"i.-faiirsrr The Commoner. Vol. a, No. 1 5. 10 YOU NEED A WATCH A GREAT BARGAIN Ilcre is ft lt-K gold filled watch, dur ablo, well made, Jowoled, etcm THE NEWS OF THE WEEK. . . "" blsS. WU1U, Bicm ece anu looks cl gant. Guaranteed 20 Tears. Send No MoHcy. Send us your name, address nnd The dyo workers of Paterson, N. J., are on a strike. On April 23d, Robert E. Hitt was ro-nominated for congress from his district in Illinois. Joseph W. Babcock has been noml- nninA frtt. nnnrrmaa llV fllO rnnilhUcanS AND NINETY-FIVE CENTS nf tho Third ilistrict of Wisconsin. l!Sfm On Anril 25 General J. S. Clarkson B.inoir5gny!ioBhtfre Iowa took the oath of ofllce as sur- lfii? of customs of the port of New , Ouarnnlcc. . luru, of suffrage all towns in some rioting rr est eqnlpwBl. ineludlnir AIoniM i w riant niifuiwi oweuon. I & &X?gtiZ$?$JU took pla.ce. $igH$ J. Sterling Morton, founder of Ar- ffSEAR Dny and sccrotftry oE asriculturo aaMBdMMMimMU BOOK Tolls you liovr to grow Glnsong. Its cultivation ns Simula ami easy nanny gardon plnnt. ThogrontoBt mnnnv mnkinir olnnt on ofirtll. A fortuno can bo mnuoirom onoaore. unnptor ue toted to Its culturo in KRrdon, by Indies: nlao chapter dovotod to Pocnns nnd Jnnnn Wnlnuta. Socuro a copy of tliia book by aondiufr this ad vbrtisomont and 25c. Address Oriental Ginseng & Nut Culture Co., HPItlNOFlKU), MO. A. T.M01IR, Buffalo, N. Y. 5ra" or POLLED JERSY CATTLE, foe sS Bulls that will produce hichost Jersey quality nnd overy cnlf,outo horned dams, naturally hornless. Tho only croditnblo way to dohorn your future dairy herds. TO AUTHORS SEEKING A PUllLINIflSlt. -Manuscripts In nil brnnohos of Literature sultahlo for publication In book form nro required by nn estab lished house. Llbornl tonus. Nochargofor oxninln. ntlon. Prompt attention nnd honornblo troatmont. "liOOKS," 141 irnrnld 83d St., Nw York. WANTED AGENTS mSuai1??? "woi"!!1 JI CamJ.'.' CO., Oil Plum St., lClBln, 111. CTARK bcstbyTest-77YUAns. woDAY Casn aIAKpWant MORE Salesmen sT f I Weekly Grfnllv Stark Nursery, Louisiana, Mo.; Dansvlllc, N. Y. Ell Catarrh Cure (a compound with or -M without tobacco.) Tho only romodyon 1,1 earth guaranteed to cure or money ro fundod. Writo for freo sample. EK-M Co., At lanta, Qa. BE A BOSS CARPENTER SWSitWSS llnontor In tho Art of Framing, n Hoof Jframlug Chart nnd supplementary lcathor bound hook. Any one who can road figures nnd cut to a lino can f rnino tho most dlflloult roof. No nlgobrn, no geometry. Krorythlng worked out In plnln figures. Send 1. M. 0. for $l.f0. Tor Chart only, on cloth lined map pnpor, with sticks nnd hnngor, 11.00. C. M. Osborn Pub. Co., Lincoln, Neb. under President Cleveland, died at Chicago April 27. W. H. Reeves, one of the three men recently sentenced in Cuba for com plicity in the postal frauds, has been pardoned by Govornor Wood. Itocont dispatches announce that two towns in Guatemala, Central America, have been destroyed and it Is feared that several lives have been lost. It is rumored that J. Pierpont Mor gan will finance a new underground railroad 'system in London that will rival Charles T. Yorkes' scheme. Advices from London announce that English trades unions denounce the tax on corn, on the ground that it is a departure from freo trade princi ples. . On April 19, Prof. Nicholas Murray Butler was installed as president of Columbia University, to succeed for mer President Seth Low, now mayor of New York. The labor disturbances In Belgium have been quieted, and all the strikers are to go back to work. Tho city of Brussels has suffered most severely from the strike. The celebrated author, Frank R. Stockton, f.ed at Washington, D. C, April 20th. He was ' 68 years of age and for many years has been famous as a novelist and writer. Emperor William of Germany has notified the executors of tho will of tho late Cecil Rhodes that his country will accept the trust relative to the German scholarships at Oxford, En gland. Colonel Charles Marshall, military secretary to General Robert E. Lee during the civil war, and for many ombia, April 19 that the rebels drove tho Colombian troops out of the city of Bocas Del Toro with the loss of 150 men on both sides. An expedition was formed to recapture tho town, and later dispatches announce that the government is again, in possession of the city. On April 23d the supreme court of Nebraska made a decision relating to the recent