The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 14, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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The Commoner.
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THE COMMONER, Llncehi, Neb.
( " --
Organize, and begin the work right now.
"Truth loses some battles, but never any wars."
Tom Johnson. .
The reorganizes seem to have jumped out of a
free, silver frying pan into a tariff reform fire.
Philadelphia's republican majority was, as
usual; another case of the quick and the dead.
. The Cox and McLean machines seem to have
built with a view to interchangeabillty of the cogs.
Mr. Knox seems to have accumulated a lot of
pondering over lae real worth of a Panama canal
Maryland has gone republican by 8,000, and it
cannot be charged up to the Kansas City platform,
William R. Hearst deserved the splendid in
dorsement he received at the hands of organized
Mr. Baer may now be expected to step up and
demand the vindication of his "divine rights"
"Senator Teller has a majority In the legisla
ture, but it a reflection on the Btate that it is not
.Jt''f larger.
. '" "
:" Doubtless Count Boni do Castollane wonders
what on earth they expected him to do with those
American dollars.
' Mr. Cleveland's New Jersey. speech seems to
have fallen upon the inocuous desuetude of the cir
cumambient atmosphere.
If the Indianapolis Sentinel has any explana
tion for it, right now wouiu be a good time to
make it.
William R. Hearst succeeds the late Amos
Cuminlngs In congress. Mr. Cummings was a
newspaper man, too.
In electing Newlandsto the senate Nevada
has done all she could to repudiate her other
senator, Mr. Stewart..
Readers holding "Lots of Five" subscription
cards will confer a favor on The Commoner by re
porting on them as soon as possible.
It appears that Mr. Lorimor was willing to do
almost anything for the privilege of being one of
those who are to "hold up tho president's hands."
Mr. Henderson seems -to have made a grave
mistake when ho conceived the idea that the re
publican state convention of Iowa really meant it.
The election of a republican house indicates
that the trusts gave ample evidences that they are
all good from the republican slush fund viewpoint
Some of the republican congressmen elected to
"hold up the president's hands" ought to be quar
antined as a measure of safety for the chief executive.
Mr. Babcock seems to have successfully -Dr. ;
Lorenzod tho trust-leg.
Congressman Lattimer of South Carolina has
been promoted to the senate and that state now
has two senators whom the republicans cannot
If you read that Mr. Bryan's precinct went
republican by sixteen majority, just remember that
President Roosevelt's precinct went democratic
by thirty-one.
Close observation will probably disclose, that
one of Uncle Joe Cannon's eyes is winking at Mr.
Henderson while tne other is firmly glued to the
speaker's chair.
Outside of the city of , Baltimore the republi
cans secured a larger majority this year than they
did in 1900 when the fight was made on the Kan
sas City platform.
John Lind remained true to his principles and
won out in a district usually republican by a safe
majority. There Is a lesson for, the reofganizers
in the election of Mr. Lind.
The strike commissioners will have a better
knowledge of how the miners live if they try to
subsist for a year on $175 and pay rent, fuel and
clothing bills out of that sum.
Those whose taste revolts at sour grapes can
find some consolation in the thought that the re
publicans cannot blame a democratic congress for
any bad times that may come.
General Grosvenor is now convinced that the
republic will live at least two. years longer. The
general secured a re-election.
There will be other campaigns, and rightnow
la the time for loyal democrats to organize thor-
oughly and be ready for them.
"Great fortunes are misfortunes," remarks
Russell oage. But it will be noted that Mr. Sago
Is willing to suffer and be strong.
r l '
The genuineness of Mr. McLean's democracy
may bo fairly measured T)y the size of the repub
lican majority in Hamilton county
Naturally all the mergers, combines, trusts
and monopolies-will step right up to the republican
counter and select their vindications.
The Rhode Island democracy indorsed the"'
Kansas City platform, and the democrats of "Lit
tle Rhody" elected the governor. Mr. Hill might
ponder on this fact to gpod advantage.
William E. Mason will soon have ample leisure
time in which to ponder over the fact that tho re
publican managers have no use for men who cling
to tho habit of thinking for themselves.
It appears that whatever tana revising is
done during -the next two years will be done by
friends of the tariff.. This will explain why the
tariff-bolstered trusts are not worrying.
Ex-Governor Stone will be the next senator
from Missouri. The democracy of the nation
should "front" and ..dress up to Missouri.
