The Commoner. 15 Aug. ig, 190a GOOD SHORT STORIES. First Prayers. William E. Chandler and Henry W. Blair, the New Hampshire statesmen, were bitter enemies for a time, but have become reconciled, in a measure since the former's defeat for re-election to the United States senate, says the Philadelphia Times. Meeting re cently, Chandler said to Blair: "I'm not feeling well this morning. Awful pain in my back lumbago or lomething, I fear." "Too bad!" said Blair, sympathetic ally. "When did it come on?" "Last night," replied Chandler, "just aa I kneeled down to say my prayers." "Too bad!" said- Blair again. "Must be awful discouraging to have such a thing happen the first time you ever tried it." you mean?" "Well, ma'am, I am just returning to dust" No Doubt of Identity. One morning a banker stepped into his office, says the New Yorker, and most effusively greeted his bookkeep er who had entered his service just twenty-five years before, at the same time handing him a closed envelope with the remark: "This is to serve you as a memento of the presentoccasion." The grateful recipient did not ven ture at first to open the envelope, un til encouraged to do so by a nod and a smile from his employer. And what do you think it contained? The bank er's photograph that, and nothing more. The bookkeeper was dumb' for the moment "Well, what do you think of it?" his principal inquired. "It's jusMlke you," was the reply. Cewld Net See Them. There is a citizen of New York, says an exchange, who decided to treat himself to a horse and a runabout In every case he insisted upon know ing the attitude of the prospective purchase in relation to automobiles. "I don't want my neck broken daily," he would say. There was a horse that suited him. ,"I can warrant him on the automo bile question," said the Jersey farmer who owned him. "I will guarantee that he will pass a dozen an hour, all day long, and never look at one of them." "Will you give mo a written state ment to that effect?" "I will." The sale was made. For once a Jer sey farmer had told the truth in a horse trade. The horse was blind. ing 274 mills, fifteen plants, with a ca pacity of 129 mills, have been closed Indefinitely. These suspensions have followed the refusal of the tin plate workers to accept a reduction in wages In order that export business to the amount of 1,500,000 boxes might be obtained. Aa English Joke. London Answers prints the follow ing, which, may be accepted as a fair sample of English humor: A Chapham yQung lady recently, on inspecting her drawing room, found the furniture and ornaments covered thickly with dust, and evidently they had not been touched that day. "Mary!" she- called the servant, "you haven't dusted the room this morning, have you?" "No ma'am, I haven't; I am just decomposing." "Decomposing! What on earth do The Wrong: Connection. The bill clerk and the telephone girl wero engaged. Sitting in front of the fireplace, they fell to talking about the happy time when they would be one. From one little detail to another the talk finally drifted to the subject of i-Fhtinc: fche fires in the morning. On this point tke young man was decided. He stated it as his emphatic opinion that It was a wife's place to get up and start the fires, and let her poor, hard working husband rest After this declaration there was si lence for the space of about three quarters of a second. Then the tele phone girl thrust out the finger en circled by her engagement ring and murmured sweetly, but firmly; "Ring off, please. You have got connected with the wrong number." Exchange. The postponed coronation of King Edward of England took place on Sat urday, August 9. A great deal of tho original ceremony contemplated was omitted, and tho number of visitors was greatly decreased. A dispatch from Salt Lake City, Utah, dated August 8, says: A special to the Tribune from Helena says: "Tho Helena Independent, tho oldest n.orning daily in Montana, has been sold to United States Senator W. A Clark. The formal transfer will take place next Tuesday. It Is understood that the purchase price was $150,000, although this report cannot bo con firmed. John