The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 02, 1902, Page 8, Image 10

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V n
The Commoner,
Vol. a', No. 15;
Saving Time and Losing Health.
Tho man who ato his broakfast ovor
night to savo timo in tho morning was
not a whit raoro foolish than is tho man
who eats his lunch at his desk whilo ho Mm, and almoat always euros,
works Oo savo timo , or bocauso he's in noods perseverance to overcome
nnr9rv .nXo won't bo hurried. If tions which have taken years to pi
of stomach "troublo" is to begin at onco
k iiu of Dr. Plorco's Golden Medical
Discovery. This medicine euros forty
nine out of fifty people who try it faith
fully and fairly. Thoro is only pno
chance in fifty that it won't completely
euro you. Thoro is no chanco in tho
world that it will not bonoflt you.
"Goldon Medical Discovery" alxoays
helps, and almost always euros. .But it
3U UUI4U1-
g- i 1 1 - .
The Home Department.
And Hho provides thoju cos necessary lor or persistence, xuo mu uuunu ,.
dfffo onF Try ?to work and oat at" tho didn't help him, the medicine even made
3rtimonaBhorofuBostoprovidotho him feel worse and ho stopped . its use
needed jufcos fo digestion, without just at the critical time Despair drove
which the "food which sfiould sustain life him back to it, nndo bought half
JecomoB an injury lo the health it should -bottles . of F
P Even the people who take timo to go curocT, It's a wise thing to buy enough
lunch carry tho r businoss with thorn, modicmo at tho start to insure its por-
as a ruKdaro satisfied to shovel into' sistent use. But whore there is one por-
S ..nm'nS in inn minutes food which son who uses two or three bottles of
requires twoor three hours for digestion. "Golden lS"!
are hundreds wno wrno,
"I folt bettor after the
first few doses of tho med
icino, and continued to
improve until I was com
pletely curod."
" I had boon sick for
two years with indiges
tion and nervous debility,
and had taken medicine
from mv family doctor
for a long timo without
much bonoflt'writesMrs.
W. H. Peebles, of Luck
now, S. Car. "Was in
duced by my husband to
consult Dr. Pierce, by lot
tor. You advised mo to
take 'Golden Medical Dis
covery' and 'Favorite Pre
scription,' which I did,
and, to my groat sur
prise, after taking six
bottles I was cured. My
husband has not paid one
cent in doctor's bills for
Tho consoquonco is iridigostion, stomach mo. I took tho medicino nearly two
'trouble," loss of vital forco and gonoral years ago."
Mobility, and the 'American people be- general debility.
coming a nation .of 'Bpepttca. fa ft common natural resulfc of
If it be true'Sft is)Hhat no man is dyspepsia or stomach "trouble" When
stronger than his stomach, dyspepsia, the stomach and digestive and nutritive
the national disease, is a national danger tracts are diseased, the food eaten is not
Unchecked and uncured it menaces the assimilated, as a result the body loses
strength of a nation which is mado up nutrition and this oss of nutrition is
of units, a largo percentage of whom are fr & casting of flesh and loss
dyspoptics and therefore weak. otstreMin. TurQj;ni n;,,
Vortunatoly the dyspeptic does not Dr. Pierce's Qddenmi&iDaw-
need to remain a dyspeptic. Dr. Pierce's ry cures diseases of the stomach and
Golden Medical Discovery cures dyspep- otQor of digestion and nutrition.
aia and othor forms of stomach troublo t enables the perfect digestion and as-
porfoctlyand permanently. It enables' similation of food, so that the strength
.the buildintr un of tho bodv in tho onlv restorod by the only means known to
way tho assimilation of nutri
tion derived from perfectly digested food.
"I was takon sick two years ago,"
writes Rev. W. H. Patterson, of White
Gloud, Ala., "with what the doctors
thought was gastric trouble, indigestion
or nervous dyspopsia, also consumption
Tho Dream of Home.
Who has not felt how sadly sweet
The dream of home, the dream of
Steals o'er the heart too soon, too fleet,
When far o'er sea or land we roam?
Sunlight more soft may o'er us fall,
To greener shores our barks may
But far more bright, more dear than
That dream of home, that dream of
Ask the sailor youth when far
His light bark hounds o'er ocean's
What charms him most when even
ing's star
Smiles o'er the wave. To dream of
Fond thoughts of absent friends and
At that sweet hour around him
come; .
His heart's best joy, where'er he
That dream of home, that dream of
Thomas MQore.
Bachelor Girls.
nature by tho nutrition derived from
food. Tho wholo body feels and shows
tho change. Tho lost flesh is regained,
tho lost strength recovered, and there is
now vitality and vigor.
Sick men or women are invited to con
sult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free, and so
' vwmhum f vwa- . . q . m m
and inactive liver. I was in a dreadful ootain tne opinion or a specialist or long
condition. Triod soveral different doc; oxpononce ana groat success in tne treat
tors,with but littlo result. Finally, about ment and cure of disease. This offer of
a year ago, I wrote you, stating my f consultation by letter is specially
condition. You ropliod, diagnosing my ureod uPn the attention of those suffor
case. and recommending Dr. Pierce's Jn from chronic forms of disease, and
Goldon Medical Discocery,
Prescription' and 'Pelleta I bought
two bottles and it seemed to do very
little good, if any, but I got two more
of each, as at first, and after taking could
soo but littlo improvement, so I stopped
until about Christmas time. I had gotten
who have failed to find a cure by the
use of other means. All correspondence
is hold as strictly private and sacredly
confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierco,
Buffalo, N.Y.
