The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 02, 1902, Page 9, Image 11

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    The Commoner.
May 2, 190a
tk A A
Wc have been working I
together on this cata
logue ibr thirty years. Wc
consider this number to be as
near the ideal Buyer' Guide u die
world has ever seen. We have done
our beet od our asMstantshtve done
Uieir tell Uie TRUTH
about eveiythwj listed herein.
iii 1 .i in
ii 1"
Know What Your Dealer Pays
nHIS book tells pretty nearly what your dealer pays for everything. It
quotes wholesale prices on 70,000 articles, and shows pictures of 17,000
of them. It includes practically everything that anybody uses, wears or
eats; and its prices are the lowest ever quoted. It will save the average
family at least $100.00 per year some $500.00. Two million people send
for this book yearly as a buying guide, and we want you to have one, too.
Fflf Ifi YlIM 14 we iave kcn 8euiS merchandise by mail at about what dealers pay. Ours
UI If If I vfll 13 the original catalogue business, and the greatest mail order house in tho
world. This enormous business has been gained and held by underselling everybody, treating
customers fairly, and doing as we agree.
are now numbered among our customers. We carry for them
a stock valued at $2,500,000. We employ 2,000 clerks to fill
It requires 100 typewriters to write our letters to them.
because you can rely on it. Other catologues are offered
you, but this one is best. Our house is the oldest and
largest, and our prices are always the lowest. Our guarantee is tho fairest, and our record of a quar
ter century assures you of fair dealing. We keep our customers.
Wl RliaPJinfaa Saliet aMinit and safo delivery. Every article in our cata-
Two Million People
You Nted This Book
70,000 Mils 17,000 Plcturu 1,000 Fajls
loguo is described exactly as it is. Not the
slightest exaggeration is ever permitted. But if anything you get doesn't suit you in quality, or price,
or fit, send it back and we will replace it. Or we will send your money back, and pay transportation
potn ways, we consider no expense or effort too great to avoid Having one dissatisfied customer.
Twa Til A II ft Hfl QHtftFUC III fill A wo tf101132111 average dealers together will not buy so much in a year as we. Tho makers who
I llw HWllwiCIIIU Villi vw III tfllw sell to us have no traveling expense, no credit risk, no losses, no salesmen to pay. They save the
whole cost of selling the same goods to 2,000 separate stores, scattered everywhere. The fiercest competition in America centers in the effort to get our
trade. The prices we pay are never much above cost; and goods that we cannot buy low enough are made in factories of our own. Is it any wonder that
we can sell for about what common dealers pay? We get along with a fraction of the profit charged by stores. We have no salesmen no selling expense
save our catalogue. A dealer must make several times as much on each article to pay his expenses and live. Our expense is but a small percentage when
spread over sales that amount to millions of dollars annually. We simply combine the buying and selling of two thousand average stores. We save the
wasteful methods that cost more than the merchandise, and we give the saving to you. This
is the modern method of business, and the buying of tho 20th century will be done more and
more by mail. In this way we are now saving our customers from four to five million dollars
annually. You will become one of those customers when you see this book.
Cut this slip out and tend it with 15 cents In stamps Today,
Montgomery Ward 4 Co., Michfeaa Ay.- 4 Mallwa Si., Chicago
Enclosed find is cents for partial pottage on your- 1000-page
Buyers' Guide No. 70.
iO cor to WTita yerjr plainly.) , ,
He sure to enclose this slip in an envelope.
Send Only 15 Cents
If you want our catalogue, fill out carefully the slip to the left of this,
and mail it to us today, enclosing 15 Cents. This catalogue whichvre
offer you costs us about 70c to print, even la million lots. The postage
on it costs us 22c more. We ask you to send us but 15c (less than half the postage alone) just to show thatyou do not
tend from mere curiosity. This book will save an average family at least $100 per year. If you don't find that it will save
you at least a hundred times what it costs you, simply write us, and we will cheerfully send your 15 cents back. Please
send today, before you forget it. ,
Michigan Annul
d Madison Street
particular, that of dress, it is much
easier to look after boys than girls,
since they may be wholly fitted out at
a tailor shop from top to toe, without
much effort and at small cost. A boy
does not need expensive clothing; good
strong and serviceable suits, which
will endure rough wear, are quite
enough for him. He can get along
with fewer changes than his sister,
and his garments, on the whole, last
longer than hers, for they are not
subject to the process of the laundry.
