The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 02, 1902, Page 7, Image 9

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    The Commoner.
May 2 1 190a
acrar - 1
Glnubrook (la.) Northern: The na
tional banks will not bo satisfied until
they own the whole money system.
Minden (Neb.) Courier: An honest
carpet-bag government like civilize.!
warfare is a contradiction of terms.
Marlon (111.) Press: The would-bo
reorganizers of the democratic party
are gracious enough to permit the old
landmark democrats to vote for
Carlysle (111.) Constitution: The
workingman who voted two years ago
for a "full dinner pail" will hardly be
able to put much beef in it at the pres
ent high price.
Rolla (Mo.) Sharpshooter: The man
that takes no interest in politics
should bear in mind the fact that the
corporations do, and that is why the
corporations are getting all the "pros
perity" that is loose.
Pekin (111.) Times: Governor Taft
says the Filipinos are corrupt because
they have been used to corruption.
F. m all accounts, there are Americans
over there who. are giving them plenty
of what they are used to, too.
Lincoln (Neb.) Independent: The
Boston Her.ald wants to know how
many more reports similar to the
one made by Major Gardener are hid
den away in the archives of the war
department. Secretary Root could
tell, but he won't.
Rushville (Ind.) Jacksonian: It was
a Lincoln who said "no man is good
enough to govern another man with
out, that man's consent." But tho
Taft commission has a different theory.
It' finds it convenient to forget what
Lincoln said. -
Winfield (Kan.) Tribune: There is
no reason for protecting in the homo
market a manufacturer who can ex
port his goods, for that means that
he can meet foreign competition
abroad, and if he can do that he can
dd It more easily at home.
Clarksburg (Mo.) Review: It r is
"treason against the United States"
in. the Philippines to "join; a political
party or any society for the promulga
tion of any political opinion or pol
icy." If this isn't imperialism, what
is it?
Chicago Public: Now comes the
wild-eyed Inter Ocean and propounds
this conundrum: "Is Republicanism
a Crime?" Giving the accused tho
benefit of the doubt, we should say
that ''in1 Illinois it is "simply a Case
of disorderly conduct.-
Bolivar (Mo.) Herald: By .the way,
what has become of Babcock, who
was going to clip the wings of the
trusts by putting all trust made goods
on the free list? He has been lost in
the shuffle, as all republicans will be
who talk about attacking this octo
pus. Massena (N. Y.) Forum: Eyen our
sires of the revolutionary days, great
as were their achievements, do nor
equal Botha, DeWett and Delarey.
Meanwhile we. are looking on and as
sisting the British. What has become
of the spirit that animated Americans
in '76?
Xenia (0.) Herald; The demo
cratic voters of Ohio are not exerting
themselyes to obtain political advice
from gold democrats an'd other re
publicans, and cannot be fooled by
their representatives; The game of
wolf in sheep clothing has become 'too
transparent. . '
Frankfort (Ind.) Standard: Did it
ever occur to the opponents of elect
ing senators by the people to look
over the list of senators and count the
men who never would have had a seat
in that body if thxjir election had'been
left to the people. ' Sit down and think
it over. It's a longer list than you
would suppose. ' 1
iniiton (Mo.) Telegraph: The Telo
graph has been an outspoken advocato
of tho free silver cause since the day
it was presented to congress by the
late Hon. Ayletto H. Buckner long
before some of the "smart AIecks"wero
born and we have no apblogies to of
fer for our course nor cause to regrtt
our action in the matter.
Joshua (Tex.) News: Let our newly
converted democrats remember that,
While the old man did truly welcome
the prodigal son with much rejoicing,
he did not turn the place over to him
and tell him to run it to suit himself.
Nor did the prodigal son have the
nerve to ask for such a thing; he only
wanted to come in as a servant.
Monticello (la.) Times: The mag
nates of the lumber trust have raised
the price on the highe'r grade of white
pine lumber from ?2 to ?3 per thous
and feet. While the forests of the
United States are disappearing and the
price of lumber is increasing the tar
iff on lumber is stiU maintained. These
are golden days for the magnates of
the lumber trusts.
