The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 19, 1902, Page 13, Image 13

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The Commoner.
Dec. i9, ioea
fmfffffjlimm ifii'winwpiiwm'i'
rUt of -. tSfel
Muwi Ton have
tlon ef a
brooch, locket, ilod,
unep, ctar dui
tone or a Watch. Ws
tend It for roor ex
amtaalloa, If t please yon. psy one flflh of the price and
lp It. Send the baUnee in 8 equal monthly payuienli.
Te fire a written guarantee with ototjt diamond, make
czchati(e at any time, or cheerfully rttund money If goods
are not eatisf artory. Write for cataloguo. It ihowithon
anili of beatttfnl thtnpi for ChrUtmaa within the roach
of all, throng oar Literal Credit 8;atcm. Our prleea are
from 10 to 30 per cent, lower than local dealer.
L0FT1S BROS. & CO., -ttljKE
See. 8-0, M t 88 State SU, Chicago, III., U.S. A.
Conraca hy Mall In Arxcrtcaa
1-PoIltlMi, IlUtarv. Civic. Kvoiiom.
lot and Elementary LaVi Eminent
professor In charge. Courses endoised by
suhu -. livb, ocnuior npwonoi,
John W. Pouter, Kx-tJov. Roi.twcll, :
urn. w. itrjan ana icnaing duduciscs.
Full Commercial, Normal and Aca
demic tlepartments. Text-books I rco to
our students. Tuition nominal.
Catalog and particular xfrtu Writi
ra-am. '
Oapt. 12, Sprincflald.
e?'i2a2tth Tliln la a rrmiln( M LlaW HHI
ofier made to introduce tbr Peoples
Cream Separator in every neichbor
hood. It is the best and simplest in
the world. We ask that you show it to
your neighbors who have cows. Send
your name and the name of the
nearest freight office. Address
'4. 983 Appolntmeata
were made to civil Service places during tho year
ending Juno 30, 1002. 1 his was 4,U2 moro than woro
appolntod during '001. Excellent opportunities for
young pooplo. Hundreds of thoso whom wo proparo
by mull Tor tho examinations aro annually appointed.
Full Information about all government positions freo,
"Write for our Civil Sorvlco Catalogue and dates of ex
Pa. Ave. 8. E., Washington, D. 0.
DoiVi Pay Double.
We'll sell you a hotter hatcher
for tho money than any other
Incubator concern on earth. New I m
proved regulator, that can't get out
f ord.r. lilf bo.k-SOOIUutrUonj In.
Clay Center, Heb. er Colanbas, Okie.
Free Trial
w affAl.t... 4-.t...M n .i.tin. . 1.t.l
Palnleaa. permanent Homo Cure. Contains great vital
principal larking in all others. Confidential correnpon.
aenco invited. A full trial treatment alone often cures.
Writs St. Paul Association. Suits 8SI 48VaaBurenStMChlcag8
Union Central Life
Highest interest rate; lowest death rate; pays
largest dividends. Good agents wanted. Address
John M. Pattison, Pres., Cincinnati. J. M. Kd
soiston, state agent for Nebraska, Lincoln.
Don't Struggle
Along Without a Power;
aaB"eeBWBMeSteBWeeejBHSeeB faV I. er. t -Ik ai.aaAfiii
The Week at Washington
It is neither reasonable!
nor economical. This
Vertical Gis.Ilaa
entirely self contained,
fits every need of tb. farm
er, miller, sawyer, dalry-
mu. eta. 8 full berae
I sewer. Costa only 3 to S cents per hour. Safe,
BlHipIe, efficient. Fully guaranteed. Catalogue
of Vertical and Horizontal Engines of all kinds
stalled free.
1072 Weet 15th Street, Chicago, Ilia, j
On December 6 tho house passed tho
pension appropriation bill, carrying
$139,000,000, without a word of debate.
According to tho Associated press re
ports of that day bills were passed to
readjust the time for holding court in
tho western judicial district of Texas;
to confer jurisdiction upon tho circuit
court and district courts of South Da
kota In certain Indian cases; to cro
ato a new division of tho western Judi
cial district of Missouri; to Incorpor
ate tho Society of Military Surgeons;
to increase tho maximum period in
which livo stock can bo confined In
cars without unloading from twenty
eight to forty hours; to authorize the
construction of a railroad bridge across
tuo Missouri rivor at Oacoma, Lyman
county, South Dakota; to construct a
bridge across the Missouri river within
five miles north of the Kaw river,
Kansas; to grant right-of-way for
telegraph and telephone lines in Alas
ka, to increase the size of homesteads
in Alaska from eighty to 320 acres; to
set aside certain lands in South Da
kota as a public park; for the relief
of certain settlers upon the Wisconsin
Central railroad and The Dalles mili
tary road grants; to Incorporate tho
general educational board; defining
what shall constitute and providing
for assessments on oil naming claims,
and fixing the punishment for the lar
ceny of horses, cattlo and other live
stock In Indian Territory.