Girls' clothing, except underwear, is
very expensive, and must, by most
people, be made up at home. The
semi-annual visitation of the dress
maker or seamstress in a family of
girls is a serious matter, from every
point of; vlow. In the first place, ma
terials must be nought and this
means three or four journeys to the
shops, something being omitted or for
gotten on the original expedition. Next
every engagement, every recreation
must be put aside and the t mother
must sit down with tho needle and
thread to help the dressmaker. At the
close of the week there is a goodly
pile of new frocks and waists to show
for the exertion, and also there is a
very wearied nouse-mistress, who is
so tired that she can enjoy little for
several days. Boys are certainly timq
snvers. But who would forego the de
light .of girls? Aunt Majorie, in
Christian Herald.
Homely Wrinkles.'
To clean men's clothing, use two
parts of alcohol and one of ammonia,
mixed. Wet with this a piece of cloth
like the garment and rub.
Veal should always have a sliced
onion and a sliced carrot cooked with
it, whether it is roasted or boiled,
aud a little butter added just before
serving. The carrot and onion give
an excellent flavor to the rather taste
less meat.
The buffalo moths will eat anything
from a library book to a safety pin,
and are never happier than when
perched on a camphor ball taking the
fur off a ten-dollar muff. Keep a
sharp lookout for them.
Shad roe makes nice sandwiches.
Boil gently for twenty minutes in
salted boiling water to cover it. When
cool, skin and mash fine -with a fork.
Season with salt, cayenne pepper and
a few drops of lemon juice, and spread
between buttered bread.
To wash a rag carpet, beat the dust
out and lay on the grass; with a stiff
stub of a broom scrub it well with hot
soapsuds, rinse well with hot then
with clean cold water and hang up to
dry; after it is dry lay It on the grass
and sweep it off.
Keep a piece of steel or sheet iron,
two inches wide by four long, on the
kitchen table. It is better than a knife
to scrape the bottom of baking tins,
frying pans "and tinware; the sharp
corners reach the corners of dripping
pans and the seams of the tinware.
Make dusters out of flour sacks;
hem them and have them washed and
Ironed with tho rest of the laundry;
they're nice to cool the irons on when
you have something more particular
to iron. When you want to dust the
furniture or wipe the lamp chimneys
you feel an added respect for yourself
when you shake out a nice clear dus
ter. Never try to ventilate the cellar un
less the outside air is cool or cooler
than that inside or the cellar will be
made not only warm, but damp. That
is what often causes a collection of
dampness on the walls. Tho warm
outside air entering tho cooler air
mixes with it and causes the moisture
in it to be condensed and it is then de
posited on the walls.
Shad baked in the oven on an oak
plank has a better flavor than cooked
in any other way. If the wood burns
and smokes the fish a little all the
better. A perfectly fresh, solid firm
roe shad should be used, well cleaned,
salted on both sides, the roes put in
their places, and laid on the board,
skin side down. It should bake a lit
tle over half an hour. If it does not
brown rub over with butter when
partly done, If you have an open fire
it. will be still better if cooked in
front Of it. 'The-plank should be heated
very hot in either case. Fasten It on
with large headed tacks and turn It
end for end before the fire every few
minutes. Farm Journal.
Some One Cares.
Heartsease for those that wait awhilo
To rest beneath the old roof-tree;
A bit of comfort to beguile
The cares we may not heed nor see.
Swift kindnesses, a ready smile,
Heartsease for those that wait awhile.
Sweet is the thought that some ono
That some one hath a wish to know
How through the long night watches
The sleeper, tossing to and fro.
Time,, in its,' flight so little spares
Sweet is the thought that some ono
At sundown, 'neath a quiet sky,
The day's toil drawing to its close,
Sweet is the thought that love is nigh,
And on tho hearth the love-light
What kindly gift shall she deny
At sundown, 'neatha quiet sky?
Frank Walcott Hutt.
Mrs. Wlnalotv'w Soothing iyrnp
HaubcCH uged or over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS
CURES WIND COLIC, and Is the best remedy for
DIARRHOJA. gold by Druggists la every part of the
world. Be sure and aslc for "Mrs. Window's Soothing
Syrup," and takono other kind. Twenty-five cenU
bottle. It Is Uie Beet of all.