The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 11, 1902, Page 11, Image 13

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    The Commoner.
"July II, 190a v
. -.
Cleveland in 1894.
About tho walls over defeat, how-
' over, a word should be said regarding
tbe facts. This word cannot be re
peated too often. Mr. Cleveland im
' plies, evidently with intention, that
the democratic defeats of 1896 and 1900
were due to the Chicago platform and
the nomination of Bryan. His mem
ory is short. Every political observ
er who recalls the dark days of 1894,
1895 and 1896, before the Chicago
platform was formulated pr Bryan
thought of as a candidate, knows
that the democratic party was doomed
to disaster' by Cleveland's administra
tion and leadership. Never mind the
blame, we are speaking of facts. Cleve
land had been elected president in
1892 with a democratic, congress at
his back. In the lower house there
were ' 219 democrats, making a clear
majority of 41. Two years later this
democratic majority was swept away.
v Only 93 democrats were elected, and
the republicans controlled the new
house by a clear majority of 74.. Mr.
Cleveland takes occasion to say that
in Tilden's day "and afterwards
northern democratic states were not
rare curiosities." He implies that
"Bryariism" has made them so. But
in fact they became so at the congres
sional elections of 3894 two years ahead
of "Bryanism." In that year not
' one northern state, not a solitary one,
; 'elected a majority of democrats in its
'-delegation to congress; although the
delegations of Indiana, New Jersey,
New York, Wyoming and Wisconsin
had democratic majorities in 1892.
From California there, was only one
democrat in 1894, where there had
been four in 1892; from Illinois, none
in 1894, where there had been eleven
in 1892; from Indiana, none in 1894,
where there had been eleven in 1892;
from Iowa, none in 1894, where there
Jiad been one in 1892; from Kansas,
none in 1894, where there had been
one in 1892; from Massachusetts, one
In 1984, where there had been four
An Inexpensive and Beady Prepared
'During the vacation, suppose you
cook less and play more.
Grape-Nuts, the food that makc3
breakfast so easy to get all the year
'round, is the ideal food for that pur
pose. Grape-Nuts is thoroughly cooked at
the factory by food experts, and is al
ways ready to serve with the addition
of cream. You can save yourself the
heat from cooking and the time and
exertion necessary to prepare other
food, by its use.
Its high nutrition gives strength and
nourishment without the internal heat
of meat and other heavy food, keeping
the temperature of the body cool and
comfortable; Its delicious flavor
pleases every palate.
Picnicker and camper as well as the
housewife preparing the regular meals
at home, can pass a pleasant and en
joyable summer by the use of this
ready prepared and easily digested
food and will miss the usual heavy and
sluggish feeling generally felt In hot
Many pleasant ways of changing the
form of use found in recipe book ia
each package.
in 1892; from Michigan, none In 1894,
where there had been five in 1892:
from Minnesota, none in 1894, where
there had been two in 1892; from Ne
braska, none in 1894, where there had
been one in 1892; from New Jersey,
none In 1894, where there had been
six in 1892; from New York, five in
1894, where there had been, twenty in
1892; irom Ohio, two in 1894, where
there had been ten in 1892, from Penn
sylvania, two in 1894, whete there had
been ten in 1892; from Rhode Island,
none in 1894, where there had been
two in 1892; from West Virginia, none
in 1894, where there had been four in
1892; from Wisconsin, none in 1894,
where there had been six in 1892; from
Wyoming, none In 1894, where there
had been one in 1892. Even tho
southern state of Tennessee had only
six in a delegation of ten in 1894.
while Missouri had only four in a
delegation of fifteen. The senate, too,
was changed from democratic to re
publican. In the congress which fol
lowed the elections of 1894 there were
only 39 democratic senators to 42 re
publicans; whereas in the congress
following the elections of 1892 there
had been 44 democratic senators to
only 36 republicans. Things, demo
cratic grew steadily worse, until In
the spring of 1896 tho democratic nom
ination for president went a-begging.
Excepting the impossible Hill, none of
the old "availables" nor the new "pos
sibilities" wanted it. Utter defeat for
the democratic party was regarded as
inevitable by the leaders of both" sides.
Even if all this was not Mr. Cleve
land's fault, it was a result of his ad
ministration and the signal for his
"banishment." ,
Such was the hopeless condition of
tbj party when the Chicago platform
and Bryan were unexpectedly put for
ward to save it from dropping out of
the political arena or into a scarcely
concealed alliance with the republi
cans. At once its prospects revived,
and in spite of Cleveland's going over
to McKinley's support, it continued to
regain strength. Under the circum
stances, success was impossible. But
the heaviest load it had to carry
through it all was not "free silver,"
nor "Bryanism" of any kind, but the
unpopularity of the Cleveland admin
istration. Outside of financial circles
that was the tune which the republi
can orators sung, and that, together
with Hanna's corruption fund, were
the cause of Bryan's defeat. Bryan
had not only to ward off Cleveland's
blows upon his flank; he had also to
carry Cleveland's heavy record upon
his back. Yet, see the results. Tha
popular vote for Bryan in 1896 was
larger than that for Cleveland in 1892
by 946,007. His proportion of the to
tal vote was 46.7 per cent, whereas
Cleveland's, in 1892, was only 46.08
Bryan's being larger by two-thirds of
one per cent. In harmony with this
result "was the change In the dem
Qcratic representation in congress.
