The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 04, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    The Commoner.
July Ai 190 a
' "" " '"" ' " Wl pM,, 1 M
We declare our allegiance to the
principles of democracy, as set forth
in our national declaration of inde
pendence; as especially taught by that
great exponent of democracy, Thomas
Jefferson; and as reaffirmed in the
latest national .convention of the
democratic party."
"We further express our admiration
for and grateful appreciation of thr
great ability, singular disinterested
ness and untiring zeal in the service
of humanity of that great leader of
the democracy and most fearless and
eloquent champion of the rights of
man, William J. Bryan.
We congratulate the people of the
United States that their latest demo
cratic spirit and sense of fairness have
been sufficiently aroused to compel the
present administration to so far keep
faith, however reluctantly, with the
people of Cuba as to withdraw our
tr6ops from their island and allow
them a measure of self-government,
and wo condemn the republican party
for its failure to fully comply with
the congressional resolutions passed
before the declaration of war with
It is with deepest shame and regret
that through the apostasy of the re
publican party, the people of the
United States are, by our imperialistic
policy in the Philippines, placed be
fore the world in the false position. of
repudiating the most cherished funda
mental principles of our government,
and our brave citizen soldiers are
forced to disgrace our flag and army
in obedience to orders from their su
periors. .We indorse and commend our dem
ocratic congressmen for the position
ta,ken by them on the Philippine ques
tion, and demand that, our government
declare its intentions and purpose in
regard to the Filipino people and grant
to them their Independence.
The power of the modern trusts Is
an appalling evil and a monstrous
menace. We would revoke the taiiff
benefits they enjoy; we would refusa
the subsidy they seek; we would pass
appropriate legislation for the control
of their affairs and to secure publicity,
and we would enforce the laws against
them, sparing none.
The republican party openly advo
cate the policy of class legislation,
conferring special privileges, benefits,
subsidies, bounties, tariffs. Excessive
riches and abject poverty that cor
rupt and debase character are results
of the same social disease special
privilege. And we emphatically rear
firm our belief that the application of
the democratic principles of equal
rights to all and special privileges to
none is the only remedy for existing
inequalities and wrongs.
We deplore the existence of a spirit
of lawlessness which iinds expression
even in murderous attacks upon the
chief magistrate of the republic, and
has brought about the death of a re
cent incumbent of that exalted office.
We favor the postal savings bank
and the income tax; we oppose gov
ernment by injunction.
We would correct the imbecile an J
unbusinesslike policy that throttles
our trade with Canada and Cuba at the
behest of special interests.
We take this opportunity to pav
heartfelt tribute to that statesman and
popular leader, the heroic standard
bearer of our cause during three hard
foughr campaigns. John Liud. His
place in the history of the northwest
and in the hearts of the people of al
classes is secure and the impress of his
character upon the political life of this
state will endure for all time. Ills
term as governor will be known in
the history of oui commonwealth as
that in which every executive depart
mentrailroad and warehouse com
mission, public examiner, labor com
mission, insurance commission, dairy
and food commission, adjutant gen
eral, superintendent of public instruc
tion, board of equalization and grain
inspection was brought to tho high
est standard of efficiency and in ov
jery respect represented tho people
'" It will be known as the administra
tion which reduced the state tax lovy
while securing largo increase of rdv
enuo from tax-dodging corporations;
that cut down tho freight bill of Min
nesota farmers $100,000 per annum by
reducing railway rates on grain; thut
reduced both tho state cost and trust
price of binding twine; that raised the
standard of Minnesota wheat through
just and efficient inspection an average
of one grade on this entire crop; that
ordered a 25 per cent reduction in rail
road rates on iron ore and for the first
time in ten years exacted of corporate
power in Minnesota the same obedi
ence to public laws as is required of
the humblest citizen.
We pledge a continuance of this en
lightened policy, efficient administra
tion and fidelity to tho people when
the candidates of the democratic part:
are again summoned to serve tho state.
The state's law forbidding merger
of competing railroads should bo en
forced, and that in every case; and the
state's neglected power to regulate
ratea should be exercised as tho prime
remedy for discrimination and extor
tion. The readjustment of our tax laws
is an absolute necessity with which
the present administration has proved
its incompetency to deal.
