The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 02, 1902, Page 11, Image 13

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    The Commoner.
May a, 190a
introduced a. bill in the senate April
22, to "Increase the efficiency of the
army.' This bill favors General Miles
and would .male. him practically the
commanderdn-chief of the, army.
The senate committee on Cuba .de
cided to institute an investigation into
the charge that the greater par t of the
present crop of Cuban sugar, is held
by the sugar trust of this country, as
atated in Senator Teller's resolution
of the 19th inst.
' Representative Sfms of Tennessee
on April 2B Introduced a bill abolish
ing duties on imports of beef, mutton,
pork and veal. A preamble to 'the
measure recites that the present high
prices of these products are due to
trusts and monopolies.
The senate has Appointed a com
mittee to confer with the house on the
Chinese exclusion bill. Messrs. Piatt,
Dillingham, and Clay were selected.
According to a report of April 22, the
joint conference has agreed on all
joints gave that of the extension of
the treaty after May 5 next.
A favorable report has ,been made
by the committee in the house on the
bill refunding taxes on legacies for
religious, literary, charitable, or edu
cational purposes, or for' the encour
agement of art or for societies for the
prevention of cruelty .to children. The
amount involved is estimated at ?648,
000. On April 21, the house began con
sideration of the military academy ap
propriation bill. This bill, among
other things, provides for .the im
provement of West Point military
school for which $3,000,000 is appro
priated. During the debate a discus
sion on the race- question was precipi
tated. . Representative Mercer of Nebraska
will introduce a committee bill appro
priating money for public buildings' in
all parts of the United States. The
only States, that are .not Included 'are
Idaho and New Hampshire, and -the
territories of Arizona and New Mexico.
The bill carries an appropriation of
about $15,GOO,000
On April 25 Senator Dietrich of Ne
braska introduced an aiLPndinent to
tho bill recently introduced by him
self providing for reciprocal trade re
lations with Cuba. The amendment
submitted gives the alternative of us
Mug 25 per cent of the import collec
tions in the purchase of land In Cuba
for coaling stations.
On April 24 the house committee on
Indian affairs reported a bill opening
for settlement 400,000 acres of the
Kiowa, Comanche and Apache lands in
Oklahoma. This opening will occur
within three months after the law
goes Into effect, and the lands are to
be taken under the general provisions
of the homestead laws.
Colonel Crowder, who was sent to
Investigate the alleged British camp
at Port Chalmette, La., arrived in
Washington April 20, and communi
cated his report to the war depart
ment. It is said that the administra
tion can see nothing in this report
that can be construed as a violation
xf the neutrality laws.
On April 19 the Cuban reciprocity
bill, with its amendment removing
tile differential on sugar, was sent to
"the senate. Chairman Payne of the
ways and means committee which
framed the bill, declares that this
amendment will have an unexpected
effect, and that B8 cents per' hundred
pounds is the 'total at the tariff reduc
tions". " . -.
Attorney General Knox made his re
port regarding the so-called beef
trust on April 24. In this report he
shows that there is sufficient evidence
on hand for an injunction to be framed
to restrain the combination from fur
ther proceedings under their. arrange
ments, which clearly appear to be In
restraint of trade. The attorney gen
eral has accordingly directed the dis
trict attorney at Chicago to prepare
a bill for an injunction against this
combination operating in th north
district of Illinois.
On April 25 the house passed 145 pri
vate pension bills. The remainder of
the day was devoted to general debate
on tho agricultural appropriation bill.
The final session of the American
Social Science association was held In
Washington April 25. The discussion
related to art and education, Gen. T.
M. Jourdan, formerly a commissioner
of Indian affairs, pleading for a better
system of education among the Ind
ians. On April 21 Senator Poster of Louis
iana Introduced an amendment to the
Cuban reciprocity bill, providing that
as soon as the Immigration, exclusion,
and contract labor laws shall have
been proclaimed, 80 per cent of the
rates now fixed and levied under tho
act shall be levied, collected and paid.
The government has ordered a court
of inquiry in Manila to inquire into
General Smith's conduct of affairs in
the island of Samar. General Smith
declares that, in his opinion, the
American soldiers acted with the
greatest forbearance in their treat
ment of the natives. '
On April 21 Senator Teller intro
duced a resolution declaring ,it to be
the sense of the senate that the sedi
tion laws in force in the Philippines
should be repealed. The resolution is
preceded by a preamble reciting the
arrests of the editors of the newspa
pers Freedom and Volcano, published
in the archipelago and asserting that
they are to be tried" under these laws
by judges who ' owe their appoint
ments and tenure of office to the gov
ernment commission for the criticism
of which the men are to be tried.
