t """l ..hdWAlitJ r - The Commoner. Nov. H,ioJ - 13 .-, . Er - t& & BSc. Vl - LT - UsV Mb It " - - - WEAK EYES BEWARE OF BLINDNESS Tew eaa b eared at home 07 the wead .-fal Oneal BlMelveat Treat ewt. Cataract. Seam, Fllnu WkUeBftstaentfeeeyee, rMHlU4 Lie's, Weak nn Bare Ejvi. Oetle Nerre Dle-aim-EllOHM of lIllk&HCM CUKKO WITHOUT T II 8 1LN1PK. Writs and tail hlmj year eye troablea and he will J aariseyon jkxe wr uha kuis. Illoirtratedb ok fall of vain Able Information ana testimonials of iaadreds of oarefl SENT FREE. rs. Xather Noble. 8M Ilowan Ave Gklca&o, eared of Optlo Nerro Parallels. Write her. Nothing sont 0. O. D. unless ordered. Cross-Eyes Are Cured Tty Dr. Oneal wltheat the knife or pain. Address OWEN ONEAL, M. D., Svltc 121 52 DMitera St., Chlca. STUDY LAW AT HOME PropnrefortheBar or for advanced standing In a resident school by cuing your eparo time only and at yonr own home. Courses of study, tozt books, practice work and Moot Court same as In resident school. Superior to studying' in a law olUco. One student writes: "Haveloarnedmoro l.iw lb three weoks In your school than I learned In fonr months In a law ollloo." Borralar Collego Couree (2 years), roat-Graduato Courso (1 year) and Business Law Course (1G weeks). Endorsed by the bench and bar. For full particulars address CHICAGO CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF LAW, Reaper Block, Chicago Let us Sell Your Farm or your business, no matter whoro located. Wo know Whoro to find the buyers. Send do Bcrtptlon and price and we will tell you how we do It. without cost to you. CASH REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, 407 Bill cott Bquaro, Buffalo, N. Y. LEARN PROOF KEADINQ. IX you possess a faired v Bcatlon why not utillzo It at a genteel and uncrowdod profession paying $15 to 135 weekly, situations al ways obtainable. We are the" original instructors by mall, Bomb corbjbotondbnc School, Philadelphia. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS" .4i983 Appointment wore mado to civil Sorvlco places dnrinfr the year ending-Juno 30, 1002. This was 4,662 moro than wero appointed during 1001. Excellent opportunities for "young people. Hundreds of those whom we prepare by mall for the examinations are annually appointed. Full information about all government positions free. Write for our Civil Service Cataloguo and dates or ex animations. COLUMBIA CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE, 223-25 Pa. Ave. S. E., Washington, X. O. ley, Delaware, Lackawanna & West ern, Central of Now Jersey, Now York, Ontario & Western, Now York, Sus quehanna & Western, Delaware & Hudson, Pennsylvania, Baltimore & Ohio, The roads have until Novem ber 20 to file their answers. An important decision was Tendered by tho supreme court of Nebraska on Novombor 6 in that tho constitution ality of the Nebraska anti-trust law was upheld. This decision hinged on a case involving tho right -of this law to exempt organizations of laboring men from its provisions, and" accord ing to tho decision, this right is sustained. On November 6 a dispatch from Napa, Cal., announced that Profeseor Husmann, one of the best known nom ologists in the United States, is dead, aged 75 years. He was a prominent promoter of horticultural and viti culture Interests. For three years he filled the chair of pomology and for estry in the university of Missouri, and with Parker Erie founded tho American Pomological society. He was once publisher of tho viticultural Journal, a contributor to many maga zines and the author of several books of authority on viticulture and horticulture. A dispatch from tho City of Mexico under dato of November 6 reports: Albert Everett of California, president of the canal now under construction In the state of Chiapas, has reached here from the scene of recent seismic disturbances in Guatemala. He says tho ashes worked great benefit to cof fee planters, as they killed oil noxious insects and also will Bervo as fertilizers. Judge P. M. Redburn, who on Tues day was elected circuit judge of Jasper county, Missouri, died on November 6 from over exertion during the cam paign. Judge Redburn was 65 years SALARY S936-SS an old established house of solid financial standing to man a A YEAR. $18 WEEKLY. STRAISHT OUT SAURY 10NAFIDE SAURY. NO MORE. NO LESS SAURY. Several trustworthy gentlemen or ladles wanted In each state by r business In their own and nearby counties. It Is mainly office work conducted athotno. Salary straight C93i inn. najnr to understand. SALARY PAYABLE EACH trnl MftWKY AUVANOKD FOB EXPENSES EACH WEEK. eoare