The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 31, 1902, Page 13, Image 13

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    The Commoner.
Oct. 3 1, 190a
From Ward's to You
The Ideal System of Merchandising
Buv vour stiDDties direct and save thm tiswat mtddlammn0
'profits. Jire you se rich that you arm net interested in making vourmanev
- , - ff A W 4 b a .. A. A 5.L M
w y r s possioimr cue can save you ai.uu muz or every ss.oo veu smona. uur
goods are purchased direct from the manufacturer and seld to our trade at practically whole
prices. Over two millien peomle are now patronizing us and buvinsr eoervthinr thev ti at m sanin
of 15 to 40 per cent over the usual prices. These people arQ not going it blindly they are the thinking
fwfft.ts tunv kiivuj uiwLi m. uuitur auvma is a uouar gamea.
Our $2,500,000 stock of general merchandise is illustrated and quoted In our I,tOOpage f-i
catalogue No. 71, just from the printers, and it will be sent anywhere upmn receipt of 15 cents to j&'J
help paif the mostaze. Write todav. enclmxe IS cents In starmmx or noln. and ask fnr nntnlnm J
and Buyer's Guide No. 71. Over 120,000 people did this last month.
Montgomery Ward 8? Co., Chicago
" The House That Tells The Truth."
Urate Carlo
Iowa's Frosh Plum.
lowa still retains Its good luck In
matter of official honors. The only
iber of the coal strike commission
ig west of the Mississippi is a
Ben of Iowa.
Mighty Weak at Homo.
r-a recent speech Senator Bever-
reierred to this country as a
)rld power," and the Indianapolis
tlnel commenting on this reference,
rs: "Just think of a world power
has not got the nerve to grapple
control a gang of law defying trust
mates at home."
publican objection, but if Mr. Hanna
has the right side of the question he
ought to bo glad of the opportunity
of addressing a large crowd and win
ning converts to his cause.
The Shipping Trust.
A shipping trust has been organized
Ith a capital of $120,000,000 and $75,-
),000 in bonds. All that now re-
tins to complete the happiness of
jie leaders in this enterprise will bo
te granting of a subsidy by the United
ites government A republican vie
wy means a ship subsidy.
Exclusively For Wall Street.
H It is reported that many people have
iccepted the report that the secretary
if the treasury is lending money to
leedy and deserving people and Mr.
lhaw's mail is filled with appeals for
jplp. These people have not yet
jjparned the fact that while it is true
I that the public money is at the dis
posal of national bankers, no mere in
dividual need apply.
What a Diagnosis.
In a speech delivered at Philadel-
Xpila Secretary of the Treasury Shaw
when asked how he accounted for the
stringency of the money market an
swered: "National prosperity, that
alone will account for it, I think." To
which the Public, Louis F. Post's pa
per, retorts: "What a diagnosis!
'Good health!' said the doctor, when
asked why a patient was sick. 'Good
health,' Baid he; 'that alone will ac
count for it, I think.' "
Name the "Good" Trusts.
The Philadelphia Inquirer says:
"There may be some good trusts, as
President Roosevelt contends, hut in
the estimation of most people they are
whoro the westerner says the good Ind-
'lans are." Although many republican
orators and organs have claimed that
there are some good trusts not one of
them has accepted the challenge to
name these good trusts. The oppor
tunity for designating the good trusts
is yet open.
Where is Gov. Odell?
It will be remembered that at a
conference held between Governor
Odell of New York and the mine own
era, the governor announced that he
was "the chief executive of the state
and would leave no stone unturned to
enforce the law and bring even wealthy
criminals to justice," but that was
about the last wo heard of Governor
OJell on that subject He seems to
have forgotten his good resolutions
And Hanna Declines.
Senator Hanna says he has not made
up his mind to accept Tom Jobason's
challenge fsr joint debate. The sena
tor says: "I have an objection to at
taching myself to his circus as an at
traction, thus helping him to draw
crowds." That is a characteristic re-
Of Course, of Course.
A dispatch sent out from New Tork
several weeks ago said: "Members
of the original United States Steel
Underwriting syndicate will tomor
row receive another 25 per cent divi
dend of $10,000,000, notice to that ef
fect being sent out by J. P. Morgan
& Co. today. This makes a fourth divi
dend of $10,000,000, a total profit of
$ld,O0O,0OO on an actual outlay of $25,-004.00--
return of 160 per cent." No
wonder the beneficiaries of these divi
dends are so anxious to "keep on let
ting well enough alone."
