The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 06, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner.
Vol.- a, No. ao.
&i i
Anothor sovoro ongagomont botwoon
tho Doors and English troops took
place on May 27. Commandant Malon
was mortally wounded.
Anothor attempt Is bolng mado to
end tho great strike In tho Pennsyl
vania coal flolds. Tho civic federation
has a now basis for arbitration and it
Is hopod that a sottlemcnt will soon
bo roached.
Tho riots In Russia contlnuo, and at
tempts aro bolng mado to assasslnato
those who carry out tho czar's orders.
In soveral towns attorn pts havo been
mado to llbornto political prisoners,
and this has also caused rioting.
A report from London undor date of
May 27 reports a hitch In tho peaco
proceedings. It is not known Just
what troublo has como up, but tho
British Hopes of poaco are not as
promising as thoy woro a few days
Tho annual convention of tho West
ern Federation of Miners and tho
"Wostorn Labor union assombled at
Denvor, Colo., on May 26. One of tho
objects of tho meeting is to plan a
new political party.
During tho wolcoming coromonles In
Now York of tho Pronch commission
ers attonding tho Rochamboau celebra
tion, a defective sidewalk gave way,
causing tho death of ono porson and
tho Injury of about ono hundred
Tho first minister to Cuba, Mr. J?.
O, Squires, arrived In Havana and was
formally received May 27. Bolng tho
first minister to present his creden
tials to tho Cuban government, Mr,
Squires will be dean of tho diplomatic
corps in Havana. -
After bitterly denouncing tho faith
lessness of tho Gorman'govbrcrment In
its action toward tho Polish provinces,
tho Polish memboVs of tho lower houso
of tho German dl6t loft In a body on
May 27. The contention arose ovor a
bill introduced for tho purpose of
strengthening tho Gorman element In
those provinces.
Reports from Kingstown on tho isl
and of St. Vincent, announce that an
othor eruption of tho volcano on the
night of May 18 caused a greater fall
of ashes and stones and more con
sternation among the people than tho
ilrst eruption on May 7. It will take
years to restoro tho Carib country to a
state of prosperity, tho land being
Thou Foatum Saved lllm.
It makes rather solid friends of peo
ple when they discover a liquid food
that will saye life in extreme cases of
Speaking of Postum Food Coffee, a
lady in Toledo, 0., says, "For ovor five
years now I have used Postum Coffee
entirely in place of tho ordinary cof
fee or tea.
I used to havo stomach trouble and
every time I drank: a cup of ordinary
coffee suffered the greatost distress.
My troubles loft when I loft off coffee
and bogan using Postum.
The most severe tost I know of was
whon my husband was down with gas
tric typhoid fever. His stomach would
retain nothing j we tried milk and
various other drinks. Everything wo
put into his stomach would como up in
less than three minutes. After tho
third day of this kind of work I con
cluded to give him some Postum Cof
fee. He dranlc it and relished it and
retained it, and for four weeks ho lived
on Postum and nothing else to speak
of. You can depend upon it that Pos
tum gained some good friends, for
liusband would have died if it had not
T)oen for the nourishment afforded by
Postum Coffee.". Name given by Pos--tum
Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
dosolated. Tho canal that supplied
water to that country has dried up.
Tho activity of tho volcano continues
and tho inhabitants aro leaving the
island as rapidly as possible, as Is also
tho case on Martinique.
The houso of representatives at Ha
vana, Cuba, has reconsidered tho bill
which provided amnesty for Americans
who were under sentonce or In jail In
Cuba, and has added an amendment
providing that amnesty bo granted to
native-born Americans only. In this
form the bill was sent to the senate.
Tho houso-has also fixed tho salary of
tho president at $25,000 a year, and
that of members of tho congress at
An Associated nrnHH (Ufmnfnli frnm
Naples, undor date of May 25, says:
Tho court of Inquiry being hold on
board, tho United States cruiser Chi
cago to investigate the arrest of cer
tain offlcors of that crow at Venice
April 35, continues its sessions, but
tho strictest secrocy regarding tho
Proceedings Of tho nnnrfc In mnhifnlnnrt
Orders havo been received on the Chi
cago from Washington that tho find
ings of tho court shall not bo divulged
until thoy aro passed upon by the
Unitod States government.
The offlcial findings of tho court
martial which tried Major Waller and
Lieut. J. A. Dav nf f.lifi mnHnn nnrna
in the Philippine islands for executing
natives of the island of Samar with
out trial, havo been made public. The
reviewing authority expresses its dis
approval of tho findings in both cases,
and condemns Waller and censures
Day for their actions, declaring that
such acts were a stain upon the fair
name of the United States army.
