The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 21, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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The Commoner.
" "7X .'
Nov ai, i9oa.
S .
bac and mingling with the juices of
the bird. Tho giblets should bo chopped
up and left in the gravy. Tho time re
quired for steaming varies from an
hour and a half for a tender young tur
key to three hours for a tough old one.
In preparing tho dressing for the
turkey, soalvyour bread in cold milk
long enough before needed to insure
its being thoroughly moist For oys
ter dressing, add to tho moist bread
crumbs, salt, pepper, sage, one table
spoonful of butter and two dozen raw
oysters. Mix all together, and stuff
the turkey before baking.
To Roast a Turkey With Chestnuts.
Prepare the turkey" in the usual way
for roaming, take some bread crumbs
season with salt, pepper, a little sago
and a large lump of sweet butter; take
one dozen chestnuts, boil until tender
and chop fino; mix all together, and
stuff the turkey. TTowls are nice
stuffed with boiled celery cut in pieces
an inch long.
Cranberry Sauce. After removing
all soft berries, waslTthoroughly, and
let stand for about two minutes in
scalding water; remove, and to every
pound of fruit add three-fourths pound
of granulated sugar and half pint of
water; stew ovor a steady fire, care
fully covered, shaking tho vessel occa
sionally to keep it from sticking. Boil
from five to seven minutes, dish out
into molds, and set away to cool.
Pumpkin Pie. To one quart of
stewed and sifted pumpkin, add tho
well-beaten whites of 'eight eggs, one
quart of milk, and sweeten to taste.
Add a little butter and nutmeg, or
ginger, if preferred.
Pumpkin Pie. Steam tho pumpkin,
mash through a colander, and let set
on the back of the stove until all wa
ter is dried away, being careful not to
let. I burn. For each plo, take one
weli-beaten egg, half cup of sugar, two
tablespoonfuls of pumpkin, half pint of
rich milk (part cream will improve it),
a little salt, and a little cinnamon, nut
meg, or ginger. Stir all well together,
have a nice paste, and bake with un
der crust in a hot oven.
A Moral Hero.
, "On. January 1, 1831, a poor young
man, with limited educatipn and prac
tically no means, started a little paper
in. Boston. .In tho initial number of
that N insignificant,, mangy-looking
sheet, called the Liberator, occurred
these striking words: 'I am in earn
est; I will not equivocate; I will not
retract a single word, and I will bo
That youth lived on bread and water
and slept on the floor of his printing
office. He was almost alone in his
contentions. The church, state, and the
business interests of society were in
opposition to him. The conscience
of the people was asleep. Ho was, for
a time, regarded as an innocent crank;
but he toiled on, suffering and work
ing for the freedom of a race in bond
age. His burning words began to
arouse noble souls, and to alarm in
trenched interests. A storm arose. The
young editor was mobbed, and dragged
through the streets of Boston by a
well-dressed rabble. He was de
nounced on every side as a disturber of
the peace and a dangerous person. The
state of Georgia placed a price of $5,00li
on his head.
Still tb.e rank and file of the nation
Asthma suftnrors need no longer loavo home and
business In order to bo curod. Nature has produced
a vegetable remedy that will permanently euro
Asthma and all diseases of tho lungs, and bronchial
tubes. Having tested its wonderful curative powers
In thousands of cases (with a record of 00 percent,
permanently cured, and desiring to relievo human
Buffering, I wl! 6cnd frco of charge to all sufferers from
Asthma, Consumption, Catarrh, Bronchitis and nor
vous diseases,. -this recipe .,1a Oennan, French or
English, with full directions fqr preparing and using.
Sent by mall. Address with stamp, naming this
paper; W. A.Noye,847 Powers Block, Xocheeter.N. Y. J
ridiculed the idea of young William
Lloyd Garrison achieving any great
work against tho constitution bul
warked institution; and ho who, when
the Liberator first appeared, would
have predicted that, within thlrty
threo years from its initial issue, a
president of the United States would
issue an emancipation proclamation
would have been laughed at as an irre
sponsible visionary. And yet, tho seed
sowed by Garrison took root, and the
conscience of the sleeping north was
stirred, an wero the assembled multi
tudes In tho days of Penticost Tho
arraignments that, week by week,
sounded from the Libt-rator, arousod
men and women in hundreds of cen
ters; the fires of freedom blazed fierce
ly from the old Bay State to bleeding
Kansas, and the imperative conflict
was one that ended in tho freedom of
the African slaves throughout tho
great republic." Arena.
He, who is great enough to renounce
self for humanity; he, who loves jus
tice more than ease, glory or fame;
ho, who allows himself to bo so over
mastered by tho light of love that ho
lives the Golden Rule, will leave a
splendid Influence or imprint on his
time; will live in the love of the ages,
and will leave behind him a trailing
path of glory. Selected.
Waterproof Paste for Shoes.
Here are given several recipes for
rendering shoe leather impervious to
water. These recipes, copied from
Chase's Ropipe Book, aro highly rec
ommended by those who have used
jL. Tallow, one pound; beeswax, one
fourth pound; castor or neat's-fpot oil,
one-half pint; lamp-black, one-half
ounce; mix by heating. Or
2. Neat's-foot oil, brought to a
proper consistency, with a little bees
wax and tallow, colored with lamp
black. Either will bo proof against
snow or water. Or
3. One pound of tallow and one
half pound 0f resin in a pot over the
fire; when melted and mixed, warm
.ie boots or shoes and apply the hot
stuff with a painter's brush until
neither the sole nor the uppers will
soak in a'ny more. If it is desired that
the leather should immediately take
on a polish, dissolve ono ounce of wax
in spirits of turpentine, to which add
a teaspoonful of lamp-black. A day
after the boots have been treated with
the tallow and resin, rub over them
this wax in turpentine, but not close
to the fire. If this recipe is used, the
shoe must be rather large, as the pre
paration has a tendency to shrink the
Shoes should bo large enough to ad
mit of wearing a cork.sole in them, as
cork is a bad conductor of heat, and
the feet keep warmer. Tallow, or other
grease, become rancid, and rots tho
leather, but the resin gives It that
antiseptic quality which preserves the
leather and stitching. This last recipe
is said to render the leather as near
indestructible as possible to be.