competent reliable managers to handle our rapidly growing trade. References. avelepe. THE DOMINION COMPANY, Dept- S-Ol Ten yenro In business und us compelled to Bseiose Mir-aaoressea CHICAGO, ILL. TERRIFPS PERFECT WASHER CCIIT fiU TDIAI with a positive guaranteo to wash tho Oklll Ull IslIM eoUars and wristbands olithedlrtlestshirt perfectly clean, without tho use or the washboard or hand rubbing, with no Injury to the most delicate fabric, Will do a family wash .ing tn one hour; saves time, labor and expense. ED EC Wo want good, reliable and Industrious agents, and in rnhki order to secure your help-will send one of our washers absolutely FREE. Write today for FliEE cataloguo and full particulars. PORTLAND MANUFACTURING CO., 167 Pearl St. Portland, Mich. f"-0 ft m--z BdLHbhBSsS NH ABLsSSSSSSSSKBSSiBSSSSBL?wVbSSS1 A Cold Watch and Chain for $3k SO YTBATi 5cTTAT TT'X'JBMt flM'bt.hondUBwt. i BKntpwftct Ktoulo, li taml O.U pUtod wtuh ad efcUo on lb. uibt Basil, troth UN, full MftmYtil wild told puma, tiehlr JtwtUd, imim m fc. Meood, two vtn4 ui ttoa art ud itoeluwljr mfaattd for 90 ton. With lol&ul 60-laab QU Fitted lorpiotto ChoJa tot UdJ., ud baabotM Poahl BnMtta Cbain led China for ccstt. PoridrWj (&HlMt UrUn . S4 on (b. Avm of tt Stnb. SEEING IS BELIEVING. Cat l&U eat u ml lito a. lth.joar Mm. .pott rite, tat xftiM eStM ulmi, udii -"IU $ti& lb ntcb sd cluJa eowpUU to jour cxptM. oo far iflilnll. ToutximU. tbn t Jour ciptee. oast aa4 If u rtfmaalod fj th. rpn fi on? lufUa m!o yrtoo S&SS tod ozftrtM ebuxM ud th7 u. yoiin. Onlj ob. mleb ond chl to .Mb etutoraer at tbU rtdoctd prteo. Mt(n it. vuiud, QENTS LADIES 1 47 M (M0 &ttttUmmi raipMWr.MtMMMcua, K. E. CHALMERS & CO 352-356 t)earberHU tniCAUO, ILL. of age and has boon prominent in stato politics In Missouri for twenty-' ftvo years. A special dispatch from Mexico by way of Laredo, Tex., and dated No vember 6, says: In a personal lotter to parties In Cordoba Presldont Dlax has declined a proposition to accept money raised by popular subscription for tho payment of tho Plus fund claim. Tho president's letter was In roply to a letter from Cordoba sug gesting that tho amount bo raised through an appeal to tho pcoplo, and stated that Mexico will adhoro to oven tho technical points in the decision of The Hague court, and that sinco It was stated in tho decision that the amount should bo paid from tho Mexican treas ury tho payment will be mado ac cordingly. Captain Wlllard H. Brownson has been officially- appointed as suporln tondent of the" naval academy at An napolis, Md., and took his placo on November 6. AHna mi o MK IBBBlBBBBBa .jLT-BBBMBSSSS B Tsssssssssws!" .iL. ss'TCWM M nd Eight Dollar imtM" kkec. Atie flkk, BrJ Ue4 GaMaet SEWIWQ MACHINC. the eqal oC wvfOnx aaoklBes ttit eost YWLGX TJUJB'XOKJCV elsewhere. SKfA Ale for ear Braw, DKOFSJii QK KB HJt MUUnrCb AI0Btsl Kill CkUMt CUbnt4 Slt new incV bkhim ummixx. i4 OCfortaetUaAknlBaflbcarlae ICicVBeBMOKSwtaf IMUM. BUSMTETCT M0MUT. kb xmwmxhx tomum haocmk. CJK QrifarHieVMWlMTSBJUNS PIUI.W HCWIMSieRSMCwiS, OUR MINNESOTA, ''HrWMmMmUyiu'o tu many otmr mgn prue inannncc. wquwuhj iiiuowxi uuiiuijunvnHu; 1M web sea. hunUWlUT We ean enrsty Te yen tll-N to wo. m oa any Jaaa ol a naeMse. the parts, meotealsm atwlBpedaleiaTs,inourblf,iwftre sewiag aWae catalOBne. YoanwatwrMeUrH. UyiitotktoBPM,wewllItleiittieBMMe eialaeyeBrBtJckban'MSfciaM. tearaaewtl vkHiiithaM. w im flBNir sctb yen i Tlisrr UMffllM ITMuC Yttifil y sewtoymelae eHtwi. inncc Mumna rntt juinuBewuMr Haown tewfc twehaTeseiawiaekIa , himmumwIm- wmMwuimitNMaiiw On November G it was reported from San Francisco, Cal., that the flouring interests on tho Pacific coast have been practically amalgamated with a capital of $20,000,000. A Washington report of November 6 says: Tho annual report of Lieu tenant General Miles, commanding tho army, is a brief review of tho re ports that haveboon submitted to him by other officers. Ho indorses tho recommendation of General Brooke for a readjustment of tho geographi cal limits of the different departments. General Miles calls attention to the necessity of quarters for troops, say ing that while hundreds of thousands of dollars are being spent for quar ters for cayalry very little Is being used to afford shelter for artillery. Several weeks ago Ambassador White In Berlin, Germany, received a letter from President Roosevelt marked, "To bo opened on your 70tn birthday." On November 7 Mr. White reached his 70th birthday and on open ing' the letter found a warm note of thanks for his distinguished services to tho country. yttr'&M CacalogM, fc