The Commoner ' WILLIAfl J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. .' Vol. 2. No. Lincoln, Nebraska, May 23, 1902. Whole No. 70. Mothers Have Earned a Rest. As summer approaches preparation should be made for a summer vacation. It is a matter of re gret that so many are not able to take such a vaca tion, and a matter of still deeper regret that the vacation, when taken, often goes to the member of the family who least needs it, while those who have best earned it, have no relief from the daily routine of life. As a rule, the wife needs a vacation more than the husband, for her life is more monotonous and is less relieved by social intercourse. The wife who does her own work, in whole or in part, finds work to occupy her time from the rising hour to the hour of retirement, and it is of a character that wears upon her by constant and unvarying repetition. The wife of the laborer, the country merchant, the professional man of moderate means, and even more, the wife of the farmer these need more change and rest than they usual ly secure. While The Commoner is published primarily for the discussion of' questions affecting govern- .-rvment,, .sociology, and political economy, it seeks to' serve the interests of the family, InovoyyUse way, and it urges Uppn its readers the importance of a reasonable summer vacation, while it is en deavoring to secure conditions that will permit an increasing proportion to enjoy the luxury of re freshing rest, it reminds its readers that even un der present conditions many shorten their lives by working' more continuously than is absolutely necessary. A summer vacation need not entail a great amount of expenditure. A short period, even a week, of absolute relief from the daily round of daily work and care is like an oasis. It not only Strengthens a person for a longer service, but" makes the service more pleasant. ' It usually would require but a little sacrifice on the part of the hus band and children to enabla the wife and mother to secure this respite. Sons and daughters often, throw away every year in useless expenditure enough money to pay for the mother's outing, and certainly they would find more pleasure in seeing her freshened and invigorated than they can find in spending the sum upon themselves. In return for the great care that the mother gives and the constant sacrifice that she makes from the time the child is born until it reaches the grave, she ought to be able to count upon a consideration that is too often withheld. This would be a good year to inaugurate the change. Boys and girls, too try it and see how much happiness you will get out of a little sacrifice made for mother's sake. JJJ . Hysteria. Colonel Woodruff, counsel for General Smith, declared that the court-martial proceedings against Smith were called "in deference to noisy public' Be'ntiment, fostered for unknown and ignoble pur poses until hysteria was produced." ' That is the answer. Every protest that is made, against inhuman ity, every appeal in behalf of good principles, ev ery .criticism of dishonest methods, every -con- . -J demnation of torture-r-all these things are the ro sult of "hysteria!" The only self-possessed, sensible people in tho world today, the only people whose opinions are entitled to weight, are those who unhesitatingly take their stand beside class Interests, wno up hold Impositions practiced by the strong upon tho weak, who commend the trust system as the es sential element of progress and prosperity, who approve tho killing of boys over ten years of ago and the order to transform a territory into a howling wilderness, who commend torture as a means to force men to betray their comrades in arms! All others are "hysterical." JJJ The President And the King. TRY THE AMERICAN WAY Jacob Schurman, formerly president of the Philippine commission, in an article in the Inde pendent, says: "What, I ask, do you want in the Philip pines? More particularly, why in any part' of Luzon and the Visayan islands are you making a howling wilderness and killing children over "ten years of ago? It will be said that these are the unhappy incidents of war, which is al ways a- stern affair, very different from the holiday-making into which civilians would turn it. Be it so. Why, then, are we making, war? Here are 0,500,000 fellow Christians of nil. in I ir.T'AQ1llg,'t11l1liMllfll-..J.At -- - A sto no uuie muuuij" wiiuanau unvroir iu naiu 10 . .. ,. . . 