r11l-WrTfmrKTimfyn.!mH, The Commoner. Sept. 26,19s 9 started home I was dreadfully ex hausted. The nearer home we got the more I dreaded the end of the journey, for I did not see how I could get supper for my tired and hungry guests. When at last wo entered our own gateway, and my husband turned the latch key in the door, I felt that I must sink down the moment I got to a chair. "As the door swung open, my hus band said, our neighbors must be get ting supper. How good it smells!' I cast one despairing glance at the par lor sofa, as wo passed in, but felt that it would never do to give up, so led the way tp the sitting room, which was also our dining room. But, on opening the door, I was amazed to ,see the table set, and all the 'staples,' such as bread, butter, fruits, cream, etc., neatly placed upon it, while, through the open kitchen door came the smell of hot coffee, cooked meats and steaming vegetables, and, bending over the range, sleeves rolled up, an apron of mine tied about his waist, a towel pinned about his head, was my boy now , a man of twenty-five his face hot and rod from the unaccus tomed heat, busily dishing up the var ious viands he had prepared for our eating! "Glad! I never was so relieved in my life. I just sat down and cried. The 'boy' hurriedly sat down his dish, then throwing his arms about mo, took off my hat and pushing back my hair, kissed me, and said, 'Why, mother! mother! this won't do. Sit right down to the table, and see what a good cook I am. The coffee is fine.' "Then we all laughed, for he is a goou cook, and we were all ravenously hungry. "I never loved my boy so well, or thought him so handsome as he looked to me in his 'cook's' costume, dishing up the supper to save the mother he knew would be utterly exhausted when she got home." " The Crown of Labor. To thousands of willing and con scientious workers life shuts in with grievous disappointment, and the meed of worldly success is for a time denied them. Conscious of their own desire to labor for the uplifting of humanity they find themselves in the sick room, or perhaps' overburdened with a cease less round of household duties where poverty leaves no time for the exercise of those gifts which might be used for the benefit of others. "The latch-string of opportunity hangs within the reach of every pair of hands," and while life may seem to be fraught with disappointment, yet somewhere, sometime, the worker will have her opportunity. Only be prepared to seize it at the auspicious moment The Creator says to them: "Let not your heart be troubled." The weary years of training and discipline and subjection will have borne fruit in the perfecting of your character and in preparing you for greater- responsi bilities. The greatest of all secrets that tend towards advancement is to put so much of ourselves into our daily tasks so much of soul, that our work will ppeak for us and finally lead employ ers to offer ub better and more lucra tive positions. Bring into the thought of our every-day labors something higher and nobler than the dollar ex pected for it, and look upon that call ing as a part of the Divine plan con stantly working for our, best good. Nor 'Should the value of the dollar be depreciated, but in the getting of it hold fast to all pure and lofty ideals and refuse to sacrifice character for gain. The burdens of life are not near so unequally distributed as it seems. If we could know the experiences of oth ers, and occasionally take time to life their burdens as we do our own, there aro few who would willingly exchange places with another, Our yoko fits bet ter after being worn a while, and, in time, if we accept its lessons wo will learn that His way, not ours, is best What loftier crown could anyone de sire than the consciousness of duty so faithfully performed that we have come to take pleasure in it? Let us thank God for tho discipline that pre j.arcr us mind, heart, and soul for greater things. Dust. The Combination. Oil Cu for Cancer. Yf&n originated and perfected by Dr. D. M. Bye. It is soothing and balmy and giveB relief from unceasing pain. It has cured more cases than allothor treatments combined. Thoso In ttrestod, who dosiro free books telling about tho treatment, save timo and expense i by ad dressing tho Home Offlca DB. D. M. BYE CO., P. O. Drawer 505, Indianapolis, Ind. Where does it all come from? Any one who has over assisted at house cleaning time knows that tho most dis agreeable feature of tho whole unpleas ant business is that of taking up and dusting tho carpets from tho most used rooms. Every thread of the carpet is laden with the fine, powdry, penetrat ing dust which also covers every inch of the floors, and every ray of sun shine that enters tho room seems alive with the floating, drifting, whirling, ct ncing atoms that must be a very great injury to the lungs which breathe them in. ' If one might only dispense with carpets! But the carpet does not make the dust Dust would be there from some source, even with bare floors and oft-shaken rugs. The carpet only serves to hide and to hold to pro tect, as it were, the dirt that settles upon it With bare floors, there would be a continuous call for brooms, mops, scrubbing brushes and dust cloths; rugs would have to be beaten every day. . Our men folks are carelessnibout the use of the scraper and door mat, bring ing fira field and highway, barn lot and door yard, street crossings and al ley openings, a very large contribution to swell the sum that gathers in form of lint and threads from clothing and house furnishings each individual or thing casting their mite into the la- dened receptacle. Yet, in rooms that are seldom used, it is the same only in degree. Dust settles in gray cJoud3 over all things, and the very winds seem to be in league against us, for through every crevice or cranny they bring their undesirable offerings. Our husbands are sympathetic, and would gladly help us, if they knew low, never once realizing how much their own careless habits add to the disorder. At every door should be placed a scraper and a door mat, and every member of the household should be required to use both; in addition to this, every loose particle of mud or litter adhering to ODes shoes or cloth ing should be scraped or shaken off before reaching the door-step. This would be a long step in the right direction; but, after using every known preventive, there would still be a large demand upon the housewife that could be met only by a vigorous and regular use of the broom. There is a right way and a wrong way to sweep, and the right way does not "come natural" to every one who un dertakes the work. One woman will take a dampened broom, and care fully drawing it toward her, remove all litter from the carpet, raising the least