The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 23, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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The Commoner.
Vol. a, No; 18.
Dr. (lootlchecr's Remedy
Feel out of kilter, do you?
Nothing goes to suit you, qulto?
Sklos soom sort of dark and clouded,
Though tho day Is fair and bright?
JUyos affected, fall to notice
Beauty spread xm every hand?
.Hearing so impaired you'ro missing
Songs of promise, sweet and grand?
No, your caso is not uncommon,
"lis a popular distress;
Though 'tis not at all contagious,
Thousands have it, more or less;
But It yiolds to simple treatment,
And is oasy, qulto, to cure
If you follow my directions,
Convalescence, quick, is suro.
,Tako a bit of cheorful thinking,
Add' a portion of content,
And, with both, lot glad ondeavor,
, Mixed with oarncstness, bo blout;
,Thcso with caro and skill compounded
Will produce a magic oil
That is bound to cure, if takon
With a lot of honest toll.
If your heart is dull and heavy,
If your hope is palo with doubt,
Try this wondrous Oil of Promise,
For 'twill drlvo tho ovll out.
Who will mix it? Not the druggist
From tho bottles on his shelf;
Tho ingredients required
You must find within yoursolf.
Nixon Waterman, in May "Success."
along In tho opposite direction. The
old man bado them pause for a mo
ment, questioning thorn as to whither
they woro going, and tho youths an
swored in one voice "To tho City of
Success!" Tho old pilgrim looked up
on them gravely. "I have sought,"
ho replied, feebly, "over tho most
part of tho world for tho city of which
you speak. Three such pairs as you
seo now on my feot have I worn out
upon this pilgrimage. But all this
while I have found no city. Yestertido
I fainted from tho exhaustion by tho
roadway, and as I lay thero I seemed
to hear an angel saying, 'Behold, tho
City of Success lies at ovory man's
threshold, and there be no need for
him to journey far In its search.'
"And now I am going back, after all
theso years, to my llttlo mountain
homo, and, God willing, I shall find
thoro my appointed task." The
Brown Book.
What Is Economy.
There is an idea prevalent that eco
nomy and saving are allied terms, but
tho Idea is false.- Economy and sav
ing may bo, but are not necessarily
one. .Sometimes economy is spending
and spending with a liberal hand.
Economy Is tho wise uso of tho mater
ial ono has. To save a dollar and
waste one's norvous enorgy to tho
point of exhaustion is tho grossest
extravagance. This is ono of tho les
sons which Is hardest for a woman to
learn. Sho can gauge tho comparative
valuos, however, In this way if she
"will. Tho essential things are those
which abido and which ono has In
himself, beyond all changes of for
tune and of time. Whatever Improves
these, adds to them, enriches them, Is
something worth gaining and to ob
tain it la wise' economy. Whatever
."weakens It or lessons it is false eco
nomy. It mattors little in tho course
of a life whether one has a rufflo more
or less or not; It mattors much wheth
er in seeking for that adornment one
has grown so weary that cross words
have come. Every strain of that kind,
If it comes as the result of trying to
save, has cost moro than it saved.
It is a wise economy, whatever it
costs, which saves one's nature whole
and sweet, one's brain clear and keen,
one's body responsive to one's will
and one's entire being in perfect tune
iwith the Infinite. This is tho only
economy and to put ono's self In this
condition is the wise expenditure of
time, strength, will and money, ono
economizes too much in the essentials.
Our eyes become blinded until wo loso
just valuos or wo look at things from
a wrong perspective, so that we do not
seo what is tho essential. Only that
which is genuine Is essential. That
lasts.' The false fades. The rule is
true, no matter where it is applied.
fThe Household.
Sociability In the Home
A strangor might often Infer that
we camo together at dinner simply to
feed and were unablo to relax In mind
until tho feeding oporation was done.