Monmouth (111.) Democrat: Is it
possible that, the republicans are pu.t-
'ting time limits on' the legislative acts
they foster t.he ship subsidy bill and
the paltry Cuban concessions because
they have no fjiith in themselves or
their measures, or because they think
the people will submit to acts labelled
"temporary ?" ' ' .
North, Vernon (Ind.) Sun: It is said
.the ship subsidy bill will be killed 'in
the jhouserather jit- will b'e gjvea
knook-out -drps that will "put it to
sleep- until '--after the elections next
fall. The; people can't be fooled this
way. They are getting tired of a con
gress for monopolies, and they will
make a clean .sweep ,next November. ,
Salem? (Vd.) Times-Register: Thoao
who favor the retention of the Phil
ippines' do not seem to take' into "ac
count"" that the Philippines do not
want the class of goods we manufac
ture, and no system can be devised
"by which .wq. can make a profit in the
islands at "all commensurate with the
great outlay of life and money.
Rockville (Ind.) Tribune: It is a
little tough'on-Democratic farmers to
be compelled to contribute to the re
publican campaign fund, when they
buy rural mail boxes' but they. can't
help It. Of 'course the fourteen fav
ored firms whd manufacture mail
boxes are opposed to "Bryanism," and
will contribute ' to its defeat at any
and all times.
Corning (la.) Free Press: The edi
tors of the Manila- papers are in jail
because they told about the steals go
ing on there in government quarters.
They wei;e- sentenced under the sedi
tion laws that require them to keep
silent. Taft says that such exposures
cause th.e natives to lose -confidence-in:
the" military bosses. And we are
told, wq have freedom of the pr:rs.
Celina (0.) Democrat: Hanna is a
friend of labor Chinese cheap labor.
We always thought he was, notwith
standing some of his recent demago
gic yaporings. A few days ago when
his "pet ship subsidy bill was under
consideration he showed his love for
American laborers by voting against
the Patterson amendment; which pro
vided that no bounty would be paid to
vessels carrying Chinese crews. Mr.
Hanna still knows his business, but
there is a great big gob of American
workmen who don't know theirs.
To the Editor of the Republic.
Macon, Mo., April 20. While in
Kansas City last week my attention
was called to a telegram from Co
lumbia to tho effect that one or more
gentlemen connected with tho state
university were making an effort to
induce Mr. Carnegie to donate a' sum
of money to erect a library building on
the university campus upon condition
that the state would meet him half
way and appropriate a similar sum
for tho same purpose, and I expressed
my unqualified disapproval of the
movement. The language of the Inter
view with me was that of the inter
viewer, not mine, but outside the per
sonal phases of tho interview, which
where made unnecessarily harsh, I en
dorse what 1 was represented as say
ing. In Friday's Republic I find an edi
torial criticising what I said and tak
ing issue with me, and while the critir
clsm is couched in terms a little sharp,
it is a fair criticism from tho stand
point of one who does not agree with
my view, and I have no complaint .0
make of it. However, I would like to
say a few words on the other side.
The vulgar criticisms I have seen in
one or two, papers, not the Republic, of
my protest against this Carnegie li
brary scheme, attributing to me dem
agogical and unworthy motives, are
wide of the mark. I have no thought
of attacking Mr. Carnegie or any -man
simply because he is rich, nor did I
have any thought of making a general
onslaught on accumulated wealth.
There seems to be a class of over
sensitive people who appear to think
that every time an ordinary American
citizen fails to prostrate himself' be
fore Our giant men of gold our mighty
Moneybags he is in design, at least,
a dangerous man, and the newspaper
organs of that class, standing vigilaut
guard, take up the cudgel promptly:
Suca of thwde organs as have berated
me in this instance after the fashion
indicated, wholly misinterpret my mo
tives. Fair criticism like that of the
Republic I do not object to, but rather
invite, since the question involved is
one of great moment and ought to be
dispassionately discussed; but mere
villification is contemptible.