Why Not Indict Them?
Now that the coal strike has been
temporarily settled Mr. Roosevelt
could serve the public well by directing
his attorney general to commence pro
ceedings against the coal barons un
der the criminal clause of the Sher
man act In his speech on the trust
question Attorney General Kaox did
not refer to the criminal proceeding
as a trust remedy, but it is never too
late to do good; and in the absence of
any formal statement on the stump
relating to that matter Mr. Knox
might bring about an indictment bt
some of the well fed millionaires who
have been Imposing upon the coal
consumers of the country.
What of the Future?
The fact that oven after the settle
ment of the coal strike something re
mains to be done to protect the pub
lic In the future is emphasized by the
New York World when it says:
"EHghty millions of people, most of
them optimists bound to see the light
est and brightest side of whatever
hapsone, are entirely happy because
the great coal strike of 1SQ2 -the great
est strike that ever happened Is over.
And yet and yet The fundamental
conditioas that made this strike pos
sible and brought the country so per
ilously near to a disaster aro not
haugei in thG least What is con
gress going to do to make anothor
Mich crisis Impossible? What will
President Roosevelt recommend and
urge 4t to do?"
A Lot of "Conversation."
The announcement from Washington
that the republican leaders would not
yield to the demand for tariff revision
recalls the statement made by Senator
Dolllver of Iowa at the republican
conference recently held at Des Moines.
On that occasion Senator Dolllver
said: "For years we have been telling
the peeple that we would do something
toward broadening trade by means of
reciprocity treaties. We have had the
pewer in all branches of the govern
ment, but we have done nothing. The
republican party has got to stop a Jot
of its conversation or take up these
treaties and some of the tariff sched
ules and do something toward satisfy
ing expectations. The republican par
ty ob this question is like a ship with
all sail set and anchor fast It is time
to take in sail or pull in anchor."
Novel Defense For Water Cure.
A number of republican naners are
reproducing extracts from ah article
written in the Manila American, in
which the water cure Is defended.
Tills paper declares that the water cure
is highly beneficial. It says that It
habeas to know of several instances
where Filipinos were serkmsly ni and
entirely recovered their health after
the application of the water treatment
The American says: "An ax-insurgent
officer recently stated in an informal
talk with a representative of the Hit
nila American that semo of the men
of his command had a bad feeling sad
ho gave them a ten' days' furlough.
As the sick squad sauntered away to
ward their homes, they wcro captured
by tho Americans who, seeing the
coadition of the sufferers, promptly
administered the water cure. In
three flays all the me were back in
f. " , ... a i.i .
and tholr fever beiag only a memory."
Now this Is decidedly refreshing. It Is
interesting to observe tho estimate
which some republican newspaper put
upon the intelligence of their readers.
Why Not Enforce the Law?
The Chicago Tribune refers to the
fact that tho constitution of Pennsyl
vania provides that "ao incorporated
company doing the business of a com
mon carrier shall directly or indirect
ly prosecute or engage in mining or
manufacturing articles for transporta
tion over its roads." The Tribune
points out that the coal carrying roads
in Pennsylvania are engaged in an un
lawful conspiracy and that they are
the most flagrant and impudent law
breakers in that part of Pennsylvania.
The Tribuno further says: "The roads
are 'habitual criminals.' By their re
iterated offenses they have put them
selves out of court They are entitled
to no consideration pr compassion.
They have worn out the patience of
the people. The severest treatment
they are likely to receive will not be
harsher than they deserve. However
harsh It may bo it will not make them
suffer as they have often made the
veople suffer. They have been hard
masters. They have shewn no mercy
for ethers. They would have no just
cause for complaint if bo mercy were
to be shown them." The republican
party is in complete ceatrol in Penn
sylvania, Why does not the Tribune
make an effort to per-made the repub
lican authorities .in Pennsylvania to
enforce the law and bring these rich
violators of the law to justice?
WAHTE& Active
the sale of Mr.
Bryaa's mew mekt
is a splesdid stUir
nn tersss. a. mc
who wast to earn
The Abbey Pre
I Fifth Aveaus. hew
emmv male
er sfisrs time, tmt-
muLMttn J I
Vv yrnvsv-iww Air
mi we aJfow tfb-
te these
y. Aaaress.
, PiiMEsbers, 114
York City.