"VTW.T f ' V -iw.wi "t'vr'ifmmt '" it-iWCw-r'-Tr"1't'''ltl" '"""' The Commoner Vol. 2, No 10. 10 v " $& Weekly News Summary . At Chatham, Mass., whilo engaged In the roscuo of the crow of the strund od bargo "YVndona, tho life-boat cap sized and oloven porsona were drowned. . , John Dillon, nationalist, waa hus pondod from tho houso of commons March 10 for reforrmg to Joseph Chamborlain as a liar. The suspen sion 's for ono week. Tho forolgn residonts of Japan have refused to pay tho now taxes on prop erty, claiming that it is a violation of treaties and tho question is to bo definitely settled between the powers and Japan. Roar Admiral John A. Howell, presi dent of tho naval retiring board, and next to Admiral Dewey tho ranking o'fllcor of tho navy, reached the ago of G2 years March 15 and was placed on tho retired list. A dispatch from Berlin announces that great dissatisfaction is felt in Gormany on account of tho evident partiality that is being shown to tho transportation of American goods by Gorman steamship lines. In a suit hold in New York against tho Northern Pacific railroad com pany, it developed that tho firm of J. Piorpont Morgan & Co. had traded $78,000,000 of tho stock of this com pany for Northern securities. Tho pier of tho Phoonix steamship lino at Hoboken, N. J., was destroyed by firo March 38. Tho steamer Brit ish Queen was consumod, also a large amount of cotton bales and hay. The loss will approximate $1,000,000. In tho houso of commons March 18 tho war secretary, Mr. Broderick, an nounced that Lord Wolselev's trip to South Africa was an ontirely private affair, tho object of his visit being in no way connected with tho war 6fllco. At tho celebration of tho 126th anni versary of the evacuation of Boston by tho British, a monument on Dorchester Heights was unveiled. Honry Cabot Lodge delivered tho oration and Ad miral Schley was the guest of honor. Late advices from Venezuela con corning tho revolution seem to assert tho supremacy of tho rebels over tho government forces. Provisions are bo coming scarco in Panama as tho small Louts are no longer able to communi cate with tho neighboring towns. A new cabinet has been formed in Spain with Sonor Sagasta as premier and .General Woylor as minister of war. According to tho Associated press dispatch of March 15, the queen regent commanded Senor Sagasta to form a new cabinet to take the place of tho ono that resigned March 13. A dispatch from Havana announces ttlmt a sentiment is growing in Cuba In favor of an open door policy wUh regard to reciprocity to all nations and that if the United States shall make a less reduction in the tariff than 50 per cent, tho government of Cuba will demand the immediate right to make commercial treaties. In tho houso of commons on March 18, Sir Honry Campbell-Bannerman, -the liberal leader, asked for an inves tigation of the whole commercial his . tory .of the South African war. jn the house of. lords, tho premier, Lord Salisbury, was called upon to defend tho government's rigorous methods in Capo Colony. Ho Insisted that there was enough of armed resistance in the Cape to fully justify tho applica tion of martial law. tho republican caucus in tho houso. This plan provides for a 20 per cent re duction of duty and limits tho duration of tho reduced rates to December 1, 1903. On March 21 the house passed tho river and harbor bill. It carries an appropriation of $G0,688,2G7. Washington dispatches intimate that President Roosevelt will force Gonoral Miles' retirement on account of tho statements attributed to Gen oral Miles before the congressional committee. On March 18 the house heard sev eral arguments on tho pending eight hour bill. Messrs. Payson and Mc Cammon, representing a number of large corporations, spoke against the bill, and President Gompers of the federation of labor, spoke in favor of it. The senate committee on foreign re lations has mado concessions to the houso by deciding that reciprocity treaties affecting the revenue are to be amended so as to provide that these treaties shall ta'ko effect when ap proved by congress. This means tha't these treaties must have the approval of tho house as well as of the senate. March 20 General Miles appeared be fore the senate committee on military affairs and, dispatches report, an nounced his intention of resigning if tho bill introduced by Senator Hawley for tho organization of a general staff for the army should become a law. Tho reason ho gave is that tho bill would destroy unity of the army .and leave its management in the hands