The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 11, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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April Hi 190a
Any of our full line of Carriage and Buggies seataay.
wUereoa 30 Day' Free Trial.
How can we do tlusf Because wo
maoufactureln our own factory all
TeHIclaswescll. Get one of oar free
money saving catalogues.
Xatamazoa Carriage & Harness Bfg.
Ce Station 73, KalanaiM, MM.
(Pionttrt of On frn TrUt TUin)
Shipped on Approval
and Ton Day Free Trial. Ifotaeei
depoeit required on. oar wheels fa advance.
1902 Models, $9 to $15
1900 fc'01 MtdelSrecfiMkM,$7to$11
SOO Second -hnnd Vthln
all makes and models, rood as now, $JB
to $8. Great Facioru Clearing Bale.
AAftitown. You can Kara n.liicvclCJ3
BtribatlnK catalogs & make money fast
Don't lug barrels of water around when spraying. Use Use
poison direct. Our v
Common SenseDustSprayer
kmd Insect KxUnnlnstor Is a most Ingenious device that
UMl flilCl
bral and tract Jut as, Sectira for Ttnnln on poultry tad pip.
Hon rapid tbanaprajlsg. DcicrlptmolrenUiaaad tMUaoBlaUfra.
HII.US'DUST BrttATKR CO., Box 23, ST. 303KPH, MO.
150.00-an S
ykKK hamtocs furnished Indus
lustrums men orwomun
to exhibit, tako ordors, and app&lnt agents for our
hand rdbbino. Gtjarantrkd to wash tho wristbands
and collar of tho dirtiest shirt perfectly clean without
tho uso of a washboard, with no injury to tho most
dollcnto fabric. Will do a family .washing in 30 min
utes without labor or attontlon. This Is tho greatest
opportunity over offered agents to iriako big money.
"Writo today for excluslvo territory and Funic Samplk. .
CO., Dopt. G4. Stn. V., Chicago, 111.
: IjEARN Proofreading-.
Jfjoa puma a, filr education Nrhy nointlllia it at a, gented sad ran
arvwdad rnfeadra pajlnr, 15 la 135 wetldj? SltaaUou tlwayi obUlcibU.
W art tha orl(huI lnturiictora by milL
Home Cobkkbpondencb ScnooL, Philadolpbia.
AT Pfll fcQ I am a trained nurso. 13 years
I ft I lULiVO ago I reduced 45 pounds Oh, so
easy. No starving, no wrinkles, no regain. Simple, you
tako It at homo. Nothing to soil. Incloso Btamp. "Write
today, MlssD. C. Topping, 318 Ogden Av., Chicago, 111.
a a Urn in awaaaa a
Skaaat. aV tfft bsndusyouraaaress)
aW f nrnbh tho work and ioseh yon free, yon work la
the locality wbera yon lira, sfena ui your saaress ana we.wm
WrlU at one.
i plain the business fully, remembar ws guarantee a clear profit
ef 83 for eTery days worK.aDsointeiy sure. w wriieatonee.
SLOXAIi JLAMUFACIUKIHQ CO., fc70l, Dttrolt, ttaa.
bcstT)yTest-77YGARS. WofJAV CASH
Want MORE Salesmen wf 1 Weekly
Stark NHTsery, Louisiana, Mo.; Daasvllle. N. Y.
ft, The Sure Hatch
is tho incubator for the poultry
miser, whether former or fancier.
y Anyono can run thorn, becauso they
run themselves. Anyono can own
I them, because tho prico Is right. Ma-
Ichlno and results guaranteed; you tako
no risk. Our Common Seme Brooder Is tho
best at any prlco.nnd wo sellitvory low.
"Handsomo catalomio containlncc hun
dreds of Hgws and full of honest poultry Information,
mailed free. When writing address nearest offlco.
Sara Uatch lacabatw Ce. Clay Center, Neb, or Celnmbas, 0.
fTnTnTil-l i llUt ' ' " VJJM,,aaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaT
:a piano, ff
JJwarded medal
Paris, WOO.
endorsed by
and 35,000
These well known
instruments, cele
brated for thoir
Quality, Tone and
Finish can be ob
tained by dealers
in any state at
most moderate and
LUDWIG & CO., Mfers.,
Southern Boulevard, New York.
Send for catalogue and prices.
Matthews Piano Co,
General Agent for Lincoln, Neb
Weekly News Summary.
(Continued from Page"9)
in Berlin may be bought by tho United
States for its embassy, the price to bo
paid being $200,000.
The state department has appointed
a commission to investigate the report
that the Russian boundary monument
was destroyed by a Canadian sur
veyor. Advices from Washington are to the
effect that the present secretary of
embassy at London, Henry White, 1
a candidate for the vacancy in the Ital
ian embassy by tho retirement of Am
bassador Meyer
It is reported that in the event that
the department of commerce is cre
ated, George B. Cortelyou will bo ap
pointed for that -cabinet "post. Mr.