For tho sake of good digestion, as well
as good fellowship, let us hayo a
cheerful, bright interchange of ideas
at our table. Wo may not all be
brilliant conversationalists, but it will
bo strange if wo cannot think of some
kind and pleasant remarks, some cur
ious and laughable incidents, or bring
some interesting and fruitful result of
our exporienco from tho busy world
outside. In one home every person is
required to tell some funny story at
dinner and no one is heard, if he ut
tora words of -fault-fining -; Dinner
hero is an event welcomed by each
member of the family, and for that
time are saved all the Interesting inci
dents of the day. This is a custom
which might profitably be adopted by.
others. Even a child, if properly en
couraged and never snubbed, will
learn to talk well and to find a bit of
news or story worth telling. Selected.
Clean the Cellar.
With all the rest of the May work,
do not forget to clean out tho cellar.
Warm weather is near at hand. Warm
weather and old cabbage stumps, po
tatoes, vegetables and other matter
that are subject to decay do not go
well together. Lots of folks pay out
money to tho doctor who might bet
ter pay It for cleaning out the cellar.
Farm Journal.
A Simple Hair Tonic.
In a pint of rain water stew one
half pound of rosemary for five or six
hours. Strain through muslin, and,
when cold, add a quarter of a pint of
bay rum. Bottle and rub well into tne
roots of tho hair night and morning.
Massaging the skin o.tho head with
tho finger-tips strengthens the hair
and helps to make it stop coming out
The Gentlewoman.
Finding One' a Task.
r rA party of youths wore pressing for
ward with eager feet along the road
.that led out of the mountain into tho
great world below. Thoy were travel
ing toward gold and sunshine and
fame, spurred on by that mysterious
Impulse which through the ages has
ever drawn men and nations westward.
'And as thoy journoyed they met an
old man, shod with iron, tottering
The Girl Who Helps Her Mother.
Useful people everywhere,
Kindly sister, loving brother;
But the girl to me most fair
Is tho one who helps her mother!
i .
She may have a homely face.
Nothing fine her form to cover;
But there's beauty and there's grace
In the girl who helps her mother!
Sho will one day reign a queen
In all hearts that do discover;
For alas! she's rarely seen,
Is tho girl who helps her mother!
B. S. L. Thompson.
What Is Home.
Recently a London magazine sent
out 1,000 Inquiries on the question,
"What is home?" In selecting the
classes to respond to tho question it
was particular to see that every one
was represented. Tho poorest and the
richest were given an equal opportun
ity to express their sentiments. Out
of 800 replies received seven gems
were selected, as follows:
1. Home A world of strife shut
out, a world of love shut in.
2. Home The placo where the
small are great and the great are
3. Home The father's kingdom,
tho mother's world and the child's
4. Home The placo where wo
grumble most and are treated the best.
5. Home The center of our affec
tions round which our heart's best
wishes twine.
6. Home The place where the
stomachs get three square meals daily
and our hearts a thousand.
7. Home The only place on earth
where the faults and fallings of Hu
manity are hidden under the sweet
mantle of charity.
A father said unto his hopeful son,
"Who was Leonidas, my cherished
The boy replied, with words of ardent
"Ho was a member of the legislature."
"How?" asked the parent; then the
youngster saith,
"He got a pass, and held her like
grim death."
"Whose pass? What pass?" the anx-
ious father cried;
"'Twas the'r monopoly," the boy re
plied. In deference to the- public we must
The boy has been an orphan since that
"-' Eugene Ware. '
Good Thoughts.
There is a good deal of moral sup
port in a nice gown and hat.
The nest embodies all that is great
est in a bird's life, as the home does
the man's life.
Golf is better than medicine and
will make over the poor tired body
and the fagged-out mind.
"Little Red Riding Hood" was
written by Charles Porrault, a French
author, who published it in 1697.
Access to books is an open door to
wide knowledge, to a disciplined mind,
and to immense extension and variety
of interests.
The four-year presidential term is
not unlike the four-mile rowing race:
it is a test not only of strength and
skill, but also of endurance.
