The Commoner May a, 196a m An Echo ef the 1900 Campaign. the enormous Strenuous Times Ahead for Babcock. The Central Federated Union of New York, representing 140,000 members of labor- unions, re cently adopted resolutions de claring that the trusts had "by advancing the price of meat aud in defiance of laws governing trusts, squeezed from the public sum of $100,000,000, the bulk of which has come from the earnings of the working masses." This is only one of the echoes of tho republican slogan of 1900, "Four years more of the full dinner pail." The Kansas City Journal complains that the beef trust has raised the price of meat four cents per pound since January last. Onenore ' It estimates that this means an Object . increase of $100,000 per month Lesson. to the people of Kansas City, or an increase of $124,000,000 per year for the people of the United States living in cities of 4,000 population and upward, and this is just one trust! The people will begin to realize after awhile that ALL trusts are bad and then they will be ready to abolish them. It is strange that it should take so long for the people to get their eyes open on this subject. A number of the constituents of Congressman Babcock, the republican member from Wisconsin, who declared that he intended to lead a movement for the re moval of the tariff on trust made articles, have indorsed the proposition. But Mr. Babcock has been re-elected chairman of the republican campaign committee and he seems to have aban doned the plan. Iu the house on April 18 Mr. Rich ardson of Tennessee served notice on the gen tleman from Wisconsin that the democrats in tended to give Mr. Babcock a chance to vote against his own measure. Evidently there are strenuous times aher.l for the gentleman from Wis consin, and on this point the Albany Argus says: "Congressman Babcock of Wisconsin has been re elected chairman of the republican campaign com mittee. Now the Dingleyites have Mr. Babcock where they want him. He must fish, cut bait or 'go ashore. His arguments in favor of electing a majority in the next congress which will perpet uate the injustices and absurdities of 'the existing tariff, will be waited with general, not to say fev erish, impatience." Because of the extraordinary burdens of its war in South Africa, England is now required to plac,e a tax on the bread of her England's people. In presenting the bud Tax on get statement, the chancellor of Bread. the exchequer made a very de pressing statement from a fina.i eial standpoint. The .'chancellor shows that it has been Tjund necessary to suspend the sinking fund. He estimated the total deficit for the pres ent year as $134,120,000. To this must be added from $80,000,000 to $90,000,000 additional war ex penditures and other items bringing the grand total of the deficit to $225,000,000. Revenue from the bread taxation, it is estimated, will be about $rr,000,000. The sum of $160,000,000 must be bor rowed and the deficit will be made up by drawing on the exchequer. The, chancellor estimated that . the revenue for this year on the basis of psesent taxation, will be $738,925,000. The total ordinary eypenditures for 1902-3 is estimated at $045,795, 000 with war charges amounting to $227,250,000; this provides a grand total of $873,045,000. These figures provide a hint of the enormous burden under which the English people are staggering. The Chicago Tribune in Its issue of April 11, haB an editorial entitled, "The Ship Subsidy Peril." The Tribune says that a "fear Grasping is felt and expressed by Illinois at straws republicans that the democrats in Iiliuois. will carry the state in the fall elections, elect a majority of the congressional delegates, and of the legis lature, and choose a democrat for United States senator." The Tribune - admits that "the republican senate in the Bhip subsidy bill has furnished an excellent piece of campaign material to the democratic spell-binders. The fear of re publicans that the democrats will prevail has a reasonable basis." But in an effort to defend the republican party, the Tribune says, "Fortunately six of the more prominent republican senators, in cluding Allison and Spooner, voted against the bill. By referring to that fact the republicans of Illinois can immensely strengthen their position with the voters." It will be difficult for an In telligent Illinois voter to understand why the p03 itjon of these "six of the more prominent repub- Yct the Ledger Supports the System. lican senators" should cut any figure In the Illi nois election. It happens that the two Illinois senators, if wo are correctly Informed, voted for this infamous measure. The six republican sena tors who voted against the bill, however promi nent they may have been, form an insignificant minority. If the republicans of Illinois expect to succeed by reason of tho attitude of these six republican senators, they will bo. required to ex plain how it happens that tho two Illinois sena tors were not among the number of those who opposed this outrageous steal. The Philadelphia Ledger says: "Unfortunate ly for Senator Hanna's roseate view of tho in fluence of trusts, there are pes simists who will persist in looking at it from another point. A trust could, no doubt, increase wages, lower working hours and charge tho increased expense to the con sumer, but would it do so? Tho pessimists think that a trust, finding Il3elf in control of the mar ket, might increase prices (as tho beef trust has done) and then neglect to divide up with ltg working men. What could the latter do? If they should strike all tho places in tho country would bo closed to them; they could have no hope of success, but must succumb and go back to work at rates offered them by monopolists." It seems fair to infer that tho Ledger agrees with the "pes simist's view" on the trust question, and yet the Ledger continues to give its great influence to a party that depends upon the trusts for its cam paign fund. A Washington dispatch to the Chicago Record Herald says that "members of the cabinet say that they havo not for a long it is the time seen the president so much Revelation stirred up. Both he and Secro That. Hurts. Root have been disgusted with the way in which ugly reports concerning the operations of tho army in tho Philippines have been piling up in tho last two weeks." As a matter of fact, these "ugly reports" have not been "piling up in tho last two weeks." they have been piling up during the last two years in the secret archives of tho administration; they were; known to members of the administration ut the time the president and Secretary Root rebuked Gen. Miles for saying that the war in the Philip pines was characterized by "marked severity." This correspondent would perhaps havo been