Cortelyou was secretary to Mr. Mc
Kinley and occupies the same posl
'tioh under Mr. Roosevelt.
The house committee on labor has
ordered a favorable report on the
eight-hour law, which bill provides
that In every contract for work for
the government, it shall be specified
that tlie work is to be done on an
eight-hour basis.
The house committee informally
discussed' the ship subsidy bill April
3, and agreed to consider it formally
at one riesion next week. The Chi
cago Tribune, however, lias inter
viewed a number of republican repre
sentatives, and he impression prevails
that the measure will be postponed
until after the congressional elections.
It is reported that Senator Hanna
will introduce a bill which will pro
vide for- the trial of Estes G. Rath
bone, recently convicted and sentenced
in Cuba for connection with the post
office frauds, by an American court
It is not believed, however,v that any
direct action can be taken on thjs
, measure, as it is doubtf ul if either the
president or congress has th0 right to
set aside the. judgment of -the Cuban
On April 1 the senate was stirred by
the resolution Introduced by Senator
Bacon of Georgia requesting that the
president delay tho Issuing of the
proclamation announcing tho acquisi
tion of the Danish West Indies, until
tho charges of bribery in connection
with the treaty should be investigated
by the house of representatives, where
action to that effect is now going on.
j. he debate on the resolution was par
ticipated in by Senators Bacon and
Money in favor of it and Senators Qui
lom, Lodge, Hanna, Allison, and Nel
son in opposition to it. The resolution
was tabled.
On April 1, durnig the discussion in
the house of the sundry civil appro
priation bill, Mr. Sulzer of New York
offered an amendment to appropriate
$50,000 for lighting tho torch of
Bartholdi's statue of Liberty in New
York harbor. Mr. Cannon replied to
this, saying that the committee had
made an investigation and found that
such a light was valueless for com
mercial purposes. A Tote was called
which resulted favorably to the amend
ment, but another vote was demanded
which resulted in the defeat of the
Governor Heard of Louisiana has re
ported to the state department at
Washington that" the British govern
ment is maintaining a military camp
within tho territory of the United
States. It is said to bj located below
New'Orleans, and is used for tho trans
portation of horses and mules to the
army in South Africa. In connection
therewith, General Pearson, formerly
of the Boer army, has laid proofs be
fore the president that America has
contributed at least 42,000 men to aid
the British in their struggle against
the Boers and 201,147 horses and mules
have been sent out of tho country by
their agents.
On April 3 Representative McClellan
of New York, a member of the ways
and means committee, filed a minority
report on the Cuban reciprocity "bin.
In this report Mr. McClellan cites tho
Teller resolution and tho Piatt amend
ment a having given assurance to
Cuba and to tho world and says: First,
tho bill does not afford sufficient re
lief to Cuba, "but It minimizes the lose
of the present crop of sugar. Second,
it is possible, but not certain, that a
Z0 per cent reduction of tho Cuban
tariff will result in giving us a-monop-oply
of the Cuban market Third, tho
bill Is an enunciation of tho democratic
doctrine of reciprocity, it is a breach
in the wall of protection arid lowers In
part the preposterous Dingley rates.
If I am afforded tho opportunity when
tho bill comes before tho committeo
of the whole I Bhall try to amend it
by increasing the Tate of reduction so
as to make certain not only the con
trol of the Cuban market by us, but
alsp the prosperity of Cuba. I shall
also try to amend by striking out
tho time limit Failing to amend for
the reasons hero stated, I shall voto
for the bill.
Tho senate, on April 5, began the
consideration of tho Chinese exclusion
bill. Mr. Mitchell of Oregon made tho
opening speech. Mr. Quay gave notice
of tho following amendment as an
additional section: "That nothing
heroin contained shall be construed to
exclude Chinese Christians, or Chinese
who assisted in the defonse or relief
of tho foreign legations or the Pe
Tang cathedral, in tho .city of Pekin
in tho year 1900." In response to an
inquiry by Mr, Quay Mr. Penrose, in
charge of the measure, said he could
not accept the amendment as not a
member of the immigration commis
sion was in favor of it. "How many
Chinese will that amendment let in?"
Mr. Mitchell asked. "I hoped it would
havo tho effect," replied Mr. Quay, "of
Christianizing the whole Chinese em
pire." "It would let in at least a mil
lion," suggested Mr. Mitchell. "Quite
likely . 350,000,000' . interjected Mr.