S. M. Neill, who sold the paper today to ex-Qovernor Hauser, 'representing Senator Clark, gave a supper tonight to his old employes. It Is reported that a street railway consolidation will shortly take place in Omaha, when the Omaha Street Hallway company will take charge of the three Omaha and Council Bluffs roads. A new power house is to bo built and this, with other improve ments, will cost about $1,000,000. FREE FARMS. TO ENCOURAGE SETTLERS we Rire away free eacre tract in Mom t rem cry county, Georgia, and T&acre tract in I'catre county, Term. All we charre is ft for making out deed. Good title Healthy ciltai. SeU the beat for fruit and grain. Genu for circular. Me restrictions. - U. S. LAND SYNHQT1, 105 WaMhgt 3tret, Chiang; Nt, PIANO it Ym Wtit t Ohio Stato Journal: "But, father," replied the erring son, "you know every young fellow has to sow his wild oats." "Yes," answered the father, "but you ought to know when you have a big enough crop in." The News of the Week. (Continued from Page 13.) 'August 7, says: The state department Is advised by Minister Squires that the Cuban senate has authorized the exe cutive to increase import duties to the following maximums: Shoes and boots, from 10 to, 17 per cent; coal, 25 cents per 1,000 kilos; pine lumber, 40 per cent; stearine beef in cans, fresh beef, fresb mutton, salt beef, jerked beef, ham, herring, coffee, cider, beer, 50 per cent; hats, 60 jper cent; butter, "liquors, wine, 70 per cent; poultry, fresh pork, salt pork, bacon, lard, cheese, condensed milk, wheat flour, codfish, rice, alimentary preserves, eggs, beans and peas, onions, potatoes, olive oil, 100 per cent; common soap. 150 per cent; corn, 333 per cent. A report from Wilkesbarre, Pa of August 7, says: President Mitchell of the united mine workers, in an in terview with a representative of the 'Associated press today, said with refer ence to the decision of Judge Goff in the habeas corpus proceedings against the miners in West Virginia: "The only thing to do now is to make an ap peal to President Roosevelt for the pardon of the men in jail, and this will probably be done at once." Major B. K. West of the commissary department has written from Manila to General Wheaton, chief commissary, as follows: "I was in hopes that the closing up of the campaign in Batangas and Laguna would end the feeding of the natives, but such .is not tho case, although the camps have been broken up. The natives were left in a desti tute condition, had been unable to plant new crop's, all the old crops had been destroyed in the military opera tions and so the work has to go on. General Bell was in the city and I asked him about the number of na tives he was feeding. He told me that in Batangas he was feeding approx imately 250,000 people. In Laguna he could not give the exact number, but I judge from the quantity that we sup ply that there must be about half as many." President Roosevelt has expressed his approval of the plan of connecting the United States and China by means of a cable across the Pacific ocean. As announced some time ago, the Pa cific Commercial Cable company, whose president was the late Mr. Mac kay, has made a proposition to the government as to laying this cable, and their proposal has been accepted, this government to fix charges and in times of war to have control of all lines. Another important railroad merger has taken place by which the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway has combined with tho Missouri Pacific. One of these railroads represents the Rockefeller Interest and the other the great southwestern systems of the Goulds. taHfta larfftbt " " " twtnraed ttvm rtmtttr to k dkpn-d olatoaeo. TMylaeJelHelnweje.IaUi.rieekeej, tloiulth.d from new mm f Mm. 7 " " a treat dl.ant. fcDllBBHP'"?, J m 1 100. Alio Wa- M K HH tlful New Ugh HhUaUt,t, I 111 III y4.l Iniirumaut at J0, m tullj equal U maay IHjaplenot. Monthly Mf'" M 4ed. Prelihtoalra 6. Writ for Hit and partUnlanr . To make a great mt(i(. rUM wuritki u rtftmnkl. Slut rated ttauo 9k. Fr. LYON & HEALY IOO Adams Sttt CHICAGO. World' Urwielhou; telle iTertalnf kaewalaMaata, beat by TMt-77 Y8AM5. We A V CA Want MORE Salesmen rAl Wtkir Stark Hwnery, LwMm, Ala.: BaasrHis. N.T. III llll Ill BE A BOSS CARPENTER gjy!.? St llneator In the Art of Framing, a Moor Framing Chart and supplementary leather hound look. Any one who can real figures and cut to a lino can frame tho meat dlfllcult roof. No algebra, no geometry. KToatalng worked out tot plain figntm bead P.M. O. for $1.W. For Chart only, on cloth lined map paper, with tUeka and hanger, $1.00. C. M. Osborn Pub. Co., Lincoln, Neb. Thi Old Line Bankirs Life Insurance Go. of Lincoln, Nebraska, wlft write yon a poller of S1.0C0 and gnaraakee on its face that the net coat to yon from date till its maturity in 20 years will not exceedJl.OO per year at age twenty Ht to $6.20 per year at ago flfty-flte. Every policy accured br a de posit with the State of Nebraska. Bead age at nearest birthday and get Illustration. Of the twenty-eight plants of the American Tin Plate company, operat- A cablegram from London, under date of August 8, says: Official an nouncement was made today that Aus tin Chamberlain, son of the colonial secretary, has been appointed post master general, vice the Marquis of Londonderry, resigned. Tho appoint ment of Sir William Hood Waldron to be chancellor of the duchy of Lan caster in place of Lord James of Here ford, resigned, because of ill health, also was officially announced today. Recent reports from Rome say that the action of tho Philippine friars in selling their lands to syndicates of laymen is disapproved at the Vatican. The lands are considered to be church property, inalienable without the con sent of Rome, An Associated press cablegram from Berlin, under date of August 8, says: Prof. Uphues, the sculptor, by the em peror's direction, will go to Washing ton in October to personally superin tend the erection of the statue of Frederick the Great. The execution of a bronze copy d Prof. Uphues' Pots dam statue of Frederick the Great has been begun end the sculptor also is having bronze statues of that work made for persons in America. Ranier Grand Hotel Seattle, Wash. European Plan. Rates $1.00 and upward. 622 rooms. 75 rooms with bath. Finest Cafe in. tho northwest; noted for the peculiar excellence of its Cuisine. Ranier Graiii Hotel Co. H. B. DUNBAR, President and flgr. S I 1 1 W pe.ewiaBie'evVea frf m . flare Yoflr Owa Pressure Waterworks ' Be comfortablo like city folks. Have HATH. Closet ranffO DOlier sappiicu wun uyuram water; tjw pim operating. EapeclalJr toe for farmers aBd tewm Waterworks. Hand power, windmill, or engine. Bend for new Illustrated catalogue, CLARENCE A. WJR10N, KANSAS CITY, flO. 1 Ifawrfpcfe 30 Courses Preparatory, Normal, Collegiate. Business, Shorthand, Telegraphy, etc. Strictly first-class. 8o and upwards for hoard, room, and tuition 48 weeks. 1'RUE tuition to one from each county. We pay your car f are up to noo miles. Fall term opens Aug-. I9. Catalex Fre. Matf UtUttfBnti ritwiii&t Will Plow Anything Anywhere 11 hi 11 h,. JWBftfcfcfrM Bri Tb Hap gCK4-Hauicock Dfcc Sulky an Gmg flows ! greit an Icoproxraentovw Ut V oId-Brl Moir u that DlowOYtr til Crook4 BUek. W dars , not Ull you half UifaeU. You would net teller m. W I want 70a toMit!n the field. Son ton trial, Bttont la adranea. We amarantee to tAow anvWilnr you caa eloir -with a Mold-Board flow, and do bioc ftod tetter m)c VrMt three horsea on a 2lneh Ganr. four horaefon a St-Iaeh Trie! QtMg, or tS-lneh Qeadraple Oaoc plowlaf 5 to 10 Incae deep, than any Mold-Hoard or XKac Plow on Zartb will do wHfc tear horie on only 2i-(echGarjr. Will plow hard drytroand when no other plow will work. We want yorr felp fca inUodoea tbU plow and will pay you rood money for aaae. Write now. Th Only Plow Factory Ib tho World aewfog direct to tho farver. Exclusive manafaetareu lor two-tfctfda of the U.S. of tho OeenlBC Kaaeeci; Plow, the only plow branded or adrertUed aa HANCOCK. Ueware efekeao Istl tstleaa that look like our plow, but wblrh Utk lb Marattal eleaweat (erarod by our paUetai that wake tho Haaroek Plow a Woadtr aad the Jalr nuMCMralJBIaerioweaKarib.-If Al'CfotMft FlttW Ctt., xalatlTSt Mfirav, 0x339, A1U,11L WmwmmmmmmmmWmwm ii rfe v -v.