T "fTf The Commoner. Vol a, N. 24. 12 $500,000 and tho Charleston oxposltton $150,000, with tho understanding thut theso appropriations wore not to bo consldorcd as a precedent, An amondmont was also agreed to authorizing tho secretary of tho treas ury to pay tho oxponses Incurred on acount of tho last Illness and death of Prosldont McKInlcy, including com pensation of physicians, $45,000, pro vided that only such oxponses bo paid as uro just and reasonable, no govern ment employes to bo paid any sum for porsonal or professional services. A dispatch from Washington undor date of Juno 20 says: Tho rocord of court-martial proceedings in tho caB'j of Major I. W. T. Wallor or tho ma rlno corps, who was acquitted of tho charge of illegally killing Filipino prisoners, was recolved at tho war de partment today. It will bo considered by Secretary Root In connection with tho roview of tho testimony and find ings of tho court-martial in tho case of Brigadier General J. H. Smith. Tho charges upon which both the officers named wero tried arose out of tho same transactions In tho conduct of tho Samar campaign. Tho Waller caso was closed with the approval of tho action of tho court martial which acquitted him, but trie Smith caso was subject to tho action of tho prosldont. Judge Advocate Davis is now proparlng tho caso for his action. It is generally understood that the court found tho charges against Genoral Smith wero not sus tained and ncauittcd him. Owing to the promlnonco of tho caso and tho attention it has recolved in congress in tho debate on tho Phil ippine bill tho action of tho president in the matter is awaitod with moro than ordinary interest. Tho impros &Ion provails that ho will improve tho opportunity to express his ideas on the subject of tho conduct of military affairs in tho Philippines. Admiral Dewey made a statement boforo tho sonato committee on the Philippines on Juno 20 concerning tho early operations at Manila when he was in command of tho American naval forces in thoso waters. Ho de clared that tho city of Manila has boon surrendered to him at tho tlmo that tho Spanish fleet was sunk, and that whon tho city did surrender Ifwaa in pursuanco of a doflnito understand ing between himself and tho Spanish governor gonoral. Ho referred to Agulnaldo's military operations and doclared omphatically that ho never had recognized Agulnaldo's govern ment, nor had ho over given tho Phil ippine republic tho slightest recog nition. In 2003. Tho shado of General Weyler was wandering along tho banks of tho Styx just as tho sun wont down. "Hi, thoro, General Weyler," said a volco. "Wait for me a moment" "Who are you and what do you want?" queried tho shado of tho gon oral who established tho reconcon trado camps in Cuba. "I am one of your kind," said the voice "I used to bo in command in Samar, one of tho Philippine islands, and I" The shade of Weyler faded away in disgust, remarking as it faded: "Excuse mo, please, I'm not down to your level, and ovon hero ono is al lowed to select one's company." And tho wavelets of tho Styx lapped tho rocky banks and moaned and moaned and moaned. OUR CLUBBING LIST Do you wish to take another paper or magazino with THE COMMONER? Here is our clubbing list. Tho sub scription price given in this list pay3 A Baseless Counter-Charge. Tho charge made by some of tho re publican senators and by some of the republican papers that the democrats by denouncing tho atrocities in the Philippines aro attacking tho Ameri can army, is an absurd charge. A great pretense of patriotism is jnada by "speaking of tho democrats In con nection with the army as firing on tho rear, just as a great protense of patriotism was made by the parrot like reiteration of the word "Scuttle" in referonco to the anti-imporialistlo policy of the democrats. Tho imperialist ship must bo scuttled because it is a pirate ship. The army must bo fired on from the rear, or fnr TTTO flOMMnNWR nnfl thn nth i.r publication both for ono year. Sub- ront or flanlc r from any direction scrintions may bo either now or re- necessary to stop the perpetration of scriptions may bo either now or re newal, except for Public Opinion and Literary Digest. All must bo for one year. Send to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. NOTE-Cluhbiner offers in which tho Thrlco-a-Woolc World, or World-llornld.or Fnrm, Stock and Homo, or Knnsna City World appears, aro not open to tho rosidentsot tho rospoctivo cities in which tho papora named aro published. Club Price. Arena $2.75 Atlanta Constitution 1.35 Barnum's Midland Farmer 1.00 Central Farmer 1.35 Cincinnati Enquirer 1,35 Cosmopolitan 1.G5 Family Circle 1.00 Farm and Homo 1.00 Farmers' Advocate 1 50 Farm, Stock and Homo 1.00 Feather and Farmer 1.00 Homo and Farm 1.00 Indianapolis Sentinel 1.00 Irrigation Age 1.25 Kansas Farmer 1.35 Kansas City World (dly. ox. Sun.) 2.t)0 Literary Digest (new) 3.00 Missouri Valley Farmer 1.00 Nebraska Indenendent . . . ; 1.35 Thrice-a-Week World 1.35 Pilgrim 1.25 Practical Farmer 1.35 Public 2.25 Public Opinion (new) 3.00 Review of Reviews 2.75 Rocky Mountain News 1.50 Seattle Times 1.35 Southern Mercury . 