pfri?! J rv iiiinmriiiiijBni mnww, ' "yEf"',,1 ' ""i piM'".jn ..' V r The Commoner, u Vol. 2, No. to. 12 iMnM V BEST on EARTH LINCOLN STEEL RANGE MaUo or kockx Aioun. Inln Stool nnd lined with Asbestos. Most Kconom lcnl of fuel. JJcst bnkor nnd cookor, lnrRCBt oven of any miiko. Top pol ished llko ft looklntr gins. (Ironso will not stick to It. No blncklng required. Always polished. I'nn deliver nnywhero In tho United Klntwi. Wrlto for price nnd whnttho poo plo sny about them. American Range & Hadwarc Co.,LincoIn,Neb. ifr !' IT v ikrv.-rrflt r-irM A CTIDK heat hyTet-77 YEARS. Wo DA V CASH AjmVeWANT MOHE) 8aliui:n r f Weekly CriKLtw Stark Nursery , Louisiana, Mo.; Dnnsvlllc, N. Y, Creasy's Strain of WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS. llrcd exclusively for 16 yenrs. Ilnvc no superior for nn nil purpose fowl. Kggs securely packed, 10 for $1.00, 30 for tt.OO. I.UTUUII P. CKEASY, Fnlrvlew Fnrm. Ciitnwlsa, P "Why Vny Hont or Intiircnt? Tho St. Louis lloino8tond Association (Co-oporntlvo) 309 Ityiiltablo JUilldlnjr, St. Louis, Missouri, will furn ish MJ5MHKU8 tho MONEY to BUY a JIOMK nny plnco In tho UNITED STATICS. You ropny monthly on Each $1 ,000.00 Jlorrowcd. AGENTS WANTED. mmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmummmmummmgmammBmammmmmmmmmmmm Ship Subsidy Bill. (Continued from Pago 11.) postmaster gonoral sliall have so re quired, for the wholo or any part of a voyage for which compensation shall be claimed. Sec. 10. That any vessel, beforo re ceiving compensation under this title, shall, when required so to do by tho secretary of tho treasury, carry on each foreign voyage, as a member of tho ship's company, one American boy, under twonty-ono years of ago and suitable for such employment, and one such boy in addition for each one thousand gross registered tons, -who shall bo taught in the duties of sea manship or engineering, or other maritime knowledge, as tho case may bo, respectively, and receive such pay as shall bo reasonable. Sec. 11. That tho owner of any ves sel, before recoiving compensation pursuant to this title, shall agree, in writing, that said vessel may bo taken or omployod and used by tho United States for tho national defense or for any public purpose at any time; and in overy such case tho owner of any such vessel so taken or employed shall bo paid, tho fair value thereof, if taken, at the time of the taking; and if em ployed, shall bo paid tho fair value of such use. And if thoro shall be a dis agreement as to such fair value the question of tho valuation shall be sub mitted to and determined by three im partial appraisers, one to be appointed by tho secretary of tho treasury, one by tho owner or owners of the vessel, and two appraisers so appointed shall, before they proceed to act, select a tniru appraiser. tuo uecision or a majority of such board shall bo final and effective. In caso of any taking or employment, as provided in this section, tho shipping obligations of tho officers and crows existing at tho time shall be deemed to have termi nated. TITLE III. Deep-Sea Fisheries. Sec. 12. That from, and after the 1st day of July, 1902, tho secretary of tho treasury is hereby authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in tho treasury not otherwise appro priated, bounties as follows: (a) To tho owner or owners of a documental vessel of tho United States ongaged in tho deop-sea flshories for at least threo months in any ono fiscal year, two dollars per gross ton per an num: Provided, that at least one-third of tho crew shall bo citizens of the United States, or such persons as shall bo within tho provisions of section 2174 of tho Revised Statutes. (b) To a citizen of tho United States serving as a member of a nec essary and proper crow of a vessel of the United States documented and on gaged In deep-sea fisheries for at least threo months during any ono fiscal year, ono dollar per month during tho time necessarily employed in tho voy ages of such vessel. TITLE IV. General Provisions. Sec. 13. That a vessel shall not bo entitled to compensation under two or moro titles of this act at tho same time. Sec. 14. That a vessel which has at any llmo received compensation pur suant to any of the provisions of this act shall not bo sold, except by the consent of tho secretary of tho treas ury, to a citizen or subject of a for eign power, under ponalty of for feiture. Sec. 15. That the president of tho United States shall from time to time cause to be made, by proper heads of departments, regulations for tho duo execution of tho provisions of this act. Coronation Complexions. Tho coming coronation festivities are boing eagerly looked forward to by the women of all ages who move in what is known as tho ."smart set." It is anticipated that thoro will be a tremendous influx of wealthy Ameri cans and "distinguished foreigners" and members of our aristocracy who are blessed with marriageable daugh ters regard the forthcoming ceremony in the light of a huge marriage fair in which, owing to the multitude of buy ers, they hope to obtain high prices for their wares. In consequence, every possible means to enhance their own