pjyw 'wff&W The Commoner. riarch al, 190a "" The capture of Methuen and his forces was, Indeed, a great victory. It would be well if the , British ministry would consent to a settlement of this war be fore more precious blood on both sides has been shed. But it cannot be expected that the British ministry will consent to peace, and in that view we think it safe to Bay that the overwhelm ing majority of the American people will be de lighted to learn of Boer victories even greater than that won over the forces under Methuen. Great Victory for the Boer5. VWN In his speech on the ship subsidy bill, Mr. Hanna says: "Personal contact is what brings results." The Chicago News Matter oi takes this as a text for an in- "Pcrsotmi structive cartoon. Uncle Sam is Contact." represented in the foreground holding up his hands while the beneficiaries of the ship subsidy are represented by a person very much resembling Mr. Hanna whose hand is rakingv in the shekels from Uncle Sam's pocket into an enormous sack labeled $180, 000,000 ship subsidy bill. The cartoon is com plete so far as description is concerned. yvys The last words of John P. Altgeld should pro vide great encouragement to those who battle for right principles. Governor Alt Aitffcld's geld's last words were: "I am Last not discouraged. Things will Word's. right themselves. A pendulum swings one way and then an other, but the steady pull of gravitation is toward the centre of the earth. Any structure must bo plumb if it is to endure. So it is with nations. Wrong may seem to. triumph; right may seem to be defeated; but the gravitation of eternal justice is upward toward the throne of God. Any politi cal institution, if it is to endure, must be plumb With that line of justice." - After all the noise that has been made, by those who really oppose the construction of any canal at nil, -against" the Nica Push raguan route, the senate com- the mittee by a vote of 7 to 4 has re- Canat Bill. ported in favor of the Hepburn bill, providing for the construc tion of a canal by the Nicaraguan route. The four members voting against the report were Messrs. Hanna, Pritchard, Millard and Kittredge. It need not bo expected that the opponents of an isthmian canal will abandon their vigorous and ingenious opposition to the measure. But it is to be hoped that senators who are really anxious to comply with the popular desire will permit no further unnecessary delay in this matter. In a speech in the house, Mr. Hitt of Illinois said that .international law must be strictly ad hered to and that neutrality Remissness must be observed with relation of to the South African war. In Neutrality. his conference with the Boer en voys, Secretary of State Hay said that the United States was determined to main tain a "strictly neutral" attitude, and therefore could give no encouragement to the Boers. The Boer envoys have explained in a statement printed in the daily newspapers that they do not ask nor desire intervention. They do ask, however, for neutrality. Would it not be well for the admin istration to become really neutral. This govern ment is not neutral while it is permitting Great Britain to 'use United States ports for the ship ment of horses and mules for use in the South African war. And now it is apparent that the British ministry proposes to use the fact that President Roosevelt has sent special representa tives to participate in the coronation ceremonies of the king as an indication that the sympathy of the United States is with Great Britain in this war. It must be evident to any intelligent man that the participation of these special representa tives in these ceremonies is, under the circum stances, a distinct breach of neutrality. The state department under Secretary Hay is very careful not to do anything to give the British ministry offense. Why should the state department not be a little more careful not to give offenso to the re publics of South Africa? If the simple request to the British minister that Dr. Thomas bo permitted to go to the concentration camps on a mission of mercy would be a "remissness of neutrality," why is not the selection of special representatives to participate in the coronation ceremonies of the king also a "remissness of neutrality." Speaking recently to the shareholders of Lloyd's bank in London, Sir Spencer Phillips said: "Who would have thought when Who Would we met in 1900, when the country Have . was just emerging from the crit Thought it. ical stages of the war, and fan cied it saw the end approaching, that two years thence it would still bo dragging on? Who would have thought that consols, which stood at 98, a drop of 13 from what they stood at exactly twelve months previously they had even been higher than that could possibly fall to 91,the point at which they stood in November last? Or who would have thought the cost of the war would amount, as it assuredly will, to one third as much again as the whole sum of one hun dred and fifty-three millions, which was paid off the national debt during the sixty-three years of her late majesty's reign?" Mr. Phillips might have known that the British would not have a walkaway when Paul Kruger announced that if England won it would be at a cost that would stagger humanity. In his speech in the senate, Senator Hoar de clared he had received many requests asking him ' to support the proposition relat "Worked ing to the election of senators up by the people. But Senator Hoar Sentiment" said that