1.50 Springfield Republican 1.05 Success 1.05 Vick's Family Magazino 1.00 Western Poultry News 1.00 , World-Herald .' 1.35 atrocities which are a disgrace not only to tho array itself, but also to the American nation. Tho democratic attack, however, is not an attack upon the army. Tho army obeys orders. The democrats yield to no one In admiration for the achievements of our army in tho past. Bar tho atrocities, which a part of tho army has committed undor orders, the fighting of our soldiers in tho Philip pines has been brave fighting, although m a -bad cause. Tho army is not to blamo for the badness of tho cause, nor for tho orders to torture, to "kill and burn," and to turn the land into a howling wilderness. Tho democrats are not blaming tho private soldier, who, no doubt, is teriipted to mutiny or desert at the dirty work he has been commanded to do. Tho democratic at tack is directed against those persons who gave tho orders and who are re sponsible for tho cruelties, whether they be the officers in tho islands or tho officials, of however high a degree, at Washington. The investigating committee of tho senate is endeavor ing to find out who is to blamo. The administration by its own ac tions has put itself under suspicion. While courts martial of guilty officers have been ordered (is not this an at tack on tho army and firing on the rear?), the denial of tho atrocities by tho secretary of war whon ho know them to exist, his suppression of the reports from tho American governors of Tayabas and Batangas aro ugly circumstances against him. Further, tho assumption of tho responsibility for tho retaliatory measures of the army recently made by tho secretary of j war is very much of a piece with Gen eral Smith's confession of his own guilt and tho issuance of tho "kill and burn" order wherewith ho wa charged. Whilo Secretary Root is not willing to indorse General Smith's atrocities, ho does indorse General Boll's, which are nearly as bad. Gen eral Smith was tried by the court martial after ho had mado his con fession. Tho secretary of war, how fivfir a oh trial before a coifrt-mar- tial composed of the whole American people. The evidence is not all in, but we have enough of it, together with his own assumption of responsi bility for tho retaliatory measures, to point vory strongly to the probability, which is almost certainty, of a finding of guilty. There is a higher official still with whom the investigation i3 concerned. If tho secretary of war .s guilty, is the president innocent? The president is tho commander-in-chief of tho army. Tho secretary of war is only his assistant. Tho president has retained tho secretary of war after hid suppression of tho atrocity reports was mado known. Has not the presi dent known what the secretary of war and the army have been doing? If not, was it not his duty to know? Houston Post. Mr. M'Carren's Mistake. Senator Patrick H. McCarren, speak ing at the opening of state democratic headquarters at Albany on Monday, took occasion to say: "We read a good deal in the newspa pers as to the position of William J. Bryan. If there over was a man in tho United States that owed absolute loyalty to tho democratic party and its candidates, that man is Mr. Bryan. If it is true, as reported in the papers, that he will not support this or that man for office because of this or that reason, it is about time he was told to go away back and sit down. He has no right to do anything else than to ad vise every democrat to support the party platform and to vote for tho party candidates." Such an attack on the part of Sena tor McCarren, or any other membor of the New York democracy, is not only uncalled for, but absolutely un just and brutal, and cannot but have an influence directly opposed to that which is desired by those who really wish to promote harmony in. the par ty ranks. It is but fair to say that those whom Mr. McCarren desired to please by his insinuating invective can have no sympathy with the sentiments expressed nor can they imagine for n moment that such expression can con duce to anything but dissension, In stead of harmony. Neither