7 .. , , iv: , highlycivnisdaBtitWjthepeopI sovereignty in me nanus ot uiuir l-traraud South America. What do we want of sovereign nis uueesmun uuuuwius u ujullui w. In a speech delivered at the banquet given to Whitelaw Reid at New York on tho evening of May 14, Senator Chauncoy M. Dcpow undertook to justify tho appointment of a special delegation to represent tho United States at the coronation ceremonies of King Edward VII. Senator Depew seemed to bo particularly de sirous of providing an answer to tho claim that inasmuch as the British ambassador, regularly sta tioned at Washington, was tho only representative which the king of England had at the inaugural ceromonles of the president of tho United Staten, the American ambassador, rogularly stationed at King Edward's court, provided sufficient represen tation for the United States at tho crowning of a king. In other words, it was held that repre sentation that would suffice for a monarchy at the inaugural ceremonies of a president would sufilco for a republic at the coronation ceremonies of a king. Evidently in reply to this suggestion, Senator Depew said: t.Aj.LiJi 'iSo long as the' people ofotrfer countries them? We have never told them. "Thank God, there is a more excellent way. Drop coercion and try conciliation. Give the Filipinos -what they want, not what ' you think is good for them. Regard them not as Sioux or Apache Indians, but as Christian ized and civilized brown men, raniclng with the Japanese." "The Chicago Record-Herald recently demand ed that the Moros in the Philippines be conciliated; but if any republican paper has insisted upon conr ciliation for the Christian Filipinos, we have failed to observe it. Mr. Schurman's suggestion is directly In line with the Kansas City platform which promised an immediate declaration of the nation's purpose to give Filipinos, first, a stable form of govern ment; second, independence; and, third, protec tion from outside interference such as has been given for nearly a century to the republics of Central and South America. And why Is not this the proper plan? Why is it not the part of wisdom to substitute concilia tion for brutality? Why is it not the part which a civilized people should play in their dealings with their fellow beings? American citizens who have become restless under this policy of imperialism have been told to depend upon the republican party for a wise solu tion of the problem; and the Filipinos have been asked to depend upon the generosity of the repub lican party to give them "all the liberty they are capable of enjoying." But the Filipinos want independence and it is to the interests of this country, both in the dis charge of its duty In the presence of the principles uppn which it was founded and in accordance with practical considerations, that this government make an explicit pledge to the Filipinos that wo will treat them as we promised to treat the Cu bans. Mr. Schurman is correct when he says "thero is, a more excellent way" of dealing with these people than under the policy which we have adopted. It is the American way; and this gov ernment cannot hope' to be relieved of its em barrassments until it solves the Philippine problem along American lines, in accordance with the sug gestion made by Mr. Schurman and in harmony, with the pledges made by the democrats in the Kansas City platform. national and international significance. Tho people of the United States took the sover eignty of their king to themselves. The presl . dent is only their agent, checked by congress and the supreme court. The inauguration of a president, therefore, marks no change of sov ereignty." In other words, in Mr. Depew's view, the In auguration of a president Is an insignificant af fair compared with the crowning of a king. Now, as a matter of fact, tho powers of the king of England are insignificant compared with the powers of tho president. In truth, tho king of England long ago ceased to bo anything but a figurehead, something before which the English people could bow and scrape a living thing in the presence of which they could pay tribute to the monarchical notion. While King Edward will be formally crowned on June 26, it is true that for more than a year ho has been king. When Queen Victoria died and tho office passed to her son, there was not the slightest change in the policies of the British government. A change in the policies of the British govern ment takes place when the ministry is changed. One king could die every week and another king take his place and the only disturbance it would create would be the rustle and bustle of the flun kies to pay tribute at the feet of tho new found royalty. Common politeness Is necessary hetween civ ilized governments and the democrat will claim that this essential is fully complied with when his government Is represented at tho coronation cere monies of the king by similar representation which the king has at the Inaugural ceremonies of our president; and the democrat will protest against any extraordinary representation which might place this government in the attitude of being over-zealous to pay homage to a system of govern ment that is essentially hostile to our own system of government iSut when a republican like Senator Depew