ST '. . i The Commoner, Nov. ai, ioe a 13 m.K' wmmmrTmr , SWake the Farm Ply 1 v. i There's weHcylB"' jBSV ftmP forming If yon under if MSSSBTrferi kA-ri stand modem methods and farm iBteJIffeotly u taught by oar csrrespead eace course la Modern Agriculture. Under Fref. Wm. 1 ltreabH. Ph. D.. of iCgrlcHlturat CoUete. Treats of tolls, tllugt. s?zm) Maul drala4e.fertIlIre,crop rotauon. stocK-ieeuiiHr.pwiiaT-nUina-jiairvinfftcAlcoirartliMltareuDder Fref. il BaUey, of Coraell University, and A rlenlttiri Jiaeterlelecy aaderPref. Oenii. cWeiJeyaa. paLrtmefiU. Tuitlcm no m! nil. Text books treo to our lifUucniS Ltulucue anuimuuiwis u ''j,1,' THIS EQELE CQKJLBrUnflJK.AU BUilUUli, obliterate tho middle man. All of the orange produced by tho trust will be shipped east under one brand. It Is proposed to obtain the land outright by direct purchase from tho rancher. With tho money ho thus receives It is expected that ho will buy more land, plant fresh orango groves, bring them to bearing, and then disposo of them to tho trust for spot cash. JDepM2"ipriHgield, Man. STUDY LAW AT HOME PreparofortheBaror for advance! standing: In a reajdent school by ualnjr your spare time only and at your owb home. Coursee of study, text books, proctlcoworkaad Moot Court same as in resident school. Superior to studying: In a law offlco. One student writes! "Havo learned more law la tfarpe weoka In yoar school than I loarnod In four months In a law ofllco." Ecgular College Gpureo, (2 years), Fost-Graduate Gourso Jl yoar) and Business Law Couroe (lfl weeks). Endorsed by the bench and bar. For full particulars address CHICAGO CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF LAW, Reaper Block, Chicane. It is very evident that the anthracite coal mine owners will resist every ef fort to make recognition of tho united mine wofkers of America an issue In the arbitration of tho coal strike. Five answers In addition to that ol Presi dent Baer havo been made to Presi dent Mitchell's statement and all agree in resisting tho demands of the min ers for an Increrso of pay for tho hour Work, a reduction of hours for time work, and for tho weighing rather than tho measurement of coal. burg and Erie and now earning less than $200 a month. Tho advanco bo camo operativo November 1. This In crease, which was decided upon at yes terday's meeting of tho directors of tho Pennsylvania Railroad company, will, it is estimated, affect about 59, 000 employes. Tho recont sensational arrest of tho Italian composer, Slgnor Mascngni, In Boston on account of a disputo be tween himself and his managers on a contract matter, has caused indigna tion in Italy and tho forolgn minister of that country has instructed tho Italian ambassador at Washington to lond all possible aid to the composer and to go to Boston If necessary. $2,000,000, and a bitter fight Is looked for In consequence. JMHiVC YOUR EYESIGHT Is priceless. Guard ItcarefuUr; tho loast ailment may moan blindness. You can bo cured lu your own home without pain or tho knife, bend mo a statement of your case and rccolvo my SrofesBlonal opinion and grand lustratod book free. Dr. F. Go. Carta, Ehukertttldff., Kansas city, Mo. CTARK TREES nSffl?' lr Fbott Book free. We f A V-.CASH fill" Want MORE salesmen ff Weekly XJF STARK BR05, Louls!iHa,Mo.;lIatflvilk, AhLjEfc Life' Opportunity. Twratj dolUn bujt pod lot la nrw, prugrnilTe eU tot.Uil OUaboa town, tb Buett btaliuw ud itildcmte lota, mb4 worth tot tbounad MUn. 8alemen waaud. Don't btIat& CtU on or addict) Tb. Ctntoij Town Bit. Co. 87 Wins Hid WleMtt. Kuuu. 1" Don't Struggle Along Without m Peywr. It Is nnitBM reasonable I nor economical. Tola WEBSTER Ytrtlcal ItifflHi ENGINE, entirely self contained, ntflOTeryneedottti. fans, er, miliar, sawyer, dairy- w. Casts oalyS to 3 cents per hour. Safe, le. eSkleat. Fully ffuaraatsed. Catalogue ertical aad Horisoatal Bnglaes ot all kinds edfree. WEBSTER MFG. CO., '2 West ISth Street, Chloago, Ilia. HWSMaBHHHananMaaHHHS ipaieiPee"""" " THE FAVORITE 1 I LUDWIG I I jRwarded medal Paris, 1900, Endorsed by 31 r tints, musicians, Zeachers, and 35,000 Pleased Purchasers These well known instruments, cele brated for their Quality, Tone and Finish can be At tained by dealer in any state at meat mederate and advantageous terms. LUDWIG & CO., Mfers., Southern Boulevard, New York. - Send for catalogue