The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 28, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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The' Commoner.
March 21, 190a
A aW
L to ride aodoxblblt sample blcrcle.
1902 MODELS, $9 to $15
I9M and I9(H Models, high rrade. $7 to $11
BOO Second-hand Whmmtm
u nuurea ana inoaois. gooa BB new S
to $8. Great Factory Clearing Bale.
19 DATES TUIAIi without a cent in advance.
Earn a Blcyolodlfltributlng catalogs. Write
alonea for tint nrtwn unci nnnnlnl rtfk.
Ttm fnlnrv tTift rftrrlafTA rr fmrrfrv. WAmiUn ..1t liMl
JaMl p11 ttaan MW IT . Ml MMa fl
uuuuw. u uays- rree i riaB.
no save you ucaicr ami jODDcr
pofits. EnoaKli Bald. Write for
assnu annual catalog. Maucuircc
Kalamazoo Carriage & HarnessMfg, .
lo., &iaiiDrud,naiamazoo, mien.
Pioiutrt efti Frtt Trial Flan.
in nn A month
FREE SAMPLES FURNISUED industrious men or
women to exhibit, tako orders, and appoint ngonta for
tho waistbands and collar of tho dlrtlost Bhlrt porfectly
oloan without tho nso of a washboard, with no Injury
to tho most dollcato fabric Will do a family washing In
thirty minutes without labor or attention. This is tho
greatest opportunity over oirorcd agents to make big
monoy. Wrlth today-for oxcluslvo territory and FREE
1 IVFor $15.05 wo soil tho HICH-
hlchcat crado and strangest all steel
whidmlllTOWEK. Every will cohered
.EBT XVliiUBllijlt Uif JDlSlt JUV.E.JX
MADE, cut till a ad. out ana man to
Iloro la a H-K gold filled watch, dur
able, woll mado, Jeweled, stem
a wind, stem eet and looks
oieganc uuarania su xrara.
Soud No Morioy. Bend
-us your name, address and
nearest express otuco and
wo win scna you tuo watcn.
You examlno It and If It
looks as well as aar 040 natch
Say express agent $3.75 and
10 watch Is yours, together
with chain and charm for
,. gonta or CO i nch lorgnotto
M. BTKIN & CO., DepU 22
28UJC 42uBt..CUleeo.
CAT Cfll VO lama trained nurso. 13 years
HI I ULCVO ago I reduced 45 pounds Oh, so
easy. No starving, no wrinkles, no rogaln. Slinplo, you
tako it at homo. Nothing to sell. Incloso stamp. Writo
today. Miss B. 0. Topping, 318 Ogden At., Chicago, 111.
$ 5 liMUyflMrRflJgH3l8zife
'Calf regulating. Uuaranteadtor S! years. Hatches every goodeggb
6 end for catalogue No 39 Sel 1 six and cat ono frea.
Month and Expenses; no experience
needed: position permanont; self-seller,
Pxajx ilra. Co.,8tat'n 59 Cincinnati, O.
Connral Arranf 800 Farms nnd Ranches. Best
UollUldl l&ulll part of Nebraska for stock and
farming. Writo for list. A. M. Templln, Falmor,Nob.
Up 7 JKfSLWiLW'flyih- Jf' ff iafcajT JklJHr3atai ' ' affar qB
Excello Stock Farm
All stock registered, send for Catalogue,
Farm $ .mile south of town on Wabash R. R.
Have pedigrees of your herd tabulated Angus,
Clydesdales or Saddlers. We will do it cheaply.