more ac curate had he said that Mr. Roosevelt and Secre tary Root have been much disgusted with tho way in which the ugly reports concerning the operations in the Philippines have been revealed to the people in the last two weeks in spite of tho administration's effort to suppress the facts. The working men of New York who were per suaded to vote the republican ticket in 1900 by the Vision of the "full dinner pall" That are doing considerable thinking Full these days. The New York Dinner Pall World gives a small hint of the situation when it shows that in one year the price of butter per pound has In creased 10 cents, porterhouse steak per pound has increased C cente, sirloin steak 6 cents, rib roast 6 cents, round steak 5 cents, chuck steak 6 cents, leg of lamb 5 cents, lamb chops 8 cents, poultry 5 cents, potatoes per barrel 75 cents, dried fruits per pound 4 cents. The World adds that "tho price of nearly every other article needed for the table has gone up 15 to 25 per cent. Vegetables are much higher than they were last year. Tho only reason given for this is the prosperity of tho country. The men who fix the prices have de cided that the people have plenty of money and are willing to pay more to supply their tables." Doubtless the people would be willing to pay moro if they had the money' with which to do it, but wages have not Increased, and every day. the newspapers show that the con sumers of the country are actually suffering b2 cause of the exactions of the men who control the necessities of life and fix the prices thereon ac cording to their own pleasure. yws The Washington correspondent of the Chicago Record-Herald announces that in spite of the fact that every member of tho nah- inet and a majority of the repub lican senators are opposed to the retirement of General Miles. President Roosevelt is "showing a great deal of pluck in his determination to place General Miles on the retired list." The corres pondent predicts that Mr. Roosevelt will in short order secure Miles' retirement. In the same 'dis patch this correspondent says, "No matter what A '. Will Rooserelt Retire Miles. t . . Opinion" peoplo may have as to tho merits of tli tautiuvciajr, more is general agreement that Gon oral Miles is by long c Ids tho finest military figure-seen in this country in many yoars"; and It is added that political and army circles aro vory much divided on tho question. No one will doubt the willingness of i:r. Roosevelt to force General Miles' retirement In fact It is genorally beUovort that had Mr. Roosevelt dared to do ao, ho would long ago havo retired tho gonoral. If ho does finally muster sufficient courago to force tho retire ment tho act will bo in perfect keoplng with Mr. Roosevelt's attitude toward a number of men who havo the respect, and confidence of tho American peoplo. Dewey and Schley camo undor Mr. Roose velt's displeasure, and now it is Miles. The pres ident of tho United States, whatover his idlosyn cracles may bo is a very largo man becauso of tho prestige of his office, and yet with all that pres tige oven tho president of tho United States is not largo enough to persistently and deliberately seek to destroy without justification, men who have served their country as well as Dowoy, Schloy and Miles have served the American peoplo. A Washington dispatch to the Chicago Record-Herald under date of April 8th, referring to iiepresontativo Payne's speech in defenso of tho Cuban reci procity bill, says: "Mr. Payne created a flurry when in renlr to a question ho admitted that tho consumer and not tho foreigner paid tho tar iff. Ho expressed surprise that any one at this date should bo so stupid as not to bo aware of that fact. This heresy caused a shudder to run through the frames of tho high protectionists." A great many democrats havo expressed surprise that any one at any date should be so stupid as not to bo aware that the consumer, and not the foreigner, pays tho tariff tax; but Mr. Payne is a republican protectionist and when ho admits a fact which democrats havo always asserted and which re publicans have always denied, we aro not sur prised to be told by this republican newspaper that "this heresy caused a shudder to run through the frames of the high protectionists." The Protectionists Shuddered. XS- The Triumph of Great Faith. , .As, an, evidence oC what faith can do, Tho Commoner calls attention to a charitable institu tion established at Council Bluffs, la., by Rev. J. G. Lemon in 1881. It is known as the Christian Home, and has for us object tho caro of des titute children and helpless old people. During the nineteen years of its existence it has found homes in comfortable and christian households for more than a thousand children, and now has nearly two hundred and fifty children and agetf people under its care. It Is non-sectarian, era ploys no agents or canvassers in its behalf, and is supported wholly by volunteer contributions. It receives children and aged persons from all parts of the eartli, whether well or afflicted, with out regard to faith or nationality, without money and without price. Where there at;o several chil dren of one family they aro kept together aa much as possible so that the home ties may not be broken. Its gifts come from those who learn of its work and whoso generous impulses aro appealed to by its needs. That Mr. Lemon'g trust has not been in vain is shown by the con stant growth of the institution and the enlarge ment of its field of labor. NS ' Danger From Assistant Republicans. A reader of The Commoner asks whether there Is any probability of tho reorganizors obtaining control of tho democratic party. No, it Is not probable, because there is no reason to believe that the voters who fought for democratic principles in 189G and In 1900 are willing to surrender those princi ples, in order to conciliate men who showed by their votes that they were nearer to the republi can position than to the democratic position. There would be np danger whatever if the re organizers would present their platform and ask for an endorsement of their position at the pri maries, but as they are well provided with cam paign funds and as many of them have pecuniary interest in bringing the party to the support of monopolies they will make an effort disproportion ate to their numbers. They will also be assisted by those so-called democratic dailies which ara owned by corporation magnates and used for tho advancement of private enterprises. The reorgan izes are also aided by those populists who, as fiuraing that the corporation element will be suc cessful in the democratic party, urge the populista to refuse to co-operate in advance, thus enabling the reorganizers to claim that the populists hav deserted the democrats. 1