Hale. Senator Platte of Connecticut
introduced the following as a substi
tute for the Chinese exclusion bill:
"That all laws now in force prohibit
ing and regulating tho coming of Chi
nese persons and persons of Chinese
descent Into the United States and
tho residence of such persons therein
bo and the same are hereby extended,
and continued in full force and effect
until the 17th day of December, 1904,
and bo long as the treaty between
China and the United States concluded
March 17. 1894, may be continued lit
force by virtue of the extension there
of." The Shame of It All
Americans may well hang their
heads in shame at this cold and heart
less reception of these ambassadors of
liberty and human rights. They may
find some consolation in the fact that
at the same time this was going on In
Washington Ambassador Choate was
lauding the British in London, in pub
lic speech, and declaring that "both
(Great Britain and America), equals
in energy, resources and ambition,
were working out on absolutely inde
pendent lines the same 'great ends of
civilization, knowledge and liberty!"
Yes, in South Africa and the Philip
pines. Pittsburg Post
The Only Course Left.
The idea of forbidding any amend
ments to the war tax reduction bill ex
cept those emanating from the ways
and means committee was so remark
able and so lacking in legality through
depriving the house of representatives
of any voice in the matter than the
contemptuous action of the opposition
in making tho passage of the bill
unanimous was the only course left
open. The bill will now go to the
senate, where it will receive full and
free discussion. Thus we have the
anomalous spectacle of one house be
ing prohibited from legislation while
the other revels in unrestricted license.
r-Pittsburg Dispatch (rep.). .
Blind 20 Years S
Mrs. S. 0. Willard, Llberty
vlllo, 111., was bliatd 20 yeararom
cataracts and was enrod by The
Oneal DisMlvent Jlethetf, with
eutthe knife. Your case Is no
worso. AY rite to Dr. Oneal and
toll him youroye troubles, He
will advise you just what to do.
Cataracts, scums, granulated
lids, ootlc nerve diseases all
causes of blindness yield to Dr. Oneal's ralld
treatment. Ho bas restored sight to tbowaad
and has never Injured an eye.
Dr. Oneal has a new method by which ha
-wlthawt the knHe er pain. Succeesfal in oyer
5,000 cases. Write for now Illustrated book and
testimouIalB and Dr. One. Pa advice they era
FREE. Address
OXEN ONEAL, M.D., SMe 121 .82 Deaf kr a St., CafcKft.
Ranter Grand Hotel
Seattle, Wash.
KuropeanFlan. Rates $1.00 and upward.
f22 rooms. 75 rooms with bath. Finest
Cafo in tho northwont; noted for tho
peculiar ezcellenco of its Cuisine
fianier Grand Hotel Co.
Ii. B. DUNBAR, President and flgr.
Boufcat at Recelrers' Sals.
Sheets cither flat, corru.
gated or "V"cr!mpcd. Va
tools except a hatchet or
hammer Is needed to lay
the roofing. We furnish
free with each, order
enough mint toal IE
cover and nails to lay. Prico jnorKqimrc, ?
A square means 130 square fc Write furrree CaUlogao
Ko. mi en General HerebaBtUM. Chicago TIoDJSMt
Wrecking Co, West Kth and Iron tit., Chicago, UX
I "Wl k JKa V. k
Champion Yellow Dent Corn, 1'UltE 8EIO,fl.OOpor
bu. "Jry pur BLACK DIAMOND 8EKD OATS' test 40
Ihs per hu. Early crop, runt proof, 70c per bu., sacks
froo with cash order of (2.00 and over.
Creasy's Strain of
Bred exclusively for 16 years. Have no superiof
for nn nil purpose fowl. Eggs securely packed,
18 for $1.00, SO for $3.00.
Falrvlew Farm. Catawlssn, Fa
Excello Stock Farm
ExcEiiiiisNT Angus Btjjls
All stock registered, send for Catalogue.
Parm U mile south of town on Wabash It. H.
Have pedigrees of your herd tabulated Angus,
Clydesdales or Saddlers. We will do U cheaply.
JBxcello, Macon Co., -Mo.
! tk celebrated, afar srraae
awTiiT t sew j.wjaeueitatmtRt sihliij
t8-lnch wheel, any height frame, high jrrade equ'Pne"ti
lacladiae? Mch rra4 a-aaraateea v"atle Ures, .aajM.
boulle (wrs. Sue leader eoTcrt sripsi paddea aade. See ball
krjtf petfal, slefcel trkaaiautf , beautifully CsMica (breach
at. any eeler enamel. 8trecet Guarantee.
$10.05 for the celebrated 19 Keaweaa BIcyele.
ir.7S fortbebtbestgTail19(l8WeTeieasaatiBrllirrewa
Blekeljeiat, Wapeleoa er eaeahine, complete wlta tns
Terr Soeat eaateateat, lacluding Morgan fc Wright taJgBee1
nAiimatt. llnu a Hiralap K6.0O bttrrtfle.
. - AkJll
mm any mejeie 8mi;o ,
far the aat wawrifrfri bleell '
grade pneumatic- ures, a re
'.J.-"' Ju-.-al -" .UaraaUtFflWJI 1M(4 M.WrI CAlalCttt