The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 19, 1902, Page 14, Image 14

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    T-v i rwwj'gr r' "! TV
The Commoner.
Vol; a", No. 48.
vr1 4.i .
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Columbia (Mo. J .Herald I President
Roosevelt should send for the Missouri
seal. It has two bears upon- it
- El Paso (111.) Press: The "Iowa
Idea" will be knocked sky-high when
it runs up against Hanna's "Ohio
idea." '
Freoport (111.) Bulletin' The bear3
seem to be having things their own
way in Mississippi as well as on Wall
Emmettsburg (la.) Democrat: The
attorneys for tho coal barons earned
their salaries in examining John
Crete (Neb.) Democrat: There is
little' prospect for any legislation
against the trusts or tariff revision
at this session.
Jackson (O.) Herald: The president
says we "have tho power to control the
trusts, but he never said that ho felt
inclined to exorcise it
Hastings (Neb.) Democrat: After
strutting around during the campaign.
with the anti-trust chip on his shoul
der, the president is very tame about
the trusts ill -his message.
Uriohsville (O.) ,Nfews-Democrat:
Gasman Addicks' manipulation of the
Delaware legislature is another evi
dence of the necessity of popular elec
tion of senators.
Woodfleld (0.) Spirit of Democ
racy: The democrats will be, in some
degree, compensated-for failing to win
the house by the fun they will have
in seeing the republicans scrapping
about the tariff and trusts.
Columbia (Mo.) Herald President
Roosevelt writes, in his'' message to
congress, more conservatively than he
acts. ' His latest document appears to
be the production of a 'huntsman who
failed to shoot a bear and does not
care to tackle a trust
Clearfield (Pa.) Republican: The
republican leaders are afraid to allow
any "tinkering with the tariff" for fear
the entire schedule in the Dingley bill
will be wiped out and a more honest
substitute passed by a congress con
trolled by their own party.
Two Rivers (Wis.) Chronicle: The
only eclucati6n that democrats "need
at present is how to prevent a lot of !
railroad lobbyists arid tax-dodgers get
ting hold of and running their party
machine. '
St Louis (Mo.) Censor: Cleveland
will nevermore have influence in dem
ocratic councils, for the simple reason
' that his party is "onto him," and is
fully aware of the injury ho has
wrought t
Van Wert (0.) Times: Thoro has
been an awful slump In stocks in New
York since the election. Had tho dem
ocrats carried the congress, It would
have all been charged to them. ' It
may be that it was caused by Tom
. Johnson's victory over" Hanha in
Cleveland or tho election of a demo
cratic governor in Rhode Island scared
them. Republican prosperity is eas
ily scared.
Columbia (Pa.) Independent: Sena-
I Can't Go
I've such a terrible headache," need
never be said again. Dr. Miles' Anti
Pain Pills quickly cure and positively
nrevent headache nnrl nil hnrlilv noln
No opiates, non-laxatlvo, novorsolulnbulk.
Guaranteed. All druggists. 25 doses 25 cents.
aju, mjujjsa immuuAij uo., uiKuarfc, Intl.
tor Hoar declares that the Sherman
law is sufficient to control tho trusts.
Attorney General Knox says no but
as a matter of fact what is most need
ed is an administration with courage
enough to 'enforce ttho law
Greenville (II,) Item: Republican
papers say the tariff should be revised
by its friends; the trust magnates
say tho trusts should bo regulated by
itfi friends; and Old Nick wants ,his
friends to regulate the morality of
the world. Three of a kind.
Ow,ohsburg (Ky.) Messenger: The
increase in wages on the Pennsylvania
lines is followed by an increase in
freight rates. . The public is a nice old
thing, but not quite so foolish as not
to know that it pays for all in the
Beardstown (111.) Enterprise: The
Chicago press with one exception op
posed the referendum and the election
of United States senators by the peo
ple, but the public voted for them by
an overwhelming majority. Great is
tho influence of the Chicago press.
Shenandoah (la.) World: Great dis
appointment was felt because Presi
dent Roosevelt did not get a bear. Now
if the president really wants some big
game and some lively sport, why
doesn't he load his little gun, the at
torney general, and take a few shots
at the trusts?
