The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 14, 1902, Page 15, Image 15

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wW''''Wesii, pfctv..iP,ll'lW..'1
Nov. 14, ifoa,
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All Have Trouble. .
If Dame Fortune treats you badly as
you travel on the way,
Do not let that fact disturb you, but
be cheerful all the day.
Never lose your pluck and courage
and- whenever she may frown,
Just go on about your business and
she cannot put you down.
Toe, rofuse to treat with trouble, in a
world so bright and fair
tYon will And there ia no reason to bo
loaded down with. care.
rYou should tackle your misfortune and
should fight it out alone
Please remember all your comrades
have some troubles of their own.
Just go out and view the landscape
when you're feeling rather sad,
For a little of God's sunshine will be
sure to make you glad.
You can call awhile on nature ram
ble through a wonderland
That will charm you with its beautios,
though you do not understand,
Then your troubles will not linger and,
in fact, you will not know
How and when your troubles left you
how you lost your weight of woe.
Yet, if you are prone to nurse them
and to roam around and moan,
Please remember there are others who
have troubles of their own.
If you fight all care with laughter,
then it cannot cloud your sky,
And will quickly vanish elsewhere
will be sure to pass you by.
Go and study souls with trouble
those who have it night and day;
Is it not because they hunt It? That
' is why it comes their way.
That each soul must have some trouble
is a .truth that's oft confessed,
But we need not nurse it always joy
may often be our guest
'And we do not need to sing it, or go
shuffling round and groan.
For our friends- and other people have
some troubles of their own.
St Joseph Gazette.
The Human Side of Labor Unions
Two match-boxes lie on my desk,
given me by officers of the cigarmak
ers' international union. Tho sides
are of celluloid. One side reads,
"Smoke no cigars that do not boar
this label;" below is tho union label
in fac simile. The other sido reads.
"These cigars are not union made;"
below is a list of widely advertised
cigars. It is a form of boycott
"What is tho story?" I asked tho
label agent
"Tho story," ho said, "is that those
cigars are made by tho-trust They
are made by machines that roll them
out at the rate of perhaps a thousand
day. A cigarmaker can make by
Mr. Hoar Asks Too Much.
With the people clamoring for re
lief from tariff and trust extortion,
with industries demanding immediate
emancipation, Senator Hoar tells us
we must wait four years and meantime
elect republicans who will stand by
tho trust tariff. Mr. Hoar asks too
much of human nature. Boston Post
hand nerhaps 150."
"Would you stop the machines?" I
"No," he' thundered, "we can't check
mechanical progress we don't want
to. We want clgarmaKers to run the
machines at a living wage. When tho
typesetting machine came In, the typo
graphical union insisted that regular
printers should, run them at tho reg
ular wages. The machines moved
printing up a notch they didn't low
er wages. But cigar-making machines
are run by girls children! And on
starvation wages! That's what we
want to stop."
"Like child labor In cotton mills?"
I asked.
"Just!" he snapped. "Admit that a
father among the unemployed, with
young daughters earning from six to
eight dollars a week on a cigar-mak-
ing machine, under a coarse and per
haps vicious foreman I could tell you
talesIs not so pretty an American
sight as a father earning eighteen dol
lars a week and keeping his children
at school. That Is what wo work for
to help our children to givo them a
better start, please God, than we had.
Let the machines come In, by all
means, but let us run them. Don't
flro us, to turn our Angers skilled at
cigar-rolling, and good for nothing
else, to idleness or to a new trade too
late and put our children in our
"Is that being done?" I queried.
"Do those cigars soil?" ho mocked.
"Do people buy the , and tho ,
and, tho ? Or didn't you como by
one of those brilliant stores whore
thoy sell a wholo pocketful of machine-made
cigars for a quarter and
givo you a ticket for a gold watch In
tho bargain?"
I ask him what ho meant
"Within the last three months," he
said, "thirty new cigar stores owned
by a singlo company havo started in
Now York. Their lights at night
make tho brllliantcst spot in many a
block from Park Row to Harlem. Thoy
sell cigars non-union trust-made ci
gars cheaper than any other stores in
town; good cigars for six cents, ton
cont cigars for five cents, Ave cent ci
gars seven for a quarter, cigarettes at
cut prices. They give premiums, too,
and are jammed with custom.
