The Commoner. 6 Curnnt Copies REPORTS FROM PARIS ANNOUNCE THAT Attorney General Knox made a brief stay in tuat city, where lie wont for the purpose of in vestigating the title to the Panama canal property offered to the United States by the French com pany." It is stated that the attorney general has found the title to bo valid and that the organiza tl6n for tho canal work will be promptly pushed. TN RECENT YEARS MANY DISCOVERIES X have beon mado concerning tho uses to which paper may bo put It is now announced that artificial teeth and "uppers" for boots and shoes may bo made of "paper. It is also announced that a business firm in Boston has undor consideration the proposition to begin the work of manufac turing hats from paper. THE GOOD WORK UNDERTAKEN BY CIR cuit Attorney Folk in unearthing tho corrup tion in public offlce at St Loiiis is progressing in a way eminently satisfactory to good citizens ev erywhere. Indictments have already been re turned against eighteen members of tho municipal assembly and Mr. Folk has been placed in pos session of the mothods of the combine by its "busi ness agent," J. K. Murrell. The purpose of this combine as stated by Murrell was "to sell legisla tion" and in one instance the sum of $75,000 was placed in a safety vault, to which vault the "busi ness agent" of these public officials was given tho koy. According to Murreil's confession this com bine received ?47,600 for one measure in which a great corporation was Interested. Mr. Folk is now seeking to bring the bribe givors as well as the bribe takers to justice and it is to be hoped .hat he will succeed in his patriotic effort EVEN THE CHILDREN ARE TO BECOME the victims of the trust system. The candy trust has been organized in New Jersey with a capital stock of nine million dollars, which it is announced will soon bo increased to twenty-five million dollars, probably after -undergoing the water cure treatment. The charter of this new con corn states that the object ofvthe company is to manufacture sugar, glucose, candy, chocolate, licorice, chewing gum, popcorn, or any other va riety of confection. A STRANGE INSTANCE OF PRECOCITY AND its unhappy results is reported from Ind ianapolis, Ind. Carl Linn, a child three years of ago, recently became famous becauso he had learned to ride a bicycle, which was built espe cially for him. Tho child had not yet learned to talk and had but commenced to walk. The little one was attacked with brain fever and menin gitis and after an illness of several weeks died. Physicians attribute tho child's death to bicycle riding. THE LEGAL PROFESSION HAS FOR SEV eral years felt the effect of the trust sys tem. H. Gerald Chapan, editor of the American Lawyer, says that "within twenty years the indi vidual or general practice lawyer will be extinct except only in the remoter country districts. As a calling the law is fast becoming obsolete." Mr. Chapan says that all law business may be divided into ton parts, as follows: Real estate 3, corpora tions 2, commercial cases and collections 2, wills and estates 1, accident and negligent suits 1, de fense of criminals 1. In all theso parts, accord ing to Mr. Chapan, except perhaps the last one, the lawyer is beginning to be superseded by other agencies. THE CONFESSION OF J.-K. MURRELL WITH relation to corruption in the St. Louis mu nicipal assembly, rovealed the fact that the coun cllmen who had combined for the purpose of sell ing legislation had each beon required to subscribe to a blood curdling oath, in words as follows: "I do solemnly swear beforo the Almighty God that in associating myself and in becoming a mem ber of this combine I will vote and act with the combine whenever and wherever I may bo so or dered to do so. And I further solemnly swearthat I will not, at any place or time, reveal the fact that there is a combine, and that I will not com municate to any person or persons anything that may take place at any meeting of tho combine. And I do solemnly agree that in case I should re veal tho fact that any person in this combine has received money, I hereby permit and authorize other members of this combine to take the forfeit of my lifo in such manner as they may deem proper, and that ray throat may bo cut, my tongue torn out and my body cast into the Mississippi river. And all of this I do solemnly swear, so help me God." It is strange that men who would enter into a conspiracy for the purpose of "selling