Don't bo deceived into trading a sub
stanco for a shadow. Any substitute
so feeble that I was almostpast traveling offered as "just as good" as "Golden
about; had gotten down to one hundred Medical Discovery" is a shadow of that
and fourteen pounds. I wroto again and medicine. There are cures behind every
you advised mo to still continue; so I claim made for the "Discovery," which
went and bought six bottles and got the, no "iusfc as good" medicino can show.
'Pellets' and began anew, following the best medical book prkr.
directions. When I had takon about five Dr. Piorce's Common Sense Medical
bottles 1 folt very much bettor and was Advisor, containing more than a thou
groatly improved, and weighed one hun- sand largo pages and over 700 illustra
dred and thirty-eight poundu. I will tions is sent free on receipt of stamps
say that Dr, Piorcp's medicines are a to pay expenso of mailing only Send
God-sondto poor suffering humanity, thirty-ono one-cent stamps for the oloth
and I advise any and all chronic sufferers bound volume, or only twenty-one
to give them a fair trial and they will bo stamps for tho book in paper covers,
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Wo shall be glad when history re
peats itself by, bringing to the front
again the sentiments, manners and
customs of Puritan days in this coun
try, especially as far as women are
When modesty and not audacity will
be the charm of every woman, old or
young, of our blessed land when we
shall hear no more of sucli offensive
appellations as "Bachelor Girl," "Girl
of the Period," and the like.
We confess that in a measure our
young women are responsible for these
expressions, for too many start out on
a wrong principle. Because it may be
necessary for her to do something for
her support she drifts into a spirit of
independence that amounts to defiance
and recklessness.
She apes the young men in all tho
ways she dares, without laying asido
all the charms of womanhood. Many
don the Rough Rider or Fedora hat,
military jackets, four-in-hand ties and
very high boots for women, and sally
forth on the streets to jostle against
the crowd and make their way to the
front, if they desire to go there, re
gardless of the spectacle they present
or the uncouthness of their manners.
We are old fashioned enough to
think that many of the sports in which
young women take part nowadays do
not contribute to their modesty and
refinement. The best physicians have
agreed that violent exercise has in
many cases produced hopeless invalid
Champion golf players are not con
sidered the most healthful mothers.
We have heard of their being con
firmed invalids after a few years of.
We do not think that God intended
that there should be bachelor men or
women, but they were designed to live
in wedlock after God's holy ordinance
o matrimony.
No one more honors the womea
who are wage earners, or is more in
terested in their success, than my
self, but I do not believe any woman
ever made a great success In her efforts
in any sphere by laying aside her wo
manly modesty, or by trying to imitate
masculine manners or dress, or em
phasizing her independence by estab
lishing herself in bachelor quarters
or ignoring the chaperonage of some
woman older than herself.
She may not be jifrald to do any
necessary for her to pursue her tasks
or duties alone; but there will never
be any Lecessity for any young woman
especially to disregard the proprieties
and restraints that should always bo
observed. A woman should have cour
age enough to be womanly under all
circumstances, and to wish to draw
around her every protection from tho
rough and tumble that attends wage
No woman should be ambitious to
be a bachelor, but should cultivate
those charms of character which at
tract the good and noble. No bache
lor girl can ever command the respect
and reverence that would belong to
her as a devoted wife and mother.
There are innumerable women in tho
world who for one cause or another
have never nor will never marry.
Generally at the bottom of spinster
hood there is some tragic romance that
has brought ' her to that state, but
such women are generally mode3t.
lovely characters, whose souls are. full
of love and womanly instincts that
would scorn being called "bachelor
girls." Their lives are full of useful
ness and activity for tho betterment'
of the world.
"They avoid being considered inde
pendent, but are so without mannish
boasting of the fact. They dress with
great care to avoid being considered
indifferent to their appearance, and
as a rule are the angels of the house
hold to which they belong.
While the bachelor girl in a few
years will find that one by one her'ad-
mirers have slipped away, and that
she has grown old, inattractive' a"nd
undesirable as a companion of refined
people, in her old age she counts all
her fancied" success as dearly bought,
illy compensating her for the loss of
domestic happiness. Mrs. John A. Lo
gan, in Chicago American.
Just a Hint.
Daughter, don't let mother do
Do not let her slave and toil,
While you sit a useless idler,
Fearing your soft hands to soil.
Don't you see the heavy burdens
Dally she is wont to bear
Bring the lines upon her forehead,
Sprinkle silver in her hair?
Daughter, don't let mother .do it, .'
Do not let her bake and broil;
Through the long bright summer
CLare with her the heavy toll;
See, her eye has lost its brightness,
From her cheek the ruby glow,
And the step that once was buoyant
Now is feeble, weak and slow.
Daughter, don't let mother do it,
She has cared for you so long;
Is it right the weak and feeble
Should be toiling for the strong?
Waken from your listless languor,
Seek her side to cheer and bless,
And your grief will be less bitter
When thw sods above her press.
Daughter, don't let mother do it'
You will never, never know
What was home without a mother
Till that mother lieth low;
Low beneath the budding daisies,
Free from earthly care and pain;
To the home so sad without her." -.
Never to return again.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Bringing up Children.
There is a great difference in ths
methods of bringhiK un bovs and elrla.
in ear mo are two households. In one,
uie uoys predominate;
in Virt r4-Yv
thing she desires to do, and it may be the girls are in the ascendant. In on