We adopt the clear and intelligent
program submitted by the democratic
minority in tho late session, the taxa
tion of non-resident corporations
equally with domestic, the adequate
taxation of public service corporations
and the taxation of incomes and we
favor the amendment of the constitu
tion to that end.
We favor the municipal ownership
of public service corporations, the
principle of direct legislation and
home rule in local taxation.
We believe that the interests of la
bor can best be conserved by organi
zation, and we demand for every man
who labors an equal usa or an natural
opportunities to the end that no man
shall take the proceeds of another's
labor without full compensation there
for. We are in favor of the observance of
a general eight-hour work day, and
that all printing done for and sup
plies purchased by the state of Min
nesota shall bear the union label, and
pledge our support to organized labor
in its efforts for securing the same.
We would correct the errors in tho
law establishing the state board of
We recommend to the voters the
adoption of the proposed law, whose
submission to the people was secureJ
by the persistent efforts of the Lind
administration, for the increase of the
railroad gross earning stocks.
Wo favor the election of United
States senators by direct vote of the
people, and the election to the senate
only of men pledged to that reform.
We condemn the failure of the pres
ent state administration to enforce
the law against the merger of tho Iron
Hango railroads.
We condemn tho surrender of the
state railroad and warehouse commis
sion to the United States steel trust
in giving up the state's jurisdiction
over railroads wholly within Its bor
ders and abandoning the just ratea or
dered by the preceding commission,
to tho projudlce of the state's in
terest in tho school lands.
We condemn the failure of tho board
of control to conserve tho efficiency
of tho state institutions, and wo ab
i,.. fim ttftinrv that tho public schoolo,
which are fundamental to tho life c 1
tho republic, are charitable institu
tions. Wo condemn tho administration for
converting tho state binding twluo
plant into an auxiliary of tho cordago
We condemn the Minnesota con
gressmen for their failure to promoto
legislation to strengthen tho powers
of tho intorstato commorco commis
sion, and wo regret that subsorvloncy
io privileged greed should compel our
United States senators to voto for tho
iniquitous ship subsidy.
Tho Policy of Empire.
Tho policy of monopoly in noto 1b
sue, underlies and supports ovory em
pire of Europe It is tho banking pol
icy of tho empirq of Russia, of tho
emplro of Germany, of tho omplro of
Austria, and of tho emplro of Great
Britain, attomptod to bo applied to
free Amorica. It is not tho policy of
tho ropubllc of Franco, which is tho
Boundest financial govommont of Eu
rope which has always mado it tho
foundation of its financial policy to
accumulato ns much' no poBslblo ot real
monoy, both gold and stiver, as a Imbq
upon which to build tho Buporatructuro
of hor credit, Thoro Is no demand for
It from tho pooplo, and to pass It now,
botweon olectlona, whon tho pooplo
havo had no opportunity to register
tholr Judgmont and thulr verdict upon
It at tho ballot box, would bo an not of
political Injustice which has no paral
lel In all our history upon financial
questions, unless wo oxcopt tho act of
tho demonetization of silver ltnolf
Congressman Shallonborgor of Ne
braska, in tho houso of roproHontatlvos,
May 28, 1902.
Tho Llttlo Crusadorn, by Isabol Scott
Stone; published by Tho Abboy Proaa,
111 Fifth avo., Now York.
Tho Dnya That Aro No More, by
Elizabeth Dryant Johnston; publinhod
by Tho Abboy Proas, Now York.
Tho Travolu of a Drop of Water, and
other stories, by Mrs. Jamos lQrwtn
Morris; published y tho Abboy Proas,
New York.
Wo, tho democrats of Nebraska in
convention assembled, reaffirm our
faith in tho principles of tho party
as enunciated in tho last national
platform adopted at Kansas City, and
we point to tho vindication which
that platform has received from tho
events of tho last two years.