The amiable Iowa gentlemen who controlled
the Iowa democratic convention may profitably
study the election figures in that state. Nothing Is
to be gained by temporizing on any question.
Some of the republican congressmen elected to
"hold up the president's hands" will force uie
president to use a powerful deodorizing and dis
infecting soap when he performs his ablutions.
Democrats should hasten to unite on
true democratic principles. It is foreign to
democratic principles to accept anti-democratic
doctrines merely because they hold out a promise
of victory.
Vol. a, No.. 43
Having properly rounded up and branded h
state once more Mr. Quay now goes flshintr A mn
jority of Pennsyjyaniana seem to dearly iovnt
branding iron. ,B lB0
Mr. Watterson says that the defeat of iw
Johnson means that the party must turn its back
on the Chicago platform If It would win fin
slow, Henry. Tho, democrats of Indiana foliowiS
your advice and see where they are..
The loyal democrats of Wisconsin, it seems
would not bo deceived into voting for an anti
democratic candidate on a democratic ticket
backed up by a democratic platform that was mora
republican than the republican platform.
The "Lots of Five" subscription cards con
tinue to come in at a gratifying rate. There are
however, a number yet outstanding. Those having
them will assist The Commoner in the work it ia
striving to do by disposing of them at once.
Mr. Loud, chairman of the house postoflice
committee, was defeated for" re-election. This opens
the way for the appointment of a committee chair
man who will not endeavor to economize in postal
penditures by discriminating against legitimate
Before election republican leaders declared that
the Fowler bill was dead. They may be expected
now to point to the results of the election as an
indorsement of the Fowler bill. That's the logic
they used with regard to the gold standard and
The mail carriers and postal clerks were
warned not to become too active in politics, but
the defeat of Congressman Loud Indicates that tho
carriers and clerks had a number of friends. Mr.
Loud has always opposed any increase in tho sal
aries of the clerks and carriers.
President Eliot urges as one argument against
labor unions that they restrict output This is
enough to make the anthracite trust, and all other
trusts, fairly froth at the mouth with righteous
anger. It is also enough to convince a thinking
public that President Eliot is. an unconscious
The Omaha World-Herald is one democratic
daily newspaper that has remained true to demo
cratic principles through dark days and severe
trials, and the election of its publisher and pro
prietor, Gilbert M. Hitchcock, A.o congress is a
credit to the democracy of the Second Nebraska
district and a distinct gain to the lower house of
Governor Boies went down to Des Moines and
secured the repudiation of the Kansas City plat
form, and then he returned to his district and
made a race for congress on the tariff question.
The returns In both state and district ought to
convince him that free silver is at least as popular
in Iowa as tariff reform.
Mr. Orr, of Atchison, Kas., gives out an in
terview in which he declares that Kansas is per
manently republican. He is also quoted as eulo
gizing Mr. Cleveland as the type of true democ
racy. Mr. Orr is a conspicuous representative oil
the corporation element in politics. He is attor
ney for the --Missouri Pacific railroad and his ideas,
if they controlled the party, would make all tho
states permanently republican.
In Nebraska the fusion candidate for gov
ernor received nearly three thousand more votes
than the fusion candidate for judge received last
year, while the republican candidate for governor
received several thousand votes less than the re
publican candidate for judge received last year
In other words, the fusionists did better in Nebras
ka this year than they did a year ago, though no.
so well as they did two years ago.
Chairman Babcock may now close his head
quarters and devote all ..e time he pleases tc the
election of his vindication ofNtho tariff flip-flop.
If any moral can be extracted from anything
so immoral as a republican victory, then the moral
of last week's elections is that it ia better for the
democrats to fall with their convictions thaa to
fall without them.
- -Senator Lodge says that 95 per cent of the
trusts are good and only 6 per cent bad. That is
nineteen good trusts and only one bad one. Tho
republicans will have so much trouble with their
19 to 1 ratio they will not have to find fault
with 10 to 1. The republicans spent several years
finding fault with 16 to 1, but they have not
changed it yet, although they have had six years
in which to do It In fact, they have not only
failed to change tho ratio, but during the last flvo
years they have coined more silver dollars at tno
ratio of 1G to 1 without Waiting for the aid on 1 con
sent of another nation than our government : no
over coined before in the same length of time,
Why don't they change the ratio if it is wron
,L -