The Commoner. Sept. 26, 190a 11 brought to Buffalo. In searching them papers wero found which may lead to important arrests. The federal offi cers here have been notified that a large number of Chinese have recently entered the country illegally in the vicinity of Buffalo. It is reported that thirty-two recently crossed the lower end of Lake Erie from Canada to this state and succeeded in reaching New .York. . It was reported from London on September 18 that the United States' initiative in protesting to the countries which are parties to the treaty of Ber lin of 1878, against the treatment of Jews in Itoumanla meets with ap proval there. It is hoped that this ac tion on the part of this government will lead to a check being placed on the wholesale exportation of undesir able persons from Eastern Europe to Great Britain and America. General Bragg at Havana has cabled 1 the state department confirmation of the press reports of an accident to the big floating steel dry dock there, which was recently purchased by the United States from Spain. Ho says that the dock broke near the center while the end sections wero being suspended. A Washington dispatch of Septem ber 18 says: United States Consul FREE ELECTRIC BELT OFFER mMm Justice Horace Gray, who retired from the United States supreme bench lately, died at Nahant, JJass., on Sep tember 15. Judge Gray was born in Boston, Mass., March 21, 1828, and served as associate justice and chiof justice of the supreme court of Massa chusetts. President Arthur appointed him as associate justice of the su preme court of the United States, De cember 19, 1881. holding of tho court in effect that the remedy is to bo found in tho ballot and n having a board that will do its work properly tho first time. Tho writ of mandamus cannot control judgment of the board and its errors cannot bo corrected. Tis decision is regarded as one of the most important rendered on cases of this nature. tofzVBTJrsMM 7mmK r .rftiivx" WITH TEH DAYS' FREE WEARING TRIAL I" ynnrorrn liomp. vie lurnlih the frontline find only lIKlUKLIlklta ALTKIINATINQ CIIKRKNT KLECTKIO UKI.TH to any reader of this paper. Vo money In advance; itrj low coittpoilUTeKuirantcp. COSTS ALMOST N0THIN0"npnrd with most all other treatments. .Cure wlicn all otner elec tric belts, appliances aid retncdlet fall. QUICK CLHK for moro Ihnn SO ailments. Only euro cure for all ncrious dlaennri, treasneaieg and disorders. For complete ocnlcd eon fldcntlnl cataloeue. cut this ad. out and mall to us. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO. ilVla&e tiier arm Fay 'A lie res money in - xnrmini? n you under stand modern methods and farm Intellgently as taught by our correspond enco course in fib, (Cm JFiMRlL. i" 'Br ffjiafcfsBVrCV " " " ssssssHI n II -sWX , X. v jLBy Modem Agriculture; Under 1'rof. Win. 1 llrooks. Ph. .. of Mas?; Agricultural College. Treats of oHj, tlllaee, dralnaceertlllrerj.crop rotation, stock-fcedlntr.poultry-raljlnjr,dalryln?,etc. Also Horticulture under Pror. Hulley. of Cornell "University, and Agricultural Ilactorlolocy under Pror. i;onn. or Wcsleyan. Full Commorclul, Normal and Acadcmlo ao-j oartinents. Tuition nominal, icxt oooiuircoiouur students. Catalogue andpartlculars free. Write to-day. THE HOELE CORKESPOKDEHOJS BUJtiUU.b, Jjopcu , apnngneia, mana. WANTED Ton raon In each 6tato to travel, tack signs and distribute samples and circulars of our gooda. Salary $GO.0O per raontn,$2.60 pordnyforox ponsos. NATIONAli SOAP WQKK8, Chicago, 111. BIG CATALOG FREE jgsyjESFS each. Plcturos and Frames wholesale, OfltANK W. WILLIAMS CO., Chicago, Dep. C2. VIRGINIA IIOMES. Lonrn all about Va. lands, soil, water, cllmato, products, fruits, borrlcs, mode of cul tivation, prices, etc. by reading tho VIRGINIA FAKMEU. Send 10c. for 3 months subscription to Uox 410, Emporia, Va. 2QA weekly and all expensas to men with rig, to tyuJ introduce Poultry Compound. Jncloso stamp. Dcpt. C31toyal Co-Op. Mfg., Co., Indianapolis, Ind. wirmr-" tin nti BiriirgiiMiirri Q to $12 paid ladios doing needlework for tfO us at thoir homes. Materials furnished freo Btoady omploymout. Department C 2. Ladies' Industrial Co., 1G7 Wabash. A.vo., Chicago, III. n : 4- r ".'' viCi)ily,,'. Dave Your Own Pressure Waterworks Bo comfortable like city folks. Have HATH. Closet range boiler supplied with hydrant water; 2,000 plants operaUng. Especially fine for farmers and town waterworks, Hand power, windmill, or engine. Send for new Illustrated catalogue, CLARENCE A. BUM ON, KANSAS CITY, flO. On September 17 It was reported from Los Angeles, Cal., that the Na vajo tribe of Indians in Arizona, num bering 20,000 men, women and chil dren, is rapidly approaching tho star vation period and unless speedy and substantial aid is rendered by the gov ernment, or by the people unofficially, fearful distress and great loss of life will result. Continued drouth and the barrenness of their country has, he says, brought the Wavajos to their present condition. 