controversy over taxation between the corporations and the tax payers of Omaha, represented by the Real Estate Exchange. The position of the Exchange was fully sustained, and the corporations must hereafter bo assessed at their proper value. On April 25, at the trial of the editor of Freedom, Who is charged with sedi tion in publishing an article from an American publication, censuring the United States commissioner's rule in Manila and the Philippines, the at torney general, L. R. Wifley, and Judge Odlin had a dispute as regards the rights of individuals. A ''sensa tion" was caused when the court an nounced that it believed that individ uals have rights as well as govern ments. The hearing of the demurrers in the case has been- postponed until May 3. A dispatch from Manila under date til April 23 says that the trial of Gen. Jacob H. Smith, on the charge of con duct prejudicial to good order and discipline began there that day. The counsel for the defense said he de sired to simplify proceedings by ad mitting that General Smith gave in structions to Major Waller to kill and burn and make Samar a howling wilderness that he wanted everybody killed capable of bearing arms and that he did specify all over ten years of ago, as the Samar boys of that ago were equally as dangerous as their elders, MagaB&g6ZWMt. u NBEmasBm, A.'uVHnHilV v nearest express onico and wo will Bond you tho watch. You cxamlno It nnd if it looks an wellasnnyiMOiTnf eli pay express agent $3.70 and tho watch Is yours, together with chain and charm tor- . gents or 60 Inch loignetto W. 8TKIN&C0,, Drpl.22 V atw 4a Bl, vulckb". BRAND1 NEW STEEL ROOFING Bought at Receivers' Sale. Biicota euiier flat, corru. gated or "V'crfmpcd. No tools oxcept a hatchet or hammer is needed to lay tho roofing. Wo furnish freo with caoh nrrin enough paint to t 7C IflSIW 0 covorand nails to lay. Prlcojper square, IbI. A oquaro means 100 square ft. Write forKreo Cntaloeu No. si on General Merchandise. Chicago Honni Wrecking ("fef wsBcwtaanairouBo., (juicrco. BETTER THAN SPRAYING. Don't lug barrels of water around when spraying. Use the poison direct. Our Common Sense Dust Sprayer nnd Imeet Kxtrmlnator is a most Ingenious device that Is rapidly supplanting the old methods. It blows the finely powdered dustinto every nook and crevice. Reaches the bot toms u well M tho topi ofUiTtf. DtitrojiloieotUfa on pUnlf.Tincj, ibnibt aad trtet Juit u effwUie for vermin on poultry ud plga. Morrpldthnlprjlng. DeictlpUr circular na tciU meal tit frt. 111LM8 ML'ST BPItAYKUCO.tnox22, BT. JOSKl'l MO. DATCMT QCPIIDCn or Fees returned. Fukk rA I LIN I oLOUntUoplnlonnBtopatontnhlll. ty. Send for our Guldo Book nnd What To Invent, finest publications ovor Issued for freo distribution. Patents secured through us ndvertlscd without chargo In 'iho Patent Record. Sample Copx Fuee. Evans, TVilkkns & Co., WasliInjjton.D. C. Send us your aactren andwewUlinowjoa how to make (3 a day absolutely lure; w you freo. tou work (a the locality where) you live. Send ut your address and we will explain the business fully, remembor wo guarantee a clear profit otWforoveryday'iwork.absolutelysuro. Write at onee. KOttli HAMUrACTORUQ CO.i Box70l, Detroit, BUam. $Q a Day Sure 4w l furnish the work and teach you MONEY to thoaowitoticntTio latent; onon- IAJNt Now article, a UOLDMINK lorrann an a women agents.. AIESICaN UTENSIL COMPANY, Box 963, Baltimore, Bd. FINANCIAL CATECHISM. nv r. M. UMTnw. nn.i n VTMrusMT AnnUracUvo,intorestinBnndinstructivovrorkl years the leader of the Baltimore bar, o! 356 pages mlttou in convorBationul style of died at his homp In Ttnlflmnro TVTrl quostipns ana answers, giving ropllos based on Oillcinl records, to all niinatinnRoovnrlnrrrlinnn. tiro rango of financial dipcuBslon, It makes a comploto History of Financial Legislation from 1802 to 1890. Price no cents, in papor covers, post paid to any address. Personal cheouanot rocolvod, but 1 nnd 2o postago Btamps aro accept ed. Address Vincent Pub. Co., iaiu i.ijokon bu.. ' OMAHA, NEDUASKA. No Young Man Who is Able to Work Need be Without An Education. Whipple Academy... With its Strontr. TTntvirs5tv- I trained faculty, attractive lit ernry society work, wcll-nmn- ukku aiuicucs ana Helpful, manly associations, offers ex ceptional OPPORTUNITIES to younp men. Students. pre pared for all colleges, We believe in the Boy.... S-Por beautifully