asoei sjgmzxmmmrk&r It was reported from London on No vember 8 that Prof. G. R. Parkin of Toronto, charged with putting the Cecil Rhodes scholarship in the United States into effect, has mado Inquiries at Oxford as to how tho Rhodes schol arships will bo received. Ho has as certained that every ono concerned In the matter is ready to co-operate heartily. Each college at Oxford is prepared to talco from two to five scholars a year, according to Its size. On November 8 It was reported that Roswell Beardsley of North Lansing, N. Y., who was tho oldest postmaster In point of service In the United States, having held that position for seventy-four years, is dead, aged 93 years. A Wonderful Invention A little group of men clustered about a radiator In the office of a western hotel recently fell to discussing the growth of modern Invention. The marvelous electrical development of the last decade had boon duly com mented upon and the usual remarks made about the self-binder, sewing ma chine, the linotype and the perfecting press. Suddenly a railroad man spoke up and said: "Gentlemen, all you have mentioned are great inventions, but there is ono that has not been mentioned and upon it depends In large measure the suc cess of all that you have spoken about I refer tt ths little rim of metal pro tecting downward from every car Trtieel the Hange. Do you know that ventions of the age. Uporf that little flange depends tho speed and safety of our railroad trains? Without It our railroad trains would bo as slow as stage coaches and as unsafe ae ft gasolene stovo left In charge of a cart less housewife? "That littlo rim of metal, scarce half-Inch higher than the surface of tho car wheol, keeps the cars on the track, makes them take the curves, keeps them steady and permits all the wonderful distribution of Industrial products that wo love to boast about. What would bo the good ot tho lino typo If there wero no way of getting tho groat dally newspapers across the country? What would be tho good ot increased facilities for harvestint: grain If thoro wero no way of gotttng that grain to market rapidly? Whn you come right down to the bottom facts you will find that the utility of all these great modern inventions about which so much Is heard, depend. In a largo measure upon the poor and littlo known flange upon overy car wheol In tho country." An.ObJect Lessen. The coal strike arbitration commlf tee did well to mako a personal tour of the mines. After a few hours In the dark, damp and low galleries, -with aching backs and burning eyeballs, the commissioners wore in a better condi tion o Judge fairly between employers and employes. Judge Gray had to give up and return to the surface bofore the tour of Inspection was well begun, and othor members of the commission were almost exhausted when they emerged Into the light of day. But hundreds of thousands of men must spend their days in these galleries, working hour after hour in cramped positions, and all for a dally average of S1.C0. Few people have any appreciation of the hardships and dangers of a miner's Ufa The Money of Pools. In the safes of the gambling houses raided on Tuesday night were found fat rolls of money. It was counted, not being In tho usual interpretation "apparatus" of gambling, but it wae evident that the' total was very great, probably in the hundreds of thou sands. A part of this money was puaway for safe keeping by tho gamblers them selves, a part by bookmakers and pool room keepers. Vast as it is, it Is only the "petty cash" for current business of a small portion of the men who by favor of the police have been parting fools from their money in this city. On what a gigantic scale must the whole business be organized! How continuous, ,how uninterrupted, how bold and confident must have been Its operations! Now York World. . ' Who Hade The Tariff. On the subjdet of "tariff revision by its frieTTds" the Terre Haute (Ind.) Ga zette (dem.) has this catechism: "Who made the sugar tariff? Oxnard and Havemeyer. Who made the steel tar iff? The ironmongers. Who made the tariff on hides? The packers. Who mado tho tariff on cotton goods? The New England mills. Who made the tariff on shoes? The New England and Philadelphia factories? Who mado the tariff on locomotives? The Baldwin Locomotive works. Who made the tariff on salt? The salt trust Who mado the tariff on paper? The paper trust" HEADACHE jt BvSiukx!sbWBSStS V At fl en & 25 9mm X.. H II II II I IBSHinf fsnfiffr 3WTXIAi2?LA.ottfcijad.talaaU It is really one of the naarreloui !& - JK.1 , (Jjit'ltlUl,,, CiSS3S33kBS3