"TXTnll ' Tirt itrinf on "flirt ir'iinf srm
trols them not openly, but, you sco,
they sell the scab cigars for almost
nothing. How long do you think it
will take them to drive independent
stores from business? How long be
fore ono company will make all tho
cigars in the country by machines
run by children and girls; and how
long before ono company will sol.
them all? Can't you see a deadly
force squeezing smaller the margin of
comfort In the living of American la
bor?" . "Won't the consumer gain?" I asked.
"A little," he admitted, "a very, very
little. You know where tho gain will
come. And now tell mo if our strug
gle isn't ono where the public swings
against us for the bribe of an extra
cigar in overy purchase and a coupon
for a nickel-plated match-box? Tho
union fights a righteous battle for a
higher standard of American human
ityand it fights alone."
This human matter, this vital prob
lem of the elevation of our people as a
whole, labor and capital must discuss,
and not In typewritten letters ten
words long. M. G. Cunniff, In the
World's Work.
Learn Bookkeeping free
Pur your tuition from roar
earnings aftar wa place you la
a position, would you Become
a MteeeMiai uwuness hhbt
Would you obtain a good '97-
lag postttan, or securo aa h
eroaoa m MUaryT wouia you
posses the caMeMr that dJrceta
and control largo uumrcm ea
tornrktes? A kowfre ae
counts lBcrce your opportun
ities a BunarM-rnia. jw ur
method you can Icara easily
kl qsletly la frv U t jrtr m
kn. vlihMt Imi f IImw y. W
(IMMlMlt. Wt bath a4 jtj4
M luliloo tmun pie jmt i iiwa
1M an vUIla II aWf. W MW
Urptm1)tMl dirttoatf M7
otUn.l 1oMlMa I rt H.
II U Utb T M Mteaalra IfwHt Ml W4i
lUMUt MM fJIUai l atFpiaf wnn
tut ilr.U.1. tl tspUtM Wrw Jra rma ml
MnnMtTM Wwt 7 fnttfcwta Wa,
W 111 gift ttnr uutwn mfim n
ttlltxnk lolU!J rrt. ; ar wr
jaurovabom, irjMMttrtUf jxttli i itrfr!
UMJ, WW ft MM lMf
Commercial Corraapeadaace School
No. sac W. B. C. C. S. Building
Rochester, N. Y.
Is priceless. Guar Hcarefullyj
the least ailment may mm
blladneaa. You eaabe cured la
your own koine without pala r
tho knife, fiend me a statement
of your case aad rccelre f
Broreesioaal opinion and graa4
Illustrated book free.
Dr. F. Goo. Carte,
Khukert liiag., EansM Cltf, Mo.
, Ae;Bt WanUel.
I want smart youth sell my Chinese Curie. If he
catch much buMaees he earn many cab. II totae
American stamp send mo for package poelago, 1 send
samples free,
Can Self Your Farm
no mtter Thereft h. Cnd detcrlpUon, sate pikm a4
lemrnhow. lUl.96. Highest references. Office In 14 ctttwt,
W. M. Ostradr,i6eN. A. Bldsr..PliUAdelpbU
BSBSKar3flsiiiHS 11
IHnr Iff H ir "Jl rr "I i ff
HVHSBBJSBBBBJBkgalr2j Soji jfTeSjTWejn" Vw
gaFF wriMUfai
TSIAl laraaremt Imu, w fantitli tk eenHiBe and enly
ay reader or tau pper. n hob mi aaraaeat toj nw
with raort all other treatments. Care whwt Uer ele
ftri hKs, yHiia xt rtmfilftll. CICgCORXfaraMr
Skaa Hwfit. Qaljr re eve for U mmm dUee,
wMtaNNt u4 etowdti. Vmr Hletsca!e4 e
I1mU1 eatalea-He. cut this ad. out and mall to ua.