'It was reported from Panama, Co lombia, on September 17, that Com mander Porter of the United States cruiser Ranger had decided to placo guards on the trains running across the isthmus. This step was to be talc en in addition to the marines landed at Colon from the cruiser Cincinnati. Colombia has been informed that this act could not be considered as an act of hostility to the government, but that it was taken under the necessity of assuring uninterrupted tralllc over the railroad. A Des Moines, la., dispatch of Sep tember 17 says: Attorney General C. W. Mullan, in an opinion filed with Governor Cummins today, holds that the acts of the new Iowa corporation, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad company, in connection with the Rock Island reorganization, is not outside the powers conferred by statute nor contrary to public policy in the le gal sense of the term. The Shanghai correspondent of the London Daily Mail cabled to his paper on September 15 that Cheng-Tu-Fu, capital of the province of Sze-Chuen, is surrounded by 50,000 Boxers, but that their attempts to take the city have so far failed. "A prominent Chi nese merchant tells me," continues the Daily Mail correspondent, "that if Chen-Tu-Fu is taken a rising in the province is inevitable. To further com plicate matters the feud between Cath olic and Protestant converts is worse now than at any previous stage and magisterial injunction in various mat ters has been unwarrantably inter fered with by priests and missionaries." It is announced from Guthrie, O. T., that Pleasant Porter, governor of the Creek Indian nation, has called a meet ing of the governors of the Ave civil ized tribes to be held at South McAlis ter on September 26, for the purpose of formulating a general plan for bring ing Indian Territory into statehood at the expiration of the tribal govern ment in 3906. Governor Porter says me Indians are opposed to statehood with Oklahoma. A cablegram from Amsterdam of September 14 says: Mr. Reitz, former ly state secretary of tho Transvaal, will sail September 15 for Now York, to givo a series of lectures both on bo half of his own finances and for tho benefit of tho Boers. The United States senato commis sion, appointed to investigate and re port upon Hawaiian affairs generally, reacho'd Honolulu on September 15 and began dally sessions. The commission consists of Senators Mitchell of. Ore gon, Foster of "Washington, and Bur ton of Kansas. Disastrous forest fires are again re ported from Wyoming where it is said that at least eighteen serious fires are raging and much fine pine timber in tho state has already been destroyod. The secretary of the interior has been appealed to for aid. A Rome cablegram, datejl September 15, says: The Vatican has definitely decided to send tho Most Rev. Diomedo Falconio to Washington as papal dole gate in the United States. Mgr. Fal conio Is now apostolic delegate to the Dominion of Canada. The ravages of cholera still continue in cities in China, and a recent report says that some foreigners have been murdered by the Chinose, who arc said to hold them responsible for tho scourge of cholera that is sweeping over the land. A dispatch from Butte, Mont, dated September 16, says: A special to tho Miner from Livingston says: Lato to day the strike of the machinists lv the shops of the Northern Pacific rail way was declared off, and the men, with the exception of eight, have re turned to work. The eight have re fused to accept the decision of Vice President Wilson of the international machinists' union, who declared the machinists were in error in walking out. About 200 men were involved. The shops of the Northern Pacific at this point are the largest in the state and were completely tied up. A New York dispatch of September 46 says: Fully ?l ,000,000 of tho gold obtained by the National City bank from South African sources leave Lon don Monday for this port, per steam ship