these requests bore the earmarks of "worked up senti ment." Senator Hoar should know that it is a very difficult matter to "work up sentiment" where sentiment does not really exist; and ho should not forget that when he declared that the senti ment of the American people is opposed to the policy of imperialism, he was met with the charge that the letters and petitions which served as tes timony on that line in support of his claim bore the earmarks of "worked up sentiment." But If Senator Hoar really has any doubt as to the senti ment of the people upon the question of election of Senators, he would obtain valuable information by consulting the daily newspapers of the country. We think it safe to say that four-fifths of the metropolitan newspapers are favorable to a con stitutional amendment providing for the election of senators by the people, and this includes re publican newspapers as well, as newspapers of other parties. The weeklies are practically unani mous for it. AWS The splendid victory of the Boer forces, under the command of General Delarey, over the British forces under the command of Exchange General Methuen is reviving, in riethuen for the breast of those who sym Cronje. pathize with the brave Dutch men of the Transvaal and hope that, after all, victory may be theirs. A cablegram from London says that it is greatly feared among Englishmen that "as a measure of retaliation for the shooting and hanging of Boer prisoners, De Wet and Steyn may be tempted to do away with their distinguished prisoner." A more gratifying statement, however, is that appearing in the same cablegram that "pro-Boers scout this idea." It is to be hoped that the Boers will not' Imitate the bad example set by the British with relation to Commandant Scheepor3. Tho very general sym pathy which tho Boers have, at least among the people of tho United States, depends upon the righteousness of their causo, and that sympathy will bo Increased if they adhere to humane meth ods. Tho reliable information so far received con- , cerning tho methods of tho Boers justifies tho hope that General Methuen, as well as all other British prisoners, will be woll treated. Doubloss the Boers will bo quito willing to exchange General Methuen for Gonoral Cronjo, tho latter now being a prisoner at St. Helena; but it is doubtful if Great Britain would bo willing to make tho ex change. Tho Boors would have considerable more to gain by a surrender of Methuen, if by tho sur render they could recover tho capable services of Cronje, than they would by keeping Methuen from the battlo field. Later After tho above was written Goneral Methuen was surrendered and no exchange de manded. Tho Boors, it seems, were more generous than even their friends expected. Good for tho Boers. One of Senator Hoar's objections to the propo sition that senators bo elected by tho people is that such a plan would remove Senator the senate from its present po- Hoar's sition of independence from tho Objections. influence of popular movements. Another objection made by Sen ator Hoar is that the principle of equality of state representation would bo affected if senators were elected by the people rather than by tho legisla ture. The Chicago Record-Herald, a republican paper, replying to Senator Hoar, points out that the equality of -state representation In the senate would not in the least be disturbed by changing the method of the selection of the senator. The Record-Herald declares that "the greatest security of. tho senate against gusts of popular passion is the length of his term;" but tho Record-Herald warns Senator Hoar that even though senators op pose this plan they should at least bo willing for it to be debated in the senate. Those senators who seem inclined to prevent debate and obstruct the measure in the senate are reminded by tho Record-Herald that "they have played the part of obstructionists too lorg to resent with good grace any suggestion that tho.resolution should be given a chance;" and the JJjsvther information is volun teered "by continuing to sit on this discussion senators like Mr. Hoar are riding for an explo sion." Senator Hoar will have no difficulty in un derstanding where the Chicago Record-Herald stands on this proposition, and if ho will take tho trouble to make an inquiry ho will discover that a very largo majority of newspapers are in line with the Record-Herald concerning the method of choosing United States senators. The northern Securities company has a few able attorneys retained. And a careful study of railway history will reveal the fact that the rail roads have also a few federal judges on the list. There is the federal judge who enjoined railroad employes from quitting work, the federal judge who enjoined a minister from praying with strik ing workmen, and the federal judge who enjoined employes from asking for an increase in wages. X The St. Paul Globe says: "There is no reason why David B. Hill should not give his views as to the next democratic national platform nor why any other democrat should not." Certainly not. But has the Globe noted the fact that the "demo crats" who are talking loudest about the next democratic platform are the ones who refused to support the last democratic platform? Since the American mules have twice aided the Boers by stampeding the British army, we may expect Mr. Roosevelt to claim that he is real ly helping the Boers when he allows the English army officers to buy mules in the United States. 1 4