Excello, Macon Co., Mo
Filipino officers and insurgents." An
swering Senator Patterson, General
Otis said that the commission of which
General Hughes was a member had
stated to representatives of Aguinaldo
that no concessions could be made
without the sacrifice of some of the at
tributes of sovereignty. General Otis
declared that the Filipinos have no
correct idea of liberty. "Liberty with
them," said he, "is license." "But
what is your Standard of qualification
for self-government?" asked Senator
Patterson. "What kind of a govern
ment?" asked General Otis. "Do you
mean despotic government?" "No,
self-government," was Senator Patter
son's response. General Otis said they
were perfectly qualified for a despotic,
military government. Senator Patter
son asked if he considered the people
of Mexico qualified for self-government,
to which Senator Beveridge ob
jected, but before the chairman could
decide the point General Otis said he
declined to answer. Senator Patter
son remarked that he had no means
of forcing a reply "at present." Gen
eral Otis declared that he did not
measure the capacity of the Filipino
people for self-government by the ca
pacity of the people of the United
States, and characterized as unfair the
effort of Senator Patterson to get him
to fix tho standard of a comparison
with other people. Replying to Sena
tor Dubois, he said the introduction of
Chinese coolie labor into the Philip
pines would be unwise. Japanese la
bor, he thought, would be the most ac
ceptable, because they affiliate readily
with the Filipinos. A question by Sen
ator Beveridge regarding the effort to
furnish the Filipinos literature sent
from the United States precipitated a
lively discussion. General Otis said
that when Mabini was brought in he
had a pile of New York papers with
him which had antagonized .the sover
eignty of the United States in the
Philippines. "Did ho have copies of
Senator Hoar's speech?" inquired Sen
ator Patterson. "Oh, yes; those
speeches were all over the Islands,"
replied the witness. Senator Allison,
who was in the chair, said ho would
exclude any allusion to senator's
speeches. Senator Patterson inter
jected the remark that senators' should
not be attacked from masked batter
ois. "I asked the extent to which it
gave aid to the insurrection," said
Senator Beveridge. "When the sena
tor from Indiana," retorted Senator
Patterson, "propounded that question
it involved every senator who is
standing for what he believes to be
simple justice to the Filipinos. I do
not propose to be assailed from behind
a masked battery." Senator Allison
thought that where a senator's name
was involved it gave him the right to
come before the committee and defend
himself and such references should be
excluded. Senator Carmack, with much
earnestness, said he wanted to take his
part of the responsibility for saying
that the war, in the Philippines is "ut
terly and absolutely 'infamous and
criminal. If any proof can be made
that I am exciting Filipinos by such
speeches," he said, "I want it done."
After some further discussion Senator
Beveridge disclaimed any intention to
reflect on any senator and withdrew
his question. General Otis concluded
his testimony by submitting some
comments upon the memorial of the
Manila chamber of commerce. - The
committee than adjourned.
The Strenuous Mr. Ivey.
York (Neb.) Democrat: It's too
bad that J. W. Ivey, collector of cus
toms at Sitka, Alaska, is not secretary
of state. It's a safe guess if he was
there would be no signing of modus
vivendis putting off the settlement of
Bohring Sea fishery questions with
England to give that country time to
wallop the life out of two little re
publics striving for a place among the
nations of the earth.
The Ship Subsidy Bill.
(Continued from Page 9)
of a sail or steam vessel, one cent per
gross registered ton for each ono hun
dred nautical miles sailed.
(b) On each entry, not exceeding
sixteen entries in any ono fiscal year,
and for a period of five years from the
date of registration of a vessol of over
ono thousand gross registered tons,
which shall bo completed and reg
istered after the passage of this act,
one-fourth of ono cent per gross reg
istered ton for each one hundred nau
itcal miles sailed, in addition to tho
compensation provided in paragraph
Sec. 7. That compensation under
this title shall not bo allowed in re
spect of any of tho following-named
(a) A vessel on a voyage extending
only to a foreign port less than one'
hundred and fifty nautical miles from
her last port of departure in tho
United States or from a foreign port
less than one hundred and fifty nau
tical miles from her first port of ar
rival in tho United States.
(b) A vessel on a voyage less than
one-ialf of the whole length of which,
on her outward and homeward voy
ages, respectively, shall have been on
tho sea between a port of tho United
States and a foreign port.
(c) A vessel which shall not be at
least of class Al, as classified either
by the record of American and foreign
shipping or the United States stand
ard owners, builders, and underwrit
ers' association, or equivalent classifi
cation in any other register of ship
ping of at least equal merit.
(d) A vessel of which less than
one-fourth of the crew shall bo citi
zens of the United States or such per
sons as shall be within the provisions
of section 2174 of the Revised Statutes.
() A vessol without motive power
of its own, or a tugboat, or a vessel en
gaged in wrecking.
(f) A foreign-built vessel, hereaf
ter admitted to American registry pur
suant to tho provisions of section 4136
of the Revised Statutes.
(g) A vessel while employed in the
coasting trade.
Sec. 8. That the mileage upon which
compensation shall be paid under this
title shall be determined by the direct
customary route from tho last port of
departure in the United States to a
foreign port or a port in the Philippine
islands, find from such last-mentioned
port by tho direct customary route to
the first port of arrival in tho United
States. If during the voyage the ves
sel shall enter at two or more foreign
ports or ports in the Philippine isl
ands, the distance by the direct cus
tomary route between such ports shall
also be included in the mileage upon
which compensation shall be paid un
der this title.