The last paragraph of the preamble
and the resolution are as follows:
"Whereas, By the enactment of such
laws and the denial of trial by jury
to those accused under them, and tho
administration of such laws by judges
appointed by the officials against
whom the offenses are alleged to have
been committed and who have re
served to themselves the right to re
move said judges at pleasure, every
vestige of civil liberty Is destroyed,
personal liberty and property are
without the security of law and the
Filipino people are being taught to
hate the United States even as much
as they hated Spain, therefore be it,
"Resolved, That It Is the sense of
the senate of the United States Jhat
the said sedition laws and all of them
should be immediately repealed and
prosecutions under them Immediately
ceased, and that no person shall hero
after be punished by death, imprison
ment or fine in the provinces of the
Philippines in which there exists
armed resistance to the United States,
unless the accused has been tried by
a jury of his peers and lawfully pro
nounced guilty, and further that there
after in the courts of said archipelago,
when the offense charged consists of
words written or spoken against any
citizen or official of the department
of said government, the truth of said
words spoken or written may be giv
en in evidence and shall constitute a
full and perfect defense."
On April 22 the press dispatches
announced that President Roosevelt
had ordered that the war be stopped
in Mindanao, and that all peaceful
measures 1 3 secure the surrender of
the Moro murderers must be exhausted
before there is a resort to arms. Two
battles had already been fought and
General Chaffee cabled to the presi
dent, stating that to withdraw at this
time would be to destroy our prestige
with the Moros. Subsequently Mr.
Roosevelt sent General Chaffee In
structions to proceed according to his
own Ideas.
(Continued on Page 12.)
Machines In Use.
Ten Times All Other Makes Combined.
The Standard of All That's Best in Dairying
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other separators are to gravity setting methods.
Send for new " 20th Century " catalogue.
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1 102 AncH STnerr. 7A CORTLANDT .STREET. 7a 77 Yon Strict,
217-221 DnuMM St., NEW YORK. 248 McDenMOT WtNur;
Democratic Organization Committee.
The state committee of Ave lead
ing and active democrats selected by
the Ohio state central committee with
the advice and co-operation of prom
inent members of the party from all
parts of the state, and who met at
Columbus recently, have taken up the
work of thorough organization in all
the counties.
Harvey C. Garber, Greenville, Darke
county, Charles W. Baker, Cincinnati,
Hamilton county, "William R. Burnett,
Springfield, Clark county,. William J.
Frey, FIndlay, Hancock county, and
Charles P. Salen, Cleveland, Cuya
hoga county, make up this committee.
The purpose of the committee is to
bring about what has been heretofore
neglected In Ohio, that is an organiza
tion In each and every one of the coun
ties in the state. Such an organiza
tion has not been had for twelve years
or more, and no thorough organization
can bo made in a republican state like
Ohio In a few weeks time previous to
elections, which has usually been the
length of time in which to accomplish
the work. This committee has estab
lished headquarters at Columbus un
der the personal charge of Chairman
Garber, with a salaried secretary.The
chairman and other members of the
committee serve without pay, and they
with other leading democrats have
contributed sufficient funds to main
tain and carry out the work.
The chairman, Harvey Garber, comes
from' Darke county. This county
gave the largest per cent of gain for
Bryan in 1896. Mr. Garber has always
been one of the active democrats of the
state and, while an official of tho BeJL
Telephone Co., he has nevertheless
been fearless in standing up for and
aiding the candidates and platforms in
all campaigns, including 1896 and 1900.
He was ylce chairman of the state
committee in 1900, and with the coer
cion in those campaigns, considering
his position in a business way, he
showed a patriotism and courage that
Is to be admired.
Charles W. Baker was the democrat
ic nominee for United States senator
before tho present legislature, and
has always been an active campaigner
and heavy contributor to the democ-.
racy. He made a splendid light in
Hamilton county this fall, and If he
had had the assistance which ho was
entitled to in that locality, the legis
lature would have been democratic.
Ex-Mayor Burnett has never wav
ered In his duty toward the party since
and, before the civil war. He Is a
soldier of the civil war and has car
ried tho republican city of Springfield
a number of times.
William J. Frey, the originator of
the present permanent organization
movement, Is chairman of the state
central committee. He was a candi
date for congress in 1900 In the Eighth
district and made a creditable race In
this overwhelmingly republican dis
trict. Charles P. Salen Is the present di
rector ojf publlp works of the city of
Cleveland in Mayor Tom Johnson's
cabinet. He was theactlve head of
the Bryan league of Cuyahoga county
In 1896 and 1900 and one of the strong
est men of tho 'state. Canal Dover
(O) Times.