Majestic. The balance will fol low snortly. Officials of the bank de cline to make any explanation of the mechanism by which this gold was di verted from its original destination, except to say that the transaction is without special feature. Intimations from an authoritative quarter indi cate that the South African consign ment will amount to more than $2,-500,000. The tax mandamus case which has been before the Nebraska supreme court and which was brought for the purpose of compelling the state board of equalization to raise the assess TriAnt nf railroad nroperty in the state I was decided on September 18 by the On September 17 it was reported from Topeka, Kas., that nearly all tho nominations on the allied people'3 party ticket made by the initiative and j referendum are now in, but not all those chosen have signified their will ingness to serve if elected. Follow ing are the nominations: For gov ernor, J. H. Lathrop; congress-at-large, Rev. C. M. Sheldon; superinten dent of public instruction, B. B. Rice, Norton; justices of supreme court, H. D. Shinn, Ottawa; John Madden, Em poria; Frank Doster, J.Y. Robbins, Topeka; W. H, Wakefield, Mound I City. . Democrats May Ask mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmm Why organized Lahor wants the Referendum. Why, to stop the strikes, and the shootings, and the 'Vampire" Judges. They know that if the people were In power that if we had n UKAIi JEnIOCItATIC GO VKltNMENT, that Labor would get justice. Public opinion, WITHOUT TIIK roWJKSC to enforce Its sentiments (ce the coal strike) is a farce, but Public Opinion JiACKEI) JIY VOTES is omnipotent. Bee paragraph ou 'Strict Constructionists" in HOW TO TK15AT TITK THUSTff AVT HOW TO WIN IN 1004 Prico 3G Cents Postpaid. Tho Abboy Press, 114 1'Iflh Ave, N. Y. City. mmmmimmtwmtmemmmmmmmmmmmmmmxmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmm PIUOCVP 125,000 rnado from one-half ncro. Illllirrfl1 HnsllygrotTn throughout tho United uiiiuumw j-tatcs and Canada. Iloom In your garden to Arrow thousands of dollais worth. Itoots and seeds for sale, rend 40 for poetago and get our book let telllnfr all about 1L McDowell Cllnseng Gardens, JopUn, Ailscotir;. LKAHN 1'ltOOF ItKADlNO. If you pomps afalrt'd. ucatlon why not utlllzo It at a Rented and unerowded profession paying tl5 to t3S weekly, t Ituntlous at ways obtainable. Wo are tho original Instructors by mall, Home ComiKsroNDKXCB Sciioor., Philadelphia. &m Txsafc by Tct-77 YEARS. WoFA V CJTCJI WANT AlUIir. UAMfSHKN rT.CKiT Stark Kursry, LonUIasa, 6io.: DavlJI. H.V. 5 to 12 WKEKT.Y for copylntr letters for us In your own home, outfits and particulars free. Address, Ladles Homo Alaeazinc, lhlladclphla, Pennsylvania. (P7 E" Month and Expenses; no experlinies T needed: position permanent; sirtf-BClUjr, V M J Pkahk Myo. Co.,BUtn ftQninclnuatl, O. WANTED Active canvassers male and female, whole or spare time, for the sale of Air. William Jennings Bryan's new book, Just published. It is a splendid seller and we allow lib eral terms. A big commission to those who want to earn money. Address, The Abbey Press, Publishers, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York City. The Old Line Bankers Life Insurance Go. of Lincoln, Nebraska! will wrlto you a policy of $J,0CO and guarantee on its fnco that tho net cost to you from dnta till its maturity in 20 years will not ozeced $1.00 per year at ago twenty up to t-0.20 por year at age flfty-fWe. Every policy secured by a do posit with tho Btate of Nobrnska. Bend ago at nearest birthday and got Illustration. A. T. MOUR, Buffalo, N. Y. ibdbe of POLLED JERSY CATTLE. forsaiS Bulls that will produce highest Jorsoy quality and every calf.outof horned dams, naturally hornless. Tho only creditablo way to dehorn your future dairy herds. Rain'er Grand Hotel Seattle, Wash. European Plan. Rates f 1.00 and upward. t22 rooms. 70 rooms with bath. Finest Cafe in tho northwest; noted for the peculiar excellence of its Cuisine. Banier Graad Hotel Co. 11. B. DUNBAR, President and fljjr. Don't Struggle Along Without a Power It is neither ressoBabte nor economic!. 1Mb WEBSTER) fsritMtilMNM EaratXlflilLy entirely self eoatalaed, nuereryBsedot tac Carav er, miller, swyar, dairy. MWMaMMimu, vie. e i mi mmnv pawer. Costs only S toscsatsperkoar. Kafe, simple, efficient, roily gsu-aateed. CtUlogw ot Vertical and Horizontal Eaglnes o aU klate WUt use. WEBSTER MFC. 00., 1072 Wt 13th Street, Chi oaRO, III. rPS Hr A j