The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 28, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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March 2l, 190a
The Commoner.
I hp PfPSS on A.lfnrU
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Boone (la.) Democrat: He did his
duty without flinching, and his ca
reer is one that many public men
might well imitate.
Fort Worth (Tex.) Register: He
was honest, and he hated the privil
eged class. His theories of democratic
government were unassailable.
Janesboro (111.) -Gazette: He was
above all and beyond all a friend of
humanity, and the lowly and the op
pressed of all lands have lost their
foremost champion.
Indianapolis Sentinel: So far as
we are aware, no one ever accused him
of dishonesty. He lost his life through
a vehement speech for liberty and no
man ever died in a better cause.
Springfield (Mass.) News: His voice
was the independence bell of private
and public liberty, and his words will
have deeper significance and strength
as the years roll on.
Kansas City "World: In the death
of John' P. Altgeld those who believe
in the( universal brotherhood of man
have lost one of their staunchest sup
porters .and civic honesty mourns a
departed friend.
Chicago RecoruVHerald: He was a
courageous champion of the people
who had struggled so hard for success
against the disadvantages of poverty
that his sympathies remained true to
the masses from whom he came.
Columbus' (0.) Press-. Altgeld's
death, while championing the cause
of liberty, comes .as a rebuke to his
enemies, who have been aiding and
abetting the wars to stifle liberty in
the Philippines and in South Africa.
Boston Herald: Governor Altgeld
had mental ppw.ers, of a high order.
He was a thinker and a reasoner alike.
He had a rare faculty of presenting a
subject with originality and with
Scammon (Kas.) Miner: He was
lo.ved by his friends and feared by his
eiiemies. With the former he was like
a mother with her first born, with the
latter has was always ready to give
blow for blow.
Chartestown (S. C.) Evening Post;
His last1 speech 'was an impassioned
plea for the Boers rand his heart was
in this, as in all 'his appeals, deeply
stirred by generous emotions. His
life was, indeed, a "fitful fever." May
he sleep well.
Denver News:' ' True to his life
record, he' .died from over-exertion in
speaking for oppressed humanity; and
no martyr in the past ever more truly
gave his life for a cause than this
brave man gave his for the distant
Boer patriots. -
New Yorlt Journal: Whatever the
temperamental defects of John P. Alt
geld may have been, whatever he
lacked in tact and discretion, he was
thoroughly honest in his convictions
and always the cause of the weak op
pressed by the strong appealed to him.
Columbia (S. C.) States: He was
not ornately rhetorical, but his de
liverances were masterpieces of clear
logic. His enemies said he was a
demagogue, but if so, he paid a high
political price for his demagogy. His
indifference to consequences showed
him to be anything else.
San Francisco Examiner: Altgeld
was a true friend, of the oppressed, a
true lover of justice. His memory and,
the public regard for him will grow
with the years. He is fitted to live in
the hearts of those who love justice
and admire the courage that never
avoids a duty. .xh
Rpckford (Mo.) Morning Star: He
became a masterly' brator, arousing his
audiences with enthusiasm, while the
speeches, as they appeared in print,
are classical in their beauty of phrase
and logical structure. He appealed
most to the reasoning man. He loved
humanity and was humane to a fault.
St. Paul Globe: The favorite meth
od of answering argument by the ar
rogant is to impugn motives. In this
manner Altgeld has suffered beforo
his fellow men, and suffered severely.
But the poor and weak and oppressed,
for whom he plead all his life, will
render a different verdict upon him.
La Salle (111.) Daily Mirror: In the
death of John Peter Altgeld the United
States has lost one of its grandest
men one of its grandest heroes a
man who was the friend of humanity;
a lover of his fellow men; a man who
deemed no sacrifice too great, so being
he could benefit humanity thereby.
Chicago Chronicle. Ex-Governor
Altgeld was one of the greatest men
intellectually who ever filled the gov
ernorship of Illinois. He was a man
of highly original thought. The hu
mane side of his nature was entitled
to admiration. He was a friend of
humanity in all the phases of its needs
and sufferings.
Chicago Inter-Ocean: John P. Alt
geld, who died yesterday morning,
will go into history as one of the most
remarkable men of Illinois. He was
a bitter partisan, extreme in views
and erratic in impulse, but neither his
bitterness nor his eccentricity blind
ed his enemies or his friends to his
exceptional ability and his honesty of
St. Louis Chronicle: A forceful
character is removed from the world's
stage by the death 'of John P. Altgeld.
As a lawyer and judge he stood at the
head of his cho3en profession; as a
speaker he was" one of the most elo
quent men In the United States. Judge
Altgeld always endeavored to voice
the wishes of the masses and was
against class legislation.
Omaha Laborer: Men have fallen
on the field of battle and sank be
neath the wave, fighting for causes,
good, bad and indifferent; but no
death anywhere has been more glor
ious than the death of John P. Altgeld,
and no man's memory will be longer
kept green in the hearts of the mil
lions he labored to serve and educate
at such great expense and self-sacrifice
on his part.
West Duluth (Minn.) X-Rays: He
died as he lived, pleading the cause
of the downtrodden and distressed.
No man could die in better service.
His name and work will be remem
bered and revered when those of some
of his political opponents will have
been entirely forgotten. If there were
more Altgelds in politics there would
be more honesty in government and
less misery among the governed.
Danville (111.) Democrat: He was
a man of great" simplicity of character
and nobility of soul and it was a fitting
ending of his life that his last words
should be an eloquent appeal in be
half of the oppressed and liberty-loving
Boers of South Africa. A.ltgeld
will be remembered as a man of un
questionable integrity, of profound in
tellect, of boundless love for human
ity and of intense loyalty to his
adopted country.