Tho following provisional govern
ment Was appointed in Kitytl on May
2G: President, Boisrond Canal; min
ister of foreign affairs M. Jeremlo;
minister of the interior, M. Colin;
minister of justice, M. Lalane; min
ister of war, General Nord; minister
of public works, M. Cesarion; minis
ter of finance, M. Dennoyi. The gov
ernment will also proceed to tafco
steps to assure tho election of a presi
dent according to constitutional meth
ods. At the republican state convention
of Ohio, in session at Cleveland, in
terest centered on the selection of state
committeemen, as those selected will
have control next yoar when members
of tho legislature aro elected who will
uiioose mo successor to Mr. Hanna In
the senate. Tho drift of sentiment in
the convention was in favor of Mr.
Hanna for president and while there
was no opposition expressed to Presi
dent Roosevelt, the general opinion is
that a delegation is wanted that will
be in favor of Mr. Hanna as a presi
dential candidate.
An-Associated press dispatch from
Santiago do Chile, undor date of May
24, reports: The protocol between
Argentine and Chile, which will bo
signed May 2G or 27, provides, among
othor things, that all existing contracts
for tho building of warships on both
sides shall be canceled and that eigh
teen months' notice of fresh contracts
shall be given. The treaty is to con
tinue in operation five years. It in
cludes a provision for compulsory ar
bitration and a mutual declaration of
non-intervention. Argentina accept
ing the statu quo on the Peru-Bolivian
question. It also providos that
neither party shall fortify the straits
of Magollan or sell ships to an un
friendly power. This treaty was
feigned on May 27.
? Associated press dispatch from
Wilkesbarro, Pa., undor date of June
l, says: Tho eve of what is regarded
a most important week In tho progress
of tho anthracite coal minors' strike,
finds tho entire region in an approhen
sivo mood. At 7 o'clock tomorrow
morning tho order of tho United Mine
Workers of America calling out all
tho stationary engineers, firemen and
pumpmon unless the companies grant
them an eight-hour work day at pres
ent wages, will go into effect and no
one can foretell tho outcome of the
now move. Victory for either side will
be of immense advantage and both
parties to tho controversy are striv
ing with all tho power at their com
mand to win. If tho union succeeds
In shutting down the companies the
mine properties will suffer damage
that may reach into millions of dol
lars, and if the employers should bo
able to keep the water out of their
works without the aid of organized la
bor it means that tho power of the
union in the mining region has reached
its limit and that all help in the effort
to force the mine owners to grant the
demands for the army of 147,000 men
must come from some outside source.
Prof. Michael I. Pupin of Columbia
university announced at the Waldorf
last night that he had sold to the Mar
coni Wireless Telegraph company of
America his Inventions covering tho
attuning of transmitters and receivers,
to protect tho secrecy of messages sent
by tho wireless system. The consid
eration was not named. Prof. Pupln
said he was to receive a sum In cash
and stock in the company. "The Mar
coni company here," ho said, "believed
these inventions to be necessary to
tho commercial utilization of the Mar
coni rights which they bought recent
ly, and thoy mado me a lump offer for
my patents, which I have accepted.
Tim deal was closed today." Willard
Reed Green, a promoter who conducted
the negotiations with Prof. L. Pupin,
and who says he is one of the principal
stockholders in the Marconi company,
said that at the meeting of the com
pany's directors yesterday a contract
was lot for tho last of the equipment
of tho stations at Cape Cod and Cape
Breton and that tho company would
be prepared to handle commercial
business in ninety days' time. Mr.
Green said arrangements had been
made with the two telegraph compa
nies for the inland transmission of
any messages handled by the wireless
A New York World cablegram from
London, under date of June 1, says:
London burst into wild rejoicing this
evening when tho signing of the terms
of peace became public. They were
rejoicings of relief, not of triumph,
but soon the Mafeking spirit began tc
assert itself and within half an hour
after the announcement union jacks
fluttered from street cars and house
windows and noisy gangs of young
men and women paraded the streets,
blowing penny trumpets, yelling pa
triotic songs and otherwise liberating
their long pentup feelings. But for a
sudden deluge of rain which acted as
a damper, the orgy of Mafeking night
would certainly have been repeated.
Even as it was, when the rain cleared,
tho streets again became thronged
with rowdy demonstrators, and the In
fection of their enthusiasm spread to
tho clubs and restaurants where tho
conclusion of peace was generally
toasted and manifestations alike un
dignified and absurd wero freely in
dulged in. When darkness fell, the
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Illuminations, remaining since the
celebration of the king's birthday,
were lit, rockets were sent up and the ,1
crowds cheered themselves hoarse
along tho sidewalks until a late hour
Much speculation is caused as to why
the announcement was made on Sun-'
day instead of being reserved for the'
house of commons tomorrow, and the
explanation is suggested that the min
istry is desirous that the rejoicings
should go off at half cock, because
when the full terms became known
they would show that there is little
to crow over, while the situation in
Cape Colony over the agitation for the
repeal of the constitution is fraught
with the gravest peril. The terms aro
expected, probably in the form of a
message from the king, who desires
credit for forcing the settlement. It is
understood that tho Boers will be per
mitted to keep their rifles and a limited
quantity of ammunition on swearing
allegiance. They will be promised au
tonomy within a brief period, their
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