It was announced on December 6
that it is the intention of President
Roosevelt to visit the west and ho will
arrange his plans bo as to enable him
to participate in the opening of the St.
Louis exposition on April 30 next
On December 8 it was reported from
Washington that the ways and means
committee of the house has reported
favorably on the resolution to adjourn
from December 20 to January 5.
Tho president sent tho following
nominations to the senate on December
8: Alfjert B. Anderson, United States
judge, district of Indiana. Second sec
retary embassy at Rome, Leonard M.
Thomas of Pennsylvania. Pension
agent for Nebraska and Iowa, Richard
P. Clarkson at Des Moines, la.
On December 8 tho senate adopted
all the committee amendments to the
immigration bill, with the exception of
one prescribing an educational test,
and also the action of the commission
in striking out section 3G, prohibiting
tho salo of intoxicants within the
capitol building.
On the same day Senator Nelson in
troduced a joint resolution for an
amendment to the constitution so as
to give congress the power to control
trusts, and also a bill to amend tho
Sherman anti-trust law by more strin
gent provisions. -The provision for
an amendment to tho constitution was
as follows:
"Congress shall have power to de
fine, regulate, prohibit or dissolve
trusts, monopolies or combinations,
whether existing in tho form of a
corporation or otherwise; congress
shall have power to license, regulate
and control all corporations engaged
In trade, commerce or other business
among the several states or with for
eign nations."
The bill for tho amendment of the
Sherman law makes all mergers or
combinations in restraint of trade Il
legal, and provides punishment of tho
offense by a fine of $10,000 or Impris
onment for one year, or both, against
each person engaged In the combina
tion. The bill also prohibits combina
tion in restraint of trade and all at
tempts to monopolize any part of tho
trade of tho several states or territor
ies, providing a fino of $50,000 or im
prisonment for a year In each case.
Corporations engaged in interstate
commerce aro required to file with the
interstate commerce commission each
yjara statement of their business and
also a statement giving the names of
persons to whom stock was originally
issued and tho prices paid for it.
A remarkable tribute to tho memory
of ex-Speaker Thomas B. Reed was
paid by tho house on December 8
when it adjourned out of respect to the
dead statesman. It was reported that
for tho house to take action on tho
death of a former member had only
three precedents in history, namely,
deaths of Benton, Blaine and Alaxan
der H. Stephens, when the house
adopted resolutions and adjourned out
of respect to their memories. It was
decided to follow these precedents in
the case of Mr. Reed.
The French reciprocity treaty camo
up for consideration in tho senate' on
December 8. Senator Cullom, who is
chairman of the senate committee on
foreign relations, called up the treaty
for tho purpose of securing an order
for tho printing of documents bearing
on tho agreement and gave notice that
he would ask the senate to take up
the treaty at an early day for the pur
pose of disposing of it Tho action
met opposition from Messrs. Aldrich,
Hoar, Lodge and Dopew.
On tho same day tho senate com
mittee on appropriations decided to
report tho house measure appropriat
ing $50,000 for the anthracite strike
commission. Tho bill will be amended
' ) provide that officers of tho govern
mept on tho commission shall not re
ceive double compensation, but provi
sion will bo made for their expense.
A rumor Is In circulation in official
quarters in Washington that Justice
Shiras of tho supremo court will soon
retire and that his placo will be taken
by William II. Taft, tho chairman of
tho Philippine commission. In thia
event, It Is supposed that Gon. Luka
S. Wright will succeed Governor Taft
In tho Philippines.
On December 9 Luko E. Wright ap
peared before tho sonato committee on
the Philippines and urgod tho paasaga
of tho bill reducing tho duty on all
products shipped from tho Philipplnea
to this country to 25 per cent of the
Dingley rates. IIo also thought Chl
neso laborers should bo allowed to
come Into tho islands. Governor
Wright, also supported the bill for re
form In tho Philippine currency.
Mr. Wright said that in his opinion
the tariff of 75 per cent, which now
obtains on all products shipped from
the Philiplncs to tho United States
really amounts to a prohibition. Ho
pleaded for larger and more liberal
trade relations with tho islands and
said that tho ships that bring sugar
and tobacco to this country should
take back American products.