Ottawa (111.) Sentinel: The zeal
with which the republicans are lending
theinselves" to the .task of selecting . &
presidential candidate for the demo
crats in. 1904, ought to be sufficient
warning for democracy to spit tobacco
juice on its shirt front rather than
turn its head ill the presidential game.
Salamanaca (N. Y.) Union: With
all the assumed wisdom and pompous
ness of the professional quack, tho
learned Princeton doctor examines the
patient carelessly, utters a few Im
pressive "urns" and "ahs," writes an
unintelligible prescription, ,and crawls
back into his tomb.
Jefferson City (Mo,) Democrat: Sec
retary Shaw says that "wo can stand
high prices better than we can stand
idle labor." In other words, the la
boring man is in luck if he has a
chance to work for somebody else, re
gardless of "what it costs him to live
or how much he gets for his work.
Stanton (Neb.) Register: Speaking
of trusts, the blind trust that a ma
jority of tho voters have in the repub
lican party's promises to do something
to benefit the taxpayers and citizens
is the most confiding one of the whole
bunch. And the" more the voters are
fooled the stronger the trust seems
to be.
Bro'keh Bow (Neb.) Beacon: Presi
dent Eliot -of Yale college says Ihe
"scab" Is a type. of the true American
hero. Organized labor b now umus
ing Itself in roasting Eliot No man
deserves the confidence of tho public,
who, in the face of combinations, of
capital as they now exist, is opposed
to organized labor.
Woodsfiold (0.) Spirit of Democ
racy: President Roosevelt's hunt foi
bear in the Mississippi swamps was a
failure. Still, if his purpose was to
fill the market with bear meat, and
thus bring the beef trust to terms. H
'must bo admitted that he was quite
as successful as ho was with his in
junctions against that monopoly.
Alma (Neb.) Record: Now that the
republican party confronts a demand
for anti-trust legislation, Senator Cul
lom has found that the present law is
all sufficient We have frequently re
marked that fact and have asserted
that a few prosecutions under tho
criminal provisions of the law would
secure respect, but no republican at
torney general dare enforce it
Logan (Utah) Journal: It will tako
the united influence of those who lovo
democracy for its principles to win
against the combined corruption of
the republican party, its great distri
bution of patronage and pap, and the
weight of tho barrel . contributed by
corporate wealth to the party, by
whose policies it is enabled to rob the
Millheim (Pa.) Journal; The out
rageous plan of plunder which exacts
tribute from the many to enrich the
few is as un-American as ever negro
slavery was, but the traffic in men and
women and children which cost the
country a .bloody and wasting war was
never more firmly rooted in the politi
cal soil of the republic than is the
system of brigandage known as the
Sparta (111.) Argonaut: The Cleve
land, Hill, Gorman wing took, hold of
the democratic party this year and run
it on anti-democratic doctrines, ex
pecting thereby to win back from the
republicans to give them a victory.
They got what they deserved and were
snowed under. Now the democrats
should hasten to unite on true demo
cratic principles of equal rights to
all and special privileges to none.
Anna (111.) Democrat: What Grover
may have in mind doesn't materially
interest the real democrats of the
country. They have had enough of the
"stuffed prophet," and when the time
arrives a Moses -will appear to lead
the democracy who is not tainted with
the virus of republicanism; who has
always kept the faith, and never bowed
to the golden image the god of tho
labor-crushing, trust-building monop
olists. Michigan City (Ind.) Democrat:
That we are having plenty of republi
can prosperity is evidenced by the fact
that Pierpont Morgan made $42,000,
000 during the first ten months of 1902.
The workingman may have some diffi
culty in seeing how this made him
prosperous, or to flndhis proportion
ate gains, but there can be no doubt
that republican times are prosperous
times for such hardy sons of toil as
J. P. Morgan and Mark Hanna.
Carrollton (Mo.) Democrat: Presi
dent Cleveland ought to be either a
democrat or a republican; he cannot
be both. Alex Dockery said at one
time that he was a "platform demo
crat" Would it not be a good idea
for Grover Cleveland to get on the
same line? Cleveland has taught men
to bolt; can men be blamed for fol
lowing his advice? Get right, Mr.
