimmer will turn them; when done, they should be crisp and brown and light. Lay them on a waiter covered with brown paper, sprinkle lightly with pulverized cinnamon and pulverized sugar. When cool, pack them in a tin box or can. To insure success, tho dough must bo firm, the lard must be very hot, the cook must be interested. There Is but ono way to make them. They must bo mado right, and cooked right Ladies' World. For a Church Charity Take advantage of some convention, masculine or feminine, political or religious, and servo luncheon to the members in individual boxes. Put these up with care and daintiness, and if the convention lasts more than one day, you will And your custom in crease. Small splint boxes can be purchased by tho hundred for a couple of cents each. Line the basket with waxed paper, and in tho bottom place tho fruit, cake and a couple of home made bon-bons, each wrapped separ ately in waxed paper; nextt place a paper cup, filled with chicken or sal mon salad, with plain bread and but ter and sandwiches of any sort, wltb two or three olives or pickles, a tooth pick or two, wrapped also in waxed paper, will be appreciated. Cover with a Japanese napkin, and lay a' slip of cardboard on top, entitling tho pur chaser to a cup of tea or coffee at a given hour in the building where tho assembly Is held. What with the do nations that can be gathered for such a cause, and tho buying at wholesale prices, any necessary commodity, such lunches should net. at least fifteen cents each by way of iproflt on a twenty-five cent basket? Prettier baskets can be used at a larger price charged. Try and report success. Modern Pris cilla. In serving any individual luncheon, little paper cups should be made to hold salads; tho sandwiches should be wrapped in waxed paper. Let the cakes be small, to avoid cutting, and wrap any suitable fruits in dainty Japanese paper. Christmas Not. Ropes of holly and running pine, studded with berries, of the holly or bittersweet, make pretty decorations for hanging 6n walls, around door- I Will Cure You of Rheumatism Else No Money is Wanted. Aftor 2,000 experiments, I have learned how to euro Ithoumatlsm. Not to turn bony joints Into ilosh again; that is impossible. But I can euro cho disca80 always, at any stage, and for ever. I nsk for -o money. Simply writo mo a postal and I will send you an or der on your nearest aruggist ror six bottles Dr. Shoop's Khoumatlc Cure, ' for ovcry druggist keeps It. Use it for a month nnd, if it succeeds, tho cost is only $5.50. If it falls, I will pay tho druggist myself. , I. have no sam, cs, because any mod- icino that can affee' Rheumatism quickly must bo drugged to tho verge of danger. I use no such drugs, and it Is folly to take them. You must get tho disease out of tho blood. My remedy does that, even in tho most difllcult obstinate cases. No matter how Impossible this seems to you, I know it and tako tho risk. I j have cured tens of thousands of cases in this way, and my records show that 39 out of 40 who get six bottles pay gladly. I havo learned that pcoplofin general are honest with a physician who cures them. That Is all I ask. If I fall I don't expect a penny from ,, you. Simply writo mo a postal card or a letter. I will send you my book about Rheumatism, and an order for th -medicine. Tako it for a month, as it ' won't harm you anyway. If it falls, it is free, and I leave ti.o dnclslon with you. Address Dr. Shoop, Box 515, Racine, Wis. Mild cases, not chronic, aro often cured by ono or two bottles. At all druggists. frames, or festooning along banisters. Kissing undsr the mistletoe Is an old English custom. The plant was held in high reverence by tho Drulda, who used a golden sickle with whWi to cut it, and afterward divided It among the people as a charm to pro tect them against disease and sorcery. The American mistletoe those pret ty green twigs. with white waxen ber ries offered for sale in large cities at Christmas time Is found in New Jer sey, Virginia .and Illinois', and extend southward to Mexico. It is of parasitic growth, and found principally upon tho oak and willow. A "Chrfstmas pyo" of . tho olden times was an immense and expensive affair; at one lime It was compound ed of flesh, fish and fowl, and the crust was called a "coffin" in old English books. Mince pie was formerly called mut ton pie, as mutton was used Instead of beef, In making it The term, minca, was applied in derision, by tho Puri tans, who refused to partake of it j The turkey 1$ a puiely American bird, and its use as food was learned by our colonists from the Indians, they having learned to cook and uso the wild species which is a native of North America. Geese and pheasants are also used for the Christmas festivals. On December 3 it was reported "from Madrid that Premier Sagasta and tho cabinet had resigned on account of tho vote of censure they recently received and the distrust and dispourtesy to which they had been subjected. This cabinet has been In existence only since November 14 last. HSwl