leg islation!' would imagine that an oath pretended to bo taken in the presence of tho Creator would havo binding effect Tho oath taken by the St Louis conspirators is the worst bit of blasphemy that has beon brought to public attention in recent years. npHE CHARACTER OF THE RECEPTIONS X accorded tho Boor generals by the English people may be better understood when one reads an editorial protest made by the Sheffield Tele graph, referring to the ovations accorded Botha, Delarey and Do Wet. The Telegraph says: "No one is churlish enough to wish to withhold a courteous greeting to our old foes who fought so stubbornly. Far less will anyone refuse to accept them as friends if they are honestly done with tho past and at heart loyal to the peace of Vereoniging. But what need is there for British crowds gathering round these men, literally be sieging their hotel and following them with tu multuous cheering'' whenever they apear in pub lic? Why shoulu we make heroes of them, and of the three why should wo single out DeWet as tho greatest hero? Popular imagination, we know, was fired by tho daring and resourcefulness of the wily Boer who so frequently escaped by the skin of his teeth from positions in which he seemed hopelessly pinned, but is DeWet tho sort of man around whom should gather the glamour of ro mance? The war is but of yesterday. There are thousands of homes saddened with vacant chairs, homes hallowed by memories of brave men who havo found soldiers' graves on the veldt some seven thousand miles away. Let us remember our. own people first How must these cheers and shouts of . 'Good old Do Wet!' sound in the ears of "widows bereft of their husbands, of fathers and mothers mourning over their sons?" NOT ALL OF THE FOREIGN PAPERS UN derstand political situations in the United States, but the Vienna Neues Wiener Tageblatt is an exception to the rule. This paper, comment ing upon Mr. Roosevelt's "campaign against the trusts," says: "Messrs. Morgan, Carnegie, and Rockefeller can rest content that tho president does not mean mischief, but quite the contrary. That military imperialist sees in trusts a national source of power and a medium for American econ omic imperialism. Accordingly, he takes them under his powerful protection. Europe knows what it has to expect from President Roosevelt, tho once-Teputed opponent of trusts, who is now transformed into a reckless economic imperialist" WHEN INFORMED THAT SPEAKER HEN derson had withdrawn from the congres sional race, Postmaster General Payne declared: "This is the most extraordinary thing that ever occurred in American politics." One of tho inter esting features of Mr. Henderson's sensational re tirement is the general amazement occasioned by his action even among his political associates. It is reported from Dubuque that Mr. Henderson consulted only with three friends before he made his announcement, and that even in these in stances, he did not ask their advice, but simply announced to .them his determination to withdraw. IF ANYONE DOUBTS THAT THE HENDERSON retirement occasioned general surprise among even the political associates of the speaker the doubt may be removed by observing the man ner in which the news was received by the re publican party leaders. Tho New York corre spondent to the Chicago Record-Herald says that Speaker Henderson tossed a dynamite shell into tho midst of a quiot conference between President Roosevelt and his quintet of senatorial advisers late this afternoon. If a foreign battle ship had hove to in Oyster Bay and thrown a thirteen-inch stool shot Into the cottage at Sagamore Hill it could not have caused more consternation than did thd news of Speaker Henderson's withdrawal from the congressional r;ce. MR. ROOSEVELT WAS SEATED UPON THE piazza of his home in company with a num ber of. friends wnen he was called to the telephone "for a talk with Mr. Babcock, chairman of the re publican congrossional campaign committee. Mr. Babcock had received Speaker Henderson's tele gram and it is reported that "his agitation trem blod over the wires to Oyster Bay." Returning to Vol. a, No. 36. the porch it is said that the president "falrlv shouted the news at his visitors." Senator A1H son was one of the president's guests. ,He promnt ly declared: "I don't believe it ' There must ha some mistake. Henderson could not make such a fool of himself." It is said that at the very time this news was announced to the