Erali The Commoner. Vl. a, No. 36. h t PERSONAL wfr : ut4 t . SUBSCRIBERS AND OF INTEREST TO EVERY READER . . . tVB WILL SEND to ovory nubscriber or roador of Tlie Commoner a full-shed ONB DOLLAR package of VITE-ORE, Buffioiout for ono months troatmont, to bo paid for within ono month's time af tor rocoipt, If tho rocoivor can truthfally say that its use has dono him or her moro good than all the drugs and dopos of quacks or good doctors or patont medicines he or she has ever used. READ this oror carefully, and understand that we ask our pay only whon it has douo you good, and not boforo. We take all the risk; you have nothing to lose. If it doos not benefit you, you pay us nothing. VITE-ORE 1b n natural, hard, adamautino rock-liko substanco mino ral ORE mined from tho ground like gold and ailvor and re quires about twenty years for oxidization. It contains free Iron, free sulphur and magnesium, and ono paokago will oquul in medici nal strongth and curativo vnluo S00 gallons of tho most powerful, oilicnoious miuoral wator, drank froEh at tho springs. It Is a geo logical dIscovery to which there Is nothing added or takon from. It is tho mar vol of tho century, as thousands tostify, and as no ono, answering this, writing for a package, will deny after using, It lias cured more chronic, obstinate, pronounced incurable cujca than any other known medicine, and will roach evory case with a moro rapid and poworful curativo action than any medicine combination of medicino or doctor's prescription which it is possiblo to procuro. This offor will challenge tho attention and consideration, and aftorward tho gratitudo of ovory living porson who dosires bottor hoalth, or who suitors pains, ills and diseases which havo doflod tho modical world and grown worse with ago. Wo caro not for your skepticism, but ask only your investigation, and at our oxponso, re gardloss of what ills you have, by sending to us for a package. You must not writo on a postal card. , In auswor to this address THEO. NOEL COMPANY, Chicago. IT CURES Rheumatism Bright's Disease La Grippe Blood Poisoning Sores and Ulcers Malarial Fever Nervous Prostration and Anaemia Liver, Kidney and Bladder Troubles Catarrh of Any Part Female Complaints Stomach and Bowel Disorders General Debility as TUB IDEAL Germ Destroyer, Disease Danislier, Blood Vitalfcsr, Pain Eradicator, Health and Strength Restorer. A Positive Specific When Used a Gargle or Swab for DIPHTHERIA Chronic, Ulcerated or Malignant Sore Throat, Tonsils and Quinsy. I JRiIn I 1 He is certainly You need not think so un- OUR DOCTOR mQy tell you that your case is incurable, that medical science is unable to help you, that all you can expect is temporary or slight relief. Well, let him think so. entitled to his opinion. less you wish to. Many people .whoso testimony appears in tho books and pamphlets of Theo. Noel & Co. were told that their caEes were hopeless, impossible, incurable, past all recovery yet read their testimony. Many wore told that they had but a few short years some but months to live, yot read their tesyimony. There are more things in HEAVEN and EARTH than aro dreamed of in ,tho Doctor's philosophy, and Vitae-Ore is one of them, VITE-ORE will do tho same for you as it has for hundreds of tho readers of this paper, if you will but give it a trial, which nono should hesitato to do on this liboral offer. Send for a $1.00 Package at our risk. You havo nothing to lose if tho medicino does not benefit you. We- want no one's money whom -Vitae-Ore cannot benefit. Can anything bo moro fair? Ono package is usually sulllciont to cure ordinary cases; two or throo for chronio, obstinate cases. Wo havo not asked to be editorially endorsed by tho management of this paper, but mean just what we say in tho above announcement and will do just as we agree. Writo today for a package af our risk 'and expense, giving your ago and ailments, so that wo may give you special directions for treatment if same bo necessary, and mention this paper so we may know that you aro entitled to this liboral offer.'' Address MAKES STRONG, HEALTHY WOMEN AND ROBUST, VIGOROUS MEN, iVf ANY READERS of The Commoner. Lavo taken advantage of this ' liboral offor wo mako to subscribers and their families sinco they first saw our announcement in this papor, and as a result art now happily nud permanently cured of their ailments-; and those who hnvo not accopted it should do so immediately, as no ono should or need continuo to sudor whon tho moanB for a CURB is offered on thoso liboral conditions. Vita-Ore has been on the market for almost two deendos, and is too well and favorably fcnown to need to bo offered in this way, which is noUdone with any -other niodicincs, but wo havo conildenco in tho readers of The Commoner, and know that they will pay if benefited and havo confidence in our medicino nnd know it will bonefit and euro, so mako this oiler for a