In order to be in perfect health one
must be temperate in eating. The
meals should always be regular. Reg
ularity is one of the golden rules of a
well-ordered life.
A child's mind is like a shallow
brook which ripples and dances mer
rily over the stony course of its edu
cation and reflects here a flower, thero
a bush, yonder a fleecy cloud. La
dies' Home Journal.
The Spacious Firmament on High
The spacious firmament on high,
With all the blue ethereal sky,
And spangled heavens, a shining
Their great Original proclaim.
The unwearied sun, from day to day,
Does his Creator's power display,
And publishes to every land
Tho work of an Almighty hand.
Soon as the evening shades prevail,
Tho moon takes up the wondrous tale,
And nightly to the listening earth
Repeats the story of her birth:
Whilst all the stars that round her
And all the planets In their turn
Confirm the tidings as they roll,
And spread the truth from pole to
What though in solemn silence all
I Will Cure You of
No pay until you know it.
After 2,000 experiments, I have
learned how to cure Rheumatism. Not
to turn bony joints into flesh again;:
that is impossible. But I can cure who
disease always, at any state, and for-
I ask for no money. Simply write
mo a postal and I will send you an
order on your nearest druggist for six
bottles of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Cure,
for every druggist keeps It. Use it for
a month, and if it does what I claim
pay your druggist $5.60 for it. If it
doesn't I will pay him myself.
I have no samples. Any medicine
that can affect Rheumatism with but
a few doses must be drugged to the
verge of danger. I use no such drugs.
It is folly to take them. You must get
the disease out of the blood.
My remedy does that, even in the
most difficult, obstinate cases. No
matter how impossible this seems to
you, I know it and I take the risk. I
have cured tens of thousands of case
in this way, and my records show that
39 out of 40 who get those six bottles
pay, and pay gladly. I have learned
that people in general are honest with
a physician who cures them. That is
all I ask. If I fail I don't expect a
penny from you.
Simply write me a postal card or
letter. Let me send you an order fos
tho medicine. Take it for a month,
for it won't harm you anyway. If it
cures, pay $5.50. I leave "that entirely
to you. I will mail you a book'" tat
tolls how I do it. Address Dr. Shoo?,
Box 515, Racine, Wis. ''
Mild cases, not chronic, are often
cured by one or two bottles. . ' At' all
Move round this dark terrestrial ball.;
What though no real voice nor sound
amidst their radiant orbs bo found;
In reason's ear they all rejoice,
And utter forth a glorious voice;
Forever singing, as they shine,
"The hand that made us is divine."
Joseph Addison.
The Facts are Wanted.
The atrocities in the Philippines
concern the honor not of the army
alone, but of the whole American peo
ple. The people demand the facts.
The facts are not to be obtained
through General Chaffee and an army
board acting under the instructions of
the secretary of war, who is himself
implicated, as he has suppressed the
reports giving an account of the atro
cities. Nor will the people be satis
fied with the president's personally;
reviewing the findings of the army
board and tho evidence brought be
fore it. The president is an interested
party, as he must have known of
Secretary Root's suppression of re
ports. The people look to congress.
The senate, under the leadership of
men like Senator Culberson, is man
fully doing its part. It was Senator
Culberson who unearthed tho sup
pressed Gardener report and the sup
pressed report of the governor of Ba
tangas, in which province 100,000 out
pf a population of 300,000 have per
ished. Facts like Captain Glenn's
burning a peaceful town of 2,000 In
habitants, held until his arrival by a
comoral and nlvtAon man
disturbance, are coming to light. Tho
leading natives were tortured, and
the remaining inhabitants who had
not been put to death were left to die
of starvation. When all of the facts
?JV?nlout and th0 responsibility -
IS fiXOd. tho Amnrfnnn nonrJn ,ni .
I tnat a proper punishment is meted out
.lumuusurato with these crimes.
Houston Post.