president, he was discussing with his friends the embarrassing po sition in which the republican party was placed with relation to the trusts and tariff. The New York correspondent of the ChicagoRecord-Herald says: "And at that moment there descended upon the president and his council of wise men word from the speaker of the house that in one of the banner republican districts of a, banner republican state he would not stand for re-election, because he was not in sympathy with a largo share of his party who wanted something like free trade. This was dramatic, indeed. It was almost tragic. Tho news from Iowa had cast a heavy shadow over tho president's policy party." SOME OF THE STATEMENTS MADE BY THE president's guests on this occasion with re spect to Mr. Henderson's withdrawal will be of interest. One of the number exclaimed: "Well, wo have just decided that Tve don't want a tariff question to bother us this year, and here is Dave Henderson coming at us line a clap of thunder out of a clear sky, making it absolutely certain that we've got to have a tariff question whether we like it or not." Senator Allison sighed and de clared: "It is incomprehensible, absolutely in comprehensible." One member of the republican congressional committee declared: "It will cost the Dubuque district," and another said: "That isn't the worst of it; it will cost the next house. This is an earthquake and it means" that the re publican party is going to split in two on the tar iff question. This explosion will reverberate throughout the country. In twenty-four hours the people of the United States will be talking revision. The thing has baen smoldering for a long time, and now Henderson has suddenly blown, it into a blaze. If we save the house of representatives af ter this we shall be in great luck." THE QUESTION WITH RELATION TO MR. Henderson's withdrawal that is uppermost in republican gatherings is, "Why did he do it?" Re publican leaders are seeking to devise all manner of excuses in order to avoid the one presented by Mr. Henderson himself and the one which will have perhaps me most disastrous effect upon the fortunes of the republican party. No attempt is made to conceal the fact that republicans are sorely grieved because of the speaker's action. They think that his retirement under fire is a poor return for all the honors which the republican par ty hasN bestowed upon him, and some correspon dents for republican papers even go so far as to assert that the tariff question had, in fact, nothing to do with Mr. Henderson's retirement, but that the real reason was that he had heard that his enemies intended to make a "scandal campaign" against him. While, these correspondents say, Mr. Henderson was perfectly innocent of the thing to be charged, yet they declare he was adverse to facing the fire. ONE OF THE DUTIES OF THE CENSUS Bu reau is to ascertain the number of persons who are able to read and write in any language. Investigation on this line indicates the conditions of illiteracy. The bureau has recently issued its statement on this point and it'shows that Nebraska occupies the place of honor. The following state ment shows the percentage of persons in the sev eral states between the ages of 10 and 14 who are able to read and write, the states being arranged in the order of increasing literacy: Nebraska 99.66, Iowa 99.63, Oregon 99.58, Ohio 99.51, Kansas 99.48, Indiana 99.45, Connecticut 99.48, Utah 99.34, Massachusetts 99.33. Michigan 99.30, Washington 99.30, Minnesota 99.29, Wisconsin 99.27, New York 99.26, Illinois 99.18, Wyoming 99.08, Vermont 99.05, South Dakota 99.00, California 98.99, Pennsylvania 98.99, New Jersey 98.81, Idaho 98.77, Colorado 98.48, Now Hampshire 98.31, District of Columbia 98.25, Rhode Island 98.12, Montana 98.07, Maine 97.92, North Dakota 97.65, Oklahoma 97.26, Missouri 96.64, Delaware 95.40, Maryland 95.36, West Vir ginia 94.74, Nevada 91.88, Kentucky 91.56, Texas 90.74, Florida 86.24, Tennessee 85.08, Virginia 84.33, Arkansas 83.80, New Mexico' 80.07, North Carolina 78.25, Arizona 77.79, Mississippi 77.62, Georgia 77.21, Indian Territory 75.61, Alabama 71.11, South Carolina 70.44, Louisiana 67.12. The improvement jn the efficiency of educational systems is shown by the fact that while in 1890 there were only thir teen states in which the percentage of children from 10 to 14 able to read and write was over 98, that percentage in the report for 1900 prevails in V