Little Help.
For a dust-cloth, get a yard of
cheese-cloth the thinnest, "slazlest"
muslin, hem it, and with it wipe tho
dust from your furniture; shaking tho
cloth out of doors frequently. Flour
sacks make excellent dust cloths, dish
towels, and cloths for cleaning lamp
chimneys. It is well to have several
for each purpose, putting them often
into tho wash, thus using only clean
ones. Do not depend upon hap-hazard
For cleaning white wool knit or
crocheted articles, take a pint of flour,
or corn meal, put into a pan,, and rub
well into the goods, using all the flour,
then shake well out of doors. Some
put the article and the flour or meal
inside a. bag, as it is easier worked,
scattering no flour. If not clean at first
Brain and Muscle
Malta-Vita, the perfect food for
old and young, sick or well.
Malta-Vita contains more nutri
tion, more tissac'bulldinfjr qualities,
more nerve stimulant than la found ia
any othtr food.
, A regular diet of Malta-Vita for
breakfast and supper will remove the
cause oi mmsia sm (jrspepcia,
It gives health, strength, and happiness.
Malta-Vita needs no cooking.
Always ready to cat.
Rattle Creek, Mlob. Toronto Canada
shaking, get clean flour and repeat
For malcing. daiuty sachets for bu
reau or chiffonier, a good combination
is violet and orris root The orris Im
parts a delicious odor of cleanliness,
and the violet gives just tho suspicion
of actual fragrance that is needed.
Tho noblo "Christmas" looks of
things depends upon little signs of per
sonal task and care. Tho attention is
what makes the present acceptable; A
"duty" present is the most ungracious
and unchristmas-liko form of social ex
change. For wrapping small packages
to bo given as Christmas presents, use
Japanese napkins.
For removing scratches and bruises
from furniture, try rubbing with a
fresh walnut, hickory nut, or butter
nut kernel. It is said to bo magical
in the desired effect.
When washing up the floors, add to
each pailful of water one or two table
spoonfuls of carbolic acid. It leaves
tho floor sweet and in a healthful condition.
To make good black ink, take two
pounds of maple bark, one-half pound
of copperas, mixed in two gallons of
rain water; boil to three quarts; let
stand till cool, strain through cloth,
when it will be ready for use. If not
dark enough, put back in pot and boil
to two quarts. You will have one
half gallon of good black ink at a cost
of five cents and a little labor.
Be Patient.
Do, dsar mothers, speak kindly to
the little child clinging to your skirts,
today. Do not allow yourself, because
something has "upset your nerves," to
vent your ill-temper upon tho little
soul given to your care, Do not tell it
it is "in the way" it has no "way"
but at your" side.
Very soon, these little children will
grow out of your arms. Other voices
will call, and others' loves will claim
them. Today, they are ail your own.
In their pure, trusting hearts, you are
supreme. You can do no wrong. Your
presence is their heaven. There may.
come a day when you will find it hard
to live, with the memory of your im
patience scourging you. Do not bring
upon yourself such life-long regret
There is nothing so sweet and pur3,
as the love of a little child. Do not let
it step from your hold. Strengthen the
bond between you, with patience and
tenderness, while, it hears only you.
Let it never know that it Is possible
for you to tire of it Let It feel that
its ono sure refuge Is in the heart o!
its mother. Tho world will soon woo
it away from tho old homo; lot It take
with it out into tho glare and glitter of
life the memory of ono flawless love.
Speak tenderly to the little child.
H. W. McV..
Highland flary.
Yo banks, and braes, and streams
Tho castle o' Montgomery,
Green bo your woods, and fair your
Your waters never drumlle!
There simmer first unfauld her .robes,
And thero tho langest tarry!
For there I took the last farewcel
0' my sweet Highland Mary.
How sweetly bloomed tho gay green
How rich tho hawthorno's blossom,
As underneath their fragrant shade
I clasped her to my bosom!
Tho golden hours on angel wings
Flew o'er ma and my dearie;
For dear to ni9 as light and lifo
Was my sweet Highland Mary.
Wi monlo a vow and locked embrace
Our parting was fu' tender;
And, pledging aft to meet again,
Wo tore oursels asunder; .
But oh! fell death's untimely frost,
That nipped my flower sao early!
Now green's the sod, and cauld'a tho
That wraps my Highland Mary!.
O pale, pale now those rosy lips ".'
I aft hac kissed sao fondly!
And closed for aye tho sparkling
glance That dwelt on me sao kindly!
And mold'ring now In silent dust -'
That heart that lo'ed mo dearly!
But still within my bosom's core,
Shall live my Highland Mary.
Robert Burns. '3-
How He May Sejrve.
Grover Cleveland can do tho demo
cratic party no better service than to
attempt to break into the ranks again.
Tho real democrats of the country
will become aroused to tho necessity
c being on tho alert between now and
1904 for the Invasion of the traitors
like Grover Cleveland, David B. Hill
and other "conservatives" who did all
in their power to disorganize the dem
ocratic party and now seelr to disrupt
It by attempting to reorganize it
Democrats who may have become in- '
different since 1896 will easily be re
vived by a dose of Cleveland treach
ery. Coluinbus (0.) Press.
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