Cleveland, before you advise others.
Rockville (Ind.) Tribune: George
Fred Williams, who had nothing to
do with the reorganized democracy of
Massachusetts this year, announces
that he is going into a fight for the
control of the party on these lines:
Direct legislation public ownership of
public utilities, restriction of the p6w
er of injunction and an effective law
against corrupt practices. It is not
necessary to label this platform as
Hot Springs (S. D.) Times-Herald:
The Siamese government recently
stopped the free coinage of silver and
silver dropped to the .Jowest point
in its history. Queer, fe'it not, when
the mints refuse to silver the same
privileges accorded to gold, silver falls
in price? All nature is made up of
opposites and if the rejection of sil
ver reduces its price, the restoration
of silver to its tlme'jhouored place
would surely restore its:old price.
Johnstown (N. Y.) Democrat: That
they have the greatest admiration for
the prophet is evident from tho fact
that with one accord organs of "the
business aggregations," like the New
York World, hail any eyidence ol the
rejuvenation of Clevelondlsm with de
light; but there is a time limit upon
the old process of fooling the people
the wolf in the lamb's skin has too
often been revealed and the "inflated
prophet is without honor, save, per
chance, in the paradise" of trusts, his
own Jersey.
Perry (O. T.) News: Sentiment is
being rapidly manufactured in finan
cial circles in Wall street to bring
about such a change In the financial
policy of the government as to place
Wall street more completely under tho
wing of the secretary of the treasury.
Overcapitalization, tho bane of Ameri
can business enteprise, is bound, soon
er or later, to bring on serious finan
cial conditions, which Wall street is
anxious to place on the shoulders of
the government Watch the financial
legislation this winter.
Dover (N. J.) Index: It is ntw an-
nounced that there will .be -no extra
session of congress and no legislation
for tariff reform or anti-trust meas
ures by the republicans at the coming
session of congress in December. Nor
any other session, for that matter, as
long as the republicans control the
legislative mill at Washington. Mean
while, the people can enjoy this farce
of their own making electing the
"friends of tho high protective tariff"
to reform the tariff and castigate tho
wicked trusts which rob the general
public with impunity!
Few People Know How Useful it lain Preserv
ing: Health and Beauty
Nearly ovorybody know that charcoal is tho
safest and most officiant disinfectant and pnri
fior In naturo, but fow realize its value whon
tukon into the human Bystom for tho earns
cloansing purpose
Charcoal is a romody that tho raoro you take
of it the better; It is not a drug at all, but simply
absorbs the gaBOS and impurities always pres
ent in tho stomach and intestines aud carries
them out of the system.
Charcoal sweetens the breath after smoking,
drinking or after eating onions and othor odor
ous vegetables.
Charcoal offoctually clears and improves the
comploxion, it whitens the tooth and further
acta us a natural and eminently safe cathartic.
It absorbs tho injurious gases which collect
in tho stomach and bowols; it disinfects 'tho
mouth and throat from the poison of catarrh,
All druggists soil charcoal in ono form or an
other, but probably tho b? at charcoal and tho
most for tho money is in Stuart's Absorbon
Lozenges: they aro composed of tho finoat pow
dorod Willow charcoal, and othor harmless an
tisoptics, in tablot form or rather in tho form of
largo, pleasant tasting lozongos, tho charcoal
being mixed with honey.
Tho daily ubo of these lozongos will soon toll
in a much improved condition of tho general
health, bottor complexion, sweotor broath and
puror blood, and tho beauty of it is, that no pos
siblo harm can rosuit from thoir coutinuod uso,
but on tho contrary, great bonoflt.
A Buffalo physician in speaking of the bwno- '
fits of charcoal, says s "I advise Stuart's Ab
sorbent Lozenges to all patients suffering from
goa in Btomach and bowels', and to clear tho
complexion and purify the broath, mouth ana
throat; I also bolieve the liver is greatly bene
fittod by thedally uso of th3m;thoy coBt but
twonty-flvo cents a box at drug stores, ann ai
though in some sense a patent preparation, yes
I bolioyo I got more and bettor charcoal m
Stuart's Absorbent Loxengoa than n any of tuo
ordinary charcoal tablets?'