Tho senate discussed tho immigra
tion bill on December 9, adopting a
number of amendments. It is said that
tho provision in tho bill prohibiting
tho sale of liquor In tho capitol build
ing caused' some criticism of tho hound
for putting It In the bill, but the pro
vision was not stricken out
On tho same day a messago from
tho president, transmitting tho papers
in tho Pius fund caso and the report
or the governor of Porto Rico, wore
(Continued on Pago 15.)
Subscribers' Advertising Department
Under this department heading sub
scribers to Tho Commoner may insert
advertisements at the rate of 6 cents
per word per Insertion. All advertise
ments must conform to the same gen
eral stylo of appearance. By making
use of this department subscribers may
obtain results not obtainable through
other mediums. Real estate, rare
coins, stamps, recipes, exchanges,
wants, etc., may be advertised under
this department, each advertisement
being placed under its appropriate
headings. One subscriber may have a
rare book ho wpuld exchange for an
article possessed by another. This de
partment will afford a medium
through which tho exchange may bo
effected. You may desire to trade
your property in the east for prqperty
in the west, while another in the west
may desire to exchange for eastern
property. This department offers tho
medium through which such subscrib
ers may come into business touch.
It Is possible to build up a profitable
real estate business by making use ofi
this department
The same caro used to exclude Irre
sponsible advertisers from other de
partments will be exercised In this de
partment The publisher will be grate
ful for any proof of tho fraudulent
or irresponsible character of any ad
vertiser In this paper.
FOR SALE 100 acres good land near this mannfac
turlng city. Has new house, barn, sheds, spring, nv
muncratlvo orchard, 20 acres timber, soft coal, flno
pasture' oat for fruit, dairy and vegetables. t5JX).
'1 enns easy. Doctor 1. G. ticnts'cb, Now Philadelphia,
DONT believe it, Just try It. Money back If they
dont Dr. Footes om Plasters 8 for 10c positively
euro Corus, i:unlnns, callouses or money back. Writo
Dr. Footes chemical Co., or any Druggist, Philadel
phia, Pa.
' ONE or tho beet 240 acre Ievol farms In Iowa, 10
room bouse,l mllo from small town with graded
school. Irlco fGO.OO per aero. Write to J. F. Gallup,
Cory don, Iowa.
TO TltADE A good'paylng, well equipped, demo
cratic paper In good county seat .South Dakota town.
For improved land, address U. W. Loz 17, Miller, H. D.
FOU SALE or Trade 45 acres In Johnson county,
Arkansas, House two rooms and porch, 100 bearing
fruit trees, ten acres under cultivation, two good
springs, one caleblate water, the other soft ( orre
spondence solicited. W. 8. liitcboll, Fort Gibson,
Indian Territory.
WANTED Pooplo everywhere to send a postal card
for The Jni Ue.e" newspaper which tells of the givat
Jubilee FelMicatlng Iron, it will pay you. Address
Jubilee Iron Co., lf00 Jackson. Omaha, Noj.
25o HHEUMATIO Cure and Greatest Blood Pnrlfler
and yoalc on arta a ILMaad, Lansing, AUca.
THAT boy of yoursslionld have a bnsinrssodncatloa,
and our ( oil ego Is the best place to send him. Ifa
can pay tuition after tin graduates and earns tna
money. Wlntor term opens January 6th. Good poet
tlons secured for graduates. Mrite for catalogue.
Address, A, M. liargls, President, Grand Island, Neb.
FOH SALE FarmB and farming lands In the grels
fruit belt of Michigan. M. G. bmurtbwalto, Traversa
City, Mich...
WANTED Second-hand copy Joaquin Miller's
"Countess of New York." Address itackot Millinery
Co., OU City, Pa.
WANTED Furs. We pay highest prices for raw
furs. Send for our price list. Fur trappers are Inter
ested In our booklet "Furology." Send postago stamp
foriu Urlte us. MenUon "The Commoner-' nil.
waukee Produce Co., 123-127 W. Water St, Milwaukee.
SOOTIIEilN fARM 160 acres on railroad. Fertile.
Price, 12400, half cash, balance one and two years
MU.V1' SELL. Ueeso V. Hicks. Madlsonville, Tcnn.
FOR SALE 1C0 acres, II11I Co., Texas. Open prairie
rich soli, all tillable, $15.00. Address, Owner, 407
Fairmount, Dallas, Texas.
mmi in . i "--""M-MM--MM----,ll---e
FOR SALE A small farm for sale cheap. For furl
ther particulars correspond with E. E. Warner, Hew
castle, Dixon County, Nebraska.