Mr. Bryan nor his most loy al friends have ever had any quarrel with those men who, known as gold democrats, have never concealed their sentiments or sought to create the im pression that they were other than what they appeared. It is the middle-of-the-road democrats, those who, while pretending to uphold the plat forms of 1896 and 1900, have really lost no opportunity fo play into the hands of tho republicans and to sec retly knife the democratic party upon any and every occasion, who have dis pleased the six and a half millions of democratic voters who evinced their allegiance to those platforms at the last presidential olection. One can respect a candid avowal of difference of opinion; but treachery and stealth command neither respect nor confi dence. The sooner these "middle-of-the road democrats" awake to a real ization of the fact that, no matter in J which part of the state they may be, no matter how powerful they deem themselves, their true character an 3 real motives are known the sooner they realize that they are deceiving no ono but themselves, the better it will be for all concerned. Mr. McCarrou'p attack on Mr. Bryan was not only an insult to tho latter, but an insult to ev ory ono of the 000,000 voters in this state who cast tho ballots for Mr. I Bryan two years ago. BOYS WOO MAKE HONEY In a dainty little booklet, 35 out of some 3000 bright boys tell in their own way just bow they nave mauc a. success vi selling THE SATURDAY BVBNINQ POST Pictures of the boys letters telling how they built up a paying busi ness outside of school hours. Interesting stories of real business tact. We will furnish yon with Ten Copie3 the first week Free of Charge, to be sold at Five Cents a Copy; yqu can then send us the wholesale price for as many as you find you can sell the next week. If you want to try it, address Boys' Department The Curtis Publishing: Company, Philadelphia m ""fl Mr. Bryan owes loyalty to the dem ocratic party; yes. But he owes no loyalty to those who, for years past, have been doing their utmost to dis rupt that party; he owes no loyalty to those who, under the guise of pretend ed democracy, have sought to incul cate republican principles wherever and whenever possible; he owes no loyalty to those who have blown hot and cold as their personal interests seemed to command. Mr. Bryan owes his loyalty to those six and a half mil lions of democrats who voted for him as the presidential candidate of tho democratic party in 1900; and, so tar as The Times is informed, Mr. Bryan, has no intention of repudiating that claim or dishonoring that loyalty. In what manner, we ask, is Mr. Bryan interfering in the affairs of tho democratic party of New York? Upoa what information or assumption has Senator McCarren based his attack upon this man, whose steadfastness of character, whose nobility of mind, has been proven over and over again, and whose personal following today is nu merically greater than that of anv other democrat who was ever honored with a presidential nomination? As to Mr. Bryan's intents and pur poses, we may not speak with author ity, save that which comes from au intimate knowledge of the man's loyal characteristics: even thouch he should repudiate the action of the convention and refuse to abide by its dictum, ho would, in accordance with the theory of those who did that very thing 3ix years ago, and again two years ago, thereby simply proclaim himself a bigger man than the convention, and a greater democrat' than any other; but it is fair to assume that Mr. Bryan in tends to do in 1904 as he has done in the past to lend the support of his in fluence and personality to the can didate of the democratic party, and so -retain the reputation which he has fairly achieved a reputation for stead fast honesty of purpose, devotion to democratic principles, and integrity of action. Tho leaders of democracy, in state and in nation, may do far worso than to pattern their conduct after that of the Hon. William Jennings Bryan. Buffalo (N. Y.) Times. Topeka (Kas.) Farmers' Advocate: The Boer war just closed will teach all nations to not be so ready to go to war with a weaker antagonist, espe cially when that weaker country is fighting to support the principles of freedom. Through all the ages will the Boer spectacle bo pointed out as a fearful example of what should and docs come to the oppressor. Red Wing (Minn.) Argus: This ad ministration is not like the Swede in tho story who thought it was a joke when he was slugged for a Norwegian. The administration, every time it gets a belt in the solar plexus raises tho cry, "What do you mean by attack ing the army?" - J J