We call attontlon to tho anti-trust
plank In tho republican national plat
form and point to tho rapid growth of
great trusts and monopolies since tho
election of 1900, and tho uttor failure
of tho republican party to suppress
them, as an evidence of tho insincer
ity of tholr professions or lack of
ability to apply corrective romedlcs to
this great public wrong.
The administration's failure to en
force tho criminal law against theuo
trusts proves the subserviency of tho
republican party to corporato power.
We charged the republican leaders
with an intention to establish in tho
Philippines a permanent colonial sys
tem fashioned after the colonial sys
tems of Europe, and that intontlon
then denied is now fully apparont. Wo
therefore cordially commend tho sub
stitute offered by tho democrats of tho
house and senate to tho administra
tion measure on tho Philippine nues
ton providing for tho Philippines tho
same form of government now en
Joyed by the Cubans.
We are opposed to tho Fowler cur
rency and banking bill pending in
congress for tho reasons it destroys,
independent banks and substitutes
therefor the European branch bank
system with tho privilege given to
such banks to issue currency based on
assets and also because by making tho
silver dollar rcdcemablo in gold It
lessens the debt paying monoy of tho
country without reducing its indebt
edness. We pledge ourselves and tho officials
elected by our party to favor in ev
ery possible way the election of United'
States senators by direct voto of tho
people and wo condemn tho republi
can leaders of tho senate for defeating
for tho fourth time this great reform
so earnestly desired by the people.
Wo demand that railroads and all
other public franchlsed corporations,
whether state or municipal, shall bo
taxed in proportion to tho value of
their property, both tangible and in
tangible, and in determining that
value the rules of the supreme court
should be adopted, namely, the sum of
their debta represented by bonds and
floating indebtedness should be added
to the market value of their stocks.
Wo aro In favor of a law reducing
freight rates 15 per cent on cattle.
horse3, mules, hogs and sheep, and
1G por cont on hard and soft coal,
lumbor, lath, shinglos, doors, salt,
Hmo, cement, whoat, flour, coal, corn,
oats, grain and mill products,
Railroads and other public fran
chlsed corporations owo to tho public
tho duty of treating all their patrons
allko. Wo thoroforo condonm tho giv
ing of robatcfl and all other forms of
favoritism and demand that tho laws
against discriminations by thorn bo
strictly onforced.
Wo pledgo oursolvos If ontrustod
with powor to pass a statu to abolish
ing tho follow-sorvant law so far hh
it affects railroads and other corpora
tions ongagod in hazardous pursuits
and making theso corporations llablo
to their omployos for any Injury ro
colvod by thorn through tho nogli
gonco of tholr follow servants,
Our rovonuo law should bo amonded
and tho necessary stops should ba
taken to pay tho floating dobt of the
state, amounting to about $2,000,000,
a product of republican xnlamlo.
Wo favor an umondmont to tho con
stitution permitting tho Jnvoatmont of
tho pormanont school fund In munici
pal and school district bonds of thin
state, and wo favor tho paaaago of a
law providing that all earnings of the
public funds, whether through depos
its in banks or otherwise shall bo cov
ered into tho state treasury.
The state treasurer and all county
treasurers shall bo required by law to
mako monthly statements showing
whore tho public funds entrusted to
their caro aro kept and tho rato of in
terest paid thoreon.
Wo approve that provision of the
Wt-pvor insurance bill providing for
a tar on the gross premiums received
In Nebraska from forolgn Insurance
Tho executive power to pardon
should never bo used except for tho
gravest reasons and wc condemn gov
oniora Dietrich and Savage for their
abuse of that power.
We are in favor of llbornl appro
priations for tho support of the stato
university. Wo condomn tho sham
economy which led Governor Dietrich
to veto fit" appropriation for tho stato
imiver&ity while ho wan an active par
ticipant in the senatorial struggle
which wasted tho legislature's time at
a cost to tho people of over $70,000,
Wo invito all citizens without
reference to their political affilia
tions, who agree with us In tho
foregoing declaration of principle, to
support tho nominees of this conven
tion, and wc pledge the people of Ne
Ivaska that if entrusted with power
our candidate will, without fear or
(favor, put these principles into force,
both in letter and in spirit.