V ". - " v.-. '.5 , x.sj Commoner. The ' .,. WILLIAH J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, , Vol. 3. No. 45. Lincoln, Nebraska, Nov. s3, 1903. Whole No. 97. Fear Political Effect . During the course of the examination of Mr. Mitchell, Mr. MacVeagh, attorney for the mine owners, referred to the strike which was settled just before the election of 1900 and developed the fact that Mr. Mitchell was in telephonic communi cation with Mr. Hanna just before the settlement Continuing Mr. MacVeagh said: "Mr. Bryan was again a candidate for the presidency, and you were conscious of tho. great apprehensions entertained by the financial interests as to the possibility of his election?" " - "I believe," replied Mr. Mitchell, "vthat the. fact that an election was pending had something to do iItli tho early settlement of the strike." Hero is proof, brought out by tho attorney of the mine owners, first, that the financial interests . of the country were arrayed on the republican side in tho campaign of 1900, and, second, that the mine owners settled with the miners because they feared ( iuui u uuiiuuuauua ui wa oiiuvo nwuiu uu ..,. t cai harm to the republican party. If Mr. MacVeagh had pursued the same line of inquiry and asked In .regard to the present strike he might bay e. shown that the fact that a con- F . - .. . - -.,..- x i srrpsaionai election was nenuinK naa soraoirnDg w do with the appoiritmerit of the board of arbitra tion that is now conducting the "xamination. And yet tho rank and filo of tlio republican party con tinue to credit the president and Mr. Hanna. with disinterested patriotism in settling strikes just be fore the election, and the republican laboring men and farmers continue to vote with the financial interests that control the republican party andean make and settle strikes and panics according to their plea'sure. This blind faith will be shattered some day. In tho meantime those who are aware of the dangerous tendency ot republican policies and methods must redouble their efforts both to maintain the integi-ty of the democratic party tC and to make converts among those who have had Euch Implicit faith in republican leaders. JJJ Mitchell on Violence. ' Mr. Mitchell rendered a distinct service to the cause of labor when he declared in answer to an inquiry relative to the influence of violence upon the success of a strike: "I should say that Its suc cess would not be dependent upon it at alt The very conditions alleged would reduce the chances of winning the strike. In my judgment, violence never contributed o the success of-a strike, be cause it loses for those on a strike the sentiment of the public." - ( Mr. Mitchell is entirely right Violence hurts the strikers infinitely more than it does the em ployers. In fact, the employers so well under stand the Influence which a display of violence ex erts upon the publi? that they have been accused of instigating the violence themselves in order to profit by the Indignation aroused. Mr. Mitchell has done much to strengthen the cause of labor, but nothing that he has said has shown & clearer dis cernment or a more just appreciation of the forces jthat move society. v . Cannon For Speaker. It seems that "Uncle Joo" Cannon is to have an easy victory in the speakership contest- Mr. Babcock, who intended to run on his tariff roform record, scarcely got started In the race, and Mr. Littlofield, who trusted to his anti-trust record, was entirely distanced. "Unqle Joe" Ib. simply a republican; ho Is per fectly satisfied with the republican party; ho ha implicit faith that the. crops will bo good when tho republican party is In power, that prjees will bo high to those who want high prices, and low to thoEe who want low prices, provided republi can rule Is not disturbed. There Is nothing that ho wants to reform, and therefore ho does not have to worry about platforms or promises. He Is the natural and logical candidate of those who accept. Mr. Banna's doctrine of "let well enough alone.". If ho is chosen speaker, as now seems certain, we may count on the republicans adopt ing a policy of masterly inactivity. The Financial Situation . That, very conservative paper, the Now York Evening Post, quotes and .emphasizes the, warning uttered by Comptroller Rldgeley at the bankers' convention recently, held at "Now Orleans. The comptroller says: "In spite of all this we cannot disguise thp fact that with reserves running down not only in the reserve cities, but in all tho banks of the country, tno situation Is serious and. re quires close attention and careful handling." This from a democrat would sound like a gloomy prediction, and he would bo called a calamity howler, but coming