Pittsburg (Pa.) Dispatch: Of John
P. Altgeld it may be said that how
ever much he may have been mistaken
in his opinions ho was at all times
credited with unusual strength and
sincerity of purpose. For this rugged
honesty of faith and single-eyed ser
vice much may be forgiven. He was a
unique type, and his death, accelerated
by the vehemence of his emotions in
pleading a cause in which he be
lieved, was characteristic of the man.
Preston (Minn.) Republican: . The
Hill boom is flat among democrats
and imperialism is driving patriots
from the despots in control of the re
publican party.
Maryville (Mo.) Forum: William
J. Bryan's article in the last Issue of
The Commoner makes David B. Hill's
boom for the democratic nomination
for president look like thirty cents.
Salida (Colo.) Mail: Hill unques
tionably represents a faction of the
New York democracy, but it Is ex
tremely doubtful that he holds a llko
position with his party in other states.
Ennis (Tex.) Local: Mr. Hill is a
politician of the Eli brand and If he
could "get there" platform and all,
he'd stay on It, but if ono had to bo
left behind, it wouldn't be Mr. Hill,
by any means.
Minneapolis Irish Standard: No
democratic national convention will
nominate Hill for the ofllce, and if it
did he could not be elected. He stands
too close to Wall street and is a pluto
crat in disguise.
Maryville (Mo.) Forum: Whenever
you hear a voice for David B. Hill
for the democratic nomination for
president, if you scratch him under
the hide, you will find a gold demo
crat. Try it once and see.
Columbia (Ky.) News: All we know
is that Hill occupies this position: He
did and he didn't, he didn't and he
did. It's a combination that won't
work, for while you turn to set ono
the other will be out of position.
Beavertown (Mich.) Clarion: Davy,
you may be the prodigal son returned
from feeding the swine of the bond
holders, but we are unwilling to
slaughter off the fatted calf of dem
ocracy for your benefit, besides we
doubt the sincerity of your repentence.
No! No! Davy, it won't do.
Chadron (0.) Record: Mr. Hill was
a traitor to the democratic party at
the Chicago convention; a double
dyed traitor in the campaigns of '9G
and 1900, and he has vast impudence
to dare pose before any company as
a democrat or the friend of democratic
Solon (la.)- Economy: Mr. Hill's
principles as set forth in his speech
at the Manhattan banquet would
make a fair milk and water platform
to get into office on, but it has nothing
of the ring of a genuine platform for
the people to unite upon in support of
his candidacy.
Alliance (Neb.) Herald: A reader
of the Herald asks: "Who is to be
our next democratic nominee for the
presidency?" This is a sticker. The
Herald doesn't know. It may be
Schloy; It looks that way now. . . .
But there is a man who is bidding for
the honor now who will never reach it
David Bennett Hill.
Hastings (Neb.) Republican: In
last week's issue of his Commoner,
W. J. Bryan effectually lays bare the
hypocrisy and deep laid motives of the
Dave Hill presidential scheme. His
showing up of the ambiguous and cun
ning New York statesman, will be
handed down as one of the choicest
contributions of political literature of
the present decade.
Hamilton (Mont.) News: In the
last issue of The Commoner Mr. Bry
an dissects David B. Hill's candidacy
for the democratic nomination for the
presidency in proper style. He- says
Hill was a skulker in 1896 and a sulker
in 1900 and entitled to nothing but
condemnation from democrats. In
this opinion the democracy of the na
tion quite generally coincide with the
Nebraska statesman.
Johnstown (Pa.) Democrat: Mr.
Bryan in the current issue of The
Commoner makes it very clear that
Mr. IVIiiiiloTr'ft Hnoflilng- Srnip
Jla been used for over HIXTY YKAIU? by MILLIONS
CIIir.1), SOITENS tho C1UMH, ALLAYS nil 1'AINj
CUIHM WIND COLIC, nml Is Iho licet remedy for
DIAHKIKEA. Fold by UruswhUt In ctoit part of tho
world. Ho Riiro nnd ask for .Mrs. Wlnslow'i Soothing
Syrup," nnd tako no other kind. Twenty-five cents a
bottle. It Is tho Hest of all.
David B. Hill will not bo nominated
for prcsidont by the democracy with
out a most vigorous protest from hlra.
He exposes the double-dealing and tho
perfidy of that alleged democrat with
unsparing truth and ho warns tho peo
ple who believe in democratic prin
ciples against tho false pretense of
the sago of Wolfert's Roost. Tho cam
paign thus begins early. And it will
be a great campaign.
Ilarrisonvillc (Mo.) Retorts: Bry
an, in a recent editorial on David B.
Hill, who had In a speech In New York
given it out that he was playing for
the presidency, says without stutter
ing, that democracy can in no safety
listen to the siren strain of gold-bug
democracy. He takes the same posi
tion tbat the Retort has assumed all
along, viz: That thcro can bo no com
promise between true democracy and
the false or gold brand and ho that
counsels it is a coward If not a disor
ganizes The Kansas City platform
must not be changed, colored, altered
or abridged. If we yield ono inch
'twill bo tho same as an ell and tho
party will be worse than dead.
Cntnrrh Ih n kindred aliment or consumption, long
considered Incurable; nnd yet thcro is ono remedy that
will positively euro cntnrrh In any of Ita Rtagea. For
many years this remedy wns used by tho lato nr. Ste
vens, n widely noted authority on nil diseases of tho
throat nnd lunga. Having tested 1U wonderful cura
tlvo powers in thousands of enses, and desiring to re
llevo human suircrlng. I will send freo of cliargo to nil
suirerers from Catarrh, Asthma, or Consumption, and
nervous diseases, this recipo in Gorman, French or
English, with full directions for using. Kent by mail,
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