illustrated booklet nnd Information con cerumg the Academy, address , William Mather lewis, Principal Whipple Academy, JACKSONVILLE, ILL. died at his home in Baltimore, Md., Aiu-ii su. no was 7U years of age. The executive committees, .repre senting the democratic and populist "tate central committees of Nebraska met at Lincoln April 23d and called me conventions of their respective par ties to meet at Grand Island, Nebras ka, Juno 24th. One of the worst disasters in the his tory of river navigation occurred on April 21 at Cario, 111., where the steamer City of Pittsb- vg was burned to the water's edge. The loss on tho steamer is estimated at $80,000, not including the cargo. Reports from London intimate that uie juriusn aumiraity aro fully aroused on the subject of the shipping com bine, and aro taking steps to cope with the situation. It is said that twenty oight British trans-Atlantic steamships aro controlled by the shipping com bination or trust in the United States. On April 22d, In a speech delivered In London by John Hays Hammond, the British were warned that all good Americans expect them to treat the Boors liberally in peace negotiations, and it was declared that the Ameri cans have never tried to counteract pro-Boor sympathies in this country. News was received from Colon, Col- THE WEEK AT WASHINGTON. The house committee completed the naval appropriation bill April 22. It has been decided to spend $70,000,000 on new cruisers for the navy. Without a word of debate, the rivers and harbors bill passed the senate on April 21. This bill provides for an appropriation of $70,000,000. O. L. Pruden, for many years assis tant secretary to the president, died at Washington. His place will be taken by Benjamin F. Barnes of New Jersey. By order of the president, General Funston has been directed to cease further discussion of questions relat ing to the situation in the Philippines. On April 23, Representative Rich ardson of Tennessee introduced a re3 ol lion aimed at the meat trust, and p- jviding for legislation on the subject to afford relief to the people. Orders have been sent from Wash ington to Commissioner of Immigra tion Fitchle at New York to investi gate charges of cruelty in connection with the landing of immigrants. The house sent the oleomargarine bill to conference on April 24, after .. greeing to . tho senate amendments with some modifications. The latter part of the day was devoted to ths agricultural bill. Senator Teller introduced a resolu tion on April 21, seeking tho repeal of the sedition laws now In force in tho Philippines, and giving to the Fili pinos liberty of speech and press as guaranteed in our constitution. Captain Charles E. Clark, appointed by the president as special naval rep resentative to the coronation of King Edward, has declined the honor, and the president- has named Rear Ad miral Watson for the mission. Senator Hawloy, chairman of the senate committee on military affairs, uftFWTQ Horo l8 a corker. Tho only Pnncako OUL.li Oi Griddle In tho world, baking a squaro enko: Now thing. 100 per cent profit. A IsoStato Agents wanted, west nnd south. Canton Grlddlo Co., Cnnton.O. Cnr Qnln i Finest location for cnttlo or Bhcop ranch lUI udlCi intliostatoofNobrnska;320ncresl'iiriHc8 from O'Neill, -and ten miles Irom nmnn;160 to 200 acres Is bottom hay land; tho bnlnnco runs into tho hills, Joining 15 sections of freo rango land. Prlco, l,G0O cash. A B NEWELL 0,NcI Ncbraska Union Central Life CINCINNATI The POLICY-HOLDERS' Company Highest interest rate; lowest death rate; pays largest dividends. Good agents wanted. Address John M. Pnttlson, Pres., Cincinnati. T. M. Ed- '"i"i auiic anem ior jNenrasicn, Lincoln. "THOMAS" HAY MACHINERY HARROWS GRAIN DRILLS SIMPLE STRONG SUCCESSFUL MADE ONLY BY THE THOMAS MFG. GO., SPRINGFIELD.OHIO. ABk for Freo Catalog. tiioma8" machines In Btoclc with Lincoln Transfor Co., Lincoln, and Omaha Im plement & Transfor Co., Omaha, Nobraskn. 2?a2tlon of dopenaoiice, Coiistlta tlonof tno XJ. N., All National JPlatform 2m?lPi?,IoaL3?ilrti.08.B,nco 'heir formation, to Ino,?dIng 1900. Vrlce, 5 Cents. One and two-cent postago Btamps accepted. Don't send personal checks. Agents Wanted. A million ?P.i8 mfty h. Bold. Send three 2-cont stamps for treatise on Injurious InBrcts of 'Orchard, Garden and farm. Address VIUfOKNT inu. CO.t j 18th nd Jackson Sts.. Omaha. Keb. ! ,i . ,