and their daughters' beauty is being employed by the female scions of "our old nobil ity." A walk through the West End thoroughfares or a glance at the ad vertisement columns of tho society journals will reveal that a large num ber of professional beauty doctors have come over from the United States and France for the purpose of replen ishing their purses by adding to, or pretending to add to, existing charms or by restoring those that are faded and gone. These practitioners can only be con sulted by very wealthy women, as the meanest of them would scorn a fee of less than five guineas for advice and treatment. Six months' treatment usually costs 500. Vanity is always propared to pay a largo fee. They occupy, as a rule, flats in aristocratic streets in Belgravia and Mayfair which are furnished sumptu ously and fitted up with curious and expensive electric machines. These people mostly impostors boast that, with the scientific methods at their command, they can make any woman of 55, or even older, appear as young and good looking as the average well preserved woman of 30, providing they suunut tnemsoives to tlieir treatment for six months or so. At present, it is no'exaggoration to state that their rooms are crowded with peeresses and their daughters, who are paying enormous blackmail and are submitting cheerfully to op erations which remind one of the tor tures of tho Spanish inquisition. Rey nolds' Newspaper. $99 i EZ AT $22.35 TO $54.90 Ml9& we aeirblsh grade 1002 itjle feSBlMi dlrccc rrom our oucihkii buu umu man factories, the equal of baeglf 'Mia by nthfr home! At boat double our prlcet. 37 QK fora handsome city Runabout AE QR foraKoyal dd I af O or a Crcsck Concord JlazzT- $tJiIU Staiikopo. d00 OE for a Canopy Ten fO0 OR for a fitrone Tjye-Scat OOiOUTwcSeatBHrror. AV TkrccSprlne wageii. EVERY RIG COVERED BY OUR BINDING GUARANTEE. Everything la Mcdlam and Fine- KujczIca, Surrey, Carriages and Wagons at proportionately low prices. DON'T BUY ELSEWHERE ffiS&tfioBffl! mailed to anr sddreaa free on application. You will be snrprlied at tbo pn monry we eaa aare yon and the Indaeementi we can offer. Address, CHICAGO, ILL SEARS, ROEBUCK & GO., DAVIS CARBIDE FEED ACETYLENE GAS GENERATORS THE BEST APPARATUS FOR LIGHTING HOMES, STORES, HOTELS, FACTORIES, AND TOWNS. Acetylene is the best light and the cheapest SAFE illuminant. It does not require mantles or chimneys. It is particularly adaptable for country and suburban residences. Gas from our generators does not clog burners causing them to smoke. Send for Catalogue and learn why the Davis is best. tDAVIS ACETYLENE CO., 5640 S. Canal St, Chicago.' tT PIANO HfrgSlll JflL JejL''v! OR ORGAN If FOR A YEAR sS"!i Wo vill ship any Cornish American Piano or Organ upon tho tUstlnct under standing that if not found entiroly satisfactory after 12 months' uso wo will taKo it bacK. and refund pur chase money and freight charges with 6 int. added. Thus Giving You Gna Year's Frtt Trial in Your Own Homi. You take no risk when you buy on the celebrated Cornish Plan. It is tho only way. Arguments and claims are worthless in the face of this guarantee. If as cood pianos and orcrans could be hoiitrhr. anvwhrn-A filhft for as little money, we could not afford to make an offer like tn&buti we'll go further. In proof of this statement which may to some appear'- extutvugunt, we give to every purcnaser a guarantee that is practically a bond secured on the whole of our nlant and nrnnnrr. wnrrh nvnv ONE MILLION DOLLARS, warranting each instrument sold to bo exactly I as represented. Furthermore the Cornish American Pianos and d vAKtwio ni.v vubwuiuu tuiu uuMucub in construction ann a-nnfiftvanfift- from any other make and are sold on their merits to the public direct wiuioui me intervention 01 agents and dealers; and as a matter wx iauu wioy uxo JOJUJLXXiB, in JliVJtiJtOX JU&JFUilJL- ANT CHARACTERISTIC than the majority of other makes. EVERYTHING is gained and one-half saved to purchasers of the CORNISH instruments. OVER A OTARTER OE A MIL LION SATISFIED PATRONS testify as to this. EOTNIATURE PIANOS AND ORGANS FREE otoAffleta' models of the latert T a tylos In 8irMPSS? 2ndM0rg,aDS. Tlloso miniatures constE Sinwh0 m03t cpstly advortlsoments oyer Issued and S,wloiia?yono A0 80l,9ct an Instrument no mattorat KS. dl?-tanc thoy llvo-as tho Tlano and Organ In K01 ns t0 ooai otc-l3 oxactly roproduceS This &??.$.. eml)0SS0d set is sent froo nnd with it thn fi?H AMERICAN SOUVENIR CATALOGUE handsomn r Ci?.l"llwlt,n Presentation plate In colors andfully do- CORNISH PIANO or ORGAN FRFU" tOKNISH CO.HJi& wBwjaitiw r.AMU OltOAK MAKEHS to tho AMEItlOAM MOP amihh ctAmprngsmstt MEMB5B3pwWvyBKMTiffiwTjDHBH irirULiL WiEKS. Sample copies f or thvt urira ATicjnT.HTPT.v -rmw .. 7 . ynA UU. cl.npncnrcd in The Commoner Nov. 22l ,001. 2 ,00 .. rw .T' 7. "l " .iT 'f?""" OnQllOnS . AddrSSS I ' THE INDEPENDENT, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Thenl-fl ":7:..7775.7.W """"" VJ w"'BO weoivB with The Indepcnaeat that thev after vnrds K?X!.rf.S P.?i,!.!e"t A?r samples, 1,200 were so vrcll pleased . ..w.. fliUu your uame auu auuress on a postal card todav. LJK,.HB