I had no thought, and have none
now, of assailing men of wealth sim
ply because they are rich; nothing ,f
the kind. Nevertheless it is a fact
I believe it to be a fact known to
most observant men, that an effort is
being made, and for a long time has
been, put forth by our millionaires
and billionaires, operating through
different age'neies, to control or to in
fluence the selection of certain lines
of text-books used even in the com
mon public schools, and especially
those used in the leading colleges and
universities of the country; and still
more it is especially apparent that
these people are endeavoring to direct
the course of instruction in the great
universities on political economy,
covering the whole field of finance and
industry, and also on civil government
and political history. Many of these
men, as we know, have accumulated
their vast fortunes by methods and
through governmental agencies which
would not be permitted or tolerated if
the government were administered ac
cording to democratic ideas instead of
republican ideas according to the
principles of Jefferson, instead of th.?
principles of Hamilton. This class of
enormously rich men are selfishly in
terested or, if you please, interested
frQm higher motives but interested,
very deeply interested, in maintaining
and perpetuating the public policies
of which they have been, and still
are, the lavish beneficiaries.
These men are seeking, I am sorry
Lto say, with too much success, to get
control of tho great schools of the
country. This thoy aro accomplish
ing by princely donations and endow
ments. Thoy place tho institutions re
ceiving their gifts under great obllga
l.ons to them, if thoy do not make
them dependent upon their bounty;
They become potent In the collego di
rectorate, and, whilo thoy poso as
philanthropists and patrons of learn
ing, they have much to- say, if not a
controlling voice, in determining what
shall bo taught on certain subjects,
and who shall or shall not toaoh
it. Tho purpose of all this is evident.
Every year these great schools aro
sending forth an army of highly equip
ped young men, who begin almost im
mediately to oxerclso a strong influ
ence on the community, and who soon
become dominant forces in society.
If they have been taught a certain
way, educated on certain lines, they
are apt to lead off and go in that
direction. If they are educated in tho
faith of tho plutocrat, they are apt
to adhere to the creed of the pluto
crat. If thoy are taught to believe In
the ideas of Hamilton, they may never .
adopt the ideas of Jefferson.
Am I mistaken in my premises? Am
I mistaken in saying what our multi
millionaires, or some of them, are at
tempting to do, or have done? Am I
talking of realities pr merely conjur
ing a specter, baseless and unsubstan
tial as a dream? Many disgraceful
things occurrrlng In some of the lead
ing universities of the country; nota
bly tho peremptory dismissal of tho
president of Brown university and of
Professor Bemis of the Chicago uni
versity, might be pointed to prove tho '
truth of whaj I say. What were these
men dismissed for? Because they re
fused to teach political economy and
monetary science -acording to the rules
prescribed by tho republican million
aire philanthropists who had endowed
the schools with a few of their sur
plus millions.
' The temptation to accept these 'mu
nificent gifts and endowments, I know,
is great; but I would, if I could, save
the University of Missouri from tho
conger of, subserviency or truckling to
the blandishments or power of indi
vidual wealth. I am tho firm friend
of the university. It is the glorious
crown of o-r great public school sys
tem. I wish I could inspire every
Missourian with pride in it and love
for it. I wish I could Induce every
parent in the state td send his "chil
dren from the high schools, the nor
mals and denominational schools to
the university, I wish I could Jnduco
the people, of the state to endow it
and put it above the necessity of
asking for annual appropriations for
its ordinary support. I wish I could
persuade our people to do whatever
might be necessary to make it one of
the very greatest universities in the
world. But I would not for any con
sideration, however tempting, mort
gage, much less sell, its independence
to any man or set of men. I would
never put its liberty of thought and
action in jeopardy. If politics, par
tisan politics, is to be taught in tho
classrooms, which never ought to bo
done at all, I do not want to run tho
risk of having Jefferson and Jeffer
sonian democracy tabooed in the Uni
versity of Missouri.
I am for the library building; it is
undoubtedly needed, and the state
ought to build it, and build one com
mensurate with the needs and dignity
of the institution. But I am opposed
to the state ' of Missouri going into
partnership with Mr. Carnegie for
the support and conduct of its chief
institution of learning. A donation
from Mr. Carnegie for a library build
ing w.ould be simply an entering
(Continued on Page 12.)
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