Mr" &" wnyi?i'$''"""t 4JL , kf 1 J The Commoner. Woh a, No. 45. I . -, -sagi .ft. V? if oront schools of thought and 'different .views on y. the prosident has no use for men of the AddlcTcs puuiic questions, ror irutn is, uorn gi curnuou ,, Besides weeklies dovoted to national politics there ought to he weeklies in every state devoted to' the discussion of stato issues so that tho voter can hy taking papers on hoth sides keep hlmsolf informed In regard to the act of officials and tho policies of parties. JJJ Amazing Credulity ; While In Chicago a few days ago I mot a re publican business man of Ohio who became con fidential enough to say that tho harshest criticism ho had heard against me was that I charged for tho campaign speeches made during my candidacy in 189G and 1900. Tho following dialogue on sued: "Did you ever hoar any one say that I re ceived pay for speeches made in support of my own candidapy?" "Yes; they said that you charged a certain amount at each place and refused to speak unless -the money was paid." "And was there a republican in your commun ity who could be convinced that a candidate for the presidency was so indifferent to his success that . be would refuse to advocate his own election un less ho was paid for each speech?" "It seemed inconsistent, but all the republi cans in my neighborhood believed it, and .1 did myself." It was a new revelation of partisanship that surpassed anything that had before come to my knowledge. I had heard tho charge made occa sionally and had answered it each time by saying that I had never at any time or place received any sum whatsoever for speeches made when I was a candidate for office, but tho charge seemed so ab surd that I never thought a denial necessary to en lighten an honest republican. It was only made that democrats might be armed to meet the ac cusations of dishonest republicans who gave cir culation to the criticism without themselves be lieving it The committee, I am informed, sometimes raised the money for the special train by collect ing contributions along the line. It was neces- . sary to do this to meet the railroad charges, and I thought it much better than asking for or receiv ing a free train, but It never occurred to me that any person of any party could distort this into a money-making scheme on the part of the candi date. The fact that I have found one intelligent republican who credited the story has led me to refer jto it again, although the facts were stated DpfiflKformer issue or, Tho Commoner. JJJ The Recrudescence of Addicks. s stripe. The explanation that the president-only returnod to Byrne what ho had laid down is puerile. "Southorn officeholders," assorts tho Provldenco Telegram, "havo been roughly sep arated from tho pie counter for activity no less pernicious." Tho Delaware senatorial situation Is develop ing .some very interesting features, as well as some very noisome scandals. - JJJ - V Those who profess to believe that the ambition of Hon. "Gas" Addicks has been successfully thwarted; and that he is no longer a factor in the Delaware senatorial scramble, should study a little deeper Into the situation. Considering his many professions of determination to purify poli tics and curb the activity of officeholders, Presi dent Roosevelt is creating considerable curiosity by his actions in Delaware politics. W. H. Byrne, United States district attorney for Delaware, re signed his office to become the candidate of the Addicks faction for congress, He was soundly trounced by his democratic opponent, despite his support from Addicks and tho administration. No sooner was Byrne and his Addicks support de feated than the president hastened to reappoint him to the office he resigned to accept a congres sional nomination. It is only natural that the Addicks faction should point to Byrnq's reappointment as an in- dorsement of Addicks and his senatorial ambitions, and they are doing so in a manner calculated to convince many and worry those wh6 insist that - A Correction Made. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat of November ID contains a special dispatch from Indianapolis which states that Mr. Bryan sent out ten or fifteen thousand personal letters to democrats in Indiana jtist before tho late election "urging them to do all In their power to Insure the defeat of tho demo cratic ticket, state, county and township." It is not true that Mr. Bryan sent letters to democrats in Indiana urging them to defeat the ticket The Commoner criticised the action of the democratic state convention in ignoring the Kansas City plat form and pointed out that It was bad politics, not to speak of the principle involved, to alienate faithful democrats for the purpose of conciliating the men who aro opposed to the party's national platform. Just before the election The Commoner took occasion to criticise democrats in New York who attempted to use Mr. Bryan's name for tho defeat of the' state ticket, and stated that he did not presume to advise the democrats what to do in case the state organization repudiated the na " tional platform. He considered it a question which each voter should decide for himself after duly con sidering the relative importance of state and na tional issues. The result In Indiana shows that the attempted harmony was a one-sided affair, .and h proves .anew the folly of attempting to .strengthen the democratic party hy compromise with the re publicans or -by evasion of issues. "' 1,i'M"s,;'r The Salt Trusts Enjoined: Judge Morrow, a California federal judged has granted a temporary Injunction against the salt trust, preventing its doing business on the ground that it is an illegal combination in restraint of trade. The principle laid down Is an important one, and if sustained by the supreme court will have a wide Influence on the trust question. The court says that the contracts Involved in the case "belonged to the same general scheme of the Fed eral Salt company to strangle all competition, and it is evident that all form part of one general com bination or conspiracy." The court also insists that it Is authorized to "look behind mere contracts and see the entire transaction so that the real effect is within the pur-, view of a court of equity." A private monopoly is not only indefensible and Intolerable, as stated in the Kansas City plat form, Jaut it is an outlaw, and has always been held to be against public policy, and yet it has been impossible to get the republican leaders to recognize tho principle involved. They talk about "good monopolies" and""bad ones," and promise tc regulate "bad monopolies," but they fail to plant themselves upon the sound principle that no person or corporation has a right to monopolize a branch of businc-s or the production'of an ar ticle of merchandise. JJJ President Mitchell's Testimony. President Mitchell of the miners' association in giving testimony before the commission was on the witness stand for more than four days, and it is safe to say that no witness ever strengthened his cause more hy his demeanor. He not only showed himself master of the subject, but ho displayed a presence 'of mind and a "quickness of intellect that were as surprising as they were gratifying, Ho was -thoroughly questioned by Mr. MacVeagh, one of the most distinguished lawyers of the land, and Mr. MacVeagh attempted to Intimidate as well as to confuse him, but Mr. Mitchell was more than a match for the counsel of thd coal operators, and Mr. MacVeagh was compelled to admit that he had made an admirable witness. Mr. Mitchell denied that the labor organiza tion taught or believed in anarchy, and brought forth facts to show tho lawful and legitimate pur poses of the organization. After Mr. MacVeagh was through with him 5ther representatives of the mine owners took him in hand, but they were no more successful in their effort to worm out of him admissions prejudicial to his, cause. JjJ A Word as to Advertising. The readers of The Commoner will notice that less space is devoted to advt .ising matter than in most papers; they will also notice that the adver tisements which appear in The Commoner are of such a character that the paper can be read by the children as well as adults. It may be added that trust advertisements aro carefully excluded. Theso xestrictions have very considerably lessened the In come from tho paper, but they ought to make the paper itself more acceptable to those who appre ciate a clean and wholesome sheet The editor de sires to thank the readers for tho encouragement and support which they have given to advertising patrons. In somo instances jthe returns have been phenomenal and one advertiser well pleased 'in creases the patronage. The financial standing arid business methods pX all, applicants for advertising space are investi gated andi' only those accepted "whd "have11 ae- " putation for fair dealing and whose" goods have . recognized" merits. In corresponding with advertisers always men tion The Commoner.- JJJ They Can't be Serious. V The New Yoric Tribune complains that edi torial pages are too much devoted to news items and witty paragraphs and not enough to serious and dignified editorials. How does Whitelaw Reid, the publisher of the Tribune, expect the paid -representatives of great corporations to write serious and dignified arguments in favor of republlqaA policies? And how could even repuolican papers refrain from witty paragraphs when Whitelaw put on his knee breeches and sat down on tho king's doorstep to wait for the coronation? JJJ Why Not North, Tho collector of internal revenue in Alabama "played a conspicuous part .in the exclusion of, ne gro delegates from the republican convention of that state. Mr. Roosevelt removed the collector" from office and caused to be made puonc this statement; , . Neither tho administration nor the repub lican party of the north will stand for the exclusion of any section of our people by rea son of thoir race or color, when In other re spects such person's have complied with tho laws and are eligible unuer the law- to full and free participation in political action and are t of a high standard of personal character. Many republican papers commend the presi dent for the "bravery" he displayed in removing this federal officer. But it may not be out of place to suggest that for more than a year Mr Roosevelt has been in a position to show , his friendshipfor tho negro and his devotion to th . J v fs; --! 8$m' 4 m, ,J" 1 . ,i 8 fa a .l...i. .. LjjhriiirAf. iVaij. mtauU. .. : wJfakiM ifiAm., 1 8 'Jin.ii Hnfrti nit ft ttiwtfii18" AitiillliBiWtlriflWi .Bl il. i ' h ..,.. JMBF X..,. Mi..4"'. r. m Mi i . tft Atn iJllMiiin