Sec. 9. That any vessel, before re
ceiving compensation under this title,
shall have carried, free of charge, the
mails of the United States, if the
(Continued on Page 12.)
Should be Retired at Once.
Captain Hull, the representative
from tho Des Moines, la., congres
sional district, publicly pledges him
self to retire absolutely from politics
if his constituents will give to him
one more term. Thereafter he would
devote himself to his extensive busi
ness interests. Inasmuch as the con
gressman's chief business venture is
the Philippine Investment company, it
would be well if he were to be retired
at once. Sprinfield Republican.
The Blind
May See!
Blnco tho discovery by Dr.
Orcn Oneal, tho noted Chi
cago ocullBt, of a treatment
by medication alone for the
euro of blindness, cataracts,
scums nnd all othor causes of
uiuiuiiuM du uiuiiy iJuupio.
jjiivu uuuu ruHiurcu mj birmi
iimb mo uocior icaiB wor-
ran tod in his assortion thai
"A Long as There'
Sight There's Hope."
The Oneal
Dissolvent Method
dissolves nnd absorbs nil unnatural growths on
tho oyo absolutely without injury. Jn no case
whoro sight remained haB 11 failed. Cross-Uyci
straightened in a few minutes without pnin,
Tho knife Is never used. Writo Dr. Oneal today
describing your caso and ho will advise you free.
Ilis now illustrated book sont frco contains
many interesting things about tho oyo. Also
testimonials of many mnrvolous cures. Address
MEN ONEAL, M.D., Suite 121 ,52 DtrbefaSI.,Cblcai9.
k em
r. &
refusod for less
iuuu than onnncro br a
Miipouri man. Tho dried roots
sold Inst Year at 7.00 nArnnmid.
Tho prico has frradually incroattod for 25 years.
Roots and Seeds for enlo for Spring dolivcry
Full intructionB for its cultivation with each
order. Writo for pamphlet tolling all about Uin-
Mcdowell ginseng gardens,
Joplln, Missouri.
Bought at RecolTers' Sale.
Sheets either flat, corru
gated or'VcrMnped. No
tools except a hatchet or
hammer In needed to lay
tho roofing. Wo furnish
frco with each order
onoURh naint to t IE
cover and nails to lay. Prico jicraquiiro, if la I u
A sqiiaro means 100 square ft. write frrra Cataloged
Mo. m on Graftal Blerehnndfce. Chicago JIOUKC
Wrccklag C Wast Kith end Iron uts., Chicago, 111.
fc wi S vEv vi ra
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills.
A quick, Bafe, and sure relief for sick or ner
vous Headache, Backache, Stomach Pains,
Neuralgia, Nervousness, Irritability, Sleepless
ness, Bhaumatism, Sciatica. Contain no opium
or morphine, and' leave no bad after-effecti
25 dosM 25c. At druggists.
CC II Catarrh Cure (a compound with or
LL"1i without tobacco.) The only romedyon
earth guaranteed to cure or money re
funded. Writo for free sample. E-M Co., At
lanta, Ga.
Jtjtnt iiifi ft ftlr edueittan nhj nnt otllli. It at a trntnl tix! un
ttowiti lirofmlon pijiDt fl& to $3i wtMjl BlUutlou llw;i obUlaaiil.
Tf tr th cri(!nl liuiirudoT, b; mtlL
Home Coiuiksponpkncb School. Philadelphia.
S v
a - ' .
Ranier Grand Hotel
Seattle, Wash.
f. : i av
N ' C
European Plan. Rates $1.00 and upward.
522 rooms. 75 rooms with bath. Finest
Cafo in tho northwest; notod for the
peculiar excellence of its Cuisino.
Ranier Graml Hotel Co.
H. B. DUNBAR, President and flzr.
TNo handllnt? "dearf"
i matter, norsearclilng
ove maces nfrmunl.
offitemi. at with t mnlr
records. No re-writ-
injf, no transferin?.
The Y and E Card
System H a Jlrlnjr re
cord: new cards ara
frmvr l-.l -.,. ....... .... '"' "' c-"-"y UJC,r
t, t r "' "" i-ucau matterj arc taken out.
?$ P entX of eu Wes the exact card you want can
ssri: :;...'-efa. a? mter what;. ?? ho
Zz.'.CZ: ' . -"Tu":i-aru system win Iceep
thou better and quicker. Send for Cat. No. 3707
iswaaH & fcr&e Mfg. Co., Recititef.R.1
NcwYork Chlcaeo Boston St. Loula
x-iuioaeipnia rittsburij Toronto
fc San Francisco Cleveland
sS .