Prom a total of only 93 elected In the
last Cleveland year (1894) the demo
cratic representation was raised in the
first Bryan year (1896) to 130, and
the republican majority reduced from
74 to 24; while in the second Bryan
year (1900) tho democratic represent
ation was raise to 153 and the repub
lican majority reduced to 20. And al
though it might still bo said in
Mr. Cleveland's phrase, that north
ern democratic states were "rare
curiosities," they had at any rate
regained some of tho representa
tion which during his admin
istration they absolutely lost. Tho
number of democrats In tho Califor
nia delegation was increased from ono
in 1894 to two in 1896; though both
were lost in 1900; that of tho Illinois
delegation from none in 1894 to five
in 1896, and eleven in 1900; that of tho
Indiana delegation from none in 1894
to four in 1896, and tho gain held in
1900; that of, Kansas from none in
1894, to one in 1900; that of Massa
chusetts from- one In 1894 to two in
1896 and three in 1900; that of Michi
gan from none in 1894 to one in 1896,
which, however, was lost in 1900;
that of New York from five in 1894, to
six In 1896 and twelve in 1900; that
of Ohio from two in 1894 to six in
1896, but reduced to four in 1900; that
of Nebraska from none in 1894 to two
in 1900; and that of New Jersey from
none in 1894 and 1896 to two In 1900;
while the democratic delegation from
the southern state of Tennessee rose
from six in 1894 to eight in 1896, re
maining at eight in 1900, and that
from Missouri from four In 1894 to
twelve in 1896 and thirteen in 1900..
Under these circumstances Mr Clove
land crowds the line of delicacy very
close when he implies that tho demo
cratic defeat since Tilden's day are
chargeable to Bryan's leadership.
Louis P. Post, in Chicago Public.
Farmers' Co-Operative Associations
Tho farmers' co-operative elevators
and grain shipping associations have
been very successful and the move
ment Is generally indorsed by all citi
zens of- Kansas, (except members of
the grain trust), and have proved
very beneficial and satisfactory to the
members of those associations. The
state or central association was formed
May 18, 1901.
However, the organization was not
perfected so as to conduct business
under the laws of this state until the
18th day of October, 1901. The co
operative associations have done a
very successful business considering
tho manner In which they have been
opposed by the grain trust of the state.
Not more than a dozen associations
were ready to commence business 6n
the 1st day of last August. We now
have upwards of eighty associations
organized and many other localitleb
preparing to organize. Every one ot
jthe co-operative associations has been
successful. There is not a single ex
ception. They have reduced the mar
gin for handling grain at stations
where they have organized from 2 to
4 cents per bushel and yet made thpjr
business pay expenses and several of
the associations have made net profits
ranging from 5 to 150 per cent oh a run
of six months' business.
One among the largest associations
made a net profit of 33 1-3 per cent on
Mm. T7Ihii1aw'm Heathlng 5tthp
IfMbeCR mcA for orer SIXTY YKA1W bj MILLIONS
CUHE3 WIND COLIO, ad' A the bt remedy for
DIAnitUOJA. ftold by JJrufwMs Ja fcvory imrt or Urn
world. Ilo lure and ask for Mr. WlnMow'i Soothing
Syrup,", and taJco no .other klad. Twenty-flro ceau a
bottle it Is tho Ilcrt of all.
its capital stock for a six months' run.
Another co-oporatlvo shipping associa
tion with $811 capital stock made a
net profit of $1,183.20 during tho first
six months of its business life. Tho
farmers' co-operativo shipping asso
ciations of Kansas will handle moro
than 1,600 cars of wheat between tho
1st day of August, 1901, and tho 1st
day of August, 1902, and during the
same spaco of time they will havo
transacted more than a million dollara'
worth of business.
Tito Harmony Dinner.
Richmond (Mo.) Missourian: Ex
Prosidont Grovor Cleveland and Ex
Senator David B. Hill mado speeches
at tho Tllden club meeting in New
York the other night. They pleaded
for harmony, but wanted tho harmony
,to bo written to their own tune. Mr.
Cleveland did not say ho would vote
the democratic ticket any more, yet
ho gave a lot of advice which indi
cated that ho would support tho ticket
If the party was reorganized to suit
him. Mr. Hill spoke eloquently for
reorganization so that he would not
havo to sulk any more. Mr. Bryan
did not attend neither did tho slx-and-a-half
million voters who think
that tho party is already organized.
The democratic party wants to add
to its strength but it cannot add to
either its strength or its reputation
by putting a premium on bolting.
Penn's Grove (N. J.) Record: Mr.
Cleveland says: "Tho democratic par
ty should abandon policies that havo
been rejected by the people at tho
polls. Let us see. Tho party un
der his leadership had 220 democratic
congressmen, eight populists and 126
republicans elected in 1892 with him.
They made a tariff law In 1894. At the
election in 1894 under his leadership
the democratic party elected only 101
congressmen, seven populists and 246
republicans, a republican majority of
135 over all. Since his pet tariff pol
icy of reduction of only 7 per cent tho
party was rejected by the largest de
feat ever received. Why does ho
abandon a policy rejected by the peo
ple at the polls? .While Bryan was
defeated In 1896 he carried 130 demo
cratic and twenty-fivo populist con
gressmen, while the republicans got
202, and had a majority of only forty
seven. In 1900 Mr. Bryan carried 151
democratic congressmen with him and
eight populists while tho republicans
elected 198, and have only forty-nlno
majority. Under Cleveland's rule the
party had Its greatest loss, and under
Mr. Bryan's leadership Jt has greatly
recovered, notwithstanding the oppo
sition of Cleveland's friends and of
hard times caused by him contracting
the currency to make a gold standard
to suit the money changers of Wall
street. Mr. Cleveland is a false leader,
a false prophet and a false reasoner.
I have for sale 320 acres of deeded
hay land, 160 acres of homestead with
frame house, corrals, sheds, tea
thousand acres of free Tange fenced;
well watered, two wind mills and
tanks. Price $6,500 if taken quick. Imo
mediate possession given.
J. A. DONOHOE, O'Neill, Neb.