" 1 w
Have Your Own Pnssun Waterworks
Be comfortable like city folks. Il&ve BATH. Closet
- range boiler BUQplled with hydrant water; 3000 plants
operating. Especially Sae for fanaen aad tewa
waterworks. Hand ower, wladoll! or eaglae. Bead
See new Illustrated catalogue.
The Old Water Hill.
"Improved methods of manufactur
ing flour are in a large measure re
sponsible for the growing complaint
of dyspepsia," remarked the retired
"The average housewife wants her
bread to he as White as snow, and of
course she must have dazzllngly white
fimir if she makes white bread. To
make this white flour the millers must
discard that part of the wheat that has
color, and when that is discarded the
nutritious properties of the wheat are
eliminated. We are eating too much
wheat bread, anyhow.
"The government has tried hard to
popularize corn flour both at home and
abroad," continued tho retired phy
sician, "but has met with comparative
failure. This, I believe, Is "due in
large measure to the fact that we no
longer get good cornmeaL People seem
to think that any old kind of corn
will make meal. This Is a mistake.
Corn for meal should be selected with
as much care as wheat for flour Is se
lected. -nd corn should be ground
with as much care as wheat The
only place to get really good cornmeal
is in a few isolated regiona vi .uv
nnth. Here and there one may find
relics of a bygone day In the shape of!
a tumbledown old water mm, wnu
huge millstones that revolve -with thb
utmost deliberation. These old wa
ter mills grind the finest corn meal in
the world. In this hurrying age mil
lers must grind fast, and rapidly
ground cornmeal is not worth having.
It makes a pasty sort of corn bread.
Slowly ground cornmeal meal grpund
between burrs and not between rollers
makes a crisp, appetizing and nutri
tious loaf of Johnnycake.
"We ought to eat more corn, but as
long as the present method of grind
ing meal continues people will con
tinue to eat the wheat bread and con
tract dyspepsia, liver complaint and
other troubles."
YIRQUOA HOMES Learn alt about Ta. lande, soli,
water, climate, products, frulta, berries, made t cul
tivation, prices, etc by readlag the VUiOINIA
FAltMKR. Send 10c. for 3 inoatat Mfescrlptloa to Bok
419, Emporia, Va.
Natloaa! Financiering.
More than $20,000,000 under Secre
tary Shaw's, order has been paid at the
sub-treasury thus far In redemption of
bonds having a face value of less than
$15,000,000. When one recalls the very
small premiums at which these bonds
were sold by the treasury and note
the Tilgh premiums at which they are
being redeemed he is impressed with a
conviction of the ridiculous manner in
which the national finances are con
ducted. New York World.
Up To Date.
General Bragg's expression of opin
ion created an Impression that the Cu
bans could not line up to the Ameri
can standard of municipal govern
ment But there Is a story from Ha
vana that a fund of $20,000 has been
raised to get certain franchises through
the Havana council. The Cubans ap
pear to be right up with- the proces
sion in assimilating our methods of
local government -Pittsburg Dispatch.
$5 to f 12 WEKKLy for copying letters for us la your
own home, outllts and particulars free. Address,
Ladles Howe Magazine, 1'hUadelphla, FeaasylTaala.
Union Central Life
Highest interest rate; lowajrt death rate: pay
largest diridends. Good agents wanted. Addrea
Toha M. Fattlsoa, Pre., Cincinnati. J. If. Xd
mistoa, state ageat for Nebraska, Ljncola.
40 head, both sexes, any age; large
herd to select from. Mail orders a
specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Write for catalogue and circular, with
words -from customers In 17 states.
Farm 1-4 mile from town.
JNO. F. COULTER, Bxcello, Mo.
Don't Struggle
Along Without m Powtr
is is'SMHur raasoaafeM
aoraaoacaucai, zau
. YtrtktffuRa4
aatfrriy !t awatalasd,
Ats sTtry acsd ot the f ana
r, asllter, awyr. 7
ausL ta S rU Mm
? "?!,EeI,,ZSr?tj2
TtvitUiZxSA JSaWaMl -Haas ffaimaaa
uitiid trva. ,
K72 Wttttrif trat,Chkagof tlf