possible dust, while another will sweep as though good results depended upon the most vigorous strokes and wide swings of her arms. But hero is an other method, recommended by some excellent housekeepers.. Let us try it First, remove all light articles of furniture either out o the room, or to one side, sprinkle over the cleared space a' handful of coarse, dry salt Have just-outside the door a pail or small tub containing clean water, and into this dip your broom, quickly, and, after shaking all tho loose drops of water from it, commenco at the ond or sido furthest from tho door, and with short, sharp strokes sweep caro fully two or three yards of ono width of tho carpet You will find by this timo a depth of about ono or two inches of your broom will bo quite dirty according as your room is dusty or clean. Again dip tho broom In tho water, shako thoroughly, .and go over another yard or two ropeating this alternate sweeping and rinsing tho broom until each width of carpet has been thoroughly gono over. Tho wa ter in tho pail or tub will have to bo changed as often as it gets dirty, and your broom must not be used too wot Shako it well every timo it is wot Wipe all dust off your furniture before replacing it, and bo sure to sprinkle coarsodry salt over tho carpet in ad vanco of tho brocm. Insects do not liko salt, and this will not only bright on your carpot, but will act as a pre ventive to moth breeding In rooms not ofton used. Bo suro to swoop all corners, and odgos of carpot, and to wipe all dust from tho replaced fur niture. If this is done overy week, or at loast two or thrco times a month, and A your family will bo reasonably careful about UBins tho scrapor and door mat, the quantity of dust in and undor tho carpet, even In the most used rooms, will bo surprisingly diminished. H. W. McV. IN THE POLITICAL FIELD. Tho populists of tho Second Ne braska congressional district held their convention at Omaha on September 13 and indorsed tho democratic nominee for congress, G. M. Hitchcock. Tho following resolution was offered and adopted: We, tho populists of tho Second congressional district, as an expression of our principles, reaffirm tho principles of the Sioux Falls plat form; wo condemn the present cur rency bill known as tho Fowler bill, and as expression of our faith in tho nominee of this convention wo com mend tho attitude of tho Omaha World-Herald on all national issues, and submit the eauorlal opinions of that paper to tho consideration of all candid citizens. ,It was officially - announced from Pennsylvania on September 14 that no nomination will be made of demo cratic candidates for congress from tho six districts m the city of Philadel phia. The democratic leaders gave as their reason for adopting this policy that tney intend to make tho cam paign on state Issues exclusively. A Birmingham (Ala.) dispatch of September 15 says: Tho republican executive committee has refused tho admittance of negro delegates to the state convention which meets tomor row. This action was the result of several hours' strenuous struggle to day between thoso of the new regime, known as tho "Lily "White," and those not in favor of barring out the ne groes. This means that henceforth the republican party in Alabama is to be a white man's party. The elimina tion of the negro was accomplished through the passage of a resolution on a vote of 17 to 10, adopting tho report of tho sub-committee which was ap pointed at the meeting of the full com mittee on Saturday and which had censidered all contests and passed on all credentials presented by delegates. Asbury C. Latimer of South Carolina has been nominated to succeed Sena tor John L. McLaurin. Mr. Latimer has been in congress since 1892, being elected as a democrat It was reported from Scranton, Pa., on September 16 that tho republican deadlock in tho Fourteenth congres sional district has been broken by tho nomination of C. C. Pratt An umpire appointed by State Chairman Quay cast the vote which broke the deadlock. The democratic state convention of Delaware met at Dover on September 1G and nominated the following ticket: Representative in congress, Henry A. Houston; state treasurer, Joseph Hos singer; auditor of accounts, J. Thomas Lowe. Utah nominated Judge W. H. King of Salt Lake City for congress and Richard W. Young, formerly of tho su preme bench in tho Philippines, for justice of tho supremo court A plat form was adopted in which trusts and beet sugar wero prominent fea tures. Tho platform also extends tho sympathy of tho democratic party of Utah to Mrs. McKInloy. The Kansas City platform was indorsed. The democratic state convention of An Associated press report from Ta coma, Wash., dated September 17, says: The democratic state con von- -tlon, aftera session lasting until near ly midnight, completed its business and adjourned. Tho platform adopted indorses tho Kansas City platform, op poses Imperialism and colonialism, government by injunction, trusts and "trust fostering tariffs," and asset cur-, rency. Tho following ticket was nomi nated by acclamation: Representatives fn congress, Gcorgo F. Cottcrill of King, Stephen Barren of Okanagon, and 0. R. Holcomb of Adams; judgo of the supremo court James R. Reavls of Yaklha. United States Senator George Turner was .indorsed for re-election. " . " ' SOUK IUIEAD Annoyed the Doctor If you get right down to tho bottom of your stomach trouble it Is wrong food, and the way to correct It Is not by drugs but by using tho right food. A physician in Barron, Wis., writes an instructive letter on this point Ho says, "I am a practicing physician, .45 years o ., and about 6 feet in height When I began using Grape-Nuts last spring I weighed 140 lbs., was thin, and poor, had a coating on my tongue and frequently belched wind or gas and small pieces of undigested? bread or potatoes vhlch were very sour, in short I had acid dyspepsia. I consulted a brother physician who advised me to eat about four teaspoon fuls of Grape-Nuts at the commence ment of each meal and drink Postum Cereal Coffee. I had been in the habit of drinking coffee for breakfast and tea for dinner and supper. I followed tho advice of ny brother physician as to diet and experienced relief at once. Ever since that time I have eaten Grape-Nuts with sweet milk or cream each morning for breakfast and I now weigh 155 lbs., and am no more trou bled with sour stomach. I am very, fond of Postum Food Coffee and attri bute my relief as much to that as I do to Grape-Nuts. Often when I am called out in the night to see a patient and on my re turn home I feel tired, and hungry, I eat the usual quantity of Grape-Nuts before going to bed and then sleep soundly all night" Name given by, . Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. 3