m'vm(fmmptwi". " ' . rSffS1 The Commoner. Dec. 19,199a if Why Be Fat -V? . BOOKS RECEIVED v ev The Commoner is glad to commend to its children readers a book recent ly issued, entitled "In Happy Far- When There Is a New Homo Treat ment That Quickly Reduces - Weight to Normal Without Diet or Medicine and Is Absolutely Safe? A TRIAL PACKAGE FREE BY MAIL. Don't "be too fat; don't puff and b'owj don't endauger year life with a lot of excers fat; and furthermore, don't ruin ycur stomach with a lot WBBSmw V mm R9n 1 1 v f mm IHI l mm BMIPjlIIIiV 4 lit K KMrRwJ IHVirw vv ill Al Er ilaPEbEu3 of useless drugs and patent medicines. Send jour name ana address to Prof. F. J. Kellogg. 1587 Kellogg Building, Battle Creek, Mich., and he will stud you fiee a trial package of his re markable treatment that will reduce yourweight to normal. I o not be nf mid of evil consequences, the treatment is perfectly safe, is natural and scientific and gives such a degree of comfort as to astonish those who have panted and perspired uudcr the weight of excess fat It takes off the big stomach, gives the heart freedom, enables the lungs.to expaud naturally andj'ou w 11 feci a hundred times better the first day you try this wonderful home treatment. Send your name and address for a free trial package, sent securely sealed in a plain wrap per, with full directions how to use it, books and tes'imon als from hundreds who have been cured. Send for free tr al package today. It will brighten the rest of your life. man. In a trained tenor voice he began: "Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her King( Let every heart prepare him room, And heaven and nature sing." ', The clergyman and the women were the only ones who knew the words, but the tune was recalled by two or three of the men and they joined in as best they could. Just-as the song ended afaint whistle was heard. The brakeman came stamping lit a moment later and shouted: "Snow plow's comin'!" W. M. M. The national reciprocity convention was heU at Detroit, Mich., beginning on December 11, and resolutions were adopted urging quick action in adopt ing reciprocity with both Canada and Cuba, also the prompt ratification of the reciprocal treaty with Newfoundland. Away Land," by Ruth Kimball Gardi ner, and published by Zimmerman's, 15G Oth ave., New York. It contains" a number of stories taken from Mother Goose characters, but elabor ated by the author in her delightful style. The following are the subjects: Princess BolPeep. Little Ten-Pin Ball The Fairy Fay. Daffy-Down Dilly. The White Knight Fluff. Lucky Locket. Bessie Bell. The Ways of the Fairy Grumps. Little Tommy Tucker. The Machine-Maker's Man. The Fir Tree. The book is beautifully illustrated and would make an acceptable Christ mas present Henry W. Ruoff of "The Correspon dence School," Springfield, Mass., is issuing a serial publication in six parts entitled "The Capitals of the World." Number one, which has just been is sued from the press, excellently exe cutes the author's designs. When the book is complete and published in book form it wil be a splendid addi tion to any library and of special in terest to teachers and students. Thomas Jefferson, by James Schou ler; published by Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. Alexander Hamilton, by James Schouler; published by Small, May nard & Co., Boston. How to Build a Home, by Francis C. Moore; published- by Doubleday & McClure, New York. American Law of Assemblies, Par liamentary Lodge Law, by Ed. A. Stephens, Minneapolis, Minn.; pub lished by the author, 605 Temple Court, Minneapolis. Glimpse of the Twentieth Century, by Jacob Frazer; published by Chas. W. Palm & Co., Los Angeles. Spencer, Trask Co., 27 Pino street, New York, have issued a little pamph let containing tables showing the mile age, capitalization, earnings, dividends, fixed charges, etc., of the railroad com panies of the United States, together with statistics in regard to street railways and other municipal and in dustrial corporations. The Glamour of War and Conquest. The annual reports of our secretar ies of war and the navy are as much alike as two peas or as Croker's fam ous dogs Guff and Stuff. Secretary Moody asks for a thou sand more officers, for more men, for more money. While announcing that since the Spanish war seventeen great ironclads have been begun or author ized, he recommends "a continuance without interruption of the increase of ships." Secretary Root now chimes in with a modest request for four great na tional camps of military instruction and for a highly educated citizen army of 300,000 militia a force, with ,the 00,000 regulars, as large as Great Britain's active army and reserve, though Britain is at the very verge of turbulent Europe, while we aro or were entirely outside of every zone of international disturbance. If we are to adhere to our tradi tional policy of avoiding "foreign en tanglements" we do not need great armaments, but may well provide our selves with small but highly trained and well-equipped professional fight ing force3 both upon sea and lana. If M SB 1S2? Jf m V m Til .0 & mm nma mtm WW Save Your . Health Sweeten Your Temper Prolong Your Life By eating the thoroughly cooked, malted and toasted whole wheat flakes YOU CAN EAT MALTA-VITA WARM. The Perfect Food. Wheat contains all the elements necessary to sustain life and is recognized the world over as the chief food for mankind the Proverbs say "The Staff of Life." a!tanita Original Flaked Food. Pure, Wholesome, Delicious. A delightful winter breakfastServed with warm milk or cream. ALL GROCERS we are to join In the mad scramble for "aggrandizement" and to mix in the politics of Europe and the con quest of Asia, no forces which Messrs. Root and Moody would dare to ask will bo too large for our purpose. New York World. A Candidate's Expense. A successful candidate for a county office in Kansas has, according to the Kansas City Journal, filed a statement showing the following outlay: To cards announcing to the eager public that I was a candidate for re election, $5. To circulars printed to head off the nimblo campaign lies turned loose by my enemies, $12.50. To the ubiquitous solicitors for charitable purposes who called on me just before election, and while suf fering from, intense agony, and there fore at a time when I was afraid to refuse, $22.50. To the colored editor of a newspa per at Topeka, which seemed to be exerting its entire influence to save mo from the avalanche of democratic votes which apparently hung In the balance, $3. To stationery used by me in expos ing the infamous fake circular gotten out by Rev. Smith and others, $0.02. I wish to further state that an in accuracies or -omissions which may be found In this statement (involving a total of about $300) are duo to the strenuous condition of things, and to the breakneck rate of speed at which I was compelled to run to bo able to look back at my opponent as I camo under the wire. A subscriber inquires about Ro mero's books on Mexico, referred to in a former issue of The Commoner. There are two of them, both Issued by G. P. Putnam's Sons of Now York in 1898. One is entitled "Geographical and Statistical Notes on Mexico," and the other "Mexico and the United States." The author, Senor Matlas Romero, was for many years Mexi co's ambassador at Washington, and was not only a distinguished repre sentative of his own nation, but was also a friend of the United States. Hi books are of great value to those who desire to know something of Mexico past and present Mr. J. L. Randolph of Cutler, O., on of the stauiichest democrats in tho state, died recently. He was ono of the democrats to whom democracy was a religion, giving political expression to. the doctrine of the brotherhod of man. Representative-elect Alkman Carna !an, of the Second Indiana district, died on December 8, having been ill ovor nince the election. DROPSY ftWBMfifirBR 1), lilcatro, 111., for a 12.60 free treatment, 1,000 wonderful cart, ana book.