limited timo only to ffain now friends and patrons among Tho Com monor roadors, knowing that oach porson wo bonofit means a dozen now patrons through his or hor recommendations. Tho following endorsement from elerjeymen of all denomina tions will prenoh. far more forcible sermon regarding this remedy thau anything; ire could say t "PLLZEY, MISS. I havo been afflicted with Nervous Prostration, - Invor and Kidnoy Trouble for about sixteen yoars and Piles for twenty years, so bad that I had to givo up my church work. Aftor using Vita-Ore for four days my Piles disappeared and tho blooding erased. I continuod its use about four months nnd today my Norvous Prostration, Kidnoy and Livor Troublo are all gone, and there has not boon a day sinco that tho Piles havo prevented mo from riding hbrsoback. I owo all this to Vita-Ore. Bkv. T. H. Smith. ALEXANDRIA, IND. I havo used Vita-Ore with satisfactory " rosults; alto know a number of pcoplo who derived groat bonefit from its uso. I choorfully rerommend it to tho afflictod. Rev. S. C. Hummkl, Pastor Christian Church. TJOPE' WIS. I havo boon using Vita-Ore for sorao timo. It is x working remarkably well and E am fooling stronger than over. Up to this timo I havo been doctoring with a ronowned specialist and havo spont much monoy but it sooms that your medicino must be given first place. Rev. J. Wolf. TSJEW WINDSOR, ILL. I have been using a package of Vita-Oro -L1 with considerable profit to myself and am well satisfied with tho improvement of my hoalth. You certainly havo a very valuable medicino in your V.-O. Tonic I wish nil weak m'n and women could bo brought to know of its valuo to them as a restorer. Roval J. KEr.iiboo, CongrogationaL Minister. TJOLTON, KAS. For throe or four months boforo using Vitas-Ore xx I suffored constantly with SQvero pains through the main part of my body and small of my back so that I could not turn in bod with out first Bitting up, which I believe was caused by1, Kidnoy and Liver Troublo. A few clays aftor I began using Vita-Ore thoso pains all loft and have not returned. I was also troublod with extremo drows inoss as night came on, and Bowel Troublo, which Vita-Ore ontiroly removed. It is a splendid remedy to build up and givo now onorgy and lifo to the human body. I shall ever speak a good word for Vita-Ore. Rev. M. T. Hoban. TJIQHSHIRE, PA. Having boon broken down In hoalth and an---- nblo to nttond to my dutios Vlf nj-Qro was rocommonded to mo, and nftor taking it as por -directions for one wcok I was enabled to continuo my work preaching for throo wooks, and mado during tho aay many pastonni cans, lor wmcn i give V.-U. tho credit. It has inco. I thoroforn. rocom avaluablo modlcino.-A. L. Shannon, Pastor HighshireUB. Church TVIAKYSVILLE, CALI1T. I havo used Vita-Ore for ten years and boliovo it to bo tho granaost curativo for human beings that can bo found. I hope that all suffer inffnrnr will ubo it and givo it a fair test and am satisfied that thoy will find it as I and thousands of others havo, a God-sent remedy. Rev. Db. H. E. Howland. pUBTON, LA. I havo takon your Vlho-Oro and find that it lias dono me mofbgood than -" anything I havo ovor takon for Liver or Kidnoy troublo. Rev. C, H. Wilson. yiRQINIA CITY, VA.I am an Evangelist Proachor. Three months ago my doctors said . I could not live, Lut tho Lord has raised mo from death to tho Pulpit through tho uso of Vltio-Oro. Rev. B. T. Moody. T5UTLER, IND. I would bo ungrateful Indeed woro I to roraain silent concerning tho e1roat benefit I have recoivod from tho uso of Vita-Ore. The relief dorlvod from your remedy isincalculablo. It has boon a greator bonofit to mo than any other I havo ovor used. Vitro-Oro prevents hoarseness and soro throat and I would not think of going into a protracted meeting of many weeks duration without first laying in a supply. I chcor fully and heartily rocommoud it to all, feoling that it will bo a God-Bond to those who uso it.--Theo. P. Fbeoh, A. M. D. D. As a BEACON LIGHT VITVE-ORE points tho way for storm-tossed sufferers to a haven of Health and Comfort. If you havo been drifting in a sea of sickness and disease, towards tho rocks and shoals of Chronic Invalidism, Port your Holm ore it bo too late, take heed of tho message of hope and safety which it flashes to you; stop drift ing about in a helpless, undecided manner, first on one course and then- another, but begin tho proper treatment immediately and roach tho "goal you aro seeking by the routo so many have traveled with success. Every porson whoso testimony is given on this page is willing to act as a pilot for you, oach knows tho way from having followed it; attend their advico follow the light and bo cured as thoy havo. CAN YOU AFFORD TO DISREGARD IT. 3KviBPjyvf.jalaaaW-r gV& 9$&SSf$4r feaaaaai vfrTTJSjffi'' Theo. Noel Company, Department Vitae-Ore B. C. Building, Chicago, HI. m m cm m sa m i i i M It. ' .kA S.