and prices. . Matthews Piano Co. General Agent for Wncola, Nee. The annual meeting of the national grango began i& sessions at Lansing, Mich., with delegates from twenty six states in attendance. The follow ing linos of national legislation were recommended: General rural deliv ery, postal savings banks, election of United States senators by the people, a constitutional amendment giving congress power to regulate and con trol trusts and other combinations; enlargement of tho powers of inter state commerce commission; regula tion of the use of shoddy; pure food laws; provision for tho extension of markets for products equally with manufactured articles; enactment of an anti-trust law clearly defining what acts on the part of any corporation would be detrimental to public wel fare; speedy construction of tho Ni caragua canal by the United States; speedy construction of a ship canal connacting the .Mississippi river with the great lakes and the latter with the Atlantic ocean. A cablegram from Vienna dated No vember 13 says; Tho sittings today of tho lower houso of tho Austrian reichsrath was suspended on account of tho German and Czoch members coming to blows. Tho causo of the trouble was a debate on tho advIsablL Ity of tho uso of tho two languages In tho names of stations on tho Bo hemian railroads. On November 13 it was reported from Cleveland, O., that what is claimed to be tho fastest long distance run over made on an electric traction railway was recorded by a car on the Lake Shore electric line of a trip from Cleveland to Toledo today. Tho car left this city at 3 a. m arriving in Toledo, a distance of 120 miles, at G:10 a. m., making tho actual running time three hours and ten minutes. An interesting report comes from Boulder, Colo., under date of Novem ber 14, rb follows: Five hundred stu dents of tho university of Colorado are on strike. They havo rovolted 'over lessons during tho quarto-centennial colebration, now in progress. The students hold class meetings and voted unanimously not to attend classes dur ing tho colebration. Girls who attend are threatened with ostracism and boys havo. been told that they will be Clicked in tho lako. Today not a boy or girl reported at classes. Thore Is some talk of President Baker's taking drastic measures with the leadors an an example of discipline. Howovcr, as all tho students are Involved, It Is genorally boliovcd that no action will bo taken. The explosion of a largo boiler In tho works of tho American Iron and Steel Manufacturing company's plant at Lebanon, Pa., on November 13 I caused tho death of four workmen and tho injury of about forty others. Reports from South China by way of Victoria, B. C, givo details of a revolution in progress In Kwang SI, the natives pillaging towns and at tacking tho Inhabitants. The Chinese government is using every effort to suppress tho insurrection. On November 12 It was announced from Washington that several promo tions of generals will shortly take place. Major General Young will suc ceed General Miles, who retires August 8 of next year. James F. Wade, Samuel S. Sumner and Leonard Wood, at pres ent brigadier generals, will be pro moted to be major generals. Reports from Honolulu bring tho news that the recent election In tho territory of Hawaii resulted In a re publican victory. Prince Kalanlanaole, popularly known as "Prince Cupid," Tas elected delegate to congress over Robert W. Wilcox, tho incumbent, and democratic candidate, by a majority of over 2.000. It was also reported that the legislature will be almost entirely republican. An Associated press dispatch under date of Washington, November 12, says: W. Godfrey Hunter has tendered his resignation as United States min ister to Guatemala. The president has accepted the resignation and has se lected Leslie Combes, at present United States pension agent at Louisville, to succeed Dr. Hunter as minister at Guatemala City. Dr. Hunter also Is minister to Honduras and Mr. Combes will likewise assume tiult post Dr. Hunter has had a stormy career in Central America ever since he went there in 1897. It is assumed that he has at last become tired of tho strug Lle. for it has been known that for Home time he contemplated resigning. The plate pays $10,000' a year. On November 13 it was announced by tho Associated pree that tho Penn sylvania "Railroad company tonight announced an increase of 10 per cent in wage of all employes east of Pitts- A Washington dispatch of Novem ber 13 says: Tho postofllco depart ment has been notified that the new Issue cf 13-cent stamps bearing tho portrait of tho lato President Harri son will bo ready for supply to post masters next Saturday. President Roosevelt left Washing ton for a hunting trip through the Mississippi black bear country and strict precautions havo been taken to ensure aa much privacy in the hunt ing camp as possible, It being pitched miles away from any point of civilization. On November 13 It was reported from Berlin that tho relchstag adopted by 192 to 71 votes the paragraph ot the new tariff, authorizing tho govern ment to retaliate on any country dis criminating against German goods. The agrarians openly affirmed that it was necessary to arm tho government with weapons for reprisal, especially against the United States customs practices. President Castro of Venezuela has issued a manifesto proclaiming to ttit vorld that the revolution in his coun try is, at .an end. He puts the loss of tho rebels at three thousand men. According to the Associated press reports Senor Sagasta has informed the king of Spain that he felt compelled to abandon tho task of trying to form a new cabinet - Something of a sensation was caused in Omaha, Neb., when tho tax commis sioner on completing the assessment rolls for the city returned the valua tion of tho railroads entering Omaha. Tho valuation of this year is an even 100 times higher than last, the total being $13,897,150. in addition to this the value of the franchised corpora tions has been raised approximately Journalism In Japan,- There Is not a town of 10,000 people which docs not possess at least one newspaper, and the two or three cheap popular papoVs in the capital have circulations running from 100,000 to 150.000. This describes journalism In Japan, which was the subject of an Interesting lecturo (pluckily delivered in English) given in the Japan So ciety's hall by Mr. M. Zuraoto, the Japanese editor of the only paper in Japan printed in English, the Japan Times. Apart from liability undor the libel law, tho fullest freedom is per mitted, except when the country is on the vorgo or at war, when the reason able Intimation Is conveyed that news as to the movements of ship and troops must not be published. Fiction fills the most important place in edi torial policy; but a fair proportion of space is given up to telegraphic news, including cables from eastern ports and Europe and America. The mos successful and prosperous journals are so-called "yellow journals." and there was much hypocritical denunciation concerning these, people who de nounced them buying tkreo copies to one of the grave and accurate journals which they professed to support But when these "yellow journals" ventured to meddlo in affairs of state they ex perienced sovero rebuffs: seven weeks previous to the official announcement of the Anglo-Japanese alliance one of these journals published in command ing type a report that it had been ar ranged, but "thanks to its well-established reputation," "what was really a big 'scoop' attracted no attention." Westminster Gazette. Defaming the Volunteers. Tho war department, after Ignoring for a year or two the charge that Father Augustine, a Roman Catholic priest, was tortured to death In the Philippines by American soldiers, who sought to force from him a revels tlon of the hiding place of a large sum of money, has been compelled to ad mit that the charge Is true that tho priest was killed by the "water cure." The readiness of the war department at this time to adnlt the fact is ac counted tor by its anneuaoement that the murderers were Vermont volun teers, who were mastered out of ser vice Teng ago and are now beyond the reach of military justico. It is up to Vermont to ask the war department what in the name of all that Is imp- triotlc and treasonable It means by defaming her heroes. -Philadelphia North American. WANTED Active canvassers male and female, wh4e or spar time, for the sale of Mr. William Jeanfegg Bryan's new took, fust pofcHsked. It Is ss4eneMd seller and wo 44w lib. rJ tenets. A Irigcessssisslsn thttsm wne want to earn wiesiey. Address, The Abbey Press, PaiWlshers, 114 Filth Avenue, New York City. Tff.