from a republican prominently connected with the administration it is merely what the republican papers call a "time ly warning," and the Post regrets that it was not uttered months ago. If such conditions occurred under a democratic administration tho party In power would bo blamed for the situation, but as it is the republican editors attribute, it to conditions which the party cannot control. Tho republicans have so fallen Into the habit of claiming credit for everything that is goofi and shirking responsibil ity for everything unfavorable that this new In stance will excite no surprise. JJS Garvin the Reformer. '& It seems that Dr. L. P. C. Garvin, the demo cratic governor-elect of Rhode Island, has been something of a reformer. He was denominated a crank, rnd the republican papecj maae fun of his bills, but according to the Courier-Journal he was largely instrumental in overthrowing the landed property qualification for foreign voters and in changing tho constitution so as to provide for the election of state officers by a plurality instead of a majority. He also assisted in the passago of & secret ballot law, a law creating bureau of in dustrial statistics, a factoryjlnspectlo . law, a ten hour law, and some others. The final triumph of Mr. Garvin recalls the pithy statement of Lady Somerset, namely, that wnen one person sees a thing he is a fanatic; that when a number see it, he is merely an enthusiast, and that when all see it he is a hero. The Political Weekly In a recent spoech at tho quarterly dinner of the Atlas club a club composed of Chicago ad vertisers and advertising agents Mr. Bryan took occasion to presont somo observations relative to tho political nowapapor. As the readors of. The Commoner aro olther supporters of It policy, or intelligent republicans who are liberal enough to desire to read democratic arguments, the sub stance of his remarks Is given below (with some additional suggestions which would have been out of placo at a non-partisan dinner): Tho dally paper in tho large cities is so huge a business onterprlso that the owner Is seldom the. editor. As a rulo, tho editor, or, rathor, the edi tors of a metropolitan dally are unknown to the 'public and the paper does not, therefore, stand for the convictions or reflect tho viows of any partic ular person. It Is not always known who owns a controll ing Intorest In the stock of tho large dally, neither Is it known what pecuniary interest the owner of tho paper has in tho various enterprises which It 'indorses '(or falls to denounce). Tho business end " of such a paper is so large and so lucratlye that it Is apt to dictate the editorial policy and make the owner timid about attacking an ovll that has strong financial7 backing For these roasons, arid .for tho additional rea son that It Is necessarily local In Its circulation, the dally paper Is likely to Incline more and more to "independence," which in tho light of recent events might be defined as another namo for plu tocracy, for tho independent papers usually sup port tho candidate backed by organized wealth. Somo paper must take tho place of tho former po litical dally If our people are to maintain an in terest in public questns. Those who are busy and cannot investigate for themsolves must have access to the writings of those who do investigate and who placo before the public the results ot their Investigations, The people are like jurors; they can decide Intelligently when they have heard the testimony and the arguments, but the editors and public speakers bring forth the facts and the argu- -ments on both sides. 'The weekly paper can clr- culate throughout tin entire nation and it is not so large or costly but that the editorship and the ownership can bo combined in one person. The political weekly liicely to grow In Influence as the daily loses its distinctively political char acter. There Is another advantage about the politi cal weekly, namely, that its subscription price is so low that political opponents can afford to take it Every patriotic and Intelligent man wants to read both slder-of a question. The most Upright judge cannot decide fairly until both sides have been presented, and so a citizen, however well-meaning, must have a chance to read the argument presented by those opposed to his views as well as the arguments advanced by those of his own party, if he would be sure of his ground. It would be well if there were more papers, like The Commoner, de voted to the dlscucrlon of the political, economi-'. : cal and social questions that effect national poll tics. There. should be papers representing dif- t ?-r,4 - f aaaSSS Mtakf m&mwStesm SattiaAawM. 'k3 i J? ju ih..-eij.t.- . .. j. ,-jLj ka&jL