of tlie favored few. General Miles made a request to be sent to the Philippine islands and there allowed to employ methods sim ilar to those used by him so success fully in his Indian campaigns. This request, however, has been denied by tho president, and the war department as they hold that the war is "already about at an end, and the adoption of a change of policy would bo unfair to those whoso work there has brought about almost complete pacification." debate ensued, after which amend ment after amendment designed to improve tho measure was voted down. The six republican senators who voted against tho bill on its final passage voted with the supporters of tho bill in order to defeat the amendments pro posed by the democrats. PRESIDENT'S BILL. The bill for the protection of the president passed the senate March 21. Mr. Patterson mado a speech in oppo sition to the bill. Mr. Fairbanks spoke in support of the measure and the bill was nassed after tho rejection of all amendments by a vote of 52 to 15. The bill provides that any person within the United States who shall willfully and maliciously kill the president or any officer on whom the duties of president may devolve, or any sover eign of a foreign country, or shall at tempt to kilFany of the persons named shall suffer death; that any person who shall aid, abet, advise or counsel the killing of any of the persons named or shall conspire to accom plish their death, shall be imprisoned not exceeding twenty years; that any person who shall threaten to kill or advise Or counsel another to kill the president or any official on whom the duties of president may devolve, shall be imprisoned not exceeding ten years; that any person who shall willfully aid in the escape of any person guilty of any of the offenses mentioned shall be punished as a principal. Tho sec retary of war is directed to detail from tho regular army a guard of offi cers and men to protect tho president "without any unnecessary display," and the secretary is authorized to make regulations as to the dress, arms and equipment of such guard. WEAK EYES MADE STRONG Sight ( Restored at Small Expense I)r. w. O. uouco. mo una womes, luwa, oculist. Ima discovered remedies that no nnly nrovont blindness in every ca?r when used In time, but rctoro plghr to thosn partially orcoinplctoly blind I rom cataracts p-ranulatcdllds. Beams, opacities, Mms a inflanimatlonaof thot'yc" or cyo strains. 1? has published n spicniiti uook wiiaioiui photographs from life illustrating oil cyt Ml " 1 A mJL .llcnnana. in VOI1 Olin fOO VOUX Own CaBO It toll? now VOU enn euro yuurot-n ni homo by hi Absorption Treatment at ..aiiiuitiiin. ni.c;nffoo will send this book FHEK ! H who are alllleted with - eye trouble and wrltb htm. Asl: for4 Kye Bool;.' Address DR. W 0. COFFEH, 055 Good Block. Dos Moines, la THE FAVORITE j: I LUDWIQ J J PIANO. ff Jlwarded medal Paris, 1900. Endorsed by JJrtlsts, i Zeathers, and 35,000 Pleased Purchasers, Those well known instruments, cele brated for thoir Quality Tone and Finish can be ob tained by dealers in any state at most moderate and advantageous terms. THE WEEK AT WASHINGTON. Tho bill providing for tho repeal of the war rovonuo taxes passed tho sen ate March 21. The Sibley plan with regard to Cu ban reciprocity has been adopted by THE SHIP SUBSIDY BILL. Tho ship subsidy bill came up in the senate on March 17th for consideration and it was passed by a vote of 42 to 31. Senator McLaurin of South Carolina, elected as a democrat, voted for the bill. All democrats present voted against the bill and Senators Allison, Dolliver. Proctor, Spooner, Quarles, and Dillingham, all republicans, voted against the measure. The debate of tho day began with a speech by Mr. Galllnger In favor of the bill. Mr. Hanna appealed for the passage of tho measure in be fov tho passage of the measure in bo- half of the business interests of the country Mr. Clay of Georgia said that while Mr. Hanna had made a re markablo speech, ho had not answered the questions which had been asked by tho democrats. Mr. Hanna renlied that he did not have time. Mr. Clay retorted that Mr. Hanna might have had a month and he could not answer the questions that had been propound ed by the democrats. Mr. Clay then proceeded to speak in opposition to the bill. Mr. Wellington spoke in behalf of tho measure. Mr. Berry followed in a speech against tho bill. Mr. Perkins of California spoko in favor of the bill and was followed by Mr. McLaurin of Mississippi in opposition. A running STOPS THE COUGH And Works off the Cold. Lnxafcivo Rromo Quinine Tablets enro a cold in ono day, ho euro, no pay. Prlco 25 cents. GENERAL OTIS' TESTIMONY. Major General Otis again appeared bofore the senate committee on the Philippines March 18. He stated, in reply to a question by Senator Hale as to where the insurgents got their supplies, that they had received 2,500 rifles from Admiral Dewey and. also supplies from Hong Kong. On March 19, General Otis again appeared be fore tho committee and the Associated press dispatches say: Senator Patter son continued his questioning and re ferred to a letter dated September 6. 1898, addressed by General Otis, to Aguinaldo, as "the commanding gen eral of the Philippines forces," in which ho spoke of the sacrifices made by the revolutionary forces, "in the in terest of civil liberty' General Otis declared that this related to their deal ings with the Spaniards. He admitted that before the United States army ar rived in Manila and for some little time before they took possession, the insurgents had the Spaniards hemmed in in Manila. Ho denied that he led Aguinaldo to believe that the United States would not assume absolute sov ereignty and governmental control over the islands. Asked what he meant by tho statement in his letter that "rather than seo the ships of the United States navy control the navig- uuxe waters or tnese islands and its army devastating their territory I greatly prefer to advise my govern ment not to send any more troops nere." General Otis answered that that was his opinion because he did not .want to see any war. "I wanted to conquer by peaceful means," said ho, "but I gave the impression that there were troops waiting." General Otis said, answering an inquiry by aenator waie, tnat had tho govern ment taken him at his word, not to send more troops, anarchy would have reigned throughout the island. He thought that his letter should be con sidered as a whole. "That was a per iod when I was laboring hard," said he, "to keep the. peace, and to kcop our men and officers from paying at tention to the insults received from LUDWIG & CO., Mfgrs., Southern Boulevard, New York.'- Send for catalogue and prices. Matthews Piano Co. General Agent for lyincoln, Neb SEED CORN AND OATS. Champion Yellow Dont Corn, PUKE SEED, $1.00 por hu. Try our ULAOK DIAMOND SEED OATS' test 40 lbs per bu. Early crop, rust propf, 70o por bu., sacks froo with cash order or $2.00 and over. UENRY BROS, FAIRFIELD, IA, THE OLD LINE Bankers Life INSURANCE CO. HOME OFFICE, LINCOLN, NEB. Evory Policy Scoured by n Deposit -with tho State of Nobrnslcn. 5aEaSur a end ui your eaarese and wo trill ohowyou how to make $3 a day absolutely mro: vra furnish the work end teach you free, you 'work In tho'locillty where you live. Send us your address and wo trill explain the business fully, remember ne guarantee a clear profit of $3 for every day's work, absolutely sure. Write at ones. EOYJUj HANOrUCTUIUTia CO., Uox70l, Detroit, Hit. 'm 1. i !. i j .BSnftMi fawMiEMii n3 1 fl CALSF0RMBA RED WOOD Twclvo ounco cold rolled coppor tanks; hydro-safety lamps; ollmox ,sn f cty boater jcorru gated wafer reg ulator, aim uio ucrc system oi neap in c and ventilation is what rnalccs thsBuro Hatch lriculmtora hatch sure. lUomtnon Hciiho UrooricrA take good care or little chicks. Our freecatilopuoconUlns hun--dredsof actual nhotoirranhs of the Suro Hatch at work and Is full ot lion est poultry Information Yen ought to have It, Let us send It to you. Write at once, addressing nearest house. Sure Hatch IacubatorCo.,CIayCcaler,Ncb.,orCoIumbus,0. liililfOLLARS NJ I W fS&s&Zjr AND NINETY-FIVE CENTS Butb tlio celebrated, hlirli srrnde. 1UIIU .!.., rnnrnrnr iiiAiini f se-j- ubit .awviuuiiciEvutrnCHb RMUlbLCl 98-Inch wheel, any height framo, high grado equipment. Including bleu grade guaranteed pneumatic tires, adjustable nauuie uars, une loainer covcreu grips, padded saddle, fine bnil bearing pedals, nickel (rlramlnk-i, beautifully finished through out, any color enamel. Stronncut Guarantee, SIO.95 for tho celebrated 1U0U Kenwood llloycle. $12.75 rorthocr1ebratedl903KlginKlngorElglnQaernitiejeIe, $15.75 for tho highest gradolWK bicycle mado onr three ere wa nickel Joint, Napoleon or Josephine, complete -with thfl tcry flaest equipment. luoludlngMorsmn fc Wrieht highest grado pnoumatlo tiros, a regular $50.00 bicycle 1Q PAYS FREE TR1AI SR&0Wtf,sgJ5 offer ever hoard or, write Tor oar free 1003 Bicjclo Catalogue. "". SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO- iteMLi '-s-- '"-w t&Mfeti9 iMnti katfrii. ' hiuA fiBrli- !&'-