The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 28, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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elblllty please. Tho reorganize would recognize
this If thoy really desired tho success of tho
party, but thoy are so well pleased with most of
tho republican policies that thoy would rathor con
tlnuo thoso policies than help tho democratic
party to overthrow thorn.
A Recipe for Beauty.
In anothor column will bo found an item taken
from Reynold's Newspaper calling attention to
tho moans which aro being employed to beautify
thoso who are to attend tho coronation. Surgical
operations may sometimes Improve tho appear
anco and oxtornal treatment may sometimes con
coal natural dofocts and ovldences of ago, but pity
on thoso who havo nothing moro substantial to
commond them than tint of skin or perfection of
foaturo! Years aro not disgraceful if accompanied
by wisdom and a kindly heart can glvo graco to
wrinkles. It Is possiblo for tho mind to mould tho
faco and it is no less truo that tho heart can givo
oxprcssion to it. Tho person who thinks needs no
cosmotlcs to mako tho faco attract! vo; tho real
gentleman and gontlowoman mako you oblivious of
physical imperfections by fastening your atten
tion upon more important matters. A sure, perma
nent and inexpensive euro for ugliness is to bo
found in tho cultivation of tho mind and in tho
dovolopmont of tho heart.
Another Name, But Still a Subsidy.
Tho Chicago Tribune, a republican paper, in
its Issuo of March 15, has an intorosting editorial
ontitled "Onco subsidies, now differentials." Tho
editorial follows:
Tho advocates of tho ship subsidy bill, hav
ing observed tho word subBidy is obnoxious to
tho American pcoplo, have begun to use tho
word differential Instead. It is not Bliip sub
sidles now. It is ship differentials. What an
opinion of tho public a man must have who
thinks he can hoodwink it in this way! What
an attenuated thinness and what a clarified
transparency there is in his trick! "New
presbyter is but old priest writ largo." New
differential is but old subsidy put through tho
same process. A rose by any other name
Bmolls just as sweet. A subsidy by any other
namo smells just as vile. Tho members of
tho United States senato may not bo awaro of
this. Tho people, by whom the senators pre
fer not to bo elected, aro perfectly aware of it.
Thoy do not like a subsidy, no matter in what
stylo it is served up. Tho dressing and tho
seasoning mako no difference. A subsidy a la
differential Is a subsidy still. Now and then
when a street has gone completely to tho
bad Its namo Is changed In tho hope of Im
proving tho street. It never succeeds. Tho
subsidy differential will have tho same fate.
Tho Tribune says, "What an opinion of tho
public a man must have who thinks ho can hood
wink it in this way!" But tho Tribune forgets that
republican leaders havo been hoodwinking tho
peoplo just this way for many years.
That which was onco called "imperialism" is
now known as "destiny."
Thoso organizations onco known as "trusts"
are now referred to as "industrial combinations."
When Mr. Roosevelt was vice president, speak
ing at Minneapolis, ho referred to tho trust spirit
as "cunning," and said that tho timo would come
when wo must "shacklo cunning as in the past wo
havo shackled force." But, after Mr. Roosevelt
became president, in his message to congress, ho
referred to tho trust loaders as "captains of' in
dustry." Tho Institution now permitted under tho
American flag in the domain of tho Sultan of Sulu
was onco called "slavory," and denounced by 're
publican leaders; now republican leaders apolo
gize for this same institution and refer to it as
u miiu lorra or reudal bondage."
The effort to destroy bimetallism wno L
denounced by republican leaders as nn nttmw t
Irob the producers of the country; now this samo
The Commoner.
effort is referred to as "patriotic concern for tho
welfare of tho masses."
Things hateful to tho founders of this govern
ment, and repugnant to American institutions,
woro properly denominated at ono timo; and yet
thoso same things aro now arrayed in more re
spectable garb and vice is deliberately palmed off
as virtue.
Ttioro Is an "attenuated thinness" and a "clar
ified transparency" to many of tho tricks of repub
lican leaders of today; and it is truo that tho peo
plo havo been deceived by these tricks in spite of
tho thinness and transparency.
It is not at all surprising, thereforo, that tho
republican leaders imagine that by a mere change
of namo thoy can transform a subsidy from a de
liberate steal to a great patriotic act. This prac
tice will bo adhered to until tho peoplo insist
upon doing their own thinking and require at tho
hands of men in authority intelligent justification
for thoir official conduct.
A Socialist's Prophecy.
Tho Appeal to Reason in a recent editorial
prophesies that tho educational qualifications
adopted in tho south will so reduce the negro
vote as to eliminate the race question, and that
with that question eliminated tho republican party
will mako great gains in tho south. Having mado
this prophecy tho aforesaid paper then proceeds
to build upon its first prophecy another prophecy
to tho effect that tho solid south will be "busted."
Then upon these two prophecies it builds a third
piophecy, to tho effect that tho democratic party
will make "a sorry showing in the next national
Tho editorial concludes with an expression
vhich shows the partisan view which the Appeal
to Reason takes of tho situation. When a man
- starts out with tho proposition that the democratic
party must be annihilated before his party can
succeed, it is very easy for him to imagine con
ditions which will destroy the democratic party.
But tho party has been "annihilated," "destroyed"
and "wiped out" (in prophecy) so often that a
few more predictions of that kind will not discour
age democrats. In the last campaign the demo
crats mado imperialism tho chief issue. This
ought not to havo alienated any who believe in
the doctrine of self-government, and unless tho
American people have entirely changed that doc
trine will yet bo restored to authority. The Ap
peal to Reason seems to speak for those who aro so
anxious to destroy tho democratic party that they
will givo temporary encouragement to republican
policies in the hope that conditions will thus be
come so bad as to advance, the cause of socialism.
There is ono fault about this logic, and it is a
serious fault, namely, destruction comes first and
the hoped for reform afterwards. But suppose tho
socialists destroy tho democratic party and then
aro not able to thwart tho purposes of tho repub
lican party? They will become responsible for
tho bringing of evil without the ability to remedy
tho ovil. This is a dangerous position to assume.
However certain a person may feel of the ultimate
triumph of his ideas, ho cannot afford to do evil
now in the hope that that evil will afterwards work
out good. Tho human mind is fallible and it is so
easy to err in forecast and prophecy and no ono
should bo willing to assume responsibility for a
worse condition than wo now have. If a man
conceives tho idea that he can bring a dead person
to life, ho had better try his theory upon a person
already dead and not kill a man merely for the
purpose of experimenting.
There were some who supported tho demo
cratic ticket in 1896 who refused to support tho
ticket in 1900. These by their influence aided tho
republicans to continue tho reign of imperialism,
tho reign of trusts and tho reign of the money
power. The socialists do not believe in imperial
ism, they do not believe in private monopolies or
Volume a, No. to.
in Wall street control of tho financial policy of the;
government, but in 1900 some of them wore willing
tc risk all three in tho belief that the temporary,
triumph of plutocracy would lead to socialism.
They assumed responsibility for a worse condi
tion, and in so doing they showed more zeal than
descretion. It is tho duty of the citizen to use
the means at hand to improve existing conditions
and to take a step in advance whenever it is pos
sible to do so. The democrats believe that it is
necessary to overthrow the imperialistic, idea and.
restore tho doctrine of self-government; .demo
crats believe that private monopolies aro inde-
fensiblo and intolerable; democrats believe that a
financial system fashioned by Wall street will be
unjust to the country at large; democrats believe
in the principles set forth in the Kansas City
platform and tlfey will apply those principles to
other questions as they arise, but they will not in
vito a Saturnalian feast in the hope that the par
ticipants will weary of debauch and then reform.
The Kansas City platform indorses the initiative
and referendum besides other important reforms.
In the cities the democrats aro advocating the
municipal ownership of municipal franchises, for
in the cities the issue has become a practical one.
The democrats of the nation who believe in demo
cratic principles and stand ready to apply them
to all Issues as they arise are prepared to defend,
themselves, their principles and their conduct.
They are marching forward as rapidly as issues
develop. They have done nothing to give any re
former reason to hope that tho party will ' bo .
"wiped out," and until they do sdmething to justi
fy the party's annihilation the wish for its over
throw will not injure the democratic party.
The Home of Trusts.
Those who think that trusts can be entirely de
stroyed by state legislation will do well to 'ex
amine the inducements offered to trusts by New
Jersey. -The laws have been so made as to in
vite these great combinations of capital to organ
ize in that state for the purpose of preying upon
the surrounding territory. Firms aro established
for the express purpose of inducing capital to take
advantage of the lax laws of New Jersey, and these
firms send out letters soliciting, business of this
The following letter, one of .these
companies, gives us a fair illustration of the means
Dear Sir: '
Are you interested in the organization of. a
business corporation? If. so, permit us to say
that the state of New Jersey will givo you a more
satisfactory charter, afford better protection to
stockholders and directors than any other state.
The laws of Now Jersey have beeen framed with a
view to protecting corporate interests, and hen
courts have been liberal and wise in their inter
pretation of its provisions. The judiciary of New
Jersey is above reproach, and corporations organ,
ized under its laws are not subject to attacks
Briefly then, a few of the advantages of the New
Jersey law are: It is not necessary to file or pub
lish any statement of loans or liabilities, nor to
d the private affairs of the corporation.
Mee ings of stockholders may be held by proxy.
Stockholders are not liable for corporate debts.
Incorporation fee and annual tax are. nominal
t m , d7elPment laW of New Jersey owing to
the high standing of the bench, Is worthy of at
tention, and to organize a corporation under its
laws means to start with a charter entitled to
This company la equipped to take entire
charge of the organization of corporations, ana
after incorporation it attends to all legal require
nven s of the statute, ana relieves officers of an
detail work incidental to compliance with such re
quirements. We are prepared to do this work for a
minimum sum, and beyond the annual registra-
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