-. 4 r- . The Commoner. July II, 190a 13 J? At m cream SEPARATOR PRPP offer made to introduce the Peoples 'Cream Separator in every neighbor hood. It is the best and simplest in the world. We ask that you show it to your neighbors who have cows. Send your name and the name of the nearest freight office. Address PEOPLES SUPPLY GO., DEPT. 177. KANSAS CITY, ftfcft . FOOTHUX nOMBS AND tAXXH MR BAM to CfcU, pwfmoJ jroumnlty, vtierft fiowt froln, Urrla. awl frtpt v pvn. W IU Sad bt jou an IwUac for, wo1 for HU . 1'IKRCE fc nOSQUlTfPLACT.RVIIXT:, CALIFORNIA. Ijk fl 1 best by Test V ANT MORIS 77 YEARS. Wer IV CAR! Balksxen I all WMklr Simrktimery, UtriftbrnaMe.; Daasvllk, N.V. A NINE-KOUR RIDE FROM CHICAGO The clover and blue grass of Delta County, Mich. Tracts from 40 to 1.000 acres. $3.50 per acre and up. EASY TJSRMS. Buckbce, 36 JaSalle St, Chicago, 111. TO AUTHORS BEEKINa A PUBLISHER. Manuscripts In all branches of Lltoraturo, sultablo Jor publication In book form aro required by an estab lished bouse Liberal terms. No chnrgu for examin ation. Prompt attention and honorablo treatment. "BOOKS," 141 Herald 331 St., No wyYork. CHURCH BELLS CHIMES and PEALS Pure Bell Metal Only. (Copper and Tin) "McShane BELii Foundry, Battimomk, Md., TJ. S. A. SEND YOUR ADDRESS to J. R. BUCHANAN, -G.P.A. F.E.&M.V. R.R., U. S. Jtfatl. Bank Bldg., OMAHA, NEB., and get full information . , , abou,t tho now line building in the Rose Bud Reservation that will BE OPENED FOR SETTLEMENT SOON. CONTAINS .Declaration of Independence. Censtlt tl on oft tie 17. 8., All .National Platforms of all political parties since their formation, to and including 1900. Price, 25 Cents. Ono and two-cent postage stamps accepted. Don't send personal chocks. Agents Wan ted. A million copies may bo sold. Send three 2-cent stamps lor treatise on Injurious Insects of Orchard, Gardea and farm. Address VINCXHQP rDU, CO., 11th and Jackson Eta.. Omaha. Neb. from now on tho attention of the peo ple of both countries. Reciprocity with Cuba affords no adequate remedy for what threatens hero Interest. A. 20 per cent reduction In her tariff and ours will do Cuba as a peoplo or a gov ernment little or no good, while it will work great harm to the Interests of the United States." , Senator Hanna of Ohio took sharp issue with Mr. Elking for his asser tion that presidents from Jefferson to McKinley had i ayorod Cuban- annexa tion. Referring to reciprocity with Cuba he declared,, "My opinion 1s that we shall hear from the people in unmistakable terms. It is the policy of the admin istration today, as i would have been of McKinley had-he lived, to treat tho country of Cuba as a ward. To talk of annexation at this time it not fair to Cuba, just starting upon her na tional existence and even before she has had time to prove what she can do." On June 30th a bill was passed in the aenat9 giving Rear Admiral Schley the pay of a rear admiral on the actlvo list, instead of a retired real admiral's pay. Amid a scene of enthusiasm that has not been paralleled since the stir ring days of the Spanish war, the house of representatives adjourned for the summer on July 1st. speaker Hen derson received an ovation and patri otic airs were sung by the members of the house. The adjournment came at the end of a - seven and a half hour's session, during which seventy minor bills and resolutions were passed. The conference of the two houses of congress on tho naval appropriation bill reached an agreement on July 1st, the provision being as follows: "The secretary of the navy shall ouild one of the oattleships authorized by this act, in such navy yard as he may designate and he shall build all vessels herein authorized in such navy yards as he may designate should it Tesonably appear that the persons, firms or corporations or the agents thereof bidding for the construction of any of said vessels, has entered into a combination, agreement or under standing, the effect, object or purpose of which is to deprive the government of fair, open and unrestricted competi tion in letting contracts for the con struction of any said vessels." There is an appropriation of $175,000 for the equipment of each navy yard MR. WEBSTER DAVIS' BOOK. This work is the outcome of a visit to the Transvaal, made by Mr. Webster Davis while he was Assistant Secretary of the Interior, under Mr. McKinley's first administration, and as a result of which he broke his relations with the republican party and alhliatcd nimself John Bull's Crime or Assaults oh Republics with tho opposition. The author ve hemently arraigns the British govern ment for the Transvaal war. Whether tho reader agrees with the author or not, he will be interested in his presen tation of the Boer side of the case. Milton said that truth could not suffer so long as she was left free to combat errjor. The illustrations wore all taken on the spot, either by Mr. Davis or by some of his friends, .and they certainly form a unique collection of South African pictures. Oloth, large octavo (6x9), 400 pages altogether, printed on coated paper, beautifully illustrated by oyer eighty full-page halfrtones.-attractively bouad. Two dollars, carriage prepaid. Send a copy of this advertisement with your order to 4 publishers, 114 Firrn AV. NEW YOBK, THE ABBEY PRESS to bo used for constructing any of the ships. A dispatch from Washington under dato of July 1st, reports: Chairman Dalzoll of tho special commltteo of tba house of representatives which Inves tigated tho charges in connection with the purchase of the Danish vcst In dies, today submitted tho report of that committee, After detailing the charges of bribery and showing that Captain Christmas had repudiated the alleged report on which the charges were based, tho committee suras up the results of their investigation as follows: That thero is not the slightest sem blance of evidence that any member of congress, either directly or Indirectly, was offered any bribe or was paid any valuable consideration of any kind or character to vote for or assist in- pro curing tho proposal, adoption or rat ification of a treaty of sale of the Danish West Indian islands to tho United States. There Is not tho re motest ground from which to draw an inference or on which to base a conclusion that thero was any corrup tion or wrong doing on the part of the public officials of tho j United States In connection with tho negotia tions for the purchase of tho Danish West Indian Islands. "It is plain beyond peradventuro that the bribery alleged in the report could nave existed nowhere save In the imagination of Christmas, since tho whole burden of his story Is that he had no money. It is in evidence that ho had to borrow in order to pay his passage homo from this coun try. " On July 1st the president signed a bill for the construction of a govern ment warehouse at Omaha, Neh., the cost of which is to be $75,000. The bill fixes Omaha as one of the great dis tributing points for military suplles. On July 1st the conference report on tho Philippine government bill was adopted in tho senate. Afterwards Mr. Carraack of Tennessee called up his resolution providing for a con tinuance of the investigation of the Philipine committee and for a visit; to the Philippines by the committee during the coming summer. After an hour's vigorous debate, the resolution "was referred to a committee, thus ef fectually killing it. Tho senate adjourned sine die at 5:28 p. m. A dispatch from" Washington under date of July 1st says: Acting Secre tary of War Sanger today sent a com munication to the house of represent atives in answer to tho resolution di recting the secretary of war to furnish information as to what amounts have been paid out of the Cuban treasury or funds of thq Cuban peoplo to F. B. Thurber, or any other person, cor poration or association, for advocating reciprocity with the United States. The answer of tho war department consists of .certified copies pf vouchers covering the payments referred to In the resolutions, amounting to $15,020. These vouchers are accompanied by a letter from General Leonard Wood to the secretary of war. "Tho dis bursements made," says General Wood, "were made by me as military go- ernor of the Island of Cuba, and wero 'inado for tho purposo of presenting to tho peoplo of the United States, with out reference to party or section, tho desires of tho peoplo of Cuba as to tho trade relations which should ex ist between that country and our own. The action taken was approved by the Industrial and commercial classes of Cuba. It received tho un qualified approval of tho secretaries of the insular government, and was an expenditure of Cuban funds for tho purpose of promoting Cuban in terests. "The expense accounts are horowlth Inclosed: "First Expenses of the special com mission of tho Cuban planters, sent by me as military governor of Cuba with letters- of introduction to tho honor ablo secretary of war of the United States with the intimation that they desired to appear before the commit tees' of congress to be heard upon tho subject of trade relations between Cu ba and tho United States, $1,399. "SecondSalary of F. B. Thurber. together with tho cost and expenses for travel and clerk hire, $740 "Third Expenses incident to tho purchaso and circulation of certain marked copies of various United States periodicals, $340. "Fourth Tho circulation of 10,000 copies of a pamphlet entitled 'Indus trial Cuba,' $322. . "Fifth Tho cost of circulating 320, 000 circulars In four issues of 80,000 each, $U,520, to which there is to be added $27.67, traveling expenses of Lieutenant J3. Carpenter, A. C, U. S. A., Incurred in connection with tho payment to United States export as sociation of $2,280, (see voucher No. 1 to abstract herewith) making in all $11,547. "Sixth The expenses incident to the circulation of 18,000 copies pf thfc Sunday editions of the Havana Post containing editorial writings on rec iprocity, $750. "Eighth To the Havana Post for printing and circulating certain pamphlots on reciprocity, $800; total, $15,626. "The foregoing is, to the best of my knowledge, tho total amount of tb.9 disbursements for. the cause of rec iprocity called for in tho resolution of congress of Juno 23, 1902." Potosi (Mo.) Independent: If the leaders of the democratic party throughout the United States do not take into account the deep-rooted con victions of the great mass of the vot ers of their party in making plat forms and selecting candidates, they niay expect to come to grief, or cause the disastrous defeat of their organi zation. It looks now as if the bolters of 1896 were coming back to the or ganization for the express purpose of wrecking It. Tho state administra tion will have to rid itself of the recal citrants within tho next two years. HEADACHE